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Basic Info: Name: Jonathan Nickname: Nathan Age: 26 years old Place of birth: A fal, Izeas Date of birth: 29 October Apprentice of Caelen (Cae) Victoria s partner Appearance: Height: 5 9 Weight: 53kg Hair: Dark red/ Auburn Eyes: Dark brown Complexion: Tan Build and muscular. Personality: y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y Sarcastic Competitive Funny Lazy/Sleepy Brave Protective Witty A bit annoying Talkative Sneaky Understanding Pitiful Good friend Respectful to his master Carefree

Nathan s life was a carefree one. His father was one of the Palace s soldiers and his mother was a teacher that taught the scholars of his village. A fal was where he was born, and he loved the village as much as he loved his family, and he still does. Nathan had the perfect family I could ever ask for as he described. Parents and a little sister made his life full of adventure and excitement. His little sister whom he adores so much has always been the smile on his face. He didn t need anything more, she was everything to him. When he was younger, he would bring his little sister to the village orchard where the fruits were always growing all year round. Carrying her on his back, they d make their way to her favorite tree, the apple tree. There they would sit under it and eat apples until their stomachs couldn t take in any more. His little sister would always be carried back to their house in his arms, sleeping quietly. When Nathan turned 8, he had to leave the house and made his way for his studies to in the Palace. Leaving the house, and his beloved sister, made his heart grew homesick. So once he turned12, he made his way back to A fal from the Palace, proud and excited to see his family. Seeing his little sister again mended his homesick heart. They started to do things they used to do when they were little again: chase each other around the village, gossiping, pulling up pranks and most of all visiting their little spot under the apple tree. Things were back to normal; happily ever after But one morning, it wasn t the sound of little birds that woke Nathan from his sleep but the sound of his little sister s voice screaming in horror. Little Nathan ran out his room and found his father motionless on the floor. His eyes widen when he saw his sister walking towards him shakily with blood on her little dress. She collapsed in his arms and breathed her final breath. Nathan couldn t believe his eyes and ran out the door of his house but his mother, who survived, dragged him by the arm and ran towards Willow Woods. She left him with a kiss to the forehead under the Sacred Willow and ran off with a figure chasing after her without knowing that another figure had saw Nathan and had raised his blade to strike him. But before Death could claim him, a mysterious man saved Nathan and bought him back to his broken village. Nathan was entirely alone but the man, who introduced himself as Caelen, asked if Nathan would like to be his apprentice. And that is when they became Master and Apprentice. Paying his last respect to their burned house and after saying his final goodbye to his little sister whom he buried under their special apple tree, Nathan followed his new Master towards Willow Woods. Turning to look back once more, he could see his past flashing through him; all the good times, bad times and everything in between. His father, his mother, his village, and especially his sister all gone Taking a deep breath, he started walking forward and tried to forget what happened. But as he walked he could hear his little sister s laugh, the laugh she always made in those happy times, and he couldn t help but cry. Opening his eyes, he promises himself a better future. And it s starting by taking retribution towards the ones who were responsible for his burned past. It s starting.


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