Computer 7 and 8

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First Quarter Exam

Computer 7
S.Y. 2022-2023
Name: _______________________ Section: _________________ Date: __________
Select the letter of the correct answer.
_____ 1. Which tool is used for hardware to stand on to prevent static electricity from
building up?
A. .Anti-static mat B.Hex driver C. Philips head screwdriver D. Wire cutter
_____2. Which tool is sometimes called a nut driver? It is used to tighten nuts in the
same way that a screw driver tightens screws?
A.Anti-static mat B.Hex driver C.Philips head screwdriver D. Wire cutter
_____3. Turn the screwdriver _________ to tighten the screw
A.Clockwise B.Counterclockwise C. Upward D. Downward
_____4. On electrical components, an excessive buildup of dust will act like an___ and
trap the heat.
A. Insulator B. Conductor C. part D. peripheral
_____5. When compressed air is used to clean inside the computer, the air should be
blown around the component with a minimum distance of ______ inches from the
A2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5
____6. A magnetic storage device that is installed inside the computer.
A.Flash Drive B. Hard Drive C. Floppy Drive D. Optical Drive
_____7. Temporary storage for data and programs that are being accessed by the CPU
_____8. A storage device that uses lasers to read data on the optical media.a. Flash
A.Drive B. Hard Drive C Floppy Drive D. Optical Drive
____9. These are memory cells built right into the CPU which contain specific data
needed particularly Arithmetic and Logic Unit.
A. Hard drive B. Memory Module C. Read-Only Memory D. Registers
____10.It is an early drive controller interface that connects computers and hard disk
drives and uses a40- pin connector.
____11. It reads or writes information on magnetic or optical storage media.
A. Memory Modules B. Processor C. Storage Drive D. Thumb Drive
____12. Which of the following uses digital circuits designed to operate on two states
NJK-R namely bits 0 and1?
A.analog computers B. hybrid computers computers D. mainframe computers
____13. What are the mobile computers that are very handy to use?
A.personal digital assistants (PDA) B. laptop. C. tablet computer D. wearable
computer ____14. Which of the following equipment produces hard copy of your work?
A.LAN card B. modem C. printer D. scanner
____15. Which of the following are classified as input devices?
A. LAN Tester, Crimping tools, Multi tester
B.barcode reader, mouse, keyboard
C. disk drive, flash drive, CD-ROM
D.monitor, printer, speakers
_____16. Which of the following is a complete working computer? It also includes not
only the computer, but also any software and peripheral devices
A.Mouse B. Software C. Hardware D. Computersystem
_____17.Which of the following was used by Babylonians in the early 500 A.D. ?
A.Calculator B. Abacus C. Mark I D. Mouse
_____18.Who is the father of the theoretical computer science?
A.Alan Turing B. Charles Babbage C. Jacques de Vaucanson D. Steven Job
_____19.What is the name of the first computer game?
A.Spacewar B. Super Mario C. Counter Strike D. PacMan
_____20.This is used for pointing and clicking items on the computer screen.
A.Monitor B. Mouse C. Keyboard D. CPU
_____21.It is the part of the computer that is often called the “chassis”. This is where
the important components of the
computer can be found.
A. System unit B. Monitor C. RAM D. Keyboard
_____22.Who invented the First fully automated and programmable Loom?
A. Charles Babbage B. Jacquard Loom C. Alan Turing D. Jacques de Vaucanson
_____23.It is the part of the computer that displays text and graphical information.
A.Mouse B. Monitor C. Keyboard D. Modem
_____24.It connects the computer that connects the computer to the internet.
A. Monitor B. Mouse C. Modem D. CPU
_____25.It was the first commercially made computer.
A.Abacus B. UNIVAC C. Mark I D. All of the above
_____26.It is an element of a computer system that can be physically touched and can
be seen.
A.Software B. Hardware C. Peopleware D. Computer
_____27.It is connected to the computer to play sounds.
A.Monitor B. Webcam C. Speaker D. Printer
_____28.Used to capture picture/video while using the computer.
A.Webcam B. Monitor C. Printer D. Speaker
_____29.Which of the following is the element of a computer system that is either built
in from the time of purchasing the computer or needs to be installed
A.Software B. Monitor C. Hardware D. Peopleware
_____30.It is the “brain” or “heart” of the computer.
A.Motherboard B. CPU C. Monitor D. Printer
_____31.He was best remembered is the “Digesting Duck”, which had over 400 parts.
A.Charles Babbage B. Jacques de Vaucanson C. Alan Turing D. Jacquard Loom
_____32. It is used in typing texts in the computer.
A. Keyboard B. Mouse C. Monitor D. Speaker
