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Codex Soul Forge


Codex Soul Forge

The Tempus Fugitives have designed this army list to be (we hope) as enjoyable and fun to use as possible.Itisourhopethatwecanrepaysomesmallpartofthekindnessthatthegamingcommunity hasshownusovertheyearsandorganiseatopnotcheventthateveryonecanenjoy. ThefantasticfrontcoverisbytheextremelytalentedartistIanFieldRichards.Youcanseemoreofhis workat SpecialthankstothemembersoftheTempusFugitives,particularlyAnateus.Withoutyourfeedback andsupportthisdocumentwouldnotbeheretoday.

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Codex Soul Forge

The Soul Forge

IntheFormlesswastesoftheRealmofChaosthereisaplacethatisperpetuallycloakedinapallofblack,oily fumes,rankwiththeacridstenchofforbiddenmetallurgy,dominatedbyacacophonyofstridentgrindingandthe wailingofuncountabletorturedspirits.ThisaccursedplaceisknownastheForgeofSouls,wheretheblind,ever mutatingDaemoncraftsmenofChaoseternallyhammerattheircreationsincyclopeansmitheries. Theblackfiresofthesecavernouslaboratoriesarefuelledbythesoulsofthedamnedandkeptroaringbycolossal screamingbellows,mannedbylegionsofsemisentientnightmarecreatures.FromthedarkbowelsoftheForge ofSoulscomeallmannerofhideousandunholyweapons.Bymeansoftheperversetechnologiesoftheartisans oftheDarkMechanicum,daemonicenergiesarefusedwitharcanemetalstocreategreatjaggedblades,weeping swords,barbedsteelwhipsandotherpotentweaponsandtalismans,tobeusedbytheDaemonsintheireternal warfare.ButmuchmorethanthesearethegreatDaemonenginesandotherpossessedvehicles,likethemighty BattleTitansoftheLegioMortis,ortherampagingDefilerscreatedfortheTraitorLegions. IntheashplainsoutsidetheForgeofSoulsbattleneverstops,asmanyamongstthehigherranksofDaemonhood vie with each other and duel for the chance of being the one to fuse with the mechanical constructs. This is because, unlike a possessed mortal body, these steel and ceramite shells can sustain a Daemon in the mortal worldfordecades,evencenturies.Thisfusionofthedaemonicwiththetechnologicalisthedarkartattheheart oftheSoulForgeandallpartoftheGreatParadigmoftheDarkMechanicum.

Contents TheSoulForge SpecialRules HQ 05 05 05 06 06 02 03 04 ELITES BloodSlaughterer DataDaemon Obliterator PlagueHulk Shambler SoulGrinder FASTATTACK BlightDrone BloatNurse MaleficSwarm Doomwing FlayerKin Hellfiend Tormentor HEAVYSUPPORT Fleshfactory Technospawn ScionsofPerturabo UnboundDefiler

VesicantRex Legion TheWidowMaker PrinceofObliteration Warpsmith TROOPS PitFodder Minion Servile DEDICATEDTRANSPORTS Huntsman PitLocust VehicleUpgrades WarpWyrm

10 10 10 11 11 11

07 07 07

12 12 12 13 13 13 13

08 08 08 09

14 14 15 15


Codex Soul Forge

Special Rules
DaemonicAssault:Daemonsdonotgotowarinthesamewayasmortals,rather,guidedbythecapriciouswilloftheirDark Gods,theyappearoutofthinair;realityscreamingasitistornapartbythebalefulenergiesoftheWarp.Nomodelwiththe Daemonruleiseverplacedonthebattlefieldduringdeployment.Instead,alloftheunitswiththisabilityalwaysstartthe gameinreserve,eveninmissionsthatdonotnormallyallowthisruletobeused.

Atthebeginningofyourfirstturn,dividetheaffectedunitsintotwogroupsthatmustinclude,asmuchaspossiblethesame numberofunits.ThenyoumustfacetheunfathomablejudgementoftheGodsofChaos,andnominatewhichofthetwo groupsyouwishtomakea'DaemonicAssault'atthebeginningofthebattle.PickoneofthetwogroupsandpraytotheDark GodsbyrollingaD6.Ona36thePowersofChaosagreewithyourchoice,butona12theychoosetheothergroup.

TheunitsinthegroupthathasbeenchosentomaketheDaemonicAssaultarriveonyourfirstturn,usingtheDeepStrike rules. The remaining units are held in reserve and their arrival is rolled for as normal. When a unit becomes available, it entersplaybyDeepStrike.

PowerScourge:APowerScourgeisaviciousarrayofbarbsandwhipsthatliterallyrakesthefleshfromatargetsbody.They countasaLightningClawandsoonlyapairwillgrantthebearer+1attackforanadditionalclosecombatweapon.


Ravager Harness: The Ravagerharness is an upgrade for a servo claw and incorporates the following features: a second servoclaw(givingamodelequippedwithonetwoservoclawattacks),aKaiGunandanInfernalFlamer.

Dark Mechanicus
The part of the Adeptus Mechanicus that split off during the Horus Heresy is called the Dark Mechanicus. TheseMagidonotappeartoworshipChaosbutrathersomeotheranciententity.Theyseektocombinethe poweroftheWarpwiththatoftheMachinetoenacttheirplanknownastheGreatParadigm.Theiralliance withtheforcesofChaosmeansthattheyareresponsibleforconstructingandmaintainingthemajorityofthe warmachinesforthelegionsofChaos.SuchcreationsincludetheStalkTanksoftheBloodPact,theHelltalon fighterbombersandthegargantuanHarbingerbomber.Itisalsobelievedthatsomedarkmagiresearchthe technoviruswhichhasinturncreatedcreaturessuchastheObliteratorsandtheFlayerkin. AllmodelswiththedesignationDarkMechanicusbenefitfromthefollowingspecialrules: Dark Craftsmen: The heretical craftsmanship in the weapons of the Dark Mechanicus surpasses even that found amongst the Traitor Legions. As a result all rolls to hit of a 1 for shooting attacks may be rerolled (althoughthewoundcausedbyoverheatingweaponsstillappliesasbelow).Blastweaponsmayrerollamiss onthescatterdice. The11thCommandment:TheTechPriestsoftheDarkMechanicushavenotlivedforcenturiesamongstthe plasma fires of the Soul Forge without learning that such technology can be fatal in unskilled hands. Any weapon that overheats while being fired by a member of the Dark Mechanicus may cause a wound on anothermemberoftheirownunitratherthanontheweaponoperator.


