CSS10 Q3. Week 5

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Third Quarter, Week 5

Name of Learner: _____________________________ Grade Level: _________________________

Section: _____________________________________ Date: _________________________

Part 1


What is Subnetting?
Subnetting is a process of dividing a single large network in multiple smaller networks. A single large
network is just like a town without any sector and street address. In such a town, a postman may take 3 to 4 days
in finding a single address. While if town is divided in sectors and streets, he can easily find any address in less
than one hour.

Let’s take another example. Due to maintenance there is a scheduled power cut. If town is divided in
sectors, electric department can make a local announcement for the affected sector rather than making an
announcement for the whole town.
Besides these two examples, you can take several other examples from real life where large objects are
divided in smaller sections.
Computer networks also follow the same concept. In computer networking, Subnetting is used to divide a
large IP network in smaller IP networks known as subnets.
A default class A, B and C network provides 16777214, 65534, 254 hosts respectively. Having so many
hosts in a single network always creates several issues such as broadcast, collision, congestion, etc.
Let’s take a simple example. In a company there are four departments; sales, production, development
and management. In each department there are 50 users. Company used a private class C IP network. Without
any Subnetting, all computers will work in a single large network.

Computers use broadcast messages to access and provide information in network. A broadcast message is
an announcement message in computer network which is received by all hosts in network.
Earlier in this tutorial we discussed an example of electric announcement. You can relate that example
with this example. In that example we learned how dividing a town in sectors can reduce announcement area.
In this example since all computers belong to same network, they will receive all broadcast messages
regardless the broadcast messages which they are receiving are relevant to them or not.
Just like town is divided in sectors, this network can also be divided in subnets. Once network is divided
in subnets, computers will receive only the broadcasts which belong to them.
Since company has four departments, it can divide its network in four subnets. Following figure shows
same network after Subnetting.

Advantage of Subnetting
Subnetting allows us to break a single large network in smaller networks. Small networks are easy to
Subnetting reduces network traffic by allowing only the broadcast traffic which is relevant to the subnet.
By reducing unnecessary traffic, Subnetting improves overall performance of the network.
By blocking a subnet’ traffic in subnet, Subnetting increases security of the network.
Subnetting reduces the requirement of IP range.

Disadvantage of Subnetting
Different subnets need an intermediate device known as router to communicate with each other.
Since each subnet uses its own network address and broadcast address, more subnets mean more wastage
of IP addresses.
Subnetting ads complexity in network. An experienced network administrator is required to manage the
subnetted network.
Subnetting decreases the total number of IP addresses in the network but may need buying additional
hardware such as a router. So, it may cost lots of money.
Set network configuration

Activity 1
Direction: Write “A” if the statement is Advantage and “D” if it is Disadvantage. Write your answers on the
space provided.
1. Subnetting reduces the requirement of IP range. = ______
2. Subnetting ads complexity in network. An experienced network administrator is required to manage the
subnetted network. = ______

3. Subnetting allows us to break a single large network in smaller networks. Small networks are easy to
manage. = ______

4. Subnetting reduces network traffic by allowing only the broadcast traffic which is relevant to the subnet.
5. By reducing unnecessary traffic, Subnetting improves overall performance of the network. = ______

6. By blocking
 a subnet’ traffic in subnet, Subnetting increases security of the network. = ______
7. Since
 each subnet uses its own network address and broadcast address, more subnets mean more wastage
of IP addresses. = ______
8. Different subnets need an intermediate device known as router to communicate with each other. = ______
9. Subnetting decreases the total number of IP addresses in the network but may need buying additional

hardware such as a router. So, it may cost lots of money. = ______

10.It cannot correct the lack of efficiency because companies still assign address block regarding to classes.

1. Why do we need to use IP Address on networks?


Electronic Resources:)

examples.html - Computer Networking Notes
IP Addressing and Subnetting for New Users


Name of Writer/s


Division ICT Coordinator / OIC EPS
Activity 1

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