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Road to 2024 Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination

Paper 4 speaking notes on group interaction (小組討論筆記)

Group Presentation (小組討論) (準備: 10 分鐘 ;討論: 8 分鐘)

1. 有效運用準備時間
所需時間 注意事項
1 1 分鐘  小心理解題目要求
 了解題目的前文後理和討論議題的順序
2 2 分鐘  閱讀文章
 思考怎樣在討論中運用文章論點,在重點寫筆記
3 5 分鐘  就每一個分題,想出兩至三個論點
 思考每一個論點的原因、例子和假設推論
 思考如何反駁相反觀點
4 2 分鐘  在心中排練一次討論
 思考讀音和文法

2. 開展討論

1. 開場白  Let’s get started.

2. 解釋討論目的  We’re going to prepare a handbook of advice for parents on

how to bring up their children.

 Today, we’re here to discuss what to include in the


3. 背景介紹  As we all know, many parents and children ignore family

relationships and parents spend little time talking to their

children. A lot of family problems may arise.

 Well, there are a lot of family problems we can include in the

handbook. Let’s discuss them first.


4. 表達觀點  Personally, I think that nowadays, many parents have to

work long hours, for example, from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. As a

result, they overlook their children. Therefore, we need to

point out that the lack of communication will cause a lot of

family problems.

5. 問其他考生意見  What do you think?

3. 作出回應

1. 簡單回應  You are right.

2. 歸納對方觀點  The lack of communication is common in Hong Kong and this

leads to a lack of mutual understanding or even conflicts

between family members.

3. 表達觀點  However, I think that the quality of communication is more

important than quantity. Even if they have opportunities to

communicate with their children, they don’t know how to do

it effectively.

 It is no use spending hours questioning their children on their

exam results or things they don’t want to talk about. Parents

should learn to share the children’s feelings and other

interesting topics.

4. 問其他考生意見  Do you agree?


4. 討論要訣

1. 回應對方觀點

2. 明確提出觀點和提議

3. 解釋原因和好處

4. 運用日常生活的例子

5. 提出假設推論,分析影響

試題範例 (2001 CE Paper 4 Set 12.1)

Your group wants to organize a karaoke evening for your school. You are now planning the event.

You may want to talk about:  when and where the event should take place

 what sort of music should be used

 how to attract teachers and students to come

 how to get the money to organize this event

 anything else you think is important

A: I suggest going to karaoke lounges (提議) like Neway (例子) because there is good and

advanced audio equipment. (原因)

B: Yes, that’s a great point (回應) and we can sing many new songs there. (原因)

C: I agree that the audio system is good and new songs are available there (回應), but I

think that karaoke lounges are not large enough for us to hold this event. (論點).

I think the school hall may be a better choice for this event. (新提議). The PA system is

not bad in the hall, right? (原因)

A: Shall we invite some pop singers (提議) like Leo Ku or Kay Tse (例子) to come because

they are very popular in Hong Kong? (原因)

I believe that if they come to join us, many teachers and students will come to our

karaoke evening. (假設推論)


B: That’s a great idea! (回應) We will also find it interesting to hear them sing their own

songs live (原因). We may have chances to take some photos with them too. (原因)

C: Right, I know they are popular and I like Leo and Kay as well (回應).

But this activity is organized for our schoolmates. (相反觀點)

The karaoke evening will no longer be meaningful if we invite singers to come. (原因)

Perhaps inviting our principal to sing some songs (新建議) may be more meaningful

and fun (原因).

D: I can see what you mean. (回應)

But don’t forget that Kay is a past student of our school. It is meaningful to come back

to our school. (論點)

She can show us how successful the past students of our school are in society. (原因)

B: You are right. (回應)

We can invite her to say some words to encourage our schoolmates to work hard as

well. (原因)

When students hear her words, they may learn from her. (假設推論)

So, why don’t we invite both Kay and our principal to sing some songs (新提議) in the


That’s attractive enough!


5. 不同部份的常用句子
1. 開展討論  Let’s get started.
 Shall we get started?
2. 交代主題和目  Today, we’re here to discuss + n.
的  The purpose of our discussion today is to + v.
 Today, we’re going to prepare for a + presentation / talk /
exhibition / booklet / leaflet
3. 表達意見  Personally, I think that + SVO
 I strongly believe that + SVO
 In my opinion, + SVO
4. 作出建議  I suggest that + SVO
 It is + important + to + v.
 It is + necessary + to + v.
 It is + feasible + to + v.
 It is + interesting + to + v.
5. 解釋原因  SVO + because + SVO
 SVO + since + SVO
 SVO + as + SVO
 The reason is that + SVO
6. 舉例子  For example, + SVO
 SVO + like + n.
 SVO + such as + n.
7. 假設推論  If + SVO, + SVO
 When + SVO, + SVO
8. 問別人意見  Do you agree?
 What do you think?
 What’s your opinion?
 Do you think it is a good idea?
9. 同意別人  I agree with you.
 That’s a great idea.
 You’re right.
 I agree that + SVO
10. 半同意別人  I agree with you that + SVO, but I believe that + SVO
 I can see what you mean, but + SVO
11. 反對別人  Sorry, but I don’t agree with you.
 I’m afraid I can’t agree with you.
 I don’t think so.
 I don’t think it’s a good idea.

12. 轉話題  It seems that we have discussed a lot of ideas about A, such as……….
 Let’s move on to discuss + n.
 Now, shall we discuss + n.?
13. 有人壟斷發言  Sorry to interrupt, but I would like to say something.
14. 要求別人解釋  Could you explain your point?
 Excuse me, could you explain that again please?
15. 回應之前觀點  As Mr. Chan said earlier, + SVO
 Concerning + n., I have something more to say.
16. 作出總結  Shall we conclude our discussion now?

As we all know, + SVO It seems to me that + SVO
正如我們知道 對我來說,似乎…
n. + enables us + to + v. n. + helps us + to + v.
...使我們能夠 …幫助我們
n. + lets us + + v. n. + makes us + + v.
...讓我們 ...使我們
n. + makes us + + adj. For me, I hope that + SVO
...使我們有…感覺 我希望
In fact, + SVO SVO. + In contrast, + SVO.
事實上 相反
SVO. + Also, + SVO. Worse still, + SVO
除此以外 更差的是
Although + SVO, + SVO. SVO + but + SVO
雖然 但是
Nowadays, + SVO Through + SVO, + we can + v.
今時今日 通過…可以…
By + SVO, + we can + v. This seriously affects + n.
通過…可以… 這嚴重影響…
SVO. + Instead, + SVO. SVO. + As a result, + SVO.
取而代之 結果
In some cases, + SVO.

