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of the Church of Ukraine is an

accomplished ecclesiastical act
We could liken the situation in Ukraine to the Parable of the Prodigal Son. When the son
repentant returned home, his father welcomed him back with with all the honor to which he was
entitled before. However, his older brother was so angry that he did not want to get home, nor
could he understand his father's greatness. Instead of rejoicing over his brother's return...

Some claim that there was no repentance. However, the dissolution of the "ecclesiastical structures"
indicates the exact opposite. But our brothers did not renounce the Orthodox faith and its doctrines.
They requested autocephaly, which is related to administration issues. They had every right to request it
from the Great Church of Christ. And they did so.

We could also liken the existing situation to the miracles of Jesus. The Pharisees witnessed the
miracles but accused Jesus of breaking the Sabbath law. They clung to the provisions of the law. They
could not understand the greatness of God. They could not understand that God was superior to the
law. He was accused of being a demon, and He kept on saving and curing people. "The Sabbath was
made for man, not man for the Sabbath."

In a similar way, in the case of Ukraine, many millions of Orthodox people have returned to canonicality
and some are looking for canons to overturn it. Looking back in history and canons, we see that
everything has been done in accordance with the canons and the tradition of the Church. When striving
to abolish and downplay the importance of the prerogatives of the Ecumenical Patriarch, we are trying to
abolish and downplay the importance of the Church's tradition.

It is true, indeed, that this autocephaly is not like the others. There is a substantial difference. This act is
much more pleasing to God, since this autocephaly restores canonicality and so many millions of people
now return to it. They also say that the autocephaly did not have the outcome the Ecumenical Patriarch
wanted. But what other wish could he have other than the salvation of these millions of former
schismatics? And Jesus Christ is looking at this. The salvation of the people. By any means. Any
reactions are temporary and will abate because they are against the will of God.

– It is unfair for our brothers in Russia to accuse the Ecumenical Patriarchate of recognizing non-
canonical ordinations at a time when they did the same with the Russian Orthodox Church Outside
Russia (ROCOR) in 2007. They reestablished the fullness of communion (by signing the Act of
Canonical Communion with the Moscow Patriarchate) for those who were regarded for almost a century
as schismatics and accepted them for the sake of unity. The apostolic succession was not even
mentioned. Searching for and sacrificing for unity are a truly God-pleasing work. The Church tidies
things up for the salvation of people. This is how she works. Based on soteriology, not on legalism. This
is the greatness of God.

– "The Mother Church is affectionate towards her children, even the ungrateful ones," the Ecumenical
Patriarch said. This is particularly true. The Mother Church of Constantinople is a real mother. If she
acted like a stepmother, she could take revenge by breaking the communion or imposing sanctions. It
wouldn't be difficult at all. However, a mother must tolerate everything and wait patiently for her
ungrateful children to correct their attitude. God will never bless the acts of revenge. You see other
Sisters Churches severed full communion with each other. The Mother Church, however, is in full
communion even with those who do not accept her. She rejects no one. Her hug is so big that everyone
can fit.

The Mother Church also accepts the entire hierarchy under Metropolitan Onufriy. She did not ignore
him, nor did she disregard him. On the contrary, she suggested that he become a candidate for the new
Autocephalous Church. She respectfully accepted his choice to refuse, and recognized him as
Metropolitan of Kiev of the Moscow Patriarchate. Anyone who wants to can go to the churches of his
parishes. There are no corresponding prohibitions by the Ecumenical Patriarchate.

– It is a fact that Ukraine's Autocephaly is an accomplished ecclesiastical act. And slowly we all have to
accept it. During our recent visit to Ukraine, we found that within a year, people have accepted the entity
and existence of the new Autocephalous Church. It is part of their lives and their daily routines. It is also
evidenced by the recently published polls.
His Beatitude Metropolitan Epifaniy is a man who is primarily concerned with the well-being and spiritual
growth of his country's faithful, the Education, the family, the youth, the army. He has no retaliatory
purposes. He is not a fanatic, nor he fanaticize others. Many faithful of his Church are outraged by the
mention of Patriarch Cyril of Russia in the Diptychs due to the long-standing war, but he tries to explain
to them what unity in the Church is. What does "Love your enemies" mean. Let alone the rest Orthodox
Christian brothers.

We have also learned, in fact, that Metropolitan Macarius Maletic was unjustly accused of being a self-
ordained. All the documents of his ordination are in the Patriarchate. He patiently endured and still
withstands this unfair slander, and that sanctifies him. Without ambition (he could easily claim many
"rights" as head of the former schismatic Autocephalous Church of Ukraine), he works for the good of
his flock and his country. He is gentle and mild-manners with complete obedience to the Primate of his

We met Father Sergio, who was badly expelled from his fellow priests in the parish he belonged. When
he refused to sign the paper they had drafted, for them to remain in the Church of Russia in Ukraine, he
was expelled. Even his relatives persecuted him. All this because he wanted the autocephaly of the
Church of his country. As soon as he came out of the temple he celebrated until then, without getting
anything, he said, "Lord, I have nothing, but you now. Guide me". That was his prayer. In a container
just where Saint Vladimir baptized Ross, he began to serve with the blessing of His Beatitude Epifaniy
of Kyiv. They issued a notice to the parish not to visit, nor to commune with the schismatic serving in the
container. But the people who understand injustice and see the grace in his face do go to the container
and attend his liturgy. Just to be by his side. These persecuted are the true confessors whose
persecutions do not surface. They only hope in the mercy of the Lord. Unknown with much grace.

The Autocephalous Church of Ukraine is under the blessing of the Mother Church, which granted all
Churches the Tomos of Autocephaly, and this fills with grace our Ukrainian Orthodox brothers, even
though, as is usually the case, there are opposing opinions too. Time will show that "the things done in
the Church cannot be altered."

By Hieromonk Nikitas of Pantokratoros Monastery

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