Aza Plasma

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Int. J. Immunopharmac., Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. I - 11, 1986. 0192-0561/86 $3.00+ .

Printed in Great Britain. © 1986 International Society for lmmunopharmacology.




*Department of Internal Medicine, iHospital Pharmacy and ~Department of Urology, University Hospital, S-75185
Uppsala; §Department of Drugs, National Board of Health and Welfare, S-75125 Uppsala, Sweden.

(Received 11 July 1984 and in final form 1 February 1985)

Abstract - - The pharmacokinetics of azathioprine (AZA) and 6-mercaptopurine (6-MP) was studied in
uremic patients after 100 mg AZA intravenously (fifteen patients) and orally (eight patients). 6-MP was
analysed with gas chromatography mass spectrometry following extractive alkylation. AZA was determined
indirectly assuming quantitative conversion to 6-MP in whole blood. The plasma concentration of AZA fell
rapidly after i.v. administration. The mean half-time of elimination for the first rapid phase (t,/,o) was
6.1 min (S.D. + 4.1) and for the terminal phase (t,/,~) 50 min (_+ 31). The total plasma clearance (C1) was
6.9 l./min (+ 3.0). AZA was rapidly converted to 6-MP in vivo, and maximal plasma concentrations of
6-MP were found as early as 5 rain after i.v. injection of AZA. The mean t~,,~was 4.6 min (_+ 2.2), t,/,~74 min
(_+ 58) and CI 8.0 l./min (_+ 5.8). The plasma levels of both AZA and 6-MP were either low or undetectable
4 - 6 h after dose. In erythrocytes AZA levels were low or undetectable indicating rapid conversion to 6-MP
in these cells. 6-MP concentration - time curve in erythrocytes was similar to that in plasma, except for a
somewhat slower terminal phase of elimination. Oral administration of AZA generated flat plasma curves
for AZA and 6-MP. The area under the concentration-time curve (AUC) was considerably smaller than
after i.v. administration, 18 and 4107o for AZA and 6-MP, respectively. There seems to be little danger of
accumulation of AZA/6-MP in uremia. We also studied inhibition of Leucoagglutin (LA) stimulated
lymphocyte proliferation by patient plasma at different times in six of the patients following AZA i.v. Sera
drawn at 5, 10 and 30 min significantly inhibited the LA-induced proliferation, with an estimated minimum
effective concentration of 6-MP in the cultures of about 0.02-0.04/aM. This suggests the possibility of a
therapeutic effect even of the low plasma levels of 6-MP obtained after AZA orally. The combined use of
sensitive pharmacokinetic and immunological assays as described should be useful in studying the
relationship between plasma levels of AZA/6-MP and their immunosuppressive effect and toxicity.

For m o r e t h a n 20 yr, a z a t h i o p r i n e ( A Z A ) , the reflecting a n increasing interest in the field. A Z A was

l-methyl-4-nitro-5-imidazolyl derivative of originally synthesized as a " s l o w release" f o r m o f
6-mercaptopurine (6-MP) has been a m a i n 6 - M P , in a hope t h a t the side g r o u p could protect the
i m m u n o s u p p r e s s i v e agent in renal t r a n s p l a n t a t i o n thiopurine group of 6-MP from rapid methylation.
a n d in a u t o i m m u n e a n d o t h e r diseases. 6 - M P is also A Z A is however, rapidly c o n v e r t e d to 6 - M P , which
widely used in the c h e m o t h e r a p y of acute is t h o u g h t to be responsible for m o s t o f the in vivo
l y m p h o b l a s t i c leukemia. Due to lack o f sensitive a n d i m m u n o s u p p r e s s i v e effects o f A Z A ( B e r e n b a u m ,
specific analytical m e t h o d s , little i n f o r m a t i o n has 1971; Bach, 1975), via intraceUular anabolic
been available c o n c e r n i n g the p h a r m a c o k i n e t i c s o f t r a n s f o r m a t i o n to thioinosinic acid a n d other
these substances (cf. Bach, 1975). Recently, t h i o a n a l o g s o f purine derivatives (Elion & Hitchings,
however, several such m e t h o d s h a v e been developed 1975). Ribonucleotides do n o t transverse cell
( M a d d o c k s , 1979a; Ding & Benet, 1979a; Lin, membranes and ideally their intracellular
Jessup, Floyd, W a n g , v a n Buren, Caprioli & K a h a n , c o n c e n t r a t i o n s s h o u l d be d e t e r m i n e d in the target
1980; Floberg, Hartvig, L i n d s t r 6 m , L 6 n n e r h o l m & cells. This is, however, extremely difficult (cf.
Odlind, 1981; N a r a n g , Yeager & Chatterji, 1982) Breter, M a i d h o f & Z a h n , 1978) a n d p h a r m a c o k i n e t i c
Bo ODLIND et al.