Codex Soul Forge



BS S I A FRONT SIDE REAR VesicantRex 4 3 6 3 13 12 10 SpecialRules UnitComposition:1(Unique) DaemonicAssault VehicleType:Walker InfernalSpirit Wargear Dreadnought close combat Corpulent: Vesicant is extremely hard to kill weapon and built in Stygian and whenever he suffers a glancing or penetratinghityoumayaskyouropponentto Caster rerolltheresultontheVehicleDamagetable. BileSpew However, you must accept the second result, DaemonicAura(5+Inv) evenifitisworse.

WS 5

Vesicant was Equerry to Mortarion during the Great Crusade.HewaslaidlowduringthebattlewiththeJorgall. Interred in a Dreadnought, Vesicant soon proved himself adeptatusinghisarmouredformtostormenemypositions and melt them with his chemical cannon. During the Heresy, Vesicant became the first Dreadnought to be possessedby aDaemon andassuchVesicantRexbecame theprimogenitoroftheDaemonEnginesofNurgle.

PoisonedPathfinder:AnarmythatincludesVesicant Rex may include Plague Hulks as both Elite and HeavySupportchoices.



LegionShard ReturningShard Squadron:(Unique) 10LegionShards VehicleType Walker Wargear ShardBlaster InfernalSpirit SoulSight SpecialRules DaemonicAssault Fleet Rending(closecombat)

WS 4

BS 3

S 5

I 4

A 2

FRONT SIDE REAR 9 9 9 9 9 9

Their Number is Legion: Each time a Legion Shardisdestroyed;aReturningShardisplaced intoreserveandisautomaticallyarrivesatthe start of the next turn. Returning Shards move onfromthecontrollingplayerstableedgeand may do nothing except move towards the squadronofLegionShards.OncetheReturning Shard is within squadron coherency, replace it withaLegionShardanditbecomespartofthe Squadron.IftherearenoLegionShardsonthe table, all Returning Shards are immediately removed from play and the unit counts as destroyed.

Legion is a terrifying example of how dangerous a Data Daemoncanbe.Infestingthehulkofalargevehiclesuchas aBanebladeorLandRaider,themachineistornapartina whirlwind of razor sharp metal. The wickedly twisted fragments form ten distinct entities and operate with a single malevolent mind. Even when the host forms are destroyed, Legion immediately possesses battlefield debris andmovestojointherestofitskind.

Rapid Return: Returning Shards always move and run6towardsthenearestLegionShard. Fragmentary Nature: Legion Shards and Returning Shards ignore dangerous terrain. Any glancing or penetratinghitautomaticallydestroysthem.


W 3 I 4

A 8

LD 9 Sv 3+



WS 4

BS 4

S 4

T 3

Unit:(Unique) 1Marihow UnitType Infantry Wargear MakersMaw RavagerHarness AssaultGrenades

SpecialRules DarkMechanicum IndependentCharacter Fearless Invulnerable5+Save FeelNoPain EternalWarrior MakersMaw:Thesemonofilamentscissorshapedblades emitastickycoatingwhichenmeshtheirpreyasMarihow devours them. The Makers Maw counts as two power weapons (additional attack already included in profile). EnemyunitswhichattempttofleeinAssaultrolltwodice andaddtheirInitiativetothelowest.

OncealoyalservantoftheOmnissiah,thecreatureknownas Marihow suffered from too much experimentation into forbidden lore. Outcast, she found her way finally to the Forge of Souls where her multilimbed form found appreciation.

WalkIntoMyParlour AsingleUnboundDefilerorShamblerSquadron maybetakenasaTroopschoiceifyouinclude Marihowinyourarmy. Spiderwalk: Marihow ignores Difficult and DangerousTerrain.


Codex Soul Forge



PrinceofObliteration WS 5 BS 5 S 5 T 6 W 4 I 5 A 4 LD 10 Sv 2+


UnitType:MonstrousCreature SpecialRules DaemonicAssault Invulnerable5+Save Fearless EternalWarrior The Needs of the One: A Prince of SlowandPurposeful Obliteration in base contact with an Obliterator of the Forge at the start of the Obliterator weapons: May form either two different weapons in the Shooting phase turnmaydrainwoundsfromtheObliterator andmayfirebothormayformasingletwinlinkedweapon.Weaponscreatedfromthe to regain lost wounds itself. This process following list: Ether Lance, Forge Hammer, Phlegm Maw, Shard Cannon, TwinLinked destroys the Obliterator, regardless of the StygianCasteroraTongueMaw. numberofwoundstakenfromit.ThePrince of Obliteration may not increase its wounds Ambassador of Destruction: The Prince of Obliteration allows one Obliterator of the aboveitsstartingleveloffour. ForgeunittobetakenasaTroopschoice.SuchisthePrinceofObliterationsmajesty thatallObliteratoroftheForgeunitsinthearmymustbetakenatmaximumsize.

OnceMasterTechmarinesoftheAstartes,Princes of Obliteration are obsessed with the overlap of the material and immaterial, the organic and the inert. They use arcane knowledge they have gleanedfromthepowersofChaos,andthesinister adepts of the Dark Mechanicum, to blur the boundaries between biological, technological and daemonic. Infused with this energy they are hulking warriors that can fashion weapons out of theirownbodies,growarmouredplatesandrepair injuriesthatwouldfelllessercreatures.