6. 常見活動詞滙
study abroad organize immersion programmes organize exchange programmes

到外國讀書 舉辦語言沉浸計劃 舉辦交流計劃

organize language courses organize Putonghua courses organize English courses

舉辦語言課程 舉辦普通話課程 舉辦英語課程

arrange for visits to museums design webpage have part-time jobs

安排參觀博物館 設計網頁 有兼職

organize workshops organize seminars organize an open day

舉辦工作坊 舉辦研討會 舉辦開放日

help the homeless help the elderly help the disabled

幫助無家可歸者 幫助老人 幫助傷殘人士

help the orphans organize a campaign organize a walkathon

幫助孤兒 舉辦宣傳運動 舉辦步行籌款

organize a fun fair organize a carnival organize a talent show

舉辦攤位遊戲 舉辦嘉年華會 舉辦才藝表演

organize picnics organize camps organize karaoke evenings

舉辦野餐 舉辦宿營 舉辦卡拉 OK 之夜

organize a singing contest organize a song-writing organize a dancing competition

舉辦歌唱比賽 competition 舉辦作曲比賽 舉辦舞蹈比賽

organize a cooking competition organize leadership training hiking

舉辦烹飪比賽 camps 舉辦領袖訓練營 遠足

rock climbing organize sports clubs organize swimming courses

攀石 組織運動學會 舉辦游泳課程

gymnastics basketball football

體操 籃球 足球

badminton tennis jogging

羽毛球 網球 緩步跑

organize a drama competition organize a debating competition organize a Christmas party



舉辦戲劇比賽 舉辦聖誕派對

7. 分析活動好處
enhance our public speaking enhance our communication enhance our problem-solving

skills skills skills

提升公眾演說技巧 提升溝通技巧 提升解決問題能力

enhance our interpersonal skills enhance our logical thinking enhance our critical thinking

提升人際技巧 skills skills

提升邏輯思維技巧 提升批判思維技巧

enhance our organizational skills enhance our leadership skills enhance our language skills

提升組織技巧 提升領袖技巧 提升語言技巧

boost our confidence improve our health increase our sense of belonging

提升自信 改善健康 to the school


increase our civic awareness explore our potential explore our creativity

提升公民意識 發掘潛能 發掘創意

broaden our horizons relax ourselves

擴闊視野 放鬆自己

8. 宣傳活動

produce and show powerpoint produce and show flash show video clips from Youtube

slides 製作與展示投影片 movies 展示 Youtube 影片


have a humorous presentation have interaction with the demonstrate pictures and

and tell jokes audience 與觀眾互動 photos 展示圖畫與相片


demonstrate bar charts and show cartoons distribute leaflets to students

pie charts 展示棒形圖和圓形 展示卡通 向學生派發宣傳單張

make case studies produce a short drama

製作個案研討 製作短劇


make our messages more make our presentation more draw the attention of students

concise 使訊息更簡潔 interesting and entertaining 吸引學生的注意


make students laugh encourage students to Students can learn a lot.

使學生大笑 participate actively 學生可以學到很多


Students can have fun. save time attract students

學生可以樂在其中 節省時間 吸引學生

make the presentation make it easier for students

more convincing to understand

使演說更有說服力 令學生更易明白

9. 政府措施

A. 解決社會問題

spend money on sthg allocate resources on sthg provide financial assistance for

花錢 分配資源 sbdy 提供財政援助

provide subsidies for sbdy provide counseling services for cooperate with sbdy

提供資助 sbdy 提供輔導服務 合作

set up laws step up law enforcement

立法 加強執法

B. 宣傳政府政策

strengthen education about sthg organize more public campaigns put up more commercials

加強教育 舉辦宣傳運動 賣廣告

step up publicity increase communication with distribute leaflets to the public

加強宣傳 the public 增加與公眾溝通 向公眾派傳單

organize talks in schools promote sthg on the Internet

在學校舉行講座 在互聯網宣傳

10. 常用形容詞

 

1 important (重要)

2. meaningful (有意義)

3. challenging (具挑戰性的)

4. useful (有用的) useless (沒用的)

5. necessary (有需要的)

6. effective (有效率的)

7. effective (有效的)

8. time-consuming (浪費時間)

9. cheap (便宜的) expensive (昂貴的)

10. easy (容易) difficult (困難的)

11. fun / interesting (有趣的) boring (沉悶的)

12. feasible (可行的)

13. fashionable / trendy (時髦的) out-dated (過時的)

14. positive (積極的) negative (消極的)

15. attractive (吸引的)

16. charming (有魅力的)

17. exciting (令人興奮的)

18. safe (安全的) dangerous (危險的)

19. common (普遍的)

20. popular (受歡迎的)

21. enough / sufficient (足夠的) insufficient (不足的)

22. modern (現代的) traditional (傳統的)

23. healthy (健康的) unhealthy (不健康的)

11. 題目類型

1. 觀點

DSE Sample Paper – Sample 1

A question of privacy
Members of the media often complain that the government limits their freedom of
expression, though many members of the public feel there is nothing wrong with this.
Some years ago, photographs of Twins singer Gillian Chung Yan-tung were published by a
local magazine, Easy Finder, and they caused a real storm. The photographs were taken
with a hidden camera as she was changing costumes backstage. Many people were upset
by this and demanded that press freedom be restricted. The Hong Kong Performing Artist
Guild condemned the incident, and insisted the government amend the law and punish the
magazine’s owners.
‘Some people thought the whole episode had been exaggerated, but people buy these
magazines for exactly this kind of shocking content so it’s the market itself that demands
such pictures,’ explained retired editor John Peters.
Mike Chau

Your group wants to write a letter to the editor of the newspaper responding to the points

made by Mike Chau. Discuss with your group what to include in your letter in response to

this article. You may want to talk about:

- whether the media have too much freedom

- whether famous people should have their privacy protected

- why people like to read magazines for their shocking content and gossip

英文 中文

重點字眼 1 whether 是否

重點字眼 2 why 原因

DSE Practice Paper 1.1

Teens far too materialistic

I think that today’s teenagers have a very casual attitude towards material possessions. From the
time they are born, they get what they want, even things that are not necessary. And yet they
keep demanding more from their parents. It makes no sense to buy things without thinking
about the price. What’s more, youngsters are easily affected by their peers. If their friends have
something new and trendy, they will also want to have it. But they do not consider whether they
really need it. Parents should not buy their children too many items that they do not really need.
And they should teach them to treasure what they have. They have to set a good example.
Young people need to exercise self-control.

