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International University, Vietnam National University - HCMC


EXPERIMENT 2: pH and Buffers
Full name: Đinh Nguyệt Minh

Student ID: IELSIU21211

1. Purpose of the experiments

 To differentiate strong and weak acids

 To learn how to calculate, make, and analyze a buffer solution's capacity to
 Application:
+ Most enzymes require a buffered pH to operate effectively and
+ Buffering is crucial when employing dyes to guarantee optimum color
+ It is especially required for pH meters that may be in miscalibrated in the
absence of a buffer.

2. Procedure
2.1. Deionized water
Step 1: Prepare a cylinder, a beaker, a stirring rod and a pH meter
Step 2: Pour ∼50mL deionized water into the beaker

Step 3: Continuously stir in 20 seconds

Then, stop stirring and record pH for 1st time

Step 4: Continuously stir in 20 seconds

Then, stop stirring and record pH for 2nd time

Step 5: Continuously stir for 20 seconds

Then, stop stirring and record pH for 3rd time

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Step 6: Keep doing the same procedure until there is NO SIGNIFICANT

CHANGE in pH value

Step 7: Write down your observation on the datasheet

2.2. Strong acid:

 Section 1: Preparation
Step 1: Prepare 2 beakers, 2 cylinders, a pipette and a volumetric flask
Step 2: Take ∼10mL 0.1M HCl into beaker #1
Step 3: Take ∼20mL 0.1M NaOH into beaker #2

Step 4: Prepare 100ml 0.01M NaOH solution (10mL 0.1M NaOH: 90mL H2O)
into the volumetric flask

*Note: check the dilution process

 Section 2: pH measurement

Step 1: Take 10 mL 0.1M HCl into the beaker => Record pH

Step 2: Then, add 90 mL distilled water => Record pH

Step 3: Continuously, add 10 mL 0.1M NaOH => Record pH

Step 4: Add 90 mL 0.01M NaOH => Record pH

Step 5: Write down your observation on the datasheet

2.3. Weak acid

 Section 1: Preparation
 Prepare: 3 beakers, 3 cylinders, a pipette, a volumetric flask
 Solution A: 0.1M CH3COOH
 Solution B: 0.01M CH3COOH (dilute solution A 10 times)
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 Solution C: 0.001M CH3COOH (dilute solution A 100 times or dilute

solution B 10 times).

*Note: check the dilution process above

 Section 2: pH measurement

Step 1:  + Take 20mL Solution A into Beaker #1

+ Take 20mL Solution B into Beaker #2

+ Take 20mL Solution C into Beaker #3

Step 2: Record pH, Ka of each Beaker

Write down your observation on the datasheet

2.4. Salts
 Section 1: Preparation
 Prepare: 3 beakers, 3 cylinders
 Solution A: 0.1M NaCl
 Solution B: 0.1M CH3COONa
 Solution C: 0.1M NH4Cl
 Section 2: pH measurement

Step 1: + Take 20mL Solution A into Beaker #1

+ Take 20mL Solution B into Beaker #2

+ Take 20mL Solution C into Beaker #3

Step 2: Record pH, Ka of each Beaker

Write down your observation on the datasheet

International University, Vietnam National University - HCMC

2.5. Buffers
 Section 1: Preparation
 Prepare: 7 beakers, 4 cylinders, 2 Pasteur pipettes
 Put ∼50mL 0.1M CH3COOH into Beaker #1
 Put ∼50mL 0.1M CH3COONa into Beaker #2
 Put ∼40mL 0.1M HCl into Beaker #3
 Put ∼40mL 0.1M NaOH into Beaker #4
 Section 2: Buffer A

Step 1: Add 10 mL 0.1M CH3COOH and 40 mL 0.1M CH3COONa into 50 mL

Buffer A => Record pH (2 times)

Step 2: Divide equally the mixture into 2 parts

Pour them into 2 Beakers: 25mL Buffer A1 => Record pH
25mL Buffer A2 => Record pH
Step 3: - Add 10 drops 0.1M HCl into Beaker A1 => Record pH
- Add 10 drops 0.1M NaOH into Beaker A2 => Record pH

Step 4: - Add more drops 0.1M HCl into Beaker A1

- Add more drops 0.1M NaOH into Beaker A2

Step 5: Until the pH changes by one unit from the start, record VHCl in Beaker A1
and VNaOH in Beaker A2 (in drops)

Write down your observation on the datasheet.

