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1: Number of bones: 206

2: Number of muscles: 639

3: Number of kidneys: 2

4: Number of milk teeth: 20

5: Number of ribs: 24 (12 pairs)

6: Number of heart chambers: 4

7: Largest artery: aorta

8: Normal blood pressure: 120/80 mmHg

9: Blood pH: 7.4

10: The number of spinal cord in the spinal cord: 33

11: Number of spinal cord in the neck: 7

12: Number of bones in the middle ear: 6

13: Number of bones on the face: 14

14: Number of bones in the skull: 22

15: Number of bones in the chest: 25

16: Number of bones in the arm: 6

17: Number of muscles in the human arm: 72

19: The oldest member: leather

20: Largest Organ: liver

21: Largest cell: ovum

22: The smallest cell: the sperm cell

23: The smallest bone: the middle ear

24: The first transplanted organ: a kidney

25: Average length of small intestine: 7 meters

26: Average Colon Length: 1.5 meters

27: Average weight of newborn baby: 3 kg

28: Heartbeat per minute: 72 times

29: Body temperature: 37 ° C

30: Average blood volume: 4 to 5 liters

31: Age of red blood cells: 120 days

32: Age of white blood cells: 10 to 15 days

33: Pregnancy period: 280 days (40 weeks)

34: Number of bones in human feet: 33

35: Number of bones in each wrist: 8

36: Number of hand bones: 27

37: Largest endocrine gland: thyroid gland

38: Largest lymphatic organ: spleen

40: Largest and strongest bone: femur

41: The smallest muscle: the steroidus (middle ear)

41: Chromosome number: 46 (23 pairs)

42: Number of bones in a newborn baby: 306

43: Blood viscosity: 4.5 to 5.5

44: Universal Donor Blood Group: O.

45: Universal Receiver Blood Group: AB

46: Largest leukocyte: monocyte

47: The smallest leukocyte: lymphocyte

48: An increase in the number of red blood cells is called polyglobulin.

49: The blood bank of the body is: spleen

50: The river of life is called blood.

51: Normal blood cholesterol level: 100 mg / dL

52: The liquid part of blood is: plasma

Glory be to Thee, O Lord, how great Thou art!

(God made everything perfect)

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