Your group wants to write a letter to the editor of the newspaper responding to the points made

by Y.L. Discuss with your group what to include in your letter. You may want to talk about:

- whether teenagers are materialistic

- whether teenagers are easily affected by their peers

- how young children should be educated not to be materialistic

- anything else you think is important

英文 中文

重點字眼 1 whether 是否

重點字眼 2 how sbdy should be educated 怎樣教育


2. 好處/壞處

DSE Sample Paper – Sample 2

Body art expresses individuality

More and more teenagers are turning to different forms of body art, such as tattooing and
nose piercing, to establish their personal identity and look different. One of the main
reasons young people decide to modify their bodies is to look cool. Teenagers want to
express their individuality and have a strong desire to stand out from the crowd. This gives
them a sense of uniqueness that makes them different from everyone else.
19-year-old James Keen is a typical example. He is one of the first in Hong Kong to have had
the tip of his tongue split into two. ‘When I first saw it in some teen magazines, I thought
tongue-splitting was the most beautiful thing I’d seen in my life,’ says James. Most of his
friends do not know that he has had his tongue split unless he shows it to them. When
asked how he felt about the splitting process, James said it did cause some pain for about a
week, especially when he ate, but he believed it was worthwhile. ‘Piercing of the ears, nose
and lips is just too common. I wanted something different.’

Your group wants to write an article for your school magazine about the advantages and

disadvantages of body modification. Discuss with your group what to include in your article.

You may want to talk about:

- why some teenagers like body art such as tattooing and nose piercing

- the medical dangers of body art

- how Hong Kong society views people with tattoos and their bodies pierced

- anything else you think is important

英文 中文

重點字眼 1 advantages and disadvantages 好處與壞處

重點字眼 2 why sbdy like 為何喜歡 ¿ 好處

重點字眼 3 dangers 危險 ¿ 壞處

重點字眼 4 how Kong Kong society views 香港社會的看法


DSE 2014 7.3

Is there truth in advertising?
The average consumer is overwhelmed with somewhere between 500 and 1300 advertising
messages per day. When we get up in the morning and turn on the television or the radio, there
will be anywhere from 15 to 25 commercials. As we travel to school or work, we will be exposed to
billboards, signage, business logos, advertisements on other vehicles, etc., which will add another
10 to 20 ads.
Unfortunately, a lot of the messages that we are being exposed to may be less than honest. A good
example of this comes in the form of weight loss supplements. They proclaim, “Take these pills and
you wil lose weight 30 percent without diet and exercise.” Others say, “These pills work uniquely
with a woman’s body to increase the amount of weight loss.” Unfortunately, about 95 percent of all
of the diet programs are not as effective as advertised.
The success of a product does not rely only on its advertising but also on its quality. Many
advertising campaigns fail because the product doesn’t deliver on the promises made in the
advertisements. Companies are well advised not to exaggerate or over-promise, since advertising
can only make people buy the product the first time. Once customers discover the product is not
good, they will not buy it again.
Your group has to prepare for a debate with the motion “Advertising does more god than

harm to society”. Discuss with your group what to include in this debate. You may want to talk


 positive effects of advertising on society

 negative effects of advertising on society

 what products should not be advertised

 anything else you think is important

英文 中文

重點字眼 1 positive effects 正面影響

重點字眼 2 negative effects 負面影響

重點字眼 3 what products should not be advertised 哪種商品不應賣廣告

3. 問題成因  問題影響  預防/解決方法


DSE Sample Paper – Sample 3

The Respectable Addiction

People in Hong Kong are famous for working long hours. However, it is now recognized that
obsession with work can be an addiction. In Japan, it is called death by overwork and it is
estimated to cause 1,000 deaths per year. In the USA, it is known as the ‘respectable’
Addiction to work is not the same as working hard or putting in long hours. Hardworking
people generally have some balance in their lives. They spend a lot of time at work, but also
set aside time for their hobbies, such as playing sports. However, work addicts think about
work even when they are playing sports. The obsession with work is total. It prevents them
from maintaining healthy relationships and outside interests. Work addicts neglect their
health and ignore their friends and family. They avoid going on holiday so they don’t have
to miss work, and even if they do go on holiday, they still think about work.
Often, work addicts only realize they have a problem when something terrible happens, for
example, when their health completely fails or they start having family problems.

You want to prepare a presentation on work addiction for a group of young people who

will soon be starting their first job. Discuss with your group what you will include in the

presentation. You may want to talk about:

- why Hong Kong people tend to work long hours

- the health and social problems that can be caused by long working hours

- things that people can do to avoid work addiction

- anything else you think is important

英文 中文

重點字眼 1 why 原因

重點字眼 2 the health and social problems 健康與社會問題 (影響)

重點字眼 3 things that people can do to avoid 預防措施


DSE 2014 2.2

“We’re no trouble at all”
Street culture – seen in the likes of street art, dance, graffiti and skateboarding – is becoming far
more accepted than it used to be in Hong Kong. And yet youngsters who enjoy dancing in the
street or doing tricks with their skateboards at night are sometimes still dismissed as
“troublemakers” and “youths at risk”. Yeung Kin-tong, a social worker at the Chai Wan Centre of the
Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong, is familiar with such negative labels.
“People see kids hanging out at night and think they are troublemakers. But the truth is that they
can only enjoy their hobby at night, when there are fewer people around,” Yeung says. “They are
not making trouble; they are trying to avoid it.” Yeung started interacting with youths who began
dancing and skateboarding on the street a decade ago. She adds that Hongkongers have come a
long way in recognizing the value of street culture.
“People used to frown upon teens on skateboards. They did not respect it as a sport. Same with
street dancing or graffiti. People did not consider them as art. But that was in the past; now people
understand more about street culture,” she says. Yeung cites the Hong Kong International Street
Jam Festival held on April 19 at Victoria Park, which was the first government-sponsored street
culture event. “Street culture is gaining recognition,” she says.