WS 4

BS 3

S 6

I 3

A 4


Unit:(Unique)1Warpsmith VehicleType:Walker Wargear Two Dreadnought Close Combat Weapons with built in Harvester Guns (additionalattackalreadyincluded). HellMaw InfernalSpirit SoulSight BrimstoneLaunchers Dirgecaster

SpecialRules DaemonicAssault Fleet InstrumentoftheForge

Instrument of the Forge: When the Warpsmith arrives you may place it anywhere on the table as long as it is not in impassable terrain or within 1 of an enemy model. Roll a Scatterdice,ifahitresultstheWarpsmithemergesfromthe warp on target otherwise it scatters 2D6 in the direction shown. If this movement would take it into impassable terrain or within 1 of an enemy model reduce the scatter distance by the minimum necessary to avoid it/them. ProvideditdoesnotfireanyweaponsintheShootingPhase, theWarpsmithmayAssaultonthesameturnthatitenters play.AnyunitsenteringplayviaDaemonicAssaultwhilethe Warpsmithisontheboardmayrerolltheirscatterdicefor DeepStriking.

The Warpsmith is a Soul Grinder chosentobetheharbingerofthe Dark Mechanicum by the malign presenceattheheartoftheSoul Forge. It is gifted with psychosonic devices, similar to warhorns of its daemonic brethren. The cacophonic blare allows the Warpsmith to focus the warp around it as it makes the transition into reality and so emerges from the warp with incredible speed and deadly accuracy.

Herald of the Soul Grinders: An army that includes the Warpsmith may include Soul Grinder of the Forge as both Elite and Heavy Support choices.


Codex Soul Forge



Minion DreadMagi UnitComposition 1DreadMagiand5Minion UnitType Infantry SpecialRules DarkMechanicum FuriousCharge Fleshcraft

WS BS S T W 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 4 1 Wargear Shardpistol CloseCombatWeapon FragGrenades Options

I 3 4

A 1 2

LD 5 8

Sv 5+ 3+

The Dread Magi are responsible for the millions of cloned fighting slaves who goad and restrain the various daemonic creatures in the laboratories beneath the Soul Forge. Surgically grafted with various tools and armour, these crude upgrades doublethelifeexpectancyoftheseMiniontoawhole day.

Up to ten Minion can be added to the unit at +7 pointsperMinion. One Minion can be armed with a weapon from the following list in place of their Shard Pistol: Stygian Caster or Heartseeker Lance at +20 points; Forge Blade or Reaper Cannon at +15 points; Infernal FlamerorHeartpounderMortarat+10points. One Minion can be armed with a Servo claw at +15 points.

DreadMagi Equipped with a Shard Pistol, power scourge and Servo Claw. The servo claw can be replaced with a Ravager Harness for +15 points. Fleshcraft:SuchistheDreadMagisproficiency with the staplegun that debilitating wounds can sometimes be ignored and severed limbs canbereattachedtemporarilytobeusedasa crutch. While the Dread Magi is alive, the Minionhavea5+FeelNoPain. Transport: The unit may be deployed in a Huntsman, Warp Wyrm or Pit Locust (see dedicatedtransportsection).


WS BS S T W I A LD Sv PitFodder 2 2 3 3 1 3 1 5 6+ Overseer 2 2 4 3 1 3 2 8 6+ UnitComposition TheLoyalSlaveLearnstoLovetheLash 1Overseerand9PitFodder Should the Overseer in the unit be killed, the Pit Fodderwillseethisastheiropportunitytoescapeand UnitType:Infantry must immediately take a leadership test. Should they pass,theunitcontinuestoactasnormal.However,if Wargear theunitfailsitsleadershiptestthenthenumberfailed Aclosecombatweapon by equals the number of Pit Fodder that immediately fleethebattlefieldandareremovedascasualties.On eachsubsequentturntheunitmustcontinuetotakea SpecialRules leadership test at the beginning of the movement FuriousCharge phase. Each time it fails, the amount failed by equals Fearless thefurtherPitFodderthatareremoved. Options

ThevastmajorityofthosewhotoilintheSoulForge do so in near total ignorance of the greater work carriedoutbytheDarkMechanicum.TheyarethePit Fodder, cloned humans or near human slaves who carry out the myriad of lowly tasks that are not worth the time binding a daemon to carry out. The Soul Forge is blisteringly hot and its lower levels, known as The Pit, are in near total gloom from the exhaustandsmoke.CreaturessuchasthePitFodder welcome the chance to serve their masters on the battlefieldratherthandieinignominyinthebowels oftheForge.

StripIt! Accustomed to stripping a vehicle down to its bare chassis at a single command, Pit Fodder areabletoperformthisactionevenunderfire. In the assault phase, any vehicle engaged by theunitinclosecombatautomaticallysuffersa glancinghitforeveryfivePitFodderintheunit Up to thirty Pit Fodder can be added to the unit at within 2 of the vehicles hull (which can includetheOverseer). +4pointspermodel.


WS 4

BS 2 S 3

T 3

W 1 I 4

A 1

LD 8 Sv 4+


Servile UnitComposition 530Servile. UnitType Infantry

Debased feral creatures grafted with dark technology,Servilesexistsolelytoservethemasters oftheSoulForge.

You may take a unit of Servile in your army for each unit of Minions you include. Servile units do not use up any Force OrganisationChartselectionsbutareotherwisetreatedasseparateTroopunits.Theycanneverbeconsideredscoringunits.

Wargear ServoClaw

Tantrum: The petulant and fragmentary brain of a Servile functions poorly unless constantly whipped into submission.Unlessengagedincombat,aunitofServilemusttestforTantrumatthestartofeachfriendlyturn.Roll a D6 for each unit of Servile on a 3+ the unit functions normally. On a 2 or less the unit may not move, shoot or assaultthatturn.InsteadtheunitsuffersD6Str3hitsasthecreaturestearintothemselves.


Codex Soul Forge

Dedicated Transport Vehicle

The following vehicle is available to several of the units in a Soul Forge army. Although they do not use up any force organisationchartselections,theyotherwisefunctionasseparateunits.SeetheTransportVehiclessectionofthe5thEdition Warhammer40,000rulebook.



Huntsman VehicleType Walker,OpenTopped UnitComposition 1Huntsman SpecialRules LongLimbed DaemonShroud Infiltrate TransportCapacity Maycarryupto12models.


