PM Engage 2021 (PGP2) - Team Viper

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IIM Calcutta (PGP2)

Team Viper
Manan Mehrotra (0430/57) &
Mohamed Kifilshah (0198/57)
The objective is to identify customer pain points and propose solutions addressing the same, in order to make
OneDrive the preferred app for photos and videos. (We have used OneDrive v6.40 Beta for analysis)

Understanding the users:

Our first order of business was to understand the users. We conducted In-Depth Interviews (IDIs) of a diverse set
of people from different ages, occupation, phones, frequency of usage and social media habits. We noted
similarities across demographics in responses and created the following personas.

Social media pro Organizer/Curator Low touch user

Shanti has multiple editing apps Mayank regularly corresponds with

installed to get the right look for her friends and is a little obsessive with Akhil has more photos of himself in his
social media posts. She will willingly organizing. He has all his photos and WhatsApp folder than his gallery. He
spend an hour going through her cloud videos neatly archived. He worries does like to go back to his photos from
backup to find the right pic for her about his cloud photos getting hacked a few years ago and reminisce.
Insta story. .

Out of the three we chose to focus on the Social Media pro because it is a high touch user, and their use cases
capture some requirements of the other 2 as well. In addition, this type of user has high volume usage and will be
more willing to take a Microsoft 365 subscription due to storage needs.
Meet the User:
Geetika is 24 and has recently started working in Bangalore. She likes to go on weekend trips and shares her
photos and videos from these on social media. She also keeps in close touch with her college friends from Delhi
and will make sure to celebrate her friends’ birthdays by posting an Instagram story of an old photo with them
almost always accompanied by a funny caption
User Journey & Pain-points
Next, we looked at Geetika’s user journey and listed down the various pain points

: Customer Value Goals & Pain-points

expectations CV : Customer Value BV : Business Value

Capture good quality Wants to click better Not familiar with

Capturing pictures advanced features
photos & videos

Cluttered gallery & Tedious to manually

Storing & Effortlessly organised limited storage organise
organising gallery CV BV CV BV

Concerned about Shared accounts with

sensitive files family
Privacy Control over files

Timeline has too Want to find similar Photos get lost in the
Discover & Easily find pictures many photos photos gallery with time
Reminisce fast, CV BV CV BV CV BV
: Customer Value Goals & Pain-points
expectations CV : Customer Value BV : Business Value

Exciting ways to Want to find good Videos are difficult to Some old pictures
reminisce photos with a search bring back bad
particular memories

Wants social media Cannot do basic edits Must use multiple

Editing ready on videos apps
Pictures/Videos CV BV CV BV

Cannot see shared No control on quality

Seamless, intuitive albums under photos while sharing
sharing CV BV CV BV

Accustomed to using Cannot find features Difficult to switch

An intelligent, dedicated gallery app easily Cloud storage
modern app for services
media needs CV BV CV BV CV BV

Customer Value (CV) helped us rate pain points considering whether the needs being addressed were basic usage
needs, niche use cases or delight opportunities. On the other hand, Business Value (BV) allowed us to gauge how
solving a particular pain point would drive Acquisition, Activation, Retention and Referral. Using a combination
of these two ratings, we shortlisted our top pain points (highlighted in green) for the next step.


Firstly, we looked at the Geetika’s shortlisted pain points and some competitor apps. We used these insights to
ideate features that would address her pain points. Next, in order to prioritise, we articulated the Value added by
these features to both the customers and business. We also noted the challenges associated with implementing
these features.

This helped us divide features into 4 categories:

1. Must-Haves
2. Should-Haves
3. Can-Haves
4. Won’t-Haves
Prioritisation of features

Value Score Effort Score

Area Problems Features Priority
(10= high value) (10 =low effort)

Cluttered gallery & Periodic suggestion to Can Currently time

7 6
limited storage delete/archive pictures Have consuming

Auto-update albums Must-

Storing 7 8
based on contents have
Tedious to manually
Prompt users to create Won't
4 5
albums based on tags Have

Concerned about Can Already on

Privacy Vault for media files 4 Niche use case 9
sensitive files Have OneDrive

Timeline has too many Should- Search Depends on tags

Drill-down in search 9 5
photos have flexibility accuracy

Location tagging using Must- Already on

10 Basic feature 8
metadata have Onedrive Web
Want to find good
photos with a Tagging People based on Must-
Discovery 10 Basic feature 6
particular image recognition have
Map View for Media 6 Lesser used 7

Photos get lost in the Auto-generated Should- Find old

7 8
gallery with time highlights have photos

Cannot do basic edits Can

Editing Basic video editing tools 4 9
on videos Have

Shared pictures not Include shared albums Must-

Sharing 7 10
visible under Photos under albums have

User Huge
Overall Used to using Spin off into separate Won't
5 Preferences 4 commitment to
Experience dedicated gallery app ‘Onedrive Photos’ app Have
might change build new app

Overall Cannot find features Onboarding based on Can Advanced
6 5 prompts can be
Experience easily usage pattern Have users aware

In case of resource constraints, ‘Must-Have’ features need to be prioritized. We recommend implementing both
‘Must-Haves’ and ‘Should-Haves’ for the Social Media Pro user persona to make the app her preferred choice
considering the competitive landscape.
1. Discover with ease:
This Feature Set aims to help the user in easily manoeuvring her gallery.