Your group wants to give a presentation about street culture in Hong Kong. Discuss with your group

what to include in your presentation. You may want to talk about:

- why some people think street culture is negative

- reasons why street culture is becoming more popular

- how to change people’s attitudes towards street culture

- anything else you think is important

英文 中文

重點字眼 1 why street culture is negative 街頭文化為何負面  壞處

重點字眼 2 reasons why street culture is popular 街頭文化盛行原因

重點字眼 3 how to change people’s attitudes 如何改變人們態度


4. 舉辦活動
DSE 2012 3.3
The activities below appeared in a local food magazine:
Sushi 101 workshop
One-day sushi workshop taught by executive Sushi Chef, Hiroshi Nagashima.
Learn how to make your own rolls and eat what you create! All materials are included.
- Lecture: history of sushi and how to make sushi rice
- Demonstration: cutting and decorating rolls
- Hands-on-practice: basic rolls & special rolls
- Tasting time!

The world of Japanese food decoration

Japanese food is renowned for its elegant presentation. Acclaimed chef Hiroshi Nagashima
will show you more than 60 garnishes for home parties and give you insider tips for
successful presentation. Most are simple enough to master in seconds, although a handful
will challenge your skills.

Night out in a sushi bar

The sushi conveyor belt is far from monotonous and the conveyor belt sushi bar is a great
way to host a party. Sushi, cocktails or other delicacies are placed on the conveyor belt
while guests feast their eyes on all those culinary delights passing by.

You are members of a Japanese Cookery Club. You group wants to organize a welcoming
event for new members. You may want to talk about:
 which activity would be best for attracting new members
 how the event could be promoted
 what other events the club could organize in the future
 anything else you think is important

英文 中文

重點字眼 1 which activity would be best 哪個活動最好

重點字眼 2 how the event could be promoted 怎樣宣傳活動

重點字眼 3 what other events the club could organize 將來可以舉辦的活動

in the future

DSE 2014 4.3

Below is an extract from an online article about superheroes:
Superheroes – there’s just something fascinating about imagining how life would be different if we
had extraordinary powers to protect the world from evil. Below are the profiles of three superheroes.
Batman is the secret identity of Bruce Wayne. When Bruce was a child, his parents were attacked by
robbers and killed. After he witnessed the death of his parents, he dedicated his life to being a crime
fighter. Unlike most superheroes, Batman does not possess any superpowers. He makes use of his
intellect, detective skills, science and technology, wealth and martial arts to fight against crime.
Sailor Moon
Sailor Moon is a typical 14-year-old who likes sleeping late and playing video games. Bunny (or Usagi
in Japanese), like many superheroes before her, one day discovers she has great magical powers.
Wearing a distinctive costume, she races off to save the world from various bad guys, discovering
inner strength she never knew she had and … saving the day!
Monkey King
If you think Superman or Spiderman has been around for a long time, think about Monkey King. He
has been China’s favourite superhero for at least five centuries. He’s amazingly strong, he can fly, and
he has a few tricks those other superheroes have never heard of. And he’s always ready to do battle
with demons, dragons and sometimes even the gods.

As members of your school’s newly-formed Superheroes Society, your group now has to decide how
to get started. You may want to talk about:
 which of the three superheroes would best represent the society
 how to attract new members to join
 what activities the society could organize
 anything else you think is important

英文 中文

重點字眼 1 which would best represent society 誰最能代表社會

重點字眼 2 how to attract new members to join 如何吸引新會員

重點字眼 3 what activities the society could organize 學會可以舉辦的活動


5. 訪問嘉賓
DSE 2014 5.2
Below is an extract from a newspaper article about a “dinosaur hunter”.
China’s dinosaur hunter
Xu Xing is the go-to man in China for anything people want to know about dinosaurs. He
has an extraordinary track record and has named 60 species so far – more than any other
researchers in this field. And he is only 43 years old.
Xu didn’t set out to be a dinosaur hunter; in fact, he had no idea what a dinosaur was until
he entered university. Initally, XU wanted to study economics, but in those days, students
were not allowed to choose their degree. For reasons that are unclear to him, he was
assigned “Palaeontology”, the study of ofossils.
While he was working on his master’s degree, the small number of dinosaur species which
were being discovered in China grew rapidly. Funding was increasing; farmers started
recognizing the value of the fossils they found; and construction meant that new fossils
were being unearthed more frequently.
Fossils are now a thriving business as well as a science in China. Dinosaur hunters often
have to have good relationships with farmers, museum directors and the tourism bureau to
gain access to fossil sites. One of Xu’s concerns is the fossil “grey market”, where people try
and sell fake bones or buy real ones and keep them in their private collection.
Xu says, “When I started my career, I never expected that I would have made so many
discoveries. It’s a job that requires a lot of hard work and luck.”

Dr. Xu Xing is visiting your school to talk about his work on dinosaurs. Your group is

preparing for his visit. You may want to talk about:

 aspects of his life and career people would be interested in

 questions to ask Dr. Xu

 any other activities that can be included in Dr. Xu’s visit

 anything else you think is important

英文 中文

重點字眼 1 aspects of life and career 人生和事業

重點字眼 2 questions to ask 訪問的問題

重點字眼 3 any other activities 其它訪問活動


6. 比較
DSE 2014 6.1
Below is an extract from a magazine article about team sports:
Team sports
Sports can be expensive for some families. Not only that, the training can be very tough, requiring
long hours of practice. Additionally, in individual sports (like tennis, squash, etc.), it can be quite
lonely sometimes without having teammates to train with. It might also be difficult to handle
failure in competitions too. Is it worth pursuing sports then? Most definitely yes, especially in team
sports (like football, volleyball, etc.)
There are certainly many well-known benefits of physical activity and sports in general. However,
playing team sports provides extra benefits. Being part of a team demands commitment,
punctuality, encouraging your teammates, and team-work. Team sports also mean that young
people can make friends outside of school and learn how to work towards achieving a common
According to a research study in ScienceDaily last year, a Youth Risk Behaviour survey was
conducted on 1820 high school students in America. Researchers found that playing team sports
could reduce bullying and violence in everyday life. The findings indicated that boys who played
team sports were less bullied than boys in individual sports. Boys who did not participate in any
sports experienced the most bullying. Girls who played either individual or team sports were less
likely to get into fights, compared to girls who did not play any sports at all.
As members of your school’s Sports Club, your group is to give a presentation to your

schoolmates about team sports. Discuss with your group what to include in the presentation.