Huntsmen are used to carry infantry from the Soul Forge into battle. Arcane daemonic shadows hang from the multilegged creature causing enemy sentriestomissitsapproachuntiltoolate.

LongLimbed:TheHuntsmanmaytreatdifficult Wargear terrainasopenterrainformovement. HarvesterGun InfernalSpirit DaemonShroud: The Huntsman generates a SoulSight stealth field making it difficult to detect and BrimstoneLaunchers hardtohit.Anyenemyunitwishingtoshootat the Huntsman must test as though the Night Options Fight rules were in use. Enemy units with Searchlights may use them against a MaytakeaDirgeCasterat+15points. Huntsman. The DaemonShroud counts as a May take the following on a Pintle Mount: psychicpowerthatisautomaticallycastatthe beginningofeveryplayerturn. HeartpounderMortar+15points.



PitLocust VehicleType Skimmer,Fast UnitComposition 1PitLocust TransportCapacity Maycarryupto7models.

BS FRONT SIDE REAR 3 11 10 10 Wargear HarvesterGun HeartpounderMortar InfernalSpirit SoulSight Options MaytakeaDirgeCasterat+15points. SpecialRules Scout

Invidious creatures, the Pit Locust carry small groups of infantry in pincers dangling from their jagged narrow bodies. Their rapidly beatingrazorsharpwingsslicethroughtheair butarealltooeasilyshatteredbyawellplaced blow. Dwelling in nests in the bowels of the Forge, they feed on Fodder or Malefics that straytoofarfromthecommunalareas. Fragile: All Immobilised results on the vehicle damagechartareinsteadtreatedasWrecked.

VehicleUpgrades Dirge Caster: The device emits terrifying screams and wails to demoralise theenemy. Enemy units within 6 suffer a 1modifier to theirLeadership.TheeffectisnotcumulativewithfurtherDirgeCasters.
InfernalSpirit:Thevehicleisaprisonforanenrageddaemonboundtothemachineandforcedtochannelitsmightthroughpistons andweapons.ThevehicleignoresCrewShakenandCrewStunnedresultsontheVehicleDamagechart.SoulGrindersareconsidered tohaveInfernalSpiritsandmayenterplayviaDaemonicAssault. SoulSights:SoulsightsareusedwhentheNightFightingruleisineffect.IfthevehiclehasasoulsightitignorestheNightFighting rulestopickatarget.EvenmachinespiritsandtheechoesoflifefoundintheNecronscanbedetectedbythesoulsight.

BrimstoneLaunchers:Oncepergameaftercompletingitsmove,avehiclecantriggeritsbrimstonelaunchers(itdoesntmatterhow far it has moved). The vehicle or any passengers may not fire in the same turn that the vehicle uses its brimstone launchers. The vehicle counts as obscured in the next enemy Shooting phase, receiving a 4+ cover save. After the enemys Shooting phase the smokingbrimstonedissipateswithnofurthereffect.NotethatthevehiclemaystilluseitsbrimstonelaunchersifitscrewareStunned orShaken.Nonvehicleunits(friendorfoe)within6ofavehiclethatusesitsbrimstonelaunchersufferd6automaticwounds.


Codex Soul Forge


S 4


WarpWyrm UnitComposition 1WarpWyrm VehicleType MonstrousCreature SpecialRules DaemonicAssault WarpStrike DeepDive Transport Slugish

WS 2

BS 2

T 6

W 3

I 4

A 2

LD 10

Sv 5+


WarpStrike: AWarpWyrmalwaysentersplayusingtheDaemonicAssaultrules,eveninmissionsthatdonot usetheserules.If,whenaWarpWyrmDeepStrikes,itentersplayontoapointoccupiedbyanothermodel,do notrollontheDeepStrikeMishaptablebutinsteaddothefollowing. Place the large blast template directly over the spot the Warp Wyrm is emerging from. Every unit under the templatesuffersanumberofStrength4hitsequaltothenumberofmodelsinthatunitthataretouchedbythe template. Vehicles are always struck on their rear armour. If any unit still has surviving models under the template,movethatunitbytheminimumdistancenecessarytoclearallmodelsfrombeneaththetemplate whilstmaintainingsquadcoherencyandavoidingimpassableterrain.Unitsthatwerelockedincombatpriorto theWarpWyrmsattackmustremaininbasecontactifpossible,butotherwisemodelscannotbemovedwithin 1"ofanenemymodel.Vehicles,includingimmobilevehicles,retaintheiroriginalfacingiftheyaremoved.Any modelsthatcannotbemovedoutofthewayaredestroyed.Afterallcasualtieshavebeendetermined,replace thelargeblasttemplatewiththeWarpWyrm. Deep Dive: A Warp Wyrm can, at any point during its Movement phase, elect to dive back into the warp provideditisnotengagedinclosecombat.IfaWarpWyrmchoosestodosoremoveitfromthetableandplace itbackinreserve.ItautomaticallyreemergesviaDeepStrikeduringyournextMovementphase.Notethata WarpWyrmcannotDeepStrikeandDeepDiveinthesameturn Transport:AWarpWyrmcancarryasingleunitofupto20infantrymodelswithinitsserpentinebody.Thefirst timetheWarpWyrmarrivesbyDeepStrike,allinfantrywithinmustimmediatelydeployplacetheunitsuch that every model is within 2" of the Warp Wyrm. If any models cannot be deployed because of impassable terrain or enemy models within 1", those models are destroyed. A unit that Deep Strikes via a Warp Wyrm cannotmoveorassaultinthesameturnitarrivesbutmayshoot(orrun)asnormal. Slugish:AWarpWyrmcannotmoveintheMovementPhaseorRun.However,itmaymakeanassaultmove providedithasnotenteredplayviaDeepStrikethatturn.Itmaynevergotoground,voluntarilyorotherwise andmaynotconsolidateormakeasweepingadvancefollowingaclosecombat.

