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Advertisement speech:

Welcome to our opening brand called “BRB”. It’s a trendy yet fashionable clothing line for all
ages! We have designed our clothes as what it is because it’s not too much and not too boring
just in between. We have chosen our brand name as “BRB” which means ‘be right back’ because
it’s a slang word thats being used a lot lately by teenagers if they are too lazy to type ‘be right
back’ which is understandable. Our slogan is ‘brb, I need some hoodies’ we chose hoodies
because its our unique selling point, and we have chosen to put it in our slogan. We decided to
advertise it as a text message, because its more relatable to the teenage world. Its quick, its easy
its talabat oops sorry I mean less work. If you haven’t noticed our logo is a smiley face because
when people buy our product, they will always be happy with the results if they aren’t with their
exam scores. We also used a semi colon and a bracket which is also a slang word meaning a
smile winky face, if you are wondering why a winky face well because we didn’t want our logo to
be a boring normal smiley face, we wanted it to be unique and when people see this sign it
reminds them of our clothing brand. The yellow contrasts with the black which makes it stand
out more. This is only the start of our brand and we believe that if we continue to work hard and
our wonderful dragon/s helps and supports us we will achieve more. Since we just started, we
have put the price at QR24, we don’t want it to be too expensive that people won’t afford it, and
we don’t want it to be too cheap that people will think it isn’t a good quality and that its rigged.
Right now, we only have sizes S, M, L and XL. We are also hoping for a collaboration with NIKE to
make custom designed Nike Jordans that will promote our brand. They will make custom ‘brb’
Nike Jordan shoes that basketball players like, Jeffrey Jordan aka Michael Jordan’s son, is going
to wear at one of his basketball games since Michael Jordan retired . We really hope you enjoyed
our advertising and like our brand. Looking forward to some orders we will be getting. Thank
you and have a wonderful day and don’t worry we will be right back;) Any questions?

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