You may want to talk about:

 the benefits of playing team sports compared to individual sports

 the disadvantages of playing team sports compared to individual sports

 how team sports can be promoted in Hong Kong

 anything else you think is important

英文 中文

重點字眼 1 the benefits of A compared to B 優勝之處

重點字眼 2 the disadvantages of A compared to B 遜色之處

重點字眼 3 how … can be promoted 怎樣宣傳

7. 公眾宣傳 + 兩難

DSE 2012 5.2

The article below appeared on a conservation website:
Dolphins under threat
Experts warn that building a third runway at Chek Lap Kok Airport will pose a serious risk to
the ever-decreasing population of Chinese white dolphins. Since 1997, 135 white dolphins
have died. Nobody really knows what will happen to the remaining 200 dolphins in Hong
Kong waters, if the planned development goes ahead. This is mainly due to the fact that the
remains of the dead dolphins are generally in such poor condition that it has been
impossible to work out what caused their death. Possible reasons are collisions with sea
traffic, pollution and disease.
Reclamation would increase the size of the airport by another 50 percent and would be in
an area inhabited by the dolphins. Along with other infrastructure projects, such as the
construction of the bridge linking Hong Kong to Macau, many people believe the dolphins’
survival can only happen if major conservation measures are adopted.

Your group are members of the Dolphin Conservation Society. You want to raise public

awareness about the impact of economic development on the survival of the Chinese white

dolphin. You may want to talk about:

 why the dolphins should be better protected

 how the threat to the dolphins can be highlighted to the public

 whether protecting dolphins’ habitats is more important than the development of


 anything else you think is important

英文 中文

重點字眼 1 why 原因

重點字眼 2 how sthg can be highlighted to the public 怎樣讓公眾了解

重點字眼 3 whether A is more important than B A 是否比 B 重要


8. 描述
DSE 2012 6.1
Below is a review of a restaurant in Hong Kong:
El Torico
Although El Torico is a well-known Spanish restaurant in Tai Koo, we had not reviewed it
before. After finally trying their food though, we felt like we hadn’t been missing out on
much. The place itself is quite pleasant, with colourful and welcoming Spanish decoration.
We sat down and ordered a couple of items from their menu for dinner.
The prawns with garlic and chili came nicely cooked, tender and juicy. The Iberico ham,
though a small portion (15 grams) and a bit too soft, was only passable. Their mushroom
and spinach was too creamy. Our main course was their signature paella (rice). We weren’t
expecting too much given its price ($128 for two people), but we were still disappointed at
the limited ingredients (a count-on-your-fingers amount of clams, prawns and chopped
sausage) and the dry rice!
Along with its poor service, almost everything at El Torico screamed ‘below average’. We
are not very keen on going there for food again.

Verdict: 2 out of 5 stars

Your group is doing a project on restaurants in Hong Kong. Your group has to write reviews

of different restaurants. You may want to talk about:

 the different kinds of cuisines in Hong Kong

 the characteristics of a good restaurant

 what a good restaurant review should include

英文 中文

重點字眼 1 different kinds of … 不同種類的…

重點字眼 2 the characteristics of … …的特色

重點字眼 3 what …. should include 應該包括甚麼


7. 個人經歷
DSE 2012 6.3
Below is a newspaper article about an English teacher’s innovative teaching methods:
Teaching English via video games
An English teacher in Malaysia has been teaching English through the method he knows
best – video games. He strongly believes that video games change the way students learn
the language. “Video games are packed with action and rich graphics. There are also words
and phrases used in the games which I believe can be learnt by students,” he said.
He found that using animation, songs and Internet material in his classroom was really
effective in capturing the students’ attention, enhancing their interest and improving their
English. “I found that it is easier to teach students using pop culture and technology, which
can help to bridge the gap between the teacher and student,” he added.
He himself enjoys playing video games, including simulation and role-playing games, for up
to four hours a day. “People always assume that playing video games is bad for you, but I
believe in keeping a balance between work and play,” he says.

Your group has to write a blog about English lessons in Hong Kong. Discuss with your group

what to include in your blog. You may want to talk about:

 any interesting English lessons you’ve had in school

 any English lessons you’ve had in school that were not enjoyable

 advantages or disadvantages of using video games in English lessons

 anything else you think is important

英文 中文

重點字眼 1 any interesting English lessons you’ve had 有趣英文課的經歷

重點字眼 2 any English lessons that were not enjoyable 沉悶英文課的經歷

重點字眼 3 advantages or disadvantages 好處或壞處


8. 選擇
DSE 2013 3.1
Below is an extract from a local lifestyle magazine.
Unusual activities to keep fit in Hong Kong
Photo racing
The Hong Kong Photography Club turns photography into exercise. Once a month, it organizes a
‘photography race’ event. ‘In teams of two, the challenge is to take five photographs under four
different themes over a seven-hour period,’ explains club founder Miranda Legg. Because the themes
for each photo are random and must be picked up at the home base one-by-one, it means a lot of
running around town while carrying a heavy camera. By the end, you’ll be fit and have a collection of
great photos around the city.
Household chores
Not that we need studies to tell us this, but a UK study last year showed that doing your own chores –
that’s vacuuming, laundry, sweeping the floor, taking out the trash – can result in up to 50,000 calories
burned per year (playing tennis once a week burns only 26,000 per year).
Lion dancing
The art of lion dancing is an exciting, exhausting, leisure activity. So get a good workout – and pick up
a kung fu move or two – by taking a lion dancing training course courtesy of the Hong Kong Chinese
Martial Arts Dragon and Lion Dancing Association.