WarpWyrms,knownbythenativesofTallarnasthe ShayHalood, are normally docile creatures that live in the space between reality and the warp. When theyfeeditisonceeverymillennium.Thisistheonly time that they use their unique ability to breach reality and erupt into the material world, devouring anything in its path. Returning to the warp, their appetitesated,theWyrmslowlydigestsitsfoodover athousandyears.TheDarkMechanicushavetwisted this purpose with technological grafts to provide a terrifying battlefield tool. By inserting a series of devicesintothecreaturesvastlabyrinthinestomach theDreadMagimaketheWyrmregurgitateitsfood. Ravenously hungry the Wyrm then swallows whole the unlucky Minions and Pit Fodder who have been chosen and prepared for the task. Directed by daemonic rituals, the Wyrm then swims the warp untilitreemergesontotheintendedtarget,theDark Mechanicus devices forcing it to regurgitate the swallowed units where they can enter the fray. Ravenously hungry, the Wyrm remains, unable to satisfyitsstarvationanddiesoncetheirpurposeisat anend.


Codex Soul Forge


BS S 1 6(10)

I 4 A 2


BloodSlaughterer VehicleType Walker UnitComposition 1BloodSlaughterer Wargear DreadnoughtCloseCombatWeapon Impaler SpecialRules DaemonicAssault Fleet Rage FuryofKhorne

WS 5


FuryofKhorne Consumed by their lust for battle the BloodSlaughterersragebuildsuntilitis releasedinthefrenzyofclosecombat.A BloodSlaughterergets+D3extraattacks whencharginginsteadoftheusual1. Options The Blood Slaughterer may replace its Impaler with an additional Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon. A blood Slaughterer upgraded in this way gains +1attack.

Blood Slaughterers are goresplattered daemon engines of glittering brass and black iron; a possessedwarmachineforgedandboundforasingle purpose.DrivenbyfurytheBloodSlaughterersrend andkillasanactofprofaneworshiptoKhorne. Impaler The Impaler firers a barded harpoon attached to chains and is used to spear its victim then drag it intotheBloodSlaughterer'sreach.Ifahitisscored thenroll towoundasnormal.Ifthetargetsurvives andisavehicleorMonstrousCreaturetheharpoon immediately retracts, dragging the target into base contact with the Blood Slaughterer. The Blood Slaughterer counts as charging a target that is broughtintoassaultinthismanner. Range:12"Strength:8AP:3Assault1


WS 4

BS 3

S 5

T 5

W 2 I 1

A 2

LD 5 Sv 3+

CohortComposition 35DataDaemons. UnitType Infantry DataDaemons count as two models for transportpurposes. SpecialRules DaemonicAssault Fearless Relentless Scrapcode AbominableIntelligence Wargear EtherLance ServoClaw

Abominable Intelligence: Possessed as they are by malign spirits, the DataDaemons are unrelenting in their pursuit of their prey. Data Daemons may reroll failed to hit rolls in the first turn of an assault where theycharged. Scrapcode: Data Daemons in combat with a vehicle mayexchangetheirnormalclosecombatattacksfora single attack using the corrupting techlanguage known as scrapcode. Instead of making its normal attacks, the Data Daemon may make a single roll againstthetargetedvehicleonthetablebelow: 13Noeffect 45 May immediately fire a weapon of choice at a targetinrangeandlineofsight. 6VehiclesuffersaPenetratingHitandRollagain.

55POINTSPERMODEL TheLegioCyberneticaisoneoftheoldestparts oftheMechanicum.Itsrecordsstretchbackto thetimesbeforetheImperium.TheLegiohasa long history, and its members found amongst thearmiesoftheSoulForgeregardthemselves asanelitebattleforcepridingthemselvesthat they were first amongst the Mechanicum to declare for Horus during the Great Heresy. Binding DataDaemons to the frames of their robots, these cybernetic constructs are powerful shock troops able to wade into the fiercestofoppositionwithoutflinching. Options Any DataDaemon may replace its Servo Claw withoneofthefollowingweapons:aHarvester GunorReaperCannonat+10points,aKaiGun orForgeHammerat+20points.


75 POINTSPERMODEL Inhuman, grotesque arcanocyborgs whose blood canbecomewhitehotplasma,whoseinternalorgans generates electricity, whose bones are fused with titanium and whose brains are as much machine as theyareflesh.TheyaretheObliterators.

ObliteratoroftheForge UnitComposition 1Obliterator. UnitType Infantry Wargear ObliteratorWeapons

WS 4

BS 4

S 4

T 4

W 2

I 2

A 2

LD 9

Sv 2+

SpecialRules Fearless SlowandPurposeful DaemonicAssault 5+InvulnerableSave Options The unit may include up to an additional two Obliteratorsfor+75pointseach.

ObliteratorWeapons The unit must create a single weapon each from the following list: Forge Hammer; Mawcannon (Vomit); twinlinked Stygian Caster;aHarvesterGunoraReaperCannon.



Codex Soul Forge


WS 3

BS S 2 7(10)

I 2

A 4




Unit:1PlagueHulk VehicleType:Walker Wargear TwoDreadnoughtCloseCombatWeapons. RotCannon BileSpew InfernalSpirit

SpecialRules DaemonicAssault NecroticFumes The thick smog of corruption surrounding thePlagueHulkmeansthatinadditionto counting as partially obscured against ranged attacks (granting a 5+ cover save) the Plague Hulk counts as being armed withbothDefensiveandAssaultgrenades.

Similar in design to the Soul Grinders and Defilers, the Plague Hulks have the appearance ofarustingwreck, morelikelyto fall apart than pose any real threat. But in truth its victims are already dead as the very air around the machine is befouled by daemonic corruption. The aura of decay surrounding the Plague Hulk is toxic, as are the streams of razorsharp flies that burst fromitsRotCannon.Evenwhatappearstobe a harmless scratch can in seconds reduce its victimtoabubblingpoolofeffluent.


S 5 I 2


Shambler Squadron:13Shamblers VehicleType:Walker Wargear VomitMaw ShardBlaster InfernalSpirit

WS 2

BS 2

A 2


SpecialRules DaemonicAssault SlowandPurposeful Options:

A single Shambler in the squadron may replace its Vomit MawwithaPhlegmMawfor+20points. AnyShamblermaytakeaservoclawfor+5points.