_____33.Which of the following transfers computer data into paper?
A.Speaker B. Printer C. Mouse D. CPU
_____34.It is the main circuit board of the computer system.
A.Monitor B. Motherboard C. Keyboard D. Modem
_____35.This is the kind of software that is needs to be installed on the computers.
A.Application softwares B. System Softwares C. Software D. Hardware
_____36.What do you call the word processing application that allows you to create a
variety of documents like letters, flyers, and reports?
A.Microsoft Word B. Microsoft Excel C. Microsoft Powerpoint D. Microsoft Access
Q1. Which of the following is not an input device?
1. VDU
2. Keyboard
3. Monitor
4. Light Pen
Q.2. A light-sensitive device that converts the printed text, drawing, or other images into
form is called ____.
1. Plotter
2. Printer
3. Scanner
4. OMR
Q.3. Which device has the limitation that we can only read it but cannot modify or erase
1. Floppy Disk
2. Hard Disk
3. Tape Drive
4. Compact disk
Q.4. Sometimes the mouse pointer moves erratically. This is because of ___.
1. IRQ setting is not proper
2. The virus in the system
3. Mouse ball is dirty
4. The driver is not installed properl
Q1. Which of the following is not an input device?
1. VDU
2. Keyboard
3. Monitor
4. Light Pen
Q.2. A light-sensitive device that converts the printed text, drawing, or other images into
form is called ____.
1. Plotter
2. Printer
3. Scanner
4. OMR
Q.3. Which device has the limitation that we can only read it but cannot modify or erase
1. Floppy Disk
2. Hard Disk
3. Tape Drive
4. Compact disk
Q.4. Sometimes the mouse pointer moves erratically. This is because of ___.
1. IRQ setting is not proper
2. The virus in the system
3. Mouse ball is dirty
4. The driver is not installed properly
1. Blank____ is the ordinary copper wire that connects home and many business
computers to the telephone company?
A. Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP)
C. Coaxial
D. Twisted Pair
2. What are two types of Twisted Pair? (Select two answers)
A. Broadband
B. Shielded Twisted Pair
C. Fiber Optic
D. Unshielded Twisted Pair
3. What is a SOHO network?
A. Small Output & Home Office
B. Several Offices & Hospital Office
C. Secretary Office & Health Office
D. Small Office or Home Office
4. Coaxial cables are not susceptible to noise or ______ blank?
A. Breakage
B. Damage
C. Transmission
D. Electrical interference
_____37. What does a computer allow you to do?
A. Type documents and send email
B. Browse the internet
C. Store and retrieve data
D. All of the above
_____38. Which of the following is an operating system?
A. Mozilla Firefox B. Adobe Photoshop C. Microsoft Windows D. All of the above
_____39. Which of the following describes a storage device?
A. It serves up information on the network C. is used in the computers to store the data.
B. It stores web pages which are accessible over the Internet D. All of the above
_____40. Instead of a mouse, many laptops use a(n) ________.
A. optical drive B. touchpad C. scanner D. laser pointer
II. Write the CAPITALLETTER A–If only the first statement is correct B– If only the
second statement is true C –if both statements are true D- if both statements are false
___41. Microblogging are sites that focus on short updates from the user. Those that
subscribed to the user will be able to receive these updates. C
___42.Media Sharing are sites that allow you to upload and share media content like
images, music and video. Example of Media Sharing are Instagram and Reddit.
___43.Social News are sites that allow you to store and manage links to various
website and resources. Most of Social News sites allow you to create a tag allows you
to and others easily share them. D
___44.Social Media is a website, application, or online channel that enables web users
to create, co-create, discuss, modify, and exchange user generated content. Youtube is
not part of Social Media. A
___45. The Vastness of the WWW is not a problem in applying Web 3.0. Another
Problem of Web 3.0 is that some words are imprecise. B
___46. One Problem of Web 1.0 is Compatibility. HTML files and current web browsers
could not support Web 3.0. B
___47. Rich User Interface means that the content is dynamic and is responsive to
user’s input. User
Participation means that the owner of website is not the only one who is able to put
content. C
___48. Web 2.0 allows the user to interact with the page. Static page refers to the web
pages that are affected by user input or preference. A
___49. Dynamic in the same that the page “as is” and cannot be manipulated by the
user. Dynamic web page are also known as flat page or stationary page. D
___50. Philippines as the “ICT Hub of Asia”. According to 2016 edition of Measuring
the Information Society by the International Telecommunication Union, there are 106.8
cellphones per 100 Filipinos inthe year 2012.

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