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2015 International Workshop on Sensor, Peer-to-peer and SociAl Networks, ICNC Workshop

A Security-Enhanced Routing Algorithm with Path


Mario Pagan1, Audrey Hession2, Shengli Yuan3

Research Experience for Undergraduates

Department of Computer Science and Engineering Technology
University of Houston – Downtown
Houston, Texas 77002
mario.pagan@upr.edu, alhession@email.arizona.edu, 3yuans@uhd.edu

 [11]. While the cryptographic authentication is better at

Abstract: Modern society is becoming increasingly protecting the messages, even the most powerful encryption
dependent on various communication networks such as the can be bypassed by the advances in mathematics and
Internet and the sensor networks. These networks need computation capabilities [12].
strong security measures to keep the traffic secure. If the In addition to the lack of message confidentiality, OSPF also
security fails, many aspects of the society may suffer. In this does not protect against sniffing software which has the ability
paper, we address the network security challenge by to intercept Link State Advertisement messages and learn the
focusing on one integral part of the network functionality: whole network topology. OSPF uses a shortest path algorithm
routing. Using Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) as our such as Dijkstra's algorithm to find the shortest or lowest cost
Internal Gateway Protocol (IGP), we aim to create a path from the source router to the receiving router [3] [6]. This
randomization process in which the packets will be sent ensures each data package will be sent most efficiently through
through less predictable paths. By using this process we
the network. A major weakness of this approach is that if an
expect to increase the difficulty for a hacker to eavesdrop
attacker were to know the topology of the network, he/she
traffic hence improve network security.
could easily predict the exact path by which each message will
Index Terms—Network security, routing algorithm, be sent as long as the network topology is relatively stable.
OSPF, path randomization He/she can then eavesdrop on a path to capture all or the
majority of the packages of a connection. Hence the current use
of Dijkstra’s algorithm in OSPF leads to path predictability and
becomes a security risk [6]. One way to mitigate this risk is to
I. INTRODUCTION encrypt all network traffic including both user data packages as
well as the Link State Advertisement messages. However this
Routing is one of the fundamental functionalities of various
approach requires significantly more computing power from
communication networks such as the Internet and the sensor
the router.
networks [1]. Routers, and more broadly, switches are the
In our proposed solution we attempt to make the routing
backbone of the communication networks, thus making them a
paths less predictable thus making it more difficult for an
prime target for malicious attacks. Current technology like
attacker to eavesdrop on user traffic. For each destination,
Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and IP Security (IPSec) provide a
instead of having only one next-hop entry in the routing table,
decent level of security to network applications but at the cost
we propose to have multiple entries thus the data packets may
of efficiency [8] [9].
reach the destination on different paths.
The routing process is dictated by protocols which define
Past work done by researchers, such as [5] [12] proves that
what a router should do when a packet arrives. Some of these
algorithms exist that also find more than one disjoint paths. The
protocols have built-in security measures to ensure the
disadvantages of these algorithms are that an increased number
authenticity of the message. For example, the Open-Shortest-
of control messages are created and they assume no topology
-Path-First (OSPF) protocol has a simple password protection
changes may occur during the path finding procedure [5]. Kuo
and cryptographic authentication [2] [4]. However, a weak
et al. [16] proposed a path randomization for dynamic routing,
password can be easily defeated using sniffing software [10]
but they focus only on Routing Information Protocol (RIP) for
wired networks. Their proposed algorithm has small
The work presented in this paper is supported by NSF Grant 1262928. path-similarity (i.e. minimal number of common links between

