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The second midterm


1. to rejoice - to express great happiness about something; გახარება

2. supercilious - behaving towards other people as if you think you are better than they are; superior;
3. disposition - the natural qualities of a person’s character; temperament; განწყობა
4. virtue - / dignity; behaviour or attitudes that show high moral standards; ღირსება
5. common sense - the ability to think about things in a practical way and make sensible decisions;
ჯანსაღი აზრი, პრაქტიკული გონება
6. indignant - feeling or showing anger and surprise because you think that you have been treated
unfairly; აღშფოთებული
7. trivial - not important or serious; not worth considering; ყოველდღიური
8. hollow - having a hole or empty space inside; ღრუ, სიცარიელე
9. dreadful - very bad or unpleasant; შემზარავი
10. to cry over spilt milk - to feel sorry or sad about something that has already happened, used to
emphasize that this is not helpful
11. detestable - that deserves to be hated; საზიზღარი; საძულველი
12. refuge - shelter or protection from danger, trouble, etc.; თავშესაფარი
13. tedious - lasting or taking too long and not interesting; boring; მოსაწყენი, ერთფეროვანი

6.THE YOUNG KING - pg 65 – 80

thou – you; thee- you; thy – your; thine - yours; art – are; thou art – you are; hath – has; hast - have; sayest
– say; showest – show; canst- can; shouldst – should; shalt- shall; wilt – will; dost - do.

1. chamber - a room, or a hall in a public building, that is used for formal meetings; ოთახი; დარბაზი,
2. lad - (old-fashioned or informal) a boy or young man; ყმაწვილი, ბიჭი
3. toil - to work very hard and/or for a long time, usually doing hard physical work; მძიმე შრომა;
4. beneath - in or to a lower position than somebody/something; under somebody/something; not good
enough for somebody; ქვევით; წოდებით დაბლა, უღირსი
5. divination - the act of finding out and saying what will happen in the future; მკითხაობა;
6. remorse - the feeling of being extremely sorry for something wrong or bad that you have done;
7. deserted - (of a place) with no people in it; abandoned; მიტოვებული; უდაბური
8. swift - moving very quickly; სწრაფი
9. behold - to look at or see somebody/something; დანახვა
10. seize - to take somebody/something in your hand suddenly and using force; grab; დაჭერა,
11. to do somebody's bidding - to do what one is told or ordered to do especially by one in a position of
power or authority; სხვისი ბრძანების/ნათქვამის შესრულება
12. on behalf of somebody/something - as a representative of someone; because of someone; ვინმეს
სახელით, დავალებით; ვინმეს გულისთვის
13. burden - a heavy load that is difficult to carry; a duty, responsibility, etc. that causes worry,
difficulty or hard work; ტვირთი; ვალდებულება
14. to leap - to jump high or a long way; ახტომა
15. awe - feelings of being very impressed by something/somebody; გაოცება; შთაბეჭდილების ქვეშ
ყოფნა, მოკრძალება.


1. defiantly - in a way that shows you refuse to obey somebody/something, sometimes aggressively;
გამომწვევად, უტიფრად
2. splendid - very impressive; very beautiful; დიდებული, ჩინებული
3. attire - clothes, especially fine or formal ones; მოკაზმვა, გამოწყობა
4. embroidered - to decorate cloth with a pattern of stitches usually using coloured thread;
5. grim - looking or sounding very serious; unpleasant and depressing; პირქუში; საზარელი
6. to grant - to agree to give somebody what they ask for, especially formal or legal permission to do
something; ჯილდო, ჩუქება
7. clutch - to hold somebody/something tightly; grip; ხელის ჩაჭიდება
8. betrothed - having promised to marry somebody; engaged; დანიშნული
9. hastily - very quickly, because you are in a hurry, especially when this has bad results; hurriedly;
სწრაფად; სიჩქარით
10. solemn - (of a person) not happy or smiling; serious; სერიოზული
11. aggravate - to make an illness or a bad or unpleasant situation worse; worsen; დამძიმება,
12. ordain - to order or command something; to decide something in advance; განსაზღვრა, დანიშვნა
13. shrug one's shoulders - to raise your shoulders and then drop them to show that you do not know or
care about something; მხრების აჩეჩვა
14. to intrude - to go or be somewhere where you are not wanted or are not supposed to be; შემოჭრა
15. intricate - having a lot of different parts and small details that fit together; ჩახლართული
16. hunchback - an offensive word for a round part that sticks out on somebody's back, caused by an
unusual curve in the spine, or for a person whose back is like this; კუზი
17. to mock - to laugh at somebody/something in an unkind way, especially by copying what they say
or do; make fun of; დაცინვა
18. disdain - the feeling that somebody/something is not good enough to deserve your respect or
attention; contempt; არაფრად ჩაგდება;
8. THE STAR-CHILD – pg 139 – 157