studies following administration of AZA have injection of 100 mg of AZA into a vein in the other
therefore mainly focused on blood levels of AZA arm. On the following day, an oral dose of 100 mg
and especially of 6-MP. of AZA was given and blood samples were drawn at
The dosage of AZA in renal transplantation is 0, 15, 30, 45, 60 and 90 rain and at 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 h.
empirical. An especially difficult situation arises Immediately after sampling, half the blood volume
when the transplant fails to function properly; was put on ice and centrifuged at + 4°C, whereafter
should AZA doses then be reduced? (cf. Calne, 1967; plasma and red blood ceils were frozen separately at
Simmons, Kjellstrand, Buselmeier & Najarian, 1971; - 18°C until analysis. The remaining blood volume
Elion & Hitchings, 1975; Bach, 1975). We have was kept at room temperature for at least 6 h,
studied the pharmacokinetics of AZA (indirect whereupon plasma and red blood cells were
method) and 6-MP following administration of AZA separated and stored frozen as above.
to uremic patients using a gas chromatography mass Direct extractive alkylation of 6-MP in plasma
spectrometry method for determination of 6-MP with pentafluorobenzyl bromide as alkylating
(Floberg et al., 1981). In some patients we also reagent was done prior to analysis with gas
performed an in vitro immunosuppressive test by chromatography-mass spectrometry with multiple
studying the inhibition of mitogen stimulated ion detection (Floberg et al., 1981). The lower limit
lymphocyte proliferation by patient serum. Our aim of detection of the gas chromatographic-mass
was to evaluate whether there is any rationale for a spectrometric method used for the determination of
more individualized dosing of AZA in uremic 6-MP (Floberg et al., 1981) was 2 ng in a 1 ml
patients based on plasma concentration deter- sample. The relative standard deviations at the 10
minations of AZA and/or 6-MP. and 100 ng/ml levels of 6-MP in plasma were 6 and
10%, respectively. Samples of 6-MP were stable in
blood and plasma (Ding & Benet, 1979; Floberg et
EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES al., 1981). Some degradation of 6-MP was seen after
thawing and therefore re-analysis of samples was not
performed. AZA was virtually stable in neutral and
The patients
weakly alkaline aqueous buffer and in plasma. A
Clinical information about the patients is rapid conversion to 6-MP occurred in the presence of
summarized in Table 1. In fifteen uremic patients we red blood cells (Elion & Hitchings, 1975; Ding &
studied the pharmacokinetics of AZA (indirect Benet, 1979; Floberg et al., 1981), probably due to
method; see below) and 6-MP after intravenous an effect of glutathione in these cells (Elion &
administration of 100 mg AZA. AZA was provided Hitchings, 1975). This reaction was used for the
by The Wellcome Foundation Ltd, U.K., as the determination of azathioprine concentrations in the
freeze dried sodium salt and dissolved in saline samples assuming a quantitative conversion of AZA
immediately before the injection. In five of these to 6-MP (cf. Floberg et al., 1981). The total
patients the red blood cell concentrations of 6-MP concentration of AZA and 6-MP expressed as 6-MP
and AZA were also determined. The pharma- concentration was obtained from the samples stored
cokinetic study was repeated in two of the patients at room temperature. After subtraction of the 6-MP
(MR and TM) following successful renal trans- concentrations determined in the samples put on ice
plantation. The inhibition of mitogen stimulated (and immediately separated), the AZA concentration
lymphocyte proliferation by serum from six of the in the samples was obtained after correction for
patients (LA, L-E J, K-AL, MR and TM [the latter molecular weight difference between AZA and
post transplant] and EJ [no pbarmacokinetic infor- 6-MP. From the above it follows that it is mandatory
mation]) was studied following the same schedule for to cool the blood samples immediately in an ice bath
blood sampling as for the kinetic study. On a to obtain accurate plasma values for 6-MP and AZA
separate day the pharmacokinetics of AZA and 6- following AZA administration (Ding & Benet, 1979;
MP (Table 3) was studied in eight of the patients Floberg et al., 1981).
following administration of 100 mg AZA orally after
having fasted overnight.
Pharmacokinetic analysis
Blood and plasma sampling and analys& Data obtained after intravenous administration of
Ten ml blood samples were drawn from an the drug were fitted to a linear two-compartment
indwelling venous catheter in one arm at 0, 5, 10, 15, model. The area under the concentration-time
20, 30, 45, 60, 90 min and at 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 h after curve (AUC) was estimated by the log-trapezoidal
Serum Azathioprine and 6-Mercaptopurine Levels

