Reading Task 1.4 English

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Now make a chart after Reading task 1.

4 comment (just a draft)

Traditional teaching Non-traditional teaching

The role of the teacher To keep control of the class, be the To be didactic, focus on the students
most active person, explain things and and get them to participate, make the
ask occasional questions. class dynamic.

The role of the students Students are expected to listen To be proactive, ask questions, give
carefully to what the teacher says, take ideas, interact with peers.
notes, and do some quizzes.

Techniques used The instructions are dominant, the way To encourage critical thinking,
of teaching does not change, to exchange information in the classroom
transmit knowledge to another person (collaborative work), active / inquiry
(jug and mug). learning.

Material used Textbooks, blackboards, papers, etc. Laptops, cellphones, projector, didactic
materials, toys, media etc.

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