 Section 3: Buffer B

Step 1: Add 40 mL 0.1M CH3COOH and 10 mL 0.1M CH3COONa into 50 mL

Buffer B => Record pH (2 times)
Step 2: Divide equally the mixture into 2 parts
Pour them into 2 Beakers: 25mL Buffer B1 => Record pH
International University, Vietnam National University - HCMC

25mL Buffer B2 => Record pH

Step 3: Use 2 Pasteur pipettes to take HCl and NaOH
- Add 10 drops 0.1M HCl into Beaker B1 => Record pH
- Add 10 drops 0.1M NaOH into Beaker B2 => Record pH
Step 4: - Add more drops 0.1M HCl into Beaker B1
- Add more drops 0.1M NaOH into Beaker B2
Step 5: Until the pH changes by one unit from the start, record VHCl in Beaker A1
and VNaOH in Beaker A2 (in drops)
Write down your observation on the datasheet.

3. Safety precautions
3.1. Reminders:
 Wear approved eye protection at all times, proper protective clothing and
proper protective footwear.
 Never work in a chemical laboratory without proper supervision.
 Never inhale gases or vapors unless directed to do so.
 Exercise proper care in heating or mixing chemicals.
 Never eat, drink, or smoke in a chemical laboratory
 Never return residue chemicals to their original containers.
 Always wear gloves inside the lab.
 Never wear gloves or a lab coat outside of the lab.
 Be careful with glass equipment.
 Never pipet by mouth.
 Using instruments.
 Never perform an unauthorized experiment
 No removal of chemicals or equipment from the laboratory.
 No horseplay, laptops, tablets, etc.
 Know the location and use of emergency equipment.
 Don’t under-react

3.2. Potential hazards and cures:

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 Chemical burns => ask TA immediately

 Heat Burns => put the affected area immediately under cold running
water immediately and hold it there for 10 minutes — or until the
burning sensation goes.
 Test tube breakage => clean up broken glass objects

4. Suggested questions in the lab manual

1. What is the dissociation process? Write down the dissociation
constant for CH3COOH + H2O ⇌ CH3COO- + H3O+?
Dissociation is the process by which chemical molecules (or ionic
compounds such as salts, or complexes) break down into simpler
constituents such as atoms, ions or radicals, usually in a reversible manner,
as do CO2 and H2O at high temperatures.
CH3COOH + H2O ⇌ CH3COO- + H3O+

2. What are the concentrations of hydronium ions ([H3O+]) and

hydroxyl ions ([OH]) of pure water?
The concentration of hydronium ions in pure water can be thought of
as the concentration of H+ ions in water. Since the pH of pure water is 7
=> there are 10-7 M of H3O+ ions in pure water.

3. What is the product of the concentration of hydronium ions

([H3O+]) and hydroxyl ions ([OH-]) in any aqueous solution?
The product of [H3O+] = [OH-] is the ionic product of water.
[H3O+][OH-]=10^-7 × 10^-7 = 10^-14
=> in aqueous (water) solutions, whether acidic, basic or neutral, the
product of the ion concentrations equals 10^-14.

4. What is pH? How do we define/calculate the pH value of a solution?

- pH is a scale used to specify the acidity or basicity of an aqueous
- To calculate the pH of an aqueous solution you need to know the
concentration of the hydronium ion in moles per liter (molarity). Use the
expression: pH = - log [H3O+].
International University, Vietnam National University - HCMC

5. If [H3O+] = 0.001 M. What is the pH value? pH= 2.0

6. What equipment can you use to measure the pH of prepared

pH meter

7. Please give the definitions of an acid and a base according to

Arrhenius classification?
- Acid: the hydrogen-containing compounds which give H+ ions or protons
on dissociation in water
- Base: the hydroxide compounds which give OH− ions on dissociation in

8. What is the conjugate base of CH3COOH? CH3COO-

9. What is a buffer? What is its main characteristic?

- A buffer is a solution that can resist pH change upon the addition of acidic
or basic components.
- Buffer’s main characteristics:
+ It has a definite pH value.
+ Its pH value doesn't change on keeping for a long time, dilution.
+ Its pH value doesn't change even with the addition of a small amount of
a strong acid or a base.

10. Calculate the initial concentration of each substance when mixing

40.0 mL of 0.1 M CH3COOH and 10.0 mL of 0.1 M CH3COONa?
CM = n/V => nCH3COOH = CM * V = 0.1 * 0.04 = 4*10-3 (mol)
nCH3COONa = 0.1 * 0.01 = 1*10-3 (mol)
Vtotal= 50mL = 5*10-2 L
CCH3COOH = (4*10-3)/(5*10-2) = 0.08M
CCH3COONa = (1*10-3)/(5*10-2) = 0.02M
11. If the original pH of buffer A is 4, if we add enough HCl to change
pH by one unit, what is the final pH value?
Acid => more H+ => decrease pH => pH=3
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12.If the original pH of buffer A is 4, if we add enough NaOH to change

pH by one unit, what is the final pH value?
Base => more OH- => increase pH => pH=5

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