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Class-meeting 2

Education and Reform project
Education is among the reform projects that the World Bank is
helping the Vietnamese government with. The following excerpt is
included in the Vietnamese project’s proposal to send to the Vietnam
World Bank.
1. Basic Information
Education is seen as a key factor in the transition to a market
mechanism, but there are still contents of the Soviet period.
Content, organization, and teaching methodology still make
students inactive, cope, and do not promote their creativity.
The education authority has consciously encouraged more active
learning, access to knowledge, and university education training.
The number of students in higher education levels has doubled in
the past 5 years with career-oriented training, vocational training,
and university education training programs.
2. Key issues
Inequities in education spending have been detrimental to primary
education and the poor. Public expenditure on education has
increased (17% in 1999), but budget allocation mechanisms have
not reduced the gap between richness and poverty. The shortage
(45% of the education spending) must be made by the parents and
the community.
Educational administrators are still used to the central
management mechanism. Education management still does not
promote creativity. The overlapping functions in the Ministry of
Education and Training and poor proficiency have led to poor
authority coordination. Policy analysis is the role of the Party,
while the Ministry of Education and Training is only responsible for
administrative management.
Teachers’ salaries are very low and working conditions are poor.
Hence, the teaching profession is not attractive enough to retain
the talented. About 20% of primary school teachers are
disqualified according to the standards of the Ministry of
Education and Training. Teachers do not have basic knowledge or
essential skills to meet the needs of the cutting-edge primary
curriculum that focuses on students’ creativity and quick problem-
solving skill.
Teaching methods and content are dated, especially at higher
levels of training. The poor quality of training has caused a lack of
skills and unemployment among graduates. The structure
inherited from the Soviet system made higher education slow to
meet the demand for a market economy.
3. Cooperation program
The government has created long-term programs through 2010
and 2020 and drafted a strategy for transitioning to a modern
learning system for the new century. Over the next ten years, the
World Bank and its partners will continue to work with the
government to translate this idea into a comprehensive and
dynamic program, and effective reform, with a focus on basic
It is hoped that the World Bank will quietly strengthen the capacity
and strength of the Ministry of Education and Training to
effectively coordinate with sponsors, to lay the foundation for a
program that can translate the government’s strategy into realistic
and firm action plans, and make an order of reforms at different
levels of education.
Hanoi, December 13th, 2018
Dear delegates, the guests
Dear experts, scientists
After a long day of hard work, we now can declare the Society
2018 Asia – Europe Meeting with the theme “life-long learning and
sustainable development goals to 2030 has been successful”
The conference received the participation of 105 delegates and
scientists from 67 international and domestic organizations with
22 scientific papers presented at sessions and gaining many
options. Especially, the Minister of Education and Training Phung
Xuan Nha attended and spoke. The conference also received
attention from 17 media agencies, newspapers, and television.
At the conference, the delegates discussed shared experiences
and made valuable recommendations. It is the basis for policy-
making on (1) perfecting the education system that is flexible and
interoperable; (2) promoting universities and educational
institutions to provide continuing education programs for all; (3)
towards a culture of lifelong learning in all countries; (4) promote
cooperation withing ASEM to achieve sustainable development
goal #4 on education for prosperity for us and for all on the
continents. Time is moving along with so many rapid changes in
everything field of work and life. Regular learning, lifelong learning
is one of the positive solutions for people to adapt to all changes
and requirements new to the society. We are well aware that
regular learning has been, is, and will be growing and has diverse
needs. This is a limitless resource for education. in by that scene,
general academic institutions and universities openness in
particular, with its uniqueness and readiness, will play a povital
role in providing a sharing environment, creating content, a
repository of knowledge resources, which is the foundation for
building a learning society and lifelong learning.
Assigned to host this conference, on behalf of Hanoi Open
University, we would like to express our sincere thanks to all of
you who have contributed to the success of the Conference today.
Sincere thanks to the co-organizer of the ASEF Foundation, Hanns
Seidel Stiftung supported the Conference.
Thank you to the representatives of the Government agencies of
Vietnam, especially the Ministry of Education and Training has
entrusted the school with the task to host the event. This
conference is very important and meaningful.
Thank you to the international delegates.
Thank you to the representatives of the Government agencies of
Vietnam especially the Ministry of Education and Training has
entrusted the school with the task to host the event This
conference is verysportet and meaningful sons and universities in
Methan Thank you to the scholars and scientists who participated
in sharing knowledge and his valuable experience. Thank you to
the reporters said, Dai
We that the hospitality of the people of the Capital in general and
of the Open University of Hanoi in particular, along with the poetic
beauty of Hanoi, the city for peace, will bring international friends
and You represent warm feelings and memories of the cold early
days of winter.
We wish all delegates and guests good health and happiness.
Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Successful New Year 2019.
Thank you and see you soon

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