You are organizing a Health Awareness Fun Day for your school. You have to choose an unusual

activity to help promote exercise. You may want to talk about:

 which of the activities in the extract above would be most suitable for a Health Awareness Fun Day

 possible problems when organizing the Fun Day

 other unusual activities to include in the Fun Day

 anything else you think is important

英文 中文

重點字眼 1 You have to choose an activity 一定要選擇一個活動

重點字眼 2 which of the activities above would be most suitable 以上哪個活動最適合

重點字眼 3 possible problems when organizing … 舉辦活動遇到的問題

重點字眼 4 other unusual activities 其他不平常活動


DSE 2014 3.2

Below is an extract from a magazine about Finland’s education system:
Finland – the world’s best education system
The 2012 global league table, produced by the Economist Intelligence Unit, has found Finland to have
the best education system in the world. The rankings combined international test results and data
such as graduation rates between 2006 and 2010. Finland has consistently topped the international
rankings for education systems. Why is it so successful? Below are some characteristics:
1. Students don’t start school until they’re 7 years old.
2. No standardized tests until they are 16 years old.
3. Grades are not compulsory until students are in lower secondary.
4. Students of different abilities are taught in the same classroom.
5. No homework because it is assumed that mastery is achieved in the classroom.
6. Education emphasizes “equal opportunity for all”. They value equality over excellence.
7. About two-thirds of students in Finland attend college. That’s the highest rate in all of Europe.
8. Only the top 10% of school graduates are eligible to become teachers.
9. All teachers are required to have a master’s degree, which is fully paid for by the government.
10. Teachers receive more professional development.

Your group is preparing for a discussion topic “Our education System” for a Critical Thinking class.

You may want to talk about:

 the most positive aspects of Finland’s education system

 positive aspects of Hong Kong’s education system

 which characteristics of Finland’s education system would not work in Hong Kong

 anything else you think is important

英文 中文

重點字眼 1 positive aspects of Finland’s education system 芬蘭教育的優點

重點字眼 2 positive aspects of Hong Kong’s education education 香港教育的優點

重點字眼 3 which characteristics … would not work in Hong 哪項特色不適用於香港


9. 辯論

DSE 2013 4.1

Below is an extract from an online article about ‘cruel foods’:

Are we cruel to our food?

By the time that cheeseburger arrives on your plate, it’s hard to think about anything but how tasty
it’ll be. But when you trace the origins of each ingredient – the beef, the fried egg, the yummy bacon –
some uncomfortable truths emerge. Below are three examples of the cruelest foods you can eat.
Lobsters Shark’s fin soup Goose liver
A recent study reveals that, This soup is made with fins that The French make a delicacy
contrary to previous thinking, are sliced off sharks in open called ‘foie gras’ which is goose
lobsters and crabs can feel pain water. The shark is then tossed liver that tastes very creamy.
and show signs of stress. back into the water, leaving the The creaminess comes from the
Lobsters are usually boiled alive, animal to drown or bleed to goose being forced to eat large
and some Japanese restaurants death. Many of the fins served amounts of corn which is
even serve live lobster sashimi come from endangered shark pushed down its throat through
where you can choose your species. More status symbol a long metal tube. After a month
lobster from a tank and it than nutritious, shark’s fin soup of force-feeding, the animal is
appears on your plate in is a popular gourmet dish killed and its unnaturally
seconds, slit down the middle throughout Asia. enlarged liver is served.
and squirming.

Your group has to prepare for a debate in class on the motion We should NOT eat food from animals that
were cruelly treated. Discuss with your group what to include in your debate. You may want to talk
 some foods that come from animals which are cruelly treated
 arguments for the motion
 arguments against the motions
 anything else you think is important

英文 中文

重點字眼 1 what to include in your debate 辯論內容包括甚麼

重點字眼 2 some foods that come from animals which are 來自被虐待動物的食物

cruelly treated

重點字眼 3 arguments for the motion 支持論題的論點

重點字眼 4 arguments against the motions 反對論題的論點


10. 成立組織
DSE 2013 10.1
Below is an extract from a website:
Chindogu: Weird and Useless Japanese Inventions
The Japanese term Chindogu (literally ‘unusual tool’) describes any invention which is so strange
that you forget about its actual usefulness. So popular was this idea that Kenji Kawakami, who
coined the term, founded the international Chindogu Society. Defining a particular gadget as
Chindogu-worthy is harder than it looks. The Chindogu Society dictates several core rules which
must apply to the said invention. It must be useless and it must be real and not just a concept.
Furthermore, a Chindogu should be designed for daily use.
The Baby Mop Chopstick Noodle Cooler Full Body Umbrella
Too much work to do around Nice and simple – attach the Getting wet because of a small
the house? Got a kid or two to mini-fan to your chopsticks and umbrella is now a thing of the
keep an eye on? This gadget start eating – your food will past. Behold, the Full Body
lets users keep track of their never be too hot again! Umbrella, an umbrella
kids and get on with cleaning conjoined with a lengthy plastic
up! sheet.

Your school is holding a Society Day to introduce clubs to students. Your group wants to set up a

Chindogu Society. You may want to talk about:

 what the aims of your society will be

 what will make your society different from the other clubs

 which of the above inventions you would use to promote your society

 anything else you think is important

英文 中文

重點字眼 1 the aims of your society 學會的目標

重點字眼 2 what will make your society different 學會的特別之處

重點字眼 3 which of the above inventions you would use to 用以上哪個發明宣傳學

promote your society 會


11. 個人素質
DSE 2014 1.2
Airport Ambassadors
The Hong Kong International Airport is looking for youths aged 18-24 to be Airport Ambassadors.
These Airport Ambassadors are stationed at busy locations throughout the airport to offer
immediate assistance to anyone in need and ensure that all passengers feel at home the minute they
arrive at the airport. Typical duties of an Ambassador include providing onsite assistance to travellers
inside the terminals and handling customer enquiries at Customer Services Counters.
Since the launch of the Airport Ambassador Programme (AAP) in 2002, over 560 young people have
received on-the-job training and many graduate ambassadors have found their ideal jobs in aviation
or tourism related industries after completion of training.
The Airport Ambassadors’ duties include:
- Greeting passengers
- Answering passenger enquiries and giving directions
- Offering assistance to passengers in need
- Promoting passenger safety
To be eligible to apply for the AAP, candidates need to have completed secondary school but should
not have a university degree. Language proficiency in Cantonese, Putonghua and English is also

Your group is meeting to discuss the Airport Ambassador Programme. You may want to talk about:
- why the Airport needs Ambassadors
- whether being an Airport Ambassador would be difficult for young people
- what qualities / skills / characteristics are necessary to be a good Airport Ambassador
- anyone else you think is important

