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Reflection 2

There are various tools, techniques, or activities to learn a new language in class.
However, in this essay, I will show you why flashcards will prove to be your ultimate ally for
language learning.
To begin with, what is a flashcard? A flashcard is simply a card with information on it
that learners want to remember. For instance, if learners want to learn a particular word in
their target language, they can use a flashcard with this word they want to learn. When they
flip the card over, they will see what it means in their native language and they can also check
to see if they remember it correctly. The more sophisticated version of a flashcard might
include visual aid or the correct pronunciation. These include an image, an audio recording, or
an example of the word in context.
In particular, using flashcards can be an effective way to learn a new language. Firstly,
the act of making flashcards (pen–and–paper flashcards) is a way to enhance learners’
repertoire and knowledge since they must think about which information to have on one side
and the related definition or example on the other. This can also free up our memory because
learners will have a physical stack of cards with the information instead of trying to store
individual facts, names, or terms in their minds. Secondly, with the advances in technology,
we have many e-flashcard apps which use something called spaced repetition learning. This is
a science-based learning method. Once starting learning these apps start tracking learners’
progress and sorting their cards, so the tough words that they struggle with they will see them
more often in a study session so that they never forget them. Finally, from a time management
perspective, flashcards allow learners to take advantage of short amounts of time that become
available throughout the day of the week, in addition to during study sessions.
In conclusion, learning with flashcards will definitely make students remember new
words and expressions in the most efficient way. Hence, teachers should take advantage of
this to make their lectures more interesting.

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