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Group: Eliane / Carolina.

Met 1 chapter 3- information gap activities:

Pair work information gaps
Task: Find the perfect roommate for you (Basic 5).

LEAD IN Play Kahoot, by entering the following code KER19 on their cell
phones they will be able to enter the session. In this game options
will be presented, and they will have to choose the one they prefer.

1.Do you prefer to wake up early or late?

a. b.

2.Do you like having animals in your house?

3. Do you like to party, or do you prefer quiet activities like
reading and writing?
4. Do you like to invite many friends to your house or just a few?

(Images are going to be in the game)

Setting up the activity First, they group them into pairs, who place their folders face to
face. Second, it would make them choose between being A or B
students so that they cover the letter that is not theirs. Third, I
would indicate that they have to complete their table by asking
their partner for the missing person's data and then for their own
information. To later choose their roommate. Before starting, I
will give you a reminder of how to ask the questions: is she/he
married? Does he/she have a job?, etc. Lastly, I will ask them if
they have any questions, and I will tell them the time they have to
carry out the activity so that they can start.

Running and closing the I will walk around the class to be able to see if the activity is being
activity carried out correctly, I will also answer the questions that the
students may have about vocabulary, etc. Minutes before finishing
I will remind them of the time left, if after this they have not yet
completed the activity, I will give them extra minutes. Once
finished I would invite them to turn their seats in the right
Post activity I will tell them to stand up and those who chose Eric as their
roommate line up on the right side of the room, those who chose
Sharon on the left. Then, to reinforce the exercise, I would ask them
to tell the person in front of them, on the opposite line, the reason
why they chose that roommate.

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