1.1 Tagging People through image recognition (Must-have)

▪ The app uses image recognition to identify faces of people from photos.
▪ These faces are used to organise the pictures.
▪ For the people she is closest to, the user can identify them and add the person’s name against the image.
▪ These names (and faces, if the names aren’t tagged) are integrated into the Explore section.

1.2 Location Tagging using media metadata (Must-have)

▪ The app uses co-ordinates in media metadata to find the location where it was captured. Photos around a
location are grouped together and shown to the user.

Features 1.1 & 1.2

Note: Image recognition features will be activated only once the user has explicitly allowed it

In order to showcase the feature workflow, we choose to use UI mock-ups instead of wireframes as they
allow us to demonstrate how displayed photos change with advanced filtering and help us in explaining
features with greater clarity.

1.3. Drill-down search with dynamic filters based on tags (Must-have)

When the user searches for an image or video, drill-down search will let the user filter the search results using
the most relevant tags. These filters are dynamic in nature, changing based on the search results and previous
filters applied on the results.

Note: Features 1.1 and 1.2 are pre-requisites to implement this feature.
1.4. Highlights (Should-have)

This creates slideshows for the user based on media in the gallery. These slideshows will be auto-generated by
the app. Following are a few scenarios.
Timeline: The app can collect the pictures and videos clicked in recent past, say a week or month
Location: If the user has clicked/received pictures in a different location, the app can create a highlight

User is shown a slideshow of

Highlights generated based on time
pictures that were added with
and location.
‘Darjeeling’ tagged around the
User clicks on ‘Darjeeling’ to see
same time

User feedback to
ensure that user is not
shown pictures evoking
bad memories.

How does it help Geetika?

These features enable Geetika in easily manoeuvring through her gallery. The Drill-down feature reduces the time
taken to find the perfect photo for her Instagram post, even if it’s from years ago. While the Location/People
Tagging help her organize her photos in more diverse and flexible ways. The Highlights feature helps her re-
discover old photos and videos and probably create a throwback post on her socials.

2. Intelligent Albums:
2.1. Integrating shared albums (Must-have)
As of now, shared albums are grouped under the ‘Shared’ section of the app along with documents and other
When the user receives an album shared by someone, they will be shown under a new ‘Albums shared with me’
category where she can seamlessly access them.
2.1. Auto-updating albums (Should-have)
The user can add a person to an album so that all the pictures and videos with that person will be automatically
saved to the album.
Features 1.1 & 1.2

Once in the album, the user clicks The apps show suggestions and
Improved album feature with
shared albums ‘Add people’ button search options to help user find the
person she wants to add

How does it help Geetika?

These features save Geetika the time and effort spent in organising her gallery. The Auto-Updating Album gives
her a solution that will auto-organise photos she will be clicking according to her preferences. The improved
Shared Album accessibility will allow her to keep track of the photos that others click of her and seamlessly add
them to her gallery.
The Feature Sets discussed above focus on addressing pain points in the Discover, Store and Share parts of the
Customer Journey. These features will drive app engagement as the user will have newer ways to interact with
the app. They will also encourage new users to explore the app and drive greater adoption through robust sharing
and storing features. Therefore, we expect these features to improve Acquisition, Activation, Retention and
Referral. Following are the metrics within each category that we expect to improve post launch of the feature

Discover with ease Intelligent Albums (IA)

• Number of app downloads/month • New user accounts (through

• New user accounts created/month Shared Album links)/month

• Number of user-added tags/user • Number of IAs created/user

• Average time spent in Explore tab/user • Average time spent in viewing
• Click through rate of Highlights Notification IAs/user
• Number of Drill Down tiers/search
(Every drill-down tag selection in a single search
session will count as an additional tier

• Number of tag corrections/user

• Effective session length: Total time spent per day/ Number of sessions per day
• Stickiness Ratio: Daily Active Users/ Monthly Active Users
• Users with automated Cloud Backup/Total users

• Number of sharing links created/user • Number of shared


• Net Promoter Score

Please click here for In-depth interview trascripts & summary!AkB-M8lh6SlI1n0XxVGyqEcm7Nvu?e=ThG5AC

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