Slothlike in its movement and making mewling sounds from its malformed and stunted features, the Shambler is the lowliest of the warmachines produced by the Soul Forge.Itisnotuncommontoseemighty Soul Grinders casually eviscerate one that is too slow in shuffling out of its path. In battle Shamblers tend to follow in the wake of the more potent engines, their dripping maw weaponry or disjointed claws dispatching the woundedandthedying.



WS BS S I A FRONT SIDE REAR SoulGrinderofChaos 3 3 6(10) 3 3 13 13 11 SpecialRules Unit:1SoulGrinderofChaos DaemonicAssault VehicleType:Walker Fleet Shardblade Wargear DreadnoughtCloseCombatWeapon Shardblade: A creature in its own right, HarvesterGun this mighty sword is a source of great MawWeapons power for the Soul Grinder and the daemon draws upon it to enhance its InfernalSpirit own considerable might. The Soul Grinder may reroll all failed to wound rollsinclosecombat.AShardbladedoes not provide additional attacks in close combat.

The Dark Mechanicum in their Forge of Souls create these fusions of the most powerful daemonic entities withthemachinesofwaroriginatingfrombeyondthe Immaterium. Demanding the Iron Pact from these creations,theyreapahighpriceinfleshandsouls

MawWeapons Soul Grinders have a limited opening to deploy theirMawweaponryandsomustchoosewhich onetouseeachturn:TongueMaw,PhlegmMaw orVomitMaw.



Codex Soul Forge


125POINTSPERMODEL ExplosionofPus When a Blight Drone is destroyed, it is invariably in a shower of toxic ichors and infected bile. Treat all Vehicle Damage resultsofWreckedasExplodesinstead. MawWeapons Blight Drones have a limited opening to deploytheirMawweaponryandsomayonly fire either their Phlegm Maw or their Vomit Maweachturn.



SquadronComposition 13BlightDrones VehicleType Skimmer,Fast

Wargear ReaperCannon VomitMaw PhlegmMaw InfernalSpirit SpecialRules ExplosionofPus MawWeapons DaemonicAssault



BloatNurse VehicleType Tank,Skimmer SquadronComposition 13BloatNurses SpecialRules DaemonicAssault Wargear VomitMaw InfernalSpirit SoulSight BrimstoneLaunchers InfernalResurrection MaleficHatchery


Likeatickgorgedonpus,BloatNursesaredemonicallypossessedmachines that carry their awkward and bloated body a few metres off the ground. They buzz along the battlefield, occasionally releasing Malefics from the cyststhatcoveritsbody.Thepestilentvomitthatspewsfromitsthicklips spattersboneandfleshuntilitresemblesthickcreamandsloughsfromits enemiesintopools.

Options Maytakethefollowing:DirgeCasterat+5points. Malefic Hatchery: The Bloat Nurse is studded with cyst containing dozens of Malefics. These mischievousimplikecreaturesareeagertoburstfreeanddisrupttheenemystechnology.Eachturn, atthebeginningoftheMovementphase,aBloatNursethatisnotinclosecombatcanforcesomeof theMaleficstohatchfromitsbloatedbody.RollaD3forthenumberofbasesofMaleficsgenerated. Onarollofa1,noMaleficsaregeneratedandtheBloatNursetakesanautomaticglancinghitasthe Maleficsdamageitastheyarebirthed.Oncegenerated,thetwoorthreeMaleficbasesformtheirown unitandarefreetoactasnormal.Theymaynotmakeadaemonicassaultmove. Infernal Resurrection: Bloat Nurses may attempt to repair a damaged vehicle using the corrupting techlanguage known as scrapcode. If a friendly vehicle has suffered an Immobilised or Weapon Destroyed result then there is a chance the Bloat Nurse can rebind the angered daemon and use a portion of its essence to renew the damaged machine. To do this the Bloat Nurse must be in base contactwiththedamagedvehicleintheShootingPhaseoftheSoulForgeturn.Insteadoffiringwith the Bloat Nurse, roll a D6 and if the result is a 5 or more then either a Weapon Destroyed result or Immobilised result (owning player's choice) will be repaired. On a roll of a 1 (before modifiers) the daemonlashesoutontheBloatNurseandtheNursetakesaglancinghit.Onceaweaponisrepairedit canbefiredinthefollowingShootingPhase.




WS 2

BS 0

S 2

T 3

W 3

I 3

A 2

LD 10


SwarmComposition 310Malefic Swarmbases UnitType Swarm Wargear Gremlins

NormallyyoumayonlyincludeasingleMaleficSwarminyourarmy. You may take an additional Malefic Swarms for each squadron of Bloat Nurses you include. Malefic Swarms do not use up any Force OrganisationChartselectionsbutareotherwisetreatedasseparate Troopunits.

When the Dark Mechanicum first came to the Soul Forge, they found it inhabited by small, mischievous creatures.TheseMaleficsseemedtotakedelightin smashing delicate objects and ruining the various experiments the adepts attempted. On the battlefield, hordes of Malefics are goaded into the enemy lines to cause their own unique brand of confusionanddestruction.

Gremlins: After rolling to hit a vehicle, roll a diceforeachsuccessfulhit.Arollofa6causes an automatic glancing hit regardless of the targetvehiclesarmourvalue. Transport:MaleficSwarmsareunpredictablecreaturesandso mayneverbetransported. SpecialRules DaemonicAssault Fearless



Codex Soul Forge



Doomwing SquadronComposition 13Doomwing

BS FRONT SIDE REAR 4 12 11 10 Wargear TwowingmountedReaperCannons OneheadmountedHellMaw InfernalSpirit SoulSight

Dreadful skydarkening creatures, the Doomwing enjoy raking their targets with reaper cannon fire, shearing off legs and shredding tracks before swooping down and incinerating their prey in a deadlyconflagrationofwarpingflame.


SpecialRules DaemonicAssault Scout

Options: The Doomwing may replace its Hell mawwithaHeartseekerLancefor+10points.


