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Drug abuse is one of the primary problem of our society. Many people became
addicted to drugs as it cause them euphoria or too much happiness. Drug
addiction is a complex disease, and quitting usually takes more than good
intentions or a strong will. Drugs change the brain in ways that make quitting
hard, even for those who want to. Despite of feeling euphoria while taking drugs ,
there are various bad effect that will ruin in your life. Drug users maybe
influenced by their parents, friends and there environment. Others are just
curious and want to try these prohibited drugs and that end up for them
becoming a drug addict. Some people uses drugs as an escape to their problems.
But as time passes by, they didn’t notice that they are being an addict. Its hard to
stop as it is very addicted. They say, “Lahat ng sobra ,nakakasama”. Too much use
of these drugs especially if it is a prohibited or dangerous drugs will take your life


 The main aim of this project is to create awareness on the cause and effects
of using or taking prohibited drugs to our body .
 To apply treatment, rehabilitation and have the advocacy to drug users.
 To lessen the drug addicts in the Philippines.
 To change the perspective and the lifestyle of those drug addicts.
This program will help the drug users or drug addicts to stop as it causes
bad to our health . This users will stop using those drugs and be a functional
law abiding citizen of our country. It is not just for drug users or drug
addicts , but also to those people who don’t use drugs so that they will be
knowledgeable and prevent using prohibited drugs.

According to Drug and Alcohol Information, a drug is a substance has
affects the way the body functions .If a drug is classified as “illegal; this
means that it is forbidden by the law. Different illegal drugs have different
effects on people and these effects are influenced by many factors. This
makes them unpredictable and dangerous, especially for young people. In
this generation, people became more judgemental on what they are seeing
in our society. Those people who are problematic tends to find a thing that
will help them forget those problems. They uses drugs as they thought that
it will help them to solve their problems . But the fact is, it will just add fuel
to the fire. As soon as President Rodrigo Duterte assumed office in
2016 ,the philipppine government launched a nationwide anti drug
campaign based on enforcement –led anti-illegal drugs policies primarily
implemented by the national police .According to former Philippine
National Police Chief Ronald dela Rosa, the policy is aimed at the
neutralization of illegal drug personalities nationwide”. Three of the most
used and valuable illegal drugs in the country are methamphetamine
hydrochloride (know locally as shabu), marijuana,and
methylenedioxymethamphetamine, commonly know as ecstasy. As stated
in the programs’s purpose . this will help those people who uses drugs to
undrgo intensive and serious counseling. We will seek the help of police
officers and the government to search those people who uses prohibited
The cost of this project will require a million including the performance pay
of psychiatrist and the rehabilitation center .Teachers , guidance councelor
and parents could also help In counseling those drug addicts .The items
needed for this project is are facts about the cause and effects using
prohibited drugs.

Contact information: The prominent can be contacted from the following:

Email: Anti-drug
FB: Anti-drug addiction advocacy
 To apply treatment,rehabilitation and have the advocacy to drug users

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