Bài 15 Việt Anh

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Bài 15 Việt Anh

Dai Lanh Cape

The lighthouse at Dai Lanh cape (Phu Yen) is considered as the easternmost point on the
fatherland. With the desire to become one of the people on land get the first sunlight of
a new day, we carry our backpacks to start going.
Arriving Tuy Hoa City after one night sleeping on the car, our group spent one day
exploring this beautiful new city with straight roads, neat row of houses. Hexagonal
rocks were arranged together to form a fancy and very special rock shelf in the middle
of fresh water and blue sky of Ganh Da Dia. The stone Mang Lang church was peaceful
and quiet in the green/immaculate space/atmosphere. The O Loan Lagoon was very
green and the seafood cages in the bottom of it could be seen clearly… our whole tour
group was appealing to the splendid scenery. After lunch, the group came back to Tuy
Hoa and headed to Dai Lanh. Standing in the top of the light house in Dai Lanh, we
believed that we would be the first people to see the dawn lights of a new day. Because
of not having any food service here, we asked a resident to cook for us, and 12
“strangers” asked lighthouse keepers to give us shelter for one night to wait for the sun.
Lying down in the ‘thousand stars’ hotel to wait until morning wass the feeling that
could not always have a chance to experience. Sometimes, you opened your eyes and
realized a completely starry sky with a moon on the top of lighthouse.
Not wanting to miss the early sunlights of a new day, no one told anyone, we
simultaneously set the alarms at 4:30 AM. When the alarm went off, all of us sat on the
wall of lighthouse, and our eyes looked towards to the ends of the earth to wait. The
horizon was blueing, and far away, there were lights of night fishing boats.
The sky was gradually changing to pink then orange, and red color, and the cheers once
the first sunlights escaped from the clouds. When the early sunlights welcomed us, the
national flag was also flying. A bottle of champagne was opened, which was such a
hurrah of this moment… The happy/cloud nine moment lasted for five minutes, the sun
rose extremely fast; in a moment, the whole lighthouse was full of sunlight.
At 6 o’clock, the sun was already high. Saying goodbye to the lighthouse, we downed to
the beach at the foot of the mountain and continued the tour with happiness of those
who saw the first sunlight of a new day on the fatherland…

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