S 5 5


FlayerKing FlayerKin

WS 6 5

BS 0 0

T 5 4

W 3 1

I 6 5

A 3 2

LD 10 10

Sv 3+ 3+

UnitComposition 515FlayerKin UnitType Infantry Wargear CloseCombatweapon SpecialRules Infiltrate FeelNoPain Fearless Fleet

FlayerKin Weapons: The technovirus in the FlayerKin causestheskinontheirfingerstosloughoffandahorrific array of blades and needles emerges. Flayerkin cause rendinghitsinclosecombat. Unstable Mutation: The constantly shifting sea of chemicals and materials swirling within the FlayerKin makes them potent adversaries in combat, but is not without its price. Before the enemy makes any saves, add together the number of rending wounds. Now make an UnstableMutationtest.Tomakethetestrollanumberof diceequaltothenumberofrendingwoundscausedonthe enemy.Foreachrollofa1aFlayerKinexplodescausinga further Strength 3 hit on all enemy models in combat. RemoveaFlayerKinmodelasacasualty. Infiltration: FlayerKin are always deployed using the Infiltrate rules, even in missions that would not normally allowit.

Infected with a similar technovirus that warps the Obliterators,albeitfarmoreunstable,theFlayerKin dwell in the caves surrounding the Soul Forge. The originsofthisferalspeciesareshroudedinmystery. All of the FlayerKin appear to be female with the exception of a powerful individual known as the FlayerKingwhoseemstoexertsomeformofcontrol over them. As convoys of materials and emissaries from the Chaos Legions approach the Forge, the FlayerKinleaponthem,detonatingontheirtargets or tearing open power armour and feasting on the marrowinside.Whenneeded,theDarkMechanicum make bloodpacts with the FlayerKin promising to aid them in luring the traitor legions to these ambushesinexchangefortheircontinuedfealty.

FlayerKing:OneFlayerKincanbeupgradedto a Flayer King for +35 points. In addition to his considerable martial prowess, the Flayer King exerts a degree of control over the unstable mutations of his harem. You may reroll successesorfailuresontheUnstableMutation test(eithertogetmoreorlessones!)



Hellfiend SquadronComposition 13Hellfiend VehicleType:Walker SpecialRules DaemonicAssault Fleet HellShriek Stealth

WS 4

BS S I A FRONT SIDE REAR 2 6 4 4 11 11 10 Wargear Two Close Combat Weapons (additional attack includedinprofile) InfernalSpirit SoulSight HellShriek TheHellfiendemitsapainfulsonicattackasitleapsinto combat.IthastheFuriousChargespecialruleandcounts asbeingarmedwithAssaultGrenades.

With a terrifying shriek, the Hellfiend leap from the ruins of the worlds set aflame by the rampages of the Soul Forge. Smaller than the Soul Grinders and other similar creations, the Hellfiendraceinwithunbridledferocityandpull limbsfromsockets

Eviscerate: Instead of its normal close combat attacks, the Hellfiend instead attemptstomakeasingleEviscerateattack which is Strength 10 and ignores armour saves.Rolltohitasnormal.



Tormentor SquadronComposition 13Tormentor

WS 3

BS 3

S 5

I 3

A 1



SpecialRules DaemonicAssault Flanker


Wargear ShardCannon InfernalSpirit SoulSight

Dangerous outriders, packs of Tormentors are usually seen attacking vulnerable flanks of enemy units or slaughteringlightlydefendedoutposts.

Flanker: During deployment, rather than deploying using the Daemonic Assault rules, the Tormentor squadron may instead be placed into reserve. When rolled for and available, any Tormentor squadron placed into reserve in this manner enters play using theOutflankspecialrule.


Codex Soul Forge


WS 3

BS 3 S 6

I 2

A 3


Fleshfactory VehicleType Walker UnitComposition 1Fleshfactory Wargear ReaperCannonturret 2HarvesterGunsponsons SpawnCannon InfernalSpirit SoulSight DirgeCaster BrimstoneLaunchers SpecialRules DaemonicAssault Fleshcrafter WeHavetheTechnology


SpawnCannon Mounted on the hull of the Fleshfactory is the terrifying Spawn Cannon. Often seen when the Dark Mechanicum besiegecities,thesehurlshellsoflivingfleshandexplosive high in the air that crash indiscriminately onto the foes below.Butthelivingsoonenviesthedeadasthesurvivors ofthesebombardmentswarpintomindlesstechnospawn devouringtheirfriends. Range:72"Strength:5AP:4Type:HeavyLargeBlast Once casualties are resolved, add up the total number of unsavedwoundscaused.Placeatechnospawnmodelwith wounds equal to the number of unsaved wounds caused 1 away from the wounded unit. The Technospawn may actasnormal(foratechnospawn)intheassaultphaseand so must assault the enemy unit it was created from. The Fleshfactory may not fire any other weapons if it fires its Spawn Cannon. Technospawn units created this way are eachworthaKillPointifdestroyed.IftheTechnospawnis createdfromafriendlyunit(causedbytheshotscattering) then once deployed it must move towards the nearest enemyunitaspertherulesforRage.

Fleshfactories are massive constructs, one of the largest creations from the Soul Forge outside of the Daemon Titans. Striding on multiple,studylegsoronmassivetracks,these living factories churn out troops and support thearmiesoftheSoulForgewithbarragesof warpingtechnovirus.

We Have the Technology: A single infantry unit within 6 gains the Feel No Pain universal rule, representing the Fleshfactoryrebuildingthefallen. Fleshcrafter: The gigantic clone tanks andassemblyyardsontheFleshfactorys backmakeforthecreationofnewtroops asimpletask.ManyDreadMagihavePit Fodder,ServileandMinionhackedapart specifically so that the Fleshfactory has enough parts to build its army in the field. If a unit of Minion, Servile or Pit Fodder is eligible to enter play from reservesthentheymayemergewithin2 of a Fleshfactorys hull, just as though they had disembarked from an enclosed vehicle. Models that cannot be placed within2ofthehullaredestroyed.



Technospawn WS 3 BS 0 S 5

UnitComposition 13Technospawn UnitType:Beasts Wagear Tentacles,chainsaws,claws,mouths, suckersandothermisshapenweapons.