978-1-4799-6959-3/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE 1137

2015 International Workshop on Sensor, Peer-to-peer and SociAl Networks, ICNC Workshop

nodes) and adds a layer of security against possible attacks. We sent. This kind of information can facilitate an attacker to
believe our proposed algorithm will enhance the same principle intercept, redirect and spoof data packages [14]. Even though
to work with the OSPF protocol and increase security without we can encrypt all the traffic to increase security, it is not ideal
adding more overhead. to completely rely on encryption [15]. The network traffic can
In this paper, we propose a new routing algorithm to enhance be better protected if the paths taken by the packets are less
the security of the Internet. Instead of using Dijkstra's algorithm predictable.
to find only one shortest path between each pair of
source-destination nodes, we will find multiple paths between
A. Hot Potato Routing Algorithm
each pair of source-destination nodes. We will then populate
the routing table with all the paths. When a data package arrives With the Hot Potato Routing algorithm, the path by which a
as a router, instead of always sending the package by the same package travels is completely random. The way this algorithm
path, the router will randomly choose one of the paths in the works is when a packet is received by a router, the packages are
routing table to send the package by. Because the path is randomly forwarded to one of the router’s neighbors [7]. The
randomly selected for each package, it becomes more difficult router does not take into consideration the ending node, the link
for an attacker to eavesdrop all packages of a communication costs or path minimization. This way the path by which a
session. This layer of added security conceals the package’s package travels is completely random. The positive aspect of
path and therefore better protects against interception, spoofing this algorithm is that it provides more security against spoofing
and redirecting. and sniffing because it is impossible for a hacker to determine
Here is how the rest of the paper is organized. In Section 2, the path or to track the data packages. However, this Hot Potato
we first describe the Dijkstra’s Algorithm and its security Algorithm is very inefficient as the paths may end up being
vulnerability; we then describe a routing algorithm which we very long. Consider a data packet received by router A and is
named “Hot Potato Routing”. This algorithm has the maximum destined to A’s neighboring router B. With this algorithm,
level of path randomness but suffers from inefficiency. We then router A may send the packet on a path through many other
describe and analyze our new approach which we believe will routers instead of directly to B. In small networks this might
achieve a high level of path randomness without sacrificing not be a huge deal, but in a very large network this will
efficiency. In Section 3, we will perform computer simulations substantially increase the time it takes for a package to reach its
to compare the different routing algorithms and verify the destination. Although the path may be very difficult for an
effectiveness of our new approach. In Section 4, we conclude attacker to track, the lack of efficiency makes this protocol
the paper. impractical.
In the next algorithm, we will combine the strengths of the
Hot Potato algorithm and the Dijkstra's Algorithm to provide a
II. SECURITY ENHANCED ROUTING ALGORITHM more secure but also efficient way of forwarding data packets.
Shortest-path algorithms such as Dijkstra’s Algorithm [6] are
integral part of the OSPF routing protocol. After a router has B. Disjoint Path Routing with Random Selections (DPRRS)
established the topology of the network, it uses Dijkstra’s As we saw, Dijkstra’s algorithm is a good way to ensure the
Algorithm to compute the best paths between the source-router path to the end node is always the shortest one. This is
and all possible destinations. It then populates the IP routing important as the routing process must be very efficient.
table with the lowest cost path for each destination. Every Therefore, in our approach we also use Dijkstra’s algorithm but
router has its own IP routing table which dictates where each we run the algorithm multiple times in order to find multiple
data package is forwarded to. The algorithm begins with shortest paths to an end node. Later when a data package arrives
marking all nodes to be unvisited, the initial node cost to be at the router, the router forwards the package to one of its
zero and every other node cost to be infinity. First, let the neighboring routers which are on the previously computed
starting node be the current node and then consider the cost to paths to the destination. While this approach adds a little more
reach all of the current node’s neighbors. Then, compare this work for the router when populating its routing table, it will
value to the currently assigned cost to the node and assign the boost our network confidentiality and ensure the integrity of the
smaller value. Next, mark the current node as visited and data packages.
choose the unvisited node with the lowest cost as your next In the implementation of Dijkstra’s algorithm, to send a
current node. The algorithm will continue moving through the package between two neighboring routers, let’s say node A to
network in this way until all nodes have been visited. The node B, there must be a quantified cost assigned to the link. On
running time of the Dijkstra’s algorithm is O(|V|2) or O(|E| + the other hand, if there is no link between the routers the cost
|V|log|V|), where |V| is the number of vertices and |E| is the for the link is set to infinity and the two routers are not
number of edges in the network [13]. considered neighbors. This is important for the algorithm to
This is an efficient and seamless process to find the lowest determine whether or not to send a package through that path.
cost path from the starting node to every other node in a Our solution utilizes this same principle of the algorithm.
network. The downside is that Dijkstra’s Algorithm is a The first step is to run the algorithm like it would normally be
well-known algorithm. Once the topology is known, an attacker run in OSPF. When the shortest path is selected and saved, we
can compute the exact path by which any data packages will be