Table 1. Patient data

Subject Sex Age Body Diagnosis Renal function Medication*

weight dialysis/creatinine
(kg) clearance
BA F 36 60 Diabetes CAPD Insulin
Prazosine (1 mg x 3)
Levothyroxine (0.1 mg x 1)
MB F 29 50 Chronic glomerulonephritis HD Norethisteron (10 mg x 1)
Levothyroxine (0.1 mg x 2)
Digitoxin (0.1 mg x 1)
MC M 43 60 Chronic glomerulonephritis HD Propranolol (160 mg × 2)
Hydralazine (50 mg x 2)
Bendroflumethiazide (2.5 mg x 1)
KD M 59 60 Chronic glomerulonephritis HD Digitoxin (0.1 mg x 1)
Metoprolol (100 mg x 2)
Hydralazine (50 mg x 2)
Prednisolone (10 mg x 1)
BH F 25 60 Chronic glomerulonephritis 5 ml/min Propranolol (80 mg x 2)
Hydralazine (50 mg x 2)
L-EJ M 44 80 Chronic glomerulonephritis HD Hydralazine (50 mg x 2)
Prazosine (1 mg x 2)
Atenolol (100 mg × 2)
Digitoxin (0.1 mg x 1)
Furosemide (500 mg x 2)
JL M 61 60 Mb Wegener CAPD Pindolol (5 mg x 1)
Penicilline (0.8 g x 2)
K-AL M 50 70 Diabetes CAPD Insulin
TM M 36 60 Chronic glomerulonephritis HD Prednisolone (5 mg x 1)
Transplanted 85 ml/min Isoxacilline (500 mg x 3)
Azathioprine (175 mg x 1)
Prednisolone (7.5 mg x 1)
Metoprolol (50 mg x 1)
UN F 33 50 Nephrosclerosist HD 0
JO M 41 70 Diabetes CAPD Metoprolol (100 mg x 1)
TO M 32 65 Chronic glomerulonephritis HD Metoprolol (100 mg x 2)
HP F 50 80 Chronic glomerulonephritis HD T Digitoxin (0.1 mg x 1)
MR M 35 55 Chronic glomerulonephritis HD
36 55 Transplanted 55 ml/min Azathioprine (125 mg x 1)
Prednisolone (5 mg x 2)
Prazosine (1 mg x 2)
GU M 63 70 Chronic glomerulonephritis HD
* All medication withheld during the experiment.
-t Unclassified liver disease with markedly elevated alkaline phosphatases of hepatic origin. Galactose excretion test was
slightly impaired.

