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The Tortoise and the Monkey

A fable by Jose Rizal

Once, the tortoise and the monkey found a banana tree floating on a river.It was a grand trunk
with many green leaves, with its roots whole, exactly as if a storm had just uprooted it. The two
took it to the bank.
“Let us divide it,” said the tortoise, “and each one plants his share,”.They cut the middle.
The monkey, being the stronger one, took for himself the upper part, thinking that as it had
leaves it would grow rapidly. The tortoise, being weaker, was left with the lower part which
seemed dead though it did have roots.
After a few days they met.
“Good morning, Mr Monkey.” said the tortoise. “How is your banana plant?”
“Oh!” replied the monkey, “It has been dead for a long time!And yours, Miss Tortoise?’
“Mine?Very well certainly! With leaves and fruits. I can’t climb it to gather the fruits.”
“Don’t worry about it,” said the wicked monkey. “I’m going to climb and pick them for you,”
“Thanks in advance, Mr Monkey.” replied the tortoise gratefully.
The two went to the tortoise’s house.As soon as the monkey glimpsed the beautiful bunch of
bright yellow bananas between the broad green leaves, he hurled himself toward them, climbing
with incredible agility and began eating them rapidly, laughing and grinning.
“But, give me some also!” begged the tortoise, seeing the monkey did not mind her in the least.
“Not even the peeling!” replied the rascal with two cheeks full.
The tortoise thought of taking revenge.She went to the river,gathered some thorns and shells,
and arranged them around the banana tree, hiding herself under a coconut shell.When the
monkey came down he was hurt and began to bleed.
He went to look for the tortoise finding her with great difficulty.
“You,infamous creature , here i have you at last!”He said
“You have to pay me for everything, you ought to die. But, as I'm very generous, I'll leave you
the choice of the manner of your death. Which do you prefer? I chop you in a mortar or I throw
you in the water?”
“The mortar!, chop me in the mortar!” exclaimed the tortoise. “I’m so afraid to drown!”
“Oh!” said the monkey laughing, “So you are afraid to drown? Well then,
I’m going to drown you .”
And taking her to the river bank, he threw her with all his might into the river. But soon as the
tortoise reappeared, swimming and mocking the deceived monkey, but nonetheless wicked

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