英文 中文

重點字眼 1 why the airport needs ambassadors 為何機場需要大使

重點字眼 2 whether being an Airport Ambassador would be 成為機場大使是否難事


重點字眼 3 qualities/skills/characteristics of an Airport 機場大使的素質/技巧/特質


12. 求職
DSE 2014 9.1
Hong Kong Police Force
Post-Secondary School Summer Internship Programme
Have you always wanted to be a police officer? Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be part
of the Hong Kong Police Force? Apply for the Police Force’s Summer Internship Programme for a genuine
experience in a real-life police work setting.
Police Public Relations Summer Intern
Entry requirements: Job Duties:
Applicants should 1. Youth activities
 be permanent residents of Hong Kong SAR  To review & update the Junior Police Call
 be full-time students of post-secondary (JPC) website and Facebook page
institutions from disciplines of Hospitality &  To assist in organizing and executing JPC
Social Administration, Public Relations, activities and training
Computer Sciences & IT, Languages, Graphic 2. TV & films production
Design, Sports Sciences, Journalism & Media,  To co-ordinate filming applications made by
and Mass Communications film / media industry
 possess good knowledge in computer  To assist in the preparation of the weekly
applications production of Police Magazine
 speak fluent Cantonese & English  To assist in the maintenance of the video
Duration: July to August 2014 library
Allowance: $7,700 per month

You are looking at an advertisement for a summer internship for the Hong Kong Police Force. Your
group is thinking about whether to apply. You may want to talk about:
 why some teenagers would be keen to join the Hong Kong Police Force
 which job duties in the Public Relation Internship your group would prefer to do
 benefits of the Public Relations internship compared to other jobs
 anyone else you think is important

英文 中文

重點字眼 1 why … keen to join the Hong Kong Police Force 為何想加入警隊

重點字眼 2 which job duties … would prefer 喜歡哪項職責

重點字眼 3 benefits of the Public Relations internship 實習好處


1. 觀點

whether if

是否 是否

2. 原因

why reasons causes

why it is necessary factor

為何需要 因素

3. 好處與壞處

advantages benefits beneficial

好處 好處 有好處的

effectiveness positive aspects pros and cons

成效 好處 好處和壞處

disadvantages drawbacks threat

壞處 壞處 威脅

danger problems negative effects

危險 問題 負面影響

adverse effects challenges difficulties

負面影響 挑戰 困難

risk struggle negative aspects

風險 掙扎 壞處

affect influence

影響 影響

4. 特質

characteristics what sthg should include criteria

特徵 應該包括甚麼 準則

5. 看法

how Hong Kong society views how people of different

香港社會的看法 generations view


6. 喜好

what people prefer


7. 解決方法

how things that sbdy can do solution

怎樣 to avoid 預防方法 解決方法

how people cope with what action should be taken what advice you would give

怎樣處理 要採取的行動 有甚麼忠告



8. 辯論
the arguments for the the arguments against the how to organize and present

motion motion 反對論點 your arguments

贊成論點 如何組織和表達論點

how you will argue against

the other team’s ideas


9. 籌辦組織

aims what will make your society which of the above you

目標 different 你的組織有甚麼特 would use to promote your

別之處 society


10. 比較

how to balance A and B whether A is more important differences

怎樣取得平衡 than B A 是否比 B 重要 不同



11. 舉辦活動 / 宣傳

how you will produce the what activities how the activities could

handbook 如何製作手冊 activities the school can benefit 活動的好處



reasons for choosing the how much it costs where you will stay

activities 選擇活動的原因 活動花費多少 逗留的地點

what you can learn safety issues where and when to hold

會學到甚麼 安全問題 舉辦的地點和時間

what singers and group to what important people to how you can raise money

invite 邀請甚麼歌手和團體 invite 邀請甚麼重要嘉賓 how to get the money


location / venue ways of getting there how to attract sbdy to come

地點 前往方法 如何吸引某人參加活動

sthg people would be how you could get whether you could

interested in information recommend the above

人們會有興趣的事 怎樣獲取資訊 activity 你是否會推介以上


which activity would be best how the event could be what other events could be

哪個活動最佳 promoted 怎樣宣傳活動 organized in the future


what students can do to how sthg can be highlighted whether the activity is the

become involved to the public best way

學生如何參與 怎樣向公眾宣傳 是否最佳方法


what additional activities what other events you would how one’s ability can be

could be introduced like to see 想見到其他甚麼項 trained 如何培訓能力

可以舉辦甚麼額外活動 目

activities that can be included how to get support how to encourage

可以包括甚麼活動 怎樣獲取支持 怎樣鼓勵

how to make sthg attractive which of the activities would possible problems when

in the brochure be most suitable organizing the activity

如何使宣傳單張中的…吸引 哪個活動最適合 舉辦活動遇到的問題

12. 習作

what other information to why sthg is a suitable topic what to include in the

include in the project 為何是適當題目 proposal

專題研習可以包括甚麼其他 計劃書包括甚麼


which topic to include in the what information from the what ideas from the article