m e t h o d , adding the area to infinite time b e y o n d the least square regression analysis. The clearance, CI,
last sampling point as calculated f r o m C p / ~ where was calculated by the equation: CI = d o s e / A U C .
Cp is the c o n c e n t r a t i o n at the last sampling point, The volume o f distribution, Vo, was calculated f r o m
and /3 is the elimination rate constant o f the Vo = Cl/fl. In the case o f 6 - M P a quanti-
terminal phase. The latter was calculated by linear tative conversion f r o m A Z A was assumed and the
Bo ODLINDet al.
clearance of 6-MP was calculated from the corrected culture harvester. The radioactivity was measured by
" d o s e " i.e. a dose of 100 mg A Z A corresponds to a conventional liquid scintillation spectrometry.
calculated " d o s e " of 55 mg 6-MP. The following The results are expressed as: percent of maximal
parameters were also calculated from the data: t~/,~ = stimulation at
half-time of elimination of the first phase (i.e. the
counts/min in culture at indicated time
phase of distribution); t~p = half-time of elimination -5min = 100 x
counts/min in culture at - 5 rain
of the terminal phase; t,~ = point of time for
maximal concentration.
A U C after oral administration was calculated as
above. No other pharmacokinetic parameters were RESULTS
estimated owing to the relatively few plasma
concentration values obtained in each patient after
oral intake. A Z A and 6-MP in plasma after i.v. administration
All pharmacokinetic data were analyzed by the The maximal plasma concentration ( C , , J of A ZA
pharmacokinetic computer program I G P H A R M after i.v. administration was generally found in the
(Gomeini & Gomeini, 1978). Mean values and first blood sample, obtained 5 min after dose. The
standard deviations were calculated by standard mean Cmox was 3.14/aM (Table 2), but the
equations using a Texas Instruments TI-51-III interpatient variability was considerable (range
programmable calculator. 0 . 7 9 - 8.22/aM).
The plasma levels of A ZA fell rapidly after i.v.
administration (Fig. I). In most patients (12/15) the
Inhibition o f mitogen stimulated lymphocyte best fit to the data was obtained with a bi-
proliferation by patient plasma exponential equation, but in three patients only one
Mitogen stimulation was performed mainly as phase of elimination from plasma was observed. The
described previously (Juhlin, Tufveson & Aim, mean A UC was 63/aM × rain with a range of
1977), with modifications for human lymphocytes. 3 0 - 109. The mean total plasma clearance (CI) was
Peripheral blood lymphocytes were prepared from 6.9 1./min (range 3 . 3 - 12.0) and the mean VD was
unrelated group O, Rh-healthy donors by puri- 438 1. (range 115 - 1010). The mean half-time for the
fication of heparinized peripheral blood on first, rapid phase of elimination (tv~o) was 6.1 rain,
Leucoprep density gradients (Pharmacia, Uppsala, with a range of 1.5 - 14.5 min (Table 2). The mean
Sweden). The lymphocyte layer on the gradients was half-time of elimination of the terminal phase (t~/~)
washed three times, counted in a hemocytometer and was 50 rain, range 1 5 - 1 3 7 min (Table 2). After
the cell concentrations were adjusted. 240 rain AZA was not detectable in the plasma of
The cells were cultured in RPMI 1640, containing most of the patients.
L-glutamine (2mM) (both from Flow Laboratories, The maximal plasma concentrations of 6-MP were
Irvine, Scotland), benzyl-penicillin (100 U/ml) and also generally found already in the first blood
streptomycin (100 tag/ml). The culture medium was sample, collected 5 min after dose (Table 3). The
supplemented with 5% serum from the patients as mean Cmo~ was 1.66/aM (range 0.39-3.09). There
described above or 5% serum from the lymphocyte was no obvious correlation between the Cmo~values
donors. Cell suspensions in 0.i ml volumes per for 6-MP and A ZA (cf. Tables 2 and 3). The mean
culture, containing 5 x 104 peripheral blood A U C for 6-MP was 64/aM x min (range 1 4 - 138).
lymphocytes were cultured in round bottomed The mean total plasma clearance was 8.0 l./min
Cooke microtiter plates in water saturated air with (range 2 . 6 - 24.9) and the mean V/~ was 887 1. (range
507o CO2 at 37°C for 3 days. Leucoagglutin ( L A / 150-3260). The mean t~,~ for 6-MP was 4.6 min
Pharmacia, Uppsala, Sweden), a phytohemagglutin (range 1.6 - 9.3), and the mean t~:,o 74 min (Table 3).
derivative, was added to the cultures at the time of With the exception of one patient, UN, who had a t:~:
initiation at previously titrated optimal con- value of 264 rain, the interpatient variability in t,:,~
centration. The incorporation of (3H)-methyl- was less than four-fold (range 2 4 - 9 8 ) .
thymidine [(3H)-TdR] in the cultures during a 5 h After 240 min the plasma levels of 6-MP were
period on culture day 3 was taken as an indicator of either very low or not detectable. In some patients
cell proliferation. 0.02/aCi of (~H)-TdR specific the plasma concentration curve tended to level off,
activity 0.8 C i / m M (Amersham, U.K.) in 0.025 ml suggesting the presence of a third phase of
0.85% NaCI was added per culture. The pulsed elimination. Whether a third phase of very slow
cultures were processed with a flow multiple cell elimination of 6-MP exists cannot be established,
Serum Azathioprine and 6-Mercaptopurine Levels 5

Table 2. A Z A in plasma after i.v. administration of 100 m g A Z A

Subject C~ax tin= t,~,o t,~,o A UC CI V~

(/aM) (rain) (rain) (rain) ~ M x rain) (l./min) (1.)
BA 7.43 5 1.5 33 71 5.0 240
MB 1.51 5 14.5 137 74 4.9 965
MC 2.57 10 5.6 66 109 3.3 315
KD 0,79 15 * 30 40 9.0 395
BH 3,55 5 5.2 22 100 3.6 115
LEJ 1,97 5 3.2 67 34 10.5 1010
JL 1.97 5 3.1 29 64 5.6 235
KAL 2.83 5 5.3 46 108 3.3 225
TM 1 2.17 5 6.8 15 38 9.4 205
2t (0.92) (5) (4.5) (19) (11) (29.8) (910)
UN 8.22 5 4.1 28 30 12.0 490
JO 1.45 10 * 34 71 5.1 255
TO 5.00 5 3.2 64 83 4.4 405
HP 2.11 5 13.9 62 37 9.8 885
MR 1 2.96 5 3.4 60 44 8.2 710
2t (2.37) (5) (14.3) (90) (72) (5.0) (655)
GU 2.57 5 8.9 * 37 9.8 125
2 3.14 6.05 49.5 62.7 6.92 438
S.D. 2.14 4.08 30.9 28.0 2.97 307
For explanation of abbreviations, see text.
* Only one phase o f elimination from plasma.
tPost-transplant values not included in statistics.

PM I o AZA in plasma Ig/ml

• 6-MP in plasma 400

12l&l & 6-MP in erythrocytes 1200 IJM

AZA in plasma nglml

• 6-MP in plasma

lOO 0.2 40

!! [OOo0 Time after dose intake (hours)



1 2 3 4
Time after dose intake (hours)

Figs 1 and 2. A Z A and 6-MP concentrations after administration of 100 mg A Z A intravenously (Fig. 1) and orally (Fig. 2)
in one patient, H P . Five hours after dose intake, A Z A and 6-MP were undetectable in all samples from this patient.
Bo ODLIND et al.

