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Bài 16 Việt Anh

Selecting/Choosing subjects
Subjects in three levels are devided into compulsory and elective groups. Elective
subjects include three types: optional electives, electives in the subject group, electives
in the subjects.
On the afternoon on August 5, Ministry of Education and Training publicly annouced the
Draft of General Education Program. The system of subjects is designed to ensure the
contents and level are suitable for each study level and compatible with subjects of
many countries all over the world.
Every subject is named after the subject in the current program/curriculum with
adjustments, and designed to best reflect the educational content. Thus, a subject name
may change at each study level.
When at high schools, to harmonize between apprentice/vocational learning with
comprehensive study, Social Sciences along with Physics, Chemistry, and Biology are for
students studying Natural Sciences. Natural Sciences along with History, Geography are
for students studying Social Sciences. At the same time/Simultaneously, students can
also choose their own appropriate study topics/elective majors/select suitable special
Subjects in three levels are divided into compulsory and elective groups. Elective
subjects include three types: Optional Elective, students can select them or not (TC1);
Elective Group of Subjects, students have to select one or several subjects in group of
subjects specified in the program (TC2); Elective in Subjects, students have to some
content of one subject (TC3). The guided self-study is the time when students study in
classes (to replace self-study at home) with teachers’ help/guidance. This activity is
just/only available in elementary school classes having/with two sessions per/a day.
Vocational/Career-oriented education stage (at high school level) have 4 compulsory
subjects consisting of Literature 1, Math 1, Civic Education/Citizenship with the
Fatherland, and Foreign Language 1. Besides, students can choose Optional Elective
(TC1) including Scientific and Technical Research, Foreign Language 2.
According to the draft, through the whole high school years/in secondary education,
students are able to alter elective subjects and majors/study topics, but are required to
complete the minimum coursework/number of subjects, elective majors based on the
regulations in education program. The program has an amount of time/spends some
time making it possible for students to finish/complete their changes.
The organization of elective teaching is based on students’ demand and the teaching
conditions of the school. Schools are able to invite guest lecturers/visiting teachers,
send students to neighbouring schools, and so on to meet the demand of students
studying electives/the needs of students’ elective learning. Therefore, this can be
different among schools, localities; for each school, the next year may be different from
the previous one because the more the school develop, the more demand of students
studying electives can be met well/the better it can meet the elective needs of students.
The draft also mentioned clearly that in one school year, there are 35 practical weeks
(consisting of 32 weeks studying the education contents based on the national general
regulations and 3 weeks are spent for education contents of localities).
The contents of compulsory subjects and content TC2, TC3 are organized with obligatory
education time for all students in education plans. The content TC1 is not arranged with
obligatory education time for all students in education plans.

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