class blog 壁報的題目 survey 採用調查的甚麼資料 用文章的哪些意念

how to present things

in a fun and humorous way


13. 其他常見詞語

skills knowledge suitable

技能 知識 適合的

learn available people’s attitude

學習 可供選擇 / 可用 人們的態度

what sort of serious worsen

what kind of 嚴重 惡化


celebrate traditional updated

慶祝 傳統的 更新的

environmental-friendly popular useful

環保的 受歡迎的 有用的

interesting memorable tips

有趣的 難忘的 秘訣

other kinds of strange unusual

其他種類的 奇怪 不平常

crimes relationship human

罪案 關係 人類

other kinds urban development heritage preservation

其他類型 城市發展 文物保護

preserve / protect different kinds of enjoyable

保護 不同類型的 令人享受的

culture experience demand

文化 體驗 需求

complaints fair important

投訴 公平 重要的

consider place importance peer pressure

考慮 重視 朋輩壓力

popular beliefs ideal ban

一般人的觀念 理想 禁止

rule behaviour festival

規條 行為 節日



14. 熱門題目

1. education reform 2. effective learning

教育改革 有效學習

3. overseas studies 4. choosing an ideal school

海外學習 選擇理想學校

5. the relationship between students and 6. the relationship between parents and

teachers 學生與老師的關係 children 父母與子女的關係

7. family problems 8. declining birth rate

家庭問題 下降的出生率

9. problems among teenagers 10. problems among old people

青少年問題 老人問題

11. youth crime 12. gambling

青少年犯罪 賭博

13. violence 14. popular pastimes among teenagers

暴力 青少年的嗜好

15. EQ training 16. leadership training

情緒智商培訓 領袖訓練

17. materialism 18. environmental problems

物質主義 環境問題

19. health problems 20. sports

健康問題 運動

21. Olympic Games 22. physical appearance

奧運會 外表

23. tourism 24. heritage preservation

旅遊業 文物保護

25. local culture 26. festivals

本地文化 節日

27. mass media 28. privacy invasion

大眾傳媒 侵犯私隱

29. technological development 30. the Internet

科技發展 互聯網

31. discrimination 32. human rights

歧視 人權

33. pets 34. idols

寵物 偶像

35. celebrities 36. globalization

名人 全球化

15. 熱門題目詞語
a. effective learning(有效學習)

Learning environment  quiet (寧靜)

學習環境  comfortable (舒服)

 study at home (在家裡溫習)

 study in the bedroom (在睡房溫習)

 study in a public public library (在公共圖書館溫


Learning modes  study alone (獨自溫習)

學習模式  form a study group (成立溫習小組)

 attend tutorial classes (參加補習班)

Learning tools  browse the Internet (上網)

學習用具  borrow books from the library (圖書館借書)

 read newspapers and magazines (看報紙和雜誌)

Learning skills  set a timetable (定時間表)

學習技巧  improve time management (改善時間管理)

 use critical thinking skills (用批判思維技巧)

 language skills (語言技巧)


b. exchange programme (交流計劃)

Features  study abroad (到海外學習)

特色  travel around the country (環遊整個國家)

Benefits  improve our English (改善英文)

好處  broaden our horizons (擴闊視野)

 widen our social circle (擴闊社交圈子)

 make new friends (結識新朋友)

 learn more about other cultures (對外國文化提


 take part in a lot of activities (參與很多活動)

 learn to become independent (學會獨立)

 try different food (嘗試不同食物)

Problems  adapt to the new environment (適應新環境)

問題  face cultural shock (面對文化衝擊)

 expensive

 become homesick (思鄉)

c. Health issues (健康議題)

Prevent diseases  exercise regularly and keep fit (定期運動)

 maintain good hygiene (保持衛生)

 have a balanced diet (飲食均衡)

 have enough rest (有足夠休息)

 avoid too much stress (避免太大壓力)

 wash hands (洗手)

 cover mouth and nose when we are coughing or

sneezing (咳嗽打噴嚏掩口和鼻)

d. Protecting the environment (保護環境)


Environmental problems  air pollution (空氣污染)

環境問題  water pollution (水污染)

 noise pollution (噪音污染)

 land pollution (土地污染)

 global warming (全球暖化)

Causes  littering (亂拋垃圾)

成因  use too many plastic bags (用太多膠袋)

 power generation (發電)

 too many vehicles (太多汽車)

 cutting trees (砍伐樹木)

Solution  raise people’s awareness of the problem (提升人

解決辦法 們意識)

 educate students at school (教育學生)

 educate the public through the mass media (通


 buy environmentally-friendly products (買環保產


 use public transport (用公共交通工具)

 recycle rubbish (循環再造垃圾)


e. Student suicide (學生自殺)

Causes  poor exam results (差劣的成績)

成因  have no friends to talk with (沒有朋友傾訴)

 bullying (欺凌)

 have conflicts with parents (與父母有衝突)

 break up a relationship (感情破裂)

Feelings  stressed (大壓力的)

感受  bad-tempered (脾氣差)

 unhappy (不快樂)

 depressed (抑鬱)

 hopeless (絕望)

Solution  learn social skills (學習社交技巧)

解決辦法  widen social circle (擴闊社交圈子)

 cultivate a positive attitude towards life (培養積


 learn to be more optimistic (學會更樂觀)

 participate in different activities (參與不同活動)

 set goals in life (訂立人生目標)


f. Physical appearance (外表)

Physical appearance  fat (肥)

外表  obese (癡肥)

 thin (瘦)

 slim (苗條)

 handsome (英俊)

 beautiful (美麗)

 attractive (吸引)

 ugly (醜陋)

 trendy (時髦的)

 fashionable (時髦的)

Problems  have low self-esteem (自尊心低落)

問題  isolated (孤立)

 depressed (抑鬱)

 helpless (無助)

 have negative attitude towards life (對人生有負


Inner beauty  polite (有禮貌)

內在美  humble (謙卑)

 responsible (負責任)

 optimistic (樂觀)

 hardworking (用功)

 honest (誠實)

 confident (有信心)

g. Tourism (旅遊業)

Attractions  shopping paradise (購物天堂)

名勝  international city (國際城市)

 shopping malls (購物商場)

 theme parks (主題公園)

 restaurants (餐廳)

 temples (廟宇)

 the Peak (山頂)

 Victoria Harbour (維多利亞港)

 ecotourism (生態旅遊)

 clock tower (鐘樓)

 Wong Tai Sin Temple (黃大仙廟)

 Big Buddha (天壇大佛)

 Ocean Park (海洋公園)

 Disneyland (迪士尼)

 Wetland Park (濕地公園)

h. Teenage problems (青少年問題)


Inconsiderate behaviour  speak loudly on the mobile phone (高聲講電話)

不為他人設想的行為  eat on MTR trains (在港鐵吃東西)

 obsessed with smartphones (沉迷智能手機)

 do not let the elderly have seats (不讓坐給老人)

Juvenile delinquency  vandalism (破壞公物)

青少年犯罪  bullying (欺凌)

 fighting (打架)

 shoplifting (店鋪盜竊)

 drug-taking (吸毒)

 triad activities (黑社會活動)

Disciplinary problems at school  chat loudly in the lessons (在課堂高聲談話)

在學校的紀律問題  sleeping in the lessons (在課堂睡覺)

 say foul language (說粗口)

 lack motivation to learn (缺乏學習動力)

 cheat in tests and exams (考試測驗作弊)

 smoking (吸煙)

 do not respect the teachers (不尊重老師)

Punishment  are detained (留堂)

懲罰  are kicked out of the school (趕出校)

 call the police (報警)

 are sent to jail (入獄)

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