1. to limp - to walk slowly or with difficulty because one leg is injured; კოჭლობა
2. to stoop - (down) to bend your body forwards and downwards; to stand or walk with your head and
shoulders bent forwards; დახრა, მოხრა
3. perish - (of people or animals) to die, especially in a sudden violent way; დაღუპვა
4. hearth - the floor at the bottom of a fireplace; the area in front of this; home and family life;
ბუხარი; ოჯახური კერა
5. to despise - to dislike and have no respect for somebody/something; ზიზღი
6. afflicted - to be affected by somebody/something in an unpleasant or harmful way; ტანჯული;
7. maim - o injure somebody seriously, causing permanent damage to their body; incapacitate;
დასახიჩრება; დაინვალიდება; სხეულის მძიმე დაზიანება
8. jest/make jest of - joke; something said or done to make people laugh; make fun of; ხუმრობა;
9. haggard - looking very tired because of illness, worry or lack of sleep; drawn; ქანცგაწყვეტილი
10. to rebuke - to speak severely to somebody because they have done something wrong; reprimand;
11. loathsome - extremely unpleasant; repulsive; to loathe -to detest; to hate აუტანელი; ზიზღის
12. dwell - to live somewhere; ცხოვრება
13. dungeon - a dark underground room used as a prison, especially in a castle; საპყრობილე
14. banish - to order somebody to leave a place, especially a country, as a punishment; exile; to get rid of
somebody/something; გაძევება, განდევნა
15. thrust - to push something/somebody suddenly or violently in a particular direction; to move
quickly and suddenly in a particular direction; ბიძგება; ჩარტყმა

9. THE FISHERMAN AND HIS SOUL გვერდები 100 – 113 (And after a year was over the Soul came down
to the shore of the sea and called to the young Fisherman - მდე)

1. to coil - to wind into a series of circles; to make something do this; დახვევა, გადახვევა
2. to glisten - (of something wet) to shine; კაშკაში, ელვარება
3. mane - the long hair on the neck of a horse or a lion; ფაფარი
4. to hinder - make it difficult for somebody to do something or for something to happen;
5. vile - extremely unpleasant or bad; disgusting; morally bad; completely unacceptable; wicked;
სულმდაბალი; საშინელი
6. to surrender - to admit that you have been defeated and want to stop fighting; to allow yourself to
be caught, taken prisoner, etc; give in; to give up something/somebody when you are forced to;
დანებება; რამეზე უარის თქმა; დათმობა
7. weary - very tired, especially after you have been working hard or doing something for a long time;
8. to pant - to breathe quickly with short breaths, usually with your mouth open, because you have
been doing some physical exercise, or because it is very hot; ქოშინი, გართულებული სუნთქვა
9. to shudder - to shake because you are cold or frightened, or because of a strong feeling;
შეძრწუნება, გაჟრჟოლება
10. comely - (most often used of a woman) pleasant to look at; attractive; სანდომიანი, ეშხიანი,
11. homage/to do homage - something that is said or done to show respect for somebody; პატივისცემა,
12. to beckon - to give somebody a signal using your finger or hand, especially to tell them to move
nearer or to follow you; signal; to appear very attractive to somebody; თავის დაკვრით მოხმობა
13. tarry - to stay in a place, especially when you ought to leave; to delay coming to or going from a
place; linger; დროებით ყოფნა; შეყოვნება

10. THE FISHERMAN AND HIS SOUL pg 113 – 126 (And after a year was over the Soul came down to the
shore of the sea and called to the young Fisherman - დან - And after the third year was over, the Soul came
down to the shore of the sea - მდე)

1. to gallop - (usually used for horses) to moves very fast and each stride includes a stage when all four
feet are off the ground together; to ride a horse very fast; ჭენება (ცხენის)
2. prophet - (in the Christian, Jewish and Muslim religions) a person sent by God to teach the people
and give them messages from God; a person who claims to know what will happen in the future;
3. veil - a piece of very thin material, worn especially by women to protect or hide the face, or as part
of a hat, etc.; პირბადე, ვუალი
4. tremble - to shake in a way that you cannot control, especially because you are very nervous,
excited, frightened, etc.; თრთოლა, კანკალი
5. beseech (besought -past form) - to ask somebody for something in an anxious way because you want
or need it very much; implore; beg; ვედრება
6. slay - (old-fashioned or literary) to kill somebody/something in a war or a fight; განგმირვა,
7. to take hostage - to capture and hold (by another person or group of people) a person, who may be
injured or killed if people do not do what the person or group is asking; მძევლად აყვანა
8. to barter - the system of exchanging goods, property, services, etc. for other goods, etc. without
using money; გაცვლა-გამოცვლა
9. feast - a large or special meal, especially for a lot of people and to celebrate something; ნადიმი
10. crescent - a curved shape that is wide in the middle and pointed at each end (a crescent moon);
11. to abominate - to feel deep hate or horror for something/somebody; ზიზღი
12. to dazzle - if a strong light dazzles you, it is so bright that you cannot see for a short time; to blind;
dazzled-blinded (by beauty, skill, etc.); თვალის მოჭრა, დაბრმავება

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