Technospawnareinsane,mewlingcreatureswithno senseofselfawareness.TheywereonceObliterators or some other creation that has lost forever the balancebetweenmachineanddaemon. Normally you may only include a single unit of Technospawn in your army. You may take an additional Technospawn unit for each Fleshfactory you include. Technospawn do not use up any Force Organisation Chart selections but are otherwise treated as separate Heavy Support units. Theycanneverbeconsideredscoringunits.

T 5

W 3

I 3

A D6

LD 10


SpecialRules SlowandPurposeful Fearless Rage



Codex Soul Forge


S 3 3 T 3 4

W 1 1 I 3 4

A 1 2

LD 7 9 Sv 4+ 3+

TheDarkMagiofwhatwasoncepartofthe Ordo Reductor of the Adeptus Mechanicus rebelled against what they saw as a corruptionoftheOrdosteachings byRogal Dorn.InsteadtheMagititledthemselvesthe Scions of Perturabo and sought out the siegemaster on the daemonworld of Medregard.Aftermanyyearsafewofthese Dread Reductor have returned, wielding terrible weapons on the servants of the FalseEmperor.

Minion DreadReductor BatteryComposition 13 Support Weapons each manned by a Dread ReductorandtwoMinions. UnitType Artillery SpecialRules DarkMechanicum IronPact Wargear ShardPistol PowerScourge(Reductor) ServoClaw(Reductor) CloseCombatweapon (Minions)

WS 3 4

BS 3 3

Eachoftheweaponsinthebatteryisarmedwithoneofthe followingweapons: DoomfireCannon: A large, tracked artillery piece. The Doomfire Cannon is favouredbytheScionsforthesheerdevastationitcancause.
Range:G1236"Strength:4AP:4Type:Heavy2LargeBlast Alwaysindirectlyfired.

ReiverDestroyer: A large laser based weapon, the Reiver is ideal at punching throughbunkersandotherheavilyfortifiedopponents. Range:60"Strength:10AP:2Type:Ordnance2 SkullshredderCannon: A large, multi barrelled artillery piece, the Skullshredder Cannonlaysdownafusilladeofhighexplosiveskullsthatseek outtheirpreyallthewhileshriekingouttheirnames.
Range:36"Strength:4AP:4Type:Heavy5Twinlinked, IgnoresCoverSaves

SoulfireThrower: Asinglebulbouscauldronsitsatopthislarge,trackedartillery piece. The Cauldron of Hate hurls gout of green flame out fromitsmawsomedistance,incineratingwellduginenemies.

AfterrollingadietotestforGetsHot,designateatargetunit and place the flamer template so that it is at least partially overasmanyunitmembersaspossible.Thenarrowendofthe templatemustbeinrangeandlineofsight.

Iron Pact: If a Support Weapon is destroyed then there is a chance the Dread Reductor can rekindle its angered war spirit. To do this a Dread Reductormustbeinbasecontactwith the damaged vehicle in the Shooting PhaseoftheSoulForgeturn.Insteadof firing with the model, roll a D6 and if theresultisa5ormorethenaSupport Weaponwillberepaired.Onarollofa 1(beforemodifiers)thedaemonlashes out on the Dread Reductor and the model takes an unsaveable wound. Once a weapon is repaired it can be fired in the following Shooting Phase. The adept may not repair if gone to groundorfallingback. Venting Frustration: The Support weapons used by the Scions contain barely controlled daemons of significantpower.Thesecreatureslash out whenever possible, the more bloodshed caused. The weapons all th havetheGetsHotrule.Asperthe11 Commandment, the Dread Reductor ensures there are plenty of Minions aroundtotakethehitforhim.


BS S 3 6(10)

I 3

A 3



WS 4


VehicleType:Walker SquadronComposition 1UnboundDefiler Wargear 2 Dreadnought Close Combat Weapons (extra attack already included) ReaperCannon SoulfireCannon TwinlinkedInfernalFlamer BrimstoneLaunchers SoulSight InfernalSpirit

SpecialRules DaemonicAssault Fleet Options The TwinLinked Infernal Flamer can be replaced with a Heartpounder Mortar for +10 points or a servoclawfor+5points. The Reaper Cannon can be replaced with either a Heartpounder Mortar or a servo claw for no additionalpointscost.

Using complex arcane rites, the smiths of the Soul Forge work with Chaos Space Marine Sorcerers to draw forth the essence of a Daemonfromthewarpandtrapitwithinthe runebound form of a Defiler. These creations are payment for the continued protection of the Traitor Legions and are usually in exchange for slaves or artefacts to further to work of the Forge. In their own armies, however, the Masters of the Soul Forge do not place such strict bindings on the Defilers daemon. With its full immortal anger unleashed, the Daemon drives the Defiler forward,gunsblazingandclawsrippingapart allinitspath.


Codex Soul Forge

Soul Forge Summary

troop types

ranged weapons
S T W I A Ld Sv Rng STR AP 1 4 8 8 4 5 6 6 4 6 8 7 6 4 4 4 8 5 10 6 Type


BileSpew EtherLance ForgeBlade ForgeHammer HarvesterGun HeartpounderMortar HeartseekerLance HellMaw InfernalFlamer KaiGun PhlegmMaw ReaperCannon RotCannon ShardBlaster ShardCannon ShardPistol SoulfireCannon StygianCaster TongueMaw VomitMaw

Template Template

3 Assault1,Poisoned2+ 3 Assault1,Power Weapon Assault1,Melta, 1 PowerWeapon Heavy1,Melta,Blast, 1 PowerFist 5 Assault6 5 Heavy2,Blast 5 Heavy1,LargeBlast (Lance&AP1atcentre)

12 18 24 24 48
Template Template

3 Assault1 5 Assault1,Pinning 3 Assault2,GetsHot 3 Assault1,LargeBlast 4 Heavy2TwinLinked 3 Ordnance1,LargeBlast, Rending

24 36 48 36 18 18 12 72 12 24

6 Assault3,Pinning 6 Heavy20,Pinning 6 Pistol,Pinning 3 Heavy1,LargeBlast 2 Assault2 1 Assault1 4 Assault1

vehicle types



Front S



A Front Side Rear


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