Table 3. 6-MP in plasma after i.v. administration of 100 mg AZA

Subject C,n~ t,,,a, t ,:, t~.a A UC Cl Vc,

(/aM) (min) (min) (rain) (/aM × min) (l./min) (I.)
BA 2. l I 5 1.6 24 55 6.5 230
MB 1.38 5 3.0 84 59 6.1 740
MC 3.09 10 4.0 33 93 3.9 190
KD 0.39 15 * 41 23 15.7 935
BH 2.37 5 5.4 36 59 6.2 325
LEJ 1.05 5 1.8 91 14 24.9 3260
JL 2.17 5 4.6 37 42 8.5 450
KAL 2.30 5 3.0 98 55 6.6 940
TM 1 0.66 5 * 81 38 12.4 1450
2t (0.59) (5) (4.2) (40) (21 ) (17.2) (980)
UN 0.46 5 5.9 264 51 7.1 2710
JO 2.89 5 7.5 53 75 4.8 370
TO 2.37 5 5.0 40 138 2.6 150
HP 0.99 5 9.3 70 137 2.6 265
MR 1 1.38 5 5.3 65 66 5.4 510
2t (1.64) (5) (1.6) (22) (20) (18.2) (575)
GU 1.25 5 3.0 87 59 6.2 780
.f 1.66 4.57 73.6 64.3 7.97 887
S.D. 0.87 2.21 58.0 35.4 5.80 929
For explanation of abbreviations, see text.
* Only one phase of elimination from plasma.
tPost-transplant values not included in statistics.

since the p l a s m a c o n c e n t r a t i o n s o f 6 - M P during this erythrocytes occured simultaneous with that in

" p h a s e " were always close to the limit o f p l a s m a in all seven patients. In four of the patients
d e t e r m i n a t i o n o f the m e t h o d . a n initial phase o f very rapid elimination o f 6-MP
The p h a r m a c o k i n e t i c study was repeated in two f r o m the erythrocytes (a) was followed by a slower
patients, T M a n d M R , after successful renal phase (/3). In three patients only one phase was
transplantation. Both patients showed higher observed (Table 4). The 6 - M P c o n c e n t r a t i o n s fell
clearance for 6 - M P after the t r a n s p l a n t a t i o n (Tables significantly slower in erythrocytes t h a n in p l a s m a
2 a n d 3). d u r i n g the terminal phase o f elimination, with m e a n
t~,2o values o f 96 a n d 61 min, respectively (P < 0.05,
t-test for paired data, two-tailed). Cm~x a n d A U C o f
AZA a n d 6 - M P in erythrocytes after i. v.
6 - M P tended to be higher in erythrocytes t h a n in
administration plasma, but the difference was not statistically
The c o n c e n t r a t i o n o f 6 - M P in erythrocytes was significant ( P > 0.05).
d e t e r m i n e d in seven o f the patients (Table 4). In five
o f these (KD, BH, H P , M R , G U ) the c o n c e n t r a t i o n
o f A Z A was also d e t e r m i n e d . In all five patients the A Z A a n d 6 - M P in p l a s m a after oral administration
levels o f A Z A were very low or undetectable, Oral a d m i n i s t r a t i o n o f A Z A generated flat p l a s m a
indicating t h a t virtually all A Z A h a d been converted c o n c e n t r a t i o n - time curves o f b o t h A Z A a n d 6 - M P
to 6 - M P within the erythrocytes. Only the 6 - M P (Fig. 2). The m e a n C,,,x o f A Z A was less t h a n one
values are t h e r e f o r e s h o w n in Table 4. t e n t h o f that f o u n d after i.v. injection (Table 5) a n d
T h e general shape o f the c o n c e n t r a t i o n - t i m e A Z A was generally detectable only between
curve for 6 - M P in erythrocytes was similar to t h a t in 15 - 30 m i n a n d 1 2 0 - 240 m i n after dose intake. The
p l a s m a (Fig. 1). T h u s , the m a x i m a l c o n c e n t r a t i o n in m e a n oral A U C o f A Z A was 9.8/aM x min,
Serum Azathioprine and 6-Mercaptopurine Levels
corresponding to 18% of the A UC of AZA after i.v. AZA to blood cells and tissues, but is apparently
administration. mainly due to the rapid conversion of AZA to 6-MP
The mean Cma,of 6-MP was 0.18/aM, with a range as evidenced by the very rapid appearance in plasma
of 0.05-0.53 laM (Table 5). The time for the of 6-MP following AZA administration (Fig. 1,
maximal plasma concentration varied markedly Table 3). This reaction, which involves glutathione
(range 15 - 240 min), with a median value of 90 min. and cysteine (Elion & Hitchings, 1975), occurs
6-MP was generally detectable between 3 0 - 6 0 rain mainly in the liver (where it is thought to be catalyzed
and 2 4 0 - 3 6 0 min after dose intake. The mean oral by glutathione-S-transferase) (Kaplowitz &
A U C of 6-MP was 33 laM x min, representing 41% Kuhlenkamp, 1978; Watanabe, Hobara &
of the A UC of 6-MP after i.v. administration of Nagashima, 1978). This conversion also occurs in
AZA. blood in vivo and in vitro, as a result of a
temperature and concentration dependent reaction
Inhibition o f mitogen stimulated lymphocyte (Elion & Hitchings, 1975; Ding & Benet, 1979;
proliferation by patient serum Floberg et al., 1981; Odlind, Grefberg, Hartvig,
Figure 3 shows results from experiments, where Lindstr6m & L6nnerholm, 1981), which probably
the LA-induced proliferation of peripheral blood involves the glutathione in the red blood cells.
lymphocytes from an unrelated donor was inhibited Consequently, it is an absolute requirement in
to various degrees by patient sera. Sera drawn 5, 10 pharmacokinetic studies of AZA, that blood samples
and 30 min after intravenous administration of are immediately cooled and freeze-centrifuged to
100 mg AZA significantly (P < 0.001) inhibited the obtain accurate plasma concentrations of AZA and
LA-induced proliferation, independent of whether 6-MP (Floberg et al., 1981). Unfortunately, this
the blood samples had been stored at room procedure has not been clearly documented in some
temperature, or kept on ice (see above). previous studies (Maddocks, 1979b; Lin et al., 1980).
Sera drawn at 60, 180 and 360 min (data from the This might have resulted in falsely high 6-MP
later time not shown) did not significantly alter the concentrations and correspondingly low AZA
LA-induced proliferation. Sera drawn from these concentrations in the plasma.
patients 5 min prior to injection of AZA were never Our previous finding that AZA added to whole
inhibitory. The same was true for sera derived from blood samples was converted to equimolar
the lymphocyte donor (data not shown). concentrations of 6-MP (Floberg et al., 1981), is a
prerequisite for our use of this in vitro conversion as
an indirect method of determination of AZA. It does
DISCUSSION not, however, exclude the possibility that AZA in
vivo to some extent can be metabolized in other ways
e.g. by oxidation (Chalmers, Knight & Atkinson,
After intravenous administration AZA rapidly 1969; Elion & Hitchings, 1975) or by cleavage to
disappeared from plasma in the uremic patients (Fig. liberate 1-methyl-4-nitro-5-thioimidazole (cf. Elion
1, Table 2). This could partly reflect distribution of & Hitchings, 1975).