2015 International Workshop on Sensor, Peer-to-peer and SociAl Networks, ICNC Workshop

change the link cost of all the links used in that path to be packages sent by the same router as the router will send the
infinity. Basically, we will remove the shortest path from the packages along different paths. Therefore not only does the
set of available routes to send data by. We then run Dijkstra’s randomization process lower the chances that a data package
algorithm again to find another path which will be link disjoint will be intercepted at all but it also minimizes the harm if an
from the first one. We will keep repeating this process until we attacker does succeed.
obtain the desired number of disjoint paths. Lastly, the router With either the Hot Potato Routing Algorithm or the DPRRS
will save all of the paths found into its routing table, which will Algorithm, the paths traveled by the data packets may be longer
ensure we will have access to all paths later when the router than that of the paths generated by a shortest path algorithm
needs to route a data package. We may exclude the next-hop on such as Dijkstra’s algorithm. With additional path length, there
the shortest path to further improve the security as discussed may be more packets traveling in the network at any given
later. moment which may require more network resource to process
At this point all our network paths are computed and we can these packets. Network user may also experience longer delays.
start forwarding the packages. Each time a data package is Therefore it is important to study our new approaches’ impacts
received, the router will randomly choose one of the paths on path lengths.
which it has computed earlier to send the package by. By
creating this randomization process, we expect to lower the
chances for an attacker being able to track and find the III. COMPUTER SIMULATIONS AND ANALYSIS
packages as they travel through the network. In this section we conduct computer simulations to
In the case when an attacker is able to calculate the shortest determine the effectiveness of the Disjoint Path Routing with
path between the source node and the destination node and Random Selections (DPRRS) algorithm. We have three
he/she is also able to gain access to one of the links on the path, variations for the DPRRS algorithm: DPRRS-2, DPPRRS-3,
the attacker can capture all traffic from the source node to the and DPRRS-4, with which a router randomly chooses one of
destination node if the routers are running Dijkstra’s Algorithm two, three, and four disjoint paths respectively from its routing
and hence all packets pass through the same path. On the other table to the destination node. We compare their performance
hand, if the routers are running either the Hot Potato Routing with those of the Hot Potato Routing and those of the Dijkstra’s
algorithm or the DPRRS algorithm, the amount of packets algorithm. We use LEDA programs to randomly generate
being captured by the attacker may be significantly reduced. network graphs of sizes ranging from 10, 20 and 40 nodes and a
We can calculate the upper bound on the amount of traffic nodal degree (i.e., the number of links ending in a node) of 2.8
captured by the attacker in the latter cases as follows. [17].
For the DPRRS algorithm, let n to be the number of next-hop As mentioned at the end of Section II, longer routing paths
entries in the routing table stored for each destination, then the can lead to additional network resource consumption and
average amount of traffic may be captured by an attacker is 1/n longer delays experienced by network users. Since the most
of the total traffic if the attacker has access to one of the links on significant network resource consumptions and delays occur at
the shortest path. The larger n is, the more difficult for an the routers, we run the algorithms on these networks and
attacker to capture all packets. If the n entries in the routing compare the average hop-counts between all node-pairs of the
table exclude the next-hop on the shortest path, then the amount networks. A hop-count is the number of routers on a path
of traffic may be captured by an attacker is zero! connecting the source node and the destination node. It equates
For the Hot Potato Algorithm, each packet travels on a to path length when all link cost is 1.
random path before reaching the destination node. The amount The data from the simulation is contained in Table 1 and
of traffic captured by the attacker depends on the nodal degree depicted in Fig 1 and Fig 2. As expected, with the Hot Potato
of the network, as well as on the attacker’s hop distance to the Routing algorithm, a router passes an incoming packet to one of
source node and the destination node. Let the nodal degree to be its neighboring routers at random, thus the packet is likely to
d. Also assume the attacker have access to the i-th link on the experience the longest path length and delay before reaching its
shortest path from the source node thus 1 ≤ i ≤ h, or equally the final destination. In the worst case, a packet may be traveling in
(h – i + 1)-th link to the destination node. When min(i, h – i + 1) circles in the network while not reaching the destination. On the
= 1 where function min(x, y) returns the lesser value of x and y, other hand, with Dijkstra’s Algorithm, a router always passes
the packets from the source node to the destination are equally an incoming packet to its neighbor who is on the shortest path
distributed on d paths, then the average amount of traffic may to the packet’s final destination, thus the packet always
be captured by an attacker is 1/d of the total traffic. For other experience the shortest path and delay. DPRRS algorithms
values of min(i, h – i + 1), the traffic from the source node to the generate paths whose hop counts are slightly higher than that of
destination are equally distributed on dmin(i, h – i + 1) paths, thus Dijkstra’s Algorithm but significantly lower than that of the
the average amount of traffic may be captured by an attacker is Hot Potato Routing algorithm. Out of the three variations of
1/ d min(i, h – i + 1) of the total traffic. Lager nodal degree d makes it DPRRS algorithms, DPRRS-2 has the hop counts that are
more difficult for an attacker to capture all packets. closest to that of Dijkstra’s Algorithm while DPRRS-4 has the
With either the DPRRS algorithm or the Hot Potato largest difference. This can be explained as follows. When each
algorithm, if an attacker were to intercept a communication, it router has a larger collection of neighboring routers to forward
will be difficult for him/her to continuously intercept all an incoming packets, there are more variations of possible

2015 International Workshop on Sensor, Peer-to-peer and SociAl Networks, ICNC Workshop

paths for the packets to reach their destination which cause the
paths’ average hop counts to increase. However, as we 4

explained in Section III, more path variations increase the

difficulty of traffic eavesdropping and enhance network

Average Hop Count

We can also observe that in larger networks, the path hop 3
counts increase with all routing algorithms. Once again we
believe this is because larger networks provide more
connectivity therefore there are increased path variations. Once
again this can be advantageous in protecting network traffic 2
from eavesdropping attacks.
DPRRS-2 Dijkstra's Algorithm
10 20 30 40
In this paper, we proposed a new routing algorithm that Number of Nodes in Network
enhances network security against eavesdropping attacks. The
algorithm’s complexity is polynomial and can be easily Fig. 2. Average hop counts of the paths using four different routing
implemented. Computer simulations reveal that the algorithm algorithms: DPRRS-4, DPRRS-3, DPRRS-2, and Dijkstra’s
causes the hop counts hence the network delay to increase only Algorithm
by a limited amount. For future study, we will investigate the
optimal degree of path randomness for a given protection
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2015 International Workshop on Sensor, Peer-to-peer and SociAl Networks, ICNC Workshop

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