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Rules of Netiquette

• Online security, safety, and ethics

• Internet threats
• Protecting reputations online
• Copyright
• Contextualized online search and
research skills
At the end of this lesson, the students should be able to:

1. consider one’s and others’ safety when sharing

information using the Internet;

2. consider one’s and others’ reputation when using the


3. determine and avoid the dangers of the Internet;

4. be responsible in the use of social networking sites; and

5. browse the Internet efficiently and properly through

proper referencing.
The Internet, truly, is a powerful tool. It
can be used to promote your business,
gain new friends, and stay in touch with
the old ones. It is also a source of
entertainment. But like most things in this
world, there is always “another side of
the coin.” The Internet is one of the most
dangerous places, especially if you do
not know what you are doing.
Online Safety

The importance of internet plays a crucial part in human development.

Life becomes easy and comfortable because of this technology. Most of
us are connected to the internet via laptop, mobile phone, tablet,
personal computer, and other electronic gadgets. Behind this
technology there is a risk that everyone should be aware of. You could
be at risk on scam, bullying, and illegal activities if you will not take
precautions in using internet. We need to keep ourselves safe and
secure whenever we use the internet. That is why it is very important to
know and learn the ways on how to be safe and secured online.
How to be safe online
➢ Do not share your password with anyone.
➢ Add friends you know in real life.
➢ Do not visit untrusted websites.
➢ Add password to your WIFI at home to make it
➢ Install and update antivirus in your computer.
➢ Do not give your personal information to anyone.
➢ Think before you click.
➢ Never post about your future vacation.
Internet Risk

It happens when someone intentionally abused, harass, and mistreated
by other person using electronic communication.

Identity Theft
It is a crime of stealing personal information for the purpose of
assuming that person’s name or identity to make any form of

Cyber Stalking
A criminal practice where electronic communication is used to stalk or
harass individual or group.

The act of sending sexually explicit text messages, images, and videos.
Internet Threats
A. Malware – also known as Malicious Software.
Types of Malware

1. Virus – a malicious program that replicate itself by copying itself to

another program.

2. Trojan Horse – a malicious program that disguised as legitimate

program that user will accept and use but take control of your

3. Worm – malicious program that copy’s itself and spreads to other


4. Spyware – A malicious program that gathers information from

victim’s computer and send it back to the hacker.

5. Adware – An unwanted advertisement that will pop-up several times

on victim’s computer then behave abnormally and tedious to close
6. Keylogger – A program that runs in the background and steals user
credentials and confidential information and send back to hack by
recording every keystroke that a user makes on their computer or

7. Botnet – A collection of infected internets–connected devices such as

PC and mobile phone that are controlled by a common type of malware.

8. Rootkit – A software tools used by hackers to gain control over a

computer on a network without being exposed.

9. Ransomware – A ransom virus that block the user from accessing

the programs or files and demands to pay the ransom through online
method for the removal of the virus.
B. Spam
Also known as junk email or unwanted email send by
advertiser or bot. It can be used to send malware.

C. Phishing
A cyberattack method using deceptive emails and websites to
acquire sensitive personal information.

D. Cybercrime
A crime in which computer is used as object and tool in
committing a crime such hacking, phishing, spamming, child
pornography, libel, hate crimes, identity thief and others.

E. Cybercrime Law
A law that deals with all forms of cybercrime

It is a word that came from the two words “net” and “etiquette”.
It is an etiquette applied online that shows proper manner and
behavior. If you are a member of an online society through social
media, you are called netizen. And in interacting with other netizen
online, we need to maintain good behavior which is acceptable to
others in online community.
The Ten Commandments
The Ten Commandments of computer ethics have been defined by the Computer Ethics

1)Thou shalt not use a computer to harm other people:

2) Thou shalt not interfere with other people's computer
3) Thou shalt not snoop around in other people's files:
4) Thou shalt not use a computer to steal:
5) Thou shalt not use a computer to bear false witness:
6) Thou shalt not use or copy software for which you have
not paid:
7) Thou shalt not use other people's computer resources
without authorization:
8) Thou shalt not appropriate other people's intellectual
9) Thou shalt think about the social consequences of the
program you write:
10) Thou shalt use a computer in ways that show
consideration and respect:
Think Before You Click
1. Before you post something on the web, ask these questions
to yourself: Would you want your parents or grandparents to see
it? Would you want your future boss to see it? Once you post
something on the web, you have no control of who sees your
2. Your friends depend on you to protect their reputation online.
Talk to your friends about this serious responsibility.
3. Set your post to “private.” In this way, search engines will
not be able to scan that post.
4. Avoid using names. Names are easy for search engines to
5. If you feel that a post can affect you or other’s reputation, ask
the one who posted it to pull it down or report it as
Directions: Answer the following questions below.

1. How do you keep yourself safe and secure online?

2. Why is it important to observe netiquette online?
Directions: Write “True” if the statement is true and
write “False” if the statement is false.

______ 1. It is right to copy the works of other people without asking

______ 2. All Information from the internet are free.
______ 3. Search engine is a tool used in internet research.
______ 4. All information from the internet are reliable.
______ 5. Google is an example of search engine.
______ 6. Child pornography is a form of cybercrime.
______ 7. Committing crime on the internet is not punishable by law.
______ 8. Do not share personal information to suspicious website or
______ 9. Share your password with anyone.
______10. Think before you click.
If you create something—an
idea, an invention, a form of
literary work, or a research, you
have the right of how it should
be used by others. This is called
intellectual property.

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