Table 4.6-MP in erythrocytes after i.v. administration of 100 mg AZA

Subject Cm~x t~ax t ,/~o t ,~,~ A UC

0aM) (rain) (rain) (min) (/aM x rain)
KD 2.82 15 * 89 315
BH 1.71 5 * 102 164
LEJ 1.38 5 4.7 135 57
TM 2 0.79 5 4.4 56 24
HP 1.12 5 * 49 59
MR 1 6.11 5 10 99 171
GU 1.84 5 10 142 105
.~ 2.25 7.3 96 128
S.D. 1.82 35.4 99.4
P NS <0.05 NS
* Only one phase of elimination from the erythrocytes.
BO ODLIND et al.

Table 5. AZA and 6-MP in plasma after oral administration of 100 mg AZA

Subject C,,~x t A UC A UCor~t × 1O0 Cmox t,,ax A UC AUCo,ol x 100
(/~M) (min) (pM × min) A UC,~ (pM) (min) ~ M × min) AUC,.~.
MB 0.03 15 1.7 2.3 0.08 240 19 32
MC 0.86 15 9.9 9.0 0.53 15 62 67
KD 0.01 90 0.7 1.8 0.05 60 5 22
BH 0.13 30 * * 0.13 60 11 19
TM 0.05 60 2.2 5.8 0.16 90 19 50
JO 0.10 240 11.6 16 0.20 240 47 63
TO 0.10 120 16.2 20 0.12 90 30 22
HP 0.16 30 26.4 72 0.16 120 68 49
£ 0.18 9.81 18.1 0.18 32.6 40.5
S.D. 0.28 9.36 24.7 0.15 23.7 19.2
* Too few samples to allow determination of AUC.

