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Hello, my dear tourists. Good morning before all Welcome to the city of natural paradise.
My name is EDWIN DE LA CRUZ, a guide Ofice for the tourist service CHAVIN DE HUANTAR
Our itinerary is: We are leaving from the city of Huaraz at 08:00 o’clock, to the south of
Huaraz city and passing through Recuay city. The first stop is in Ticapampa to be able to
give us SS.HH. and drink coca tea or muña y continue the tours we pass through Catac.
From Catac city, we will take a detour to the northeast towards the Cordillera Blanca, then we will
enter the National Park Huascaran. The second stop is in Querococha lake for 20 minutes it’s okey.
And continuing in two curves we will observe a geological fault, that is very similay to the map of
Perú. Continuing the ascent, we will reach the highest point at 4516 meters above sea level the
Cawish tunel.

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