Pumpkin Unit Day 1

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Date:     10/21/22  Day: Friday

Subject / Course: Science

Topic: Unit Lesson 1
Lesson Title: Pretest & Seed Planting
Level: 2 30 minutes

Lesson Objectives/Standards:
●  4.1.2.F See Science as Inquiry in the Introduction for grade level indicators. (Plan
and conduct a simple investigation and understand that different questions require
different kinds of investigations.)
● SWBAT make predictions based on provided information using the scientific

Instructional Materials:
● Large piece of paper to record student predictions
● Two templates per child (white paper to color or orange paper)
● One sandwich bag per student
● Wet paper towel
● Seeds to plant (3-5 per student)
● Science notebook (1 per student)
● Pretest
● Prepared craft to model for students


● We’re going to become scientists over the next several days. Scientists can study
and experiment with lots of things, but since its fall we’re going to work with
pumpkins in lots of different ways.


● Pretest to be given.
● An important step is to document what we find, so each of you will be starting
your own science notebook.
● Students will begin a pumpkin science notebook (packet). This will be used for
multiple activities. Students should put their name on the front.
● The first thing we’re going to do is see if we can start growing our own pumpkins.
Pumpkins, like many plants, start from seeds. How many of you have planted
seeds before?
● Teacher should ask students to share experiences including when they planted
the seeds (season), how long they took to grow, did the seeds always grow the way
they planned, have they ever eaten something they grew.
● We see pumpkins all over this time of year since it is fall and many people use
them for decorations. In order to make sure that we have all the pumpkins that
people want for decorations or to make yummy food, farmers or people who grow
pumpkins at home would want to plant their seeds in early summer. Not only
does this make sure the seeds have the right weather and water; but they also
take that long to grow.
● Students will complete pumpkin window craft. This includes putting pumpkin
seeds into a sandwich bag with a wet paper towel. They will then “frame” the page
with a paper pumpkin they cut out. We will observe if we see any changes in the
seeds daily.
● Craft Instructions: Template is included on the unit website
{kuunit2022.weebly.com}. Each student will cut out two templates, including
cutting out the rectangle in the middle to view the seeds through. Students will
place 3-5 seeds and a wet paper towel in a sandwich bag. They will staple the
sandwich bag between the two templates.

● We planted our seeds, how long do you think it will take for them to have a
change you notice? {Ask student for ideas, writing them on a large piece of paper
to be reviewed tomorrow}
● We will watch a short video on how we will be making predictions (hypothesis),
observing, and concluding. Show the video on scientific method.


● Scientists don’t rush. The key to being a good scientist is to prepare and think
things through. Today we prepared ourselves for what we will experiment with as
we continue to talk about pumpkins.


Summative: End of unit quiz & science notebook (rubric)

Accommodations / Differentiation:
● Teacher will read pretest to students.
● Some students will need assistance with cutting (motor skills)

Report of Students’ Performance in Terms of States Objectives:

Personal Reflection:

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