Mean plasma half lives for A Z A of 28, 10 and values cannot be directly compared with our mean
12.5 min in patients with good renal function have half-time of elimination for the terminal phase of
been reported by Maddocks (1979b), Ding, 50 rain, since neither of these authors identified
Gambertoglio, Amend, Birnbaum & Benet (1980) more than one phase of the plasma
and Lin et al. (1980), respectively. The latter group c o n c e n t r a t i o n - t i m e curve. Ding et aL (1980)
also found a similar plasma half life o f A Z A in reported a mean plasma clearance of A Z A of 57 m l /
patients with reduced renal function. However, these m i n / k g which is approximately half the value found
in our patients (Table 2).
100 6-MP also disappeared rapidly from plasma; a
mean half-time of elimination for the terminal phase
~ 8o (t,~:~) of 74 min in the uremic patients. Previous
studies of patients with acceptable graft function
60 have reported mean t,~,a values of 6-MP of 38 rain
(Lin et aL, 1980), 63 rain (Ding et al., 1980) and
~ 40 114 min (Maddocks, 1979), respectively. The two
patients, who were retested after successful renal
n 20
transplantation, had higher plasma clearance values
for 6-MP. Plasma clearance values o f 6-MP have not
510 3~0 60 180 (rain) been reported p r e ~ - ~ , in normal subjects or
uremic patients.
~ o,t Nevertheless, taking all observations into
consideration, it seems that renal function does not
influence the elimination rate of 6-MP (or of A Z A ;
cf. Table 2), and there appears to be no risk of
E accumulation of either o f these two substances in
uremia. This is what one would expect since 6-MP is
metabolized mainly through oxidation by hepatic
xanthine oxidase to thiouric acid which is the main
product excreted in the urine. Thus, it has recently
Fig. 3. Capacity of serum from intravenously injected
been shown that pretreatment with allopurinol, a
patients to inhibit lymphocyte induced proliferation by LA.
Mean values + / - / 1 S.D. from six patients are shown. xanthine oxidase inhibitor, increased the systemic
*----* represents serum processed at room temperature and bioavailability of oral 6-MP considerably (Zimm,
O O serum kept on ice. The lower part of the figure Collins, Riccardi, O'Neill, Narang, Chabner &
shows final plasma concentrations of 6-MP (striped bars) Poplack, 1983). It is o f interest in this context that
and AZA (open bars) in the cultures (mean values). the patient UN, who had the by far highest value o f
Serum Azathioprine and 6-Mercaptopurine Levels 9
t,/2afor 6-MP, 264 min, was the only patient who also Hitchings, 1975) and in vivo (Calne, Alexandre &
had impaired liver function. On the other hand, Murray, 1962) there are also species differences
using isotope labelled A Z A , no great change in the (Shehadeh, Gattman & Lindquist, 1970). No
pharmacokinetics of the thiopurines was observed in controlled clinical trials of the comparative
patients with reduced liver function (Bach, 1975). immunosuppressive activity or toxicity of the two
Our finding that A Z A levels in erythrocytes were drugs have been performed. Moreover, it seems that
low or undetectable support the hypothesis that once the 5-mercapto-l-methyl-4-nitroimidazole moiety,
within the cell, A Z A is rapidly converted to 6-MP, which is also liberated when A Z A is converted to
probably due to the glutathione content of the 6-MP (cf. Elion & Hitchings, 1975) has little or no
erythrocytes. The elimination of 6-MP from immunosuppressive activity (Smith & Forbes, 1970;
erythrocytes was somewhat slower than the A1-Safi & Maddocks, 1983) (contrary to previous
elimination from plasma with t~/2~values of 96 and 61 suggestions [Spreafico, Donelli, Bossi, Vecchi,
rain, respectively. The explanation for this difference Standen & Garattini, 1973; Elion & Hitchings,
is not clear. 1975]). Thus, if the rapid in vivo conversion of A Z A
After oral administration of 100 mg A Z A the to 6-MP in humans is also taken into account, it is
plasma concentrations of A Z A and 6-MP were quite more likely that A Z A in humans primarily acts as a
low (Fig. 2, Table 5) with mean maximal values of pro-drug to release 6-MP. 6-MP, in turn, is subject
20 ng/ml. This is in agreement with the plasma 6-MP to intracellular conversion - - by influence of
levels after oral A Z A reported by Maddocks (1979b) hypoxanthine-guanine-phosphoribosyl transferase
and Lin et al. (1980) while Ding & Benet (1979) (HGPRT) - - to the corresponding ribonucleotide,
found somewhat higher peak values of 4 5 - 7 5 ng/ thioinosinic acid, which is thought to be the main
ml. These findings are probably not due to poor active metabolite, and to other thioanalogues of
gastrointestinal absorption of AZA, since 70% of purine derivates (Elion & Hitchings, 1975).
the radiolabel was recovered from urine 0 - 4 8 h Thioinosinic acid inhibits the synthesis of adenine
after S3~ labelled A Z A was administered orally and guanine-nucleotides in target cells, which affects
(Elion, 1972). Therefore, as previously suggested both RNA and DNA synthesis. Ribonucleotides do
(Maddocks, 1979b), the low A Z A levels probably not penetrate cell membranes and consequently their
reflect rapid conversion to 6-MP in portal blood and formation can only be followed by determination of
liver ("first-pass" metabolism). Hence, the low intracellular concentrations, which is extremely
circulating levels of 6-MP after A Z A orally may be difficult (cf. Breter et al., 1978). On these grounds,
somewhat surprising; this could reflect "first-pass" Elion & Hitchings (1975) have proposed that
metabolism also of 6-MP (Zimm et al., 1983) and detection of plasma levels of A Z A and 6-MP may
perhaps uptake of 6-MP in lymphocytes in portal offer no predictive value with respect to the
venous blood as suggested by Maddocks (1979b). therapeutic effectiveness or toxicity of the two
It is often difficult to define a relevant compounds. However, along with other investigators
bioavailability when studying a pro-drug. We found (Ding & Benet, 1979; Zimm et al., 1983) we believe
m e a n AUC6_MPafter A Z A orally to be 41% of mean that information of potential clinical value can be
A UC6_Mpafter A Z A i.v.; Ding et al. (1980) found this obtained provided that one has access to highly
value to be 60%. In a recent paper by Zimm et al. sensitive and specific methods of determination of
(1983) a very low (average 16°/0) and variable these drugs. A good example of this is the
bioavailability of oral 6-MP was found. As demonstration of increased plasma concentration of
emphasized by Zimm et al. the low bioavailability of 6-MP following pre-treatment with the xanthine
oral 6-MP could have clinical significance in oxidase inhibitor allopurinol (Zimm et al., 1983);
maintenance therapy of leukemia. Comparative this drug combination is well known to enhance the
studies of the pharmacokinetics of A Z A and 6-MP, immunosuppressive activity of A Z A / 6 - M P . In this
based on adequate methods of determination, are context, it is of interest that furosemide has been
presently missing. However, using isotope labelled found to inhibit the hepatic metabolism of A Z A in
drug Elion (1972) found a higher gastrointestinal human liver in vitro (von Bahr, Glaumann, Gudas &
absorption of A Z A than of 6-MP. In this context, it Kaplowitz, 1980). This potentially important drug
is important to realise that, although differences in interaction has, however, not yet been studied in the
immunosuppressive effects between A Z A and 6-MP clinical setting.*
have been documented in vitro (Bach, Dardenne & An important finding in support of the biological
Fouriner, 1969; Medzihradsky, Hollowell & Elion, relevance of measuring 6-MP plasma levels is given
1981; A1-Safi & Maddocks, 1983; cf. also Elion & by the parallel decline in inhibition of mitogen
10 Bo ODLIND et aL

induced lymphocyte proliferation in vitro by patient bad correlation (cf. Bach, 1975). The use of a
sera and the A Z A / 6 - M P concentrations in the same sensitive and specific method of determination of
sera (Fig. 3). The sensitivity of the immunological A Z A / 6 - M P and a sensitive immunological test
test system used here is considerably higher than system as described in this paper offers a better tool
those previously reported e.g. by A1-Safi & in further studies of plasma c o n c e n t r a t i o n -
Maddocks (1983), most likely because our culture immunosuppressive effect/toxicity relationships of
conditions were carefully titrated to a point where these drugs. Pending such studies, immuno-
the number o f lymphoc~,tes added to the cultures suppressive treatment with A Z A in renal trans-
were linearly proportional to the tritium methyl- plantation and auto-immune diseases must still
thymidine uptake in the cultures. We found a follow a rather fixed dose regimen with dose
minimum effective concentration o f 6-MP to inhibit reduction when leukopenia appears. Although there
mitogen induced lymphocyte proliferation in the seems to be little danger of accumulation of A Z A /
cultures of about 0 . 0 2 - 0 . 0 4 taM. 6-MP itself in patients with severely reduced renal
Interestingly, this suggests the possibility of a function, the possibility exists that metabolite(s)
biological effect even of the low plasma normally excreted by the kidneys, may be retained
concentrations of 6-MP obtained after oral and increase the toxicity of A Z A / 6 - M P in uremia.
administration of A Z A , contrary to the proposal by Moreover, it has been suggested that the uremic
Maddocks (1979b). In spite of the high sensitivity of condition p e r s e exerts some immunosuppressive
the in vitro immunological test system we could not effects. A careful supervision of the patients is
detect any difference in inhibition of lymphocyte therefore mandatory.
proliferation between sera from erythrocyte exposed
and non-exposed samples. This could either mean
that A Z A did not significantly add to the immuno-
suppressive action of 6-MP in the test system or that
A Z A could have been converted to 6-MP in the
tissue culture system. Previous attempts to relate
pharmacokinetics to immunosuppressive effects Acknowledgements - - This work was supported by the
have employed isotope labelled A Z A / 6 - M P and the Wellcome Foundation Ltd., Sweden, the Tore Nilsson fund
rosette inhibition assay and have generally shown a and the Maud & Birger Gustavsson fund.


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