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Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS SO Pr el i m s - M T–39


Direction(Q.No:1-5) : Which of the phrases given against the sentence should
replace the word/phrase given in bold in the sentence to make it grammatically
correct ? If the sentence is correct as it is given and no correction is required,

mark ‘No correction required’ as the answer
1. Anonymous shoppers are become passe.
1) have became 2) has become 3) are becoming

4) are being 5) No correction required
2. As domestic retailers expand, they are adept newer techniques to unravel the
mysteries behind people’s buying patterns.
1) adopting 2) adopt 3) adapted to
4) are adapting on 5) No correction required

3. Miffed by the Budget, hike in prices by FMCG brands and consumer durables
seems inevitable.
1) seems inevitably 2) inevitability 3) seemed inevitability
4) seem inevitable 5) No correction required
4. The year appears to be end on a sour note for makers of consumer durables.

1) ending upon 2) to be ending on 3) to be end in

4) to end by 5) No correction required
5. In an economy so tough as this, it pays to question the received wisdom.
1) as tough as 2) as tougher as 3) so tougher as
4) so tough that 5) No correction required

Direction(Q.No:6-10) : This sentence has two blanks. Each blank indicates that
something has been omitted. Choose the words that best fit the meaning of the
sentence as a whole.
6. The Chinese government has ______ out plans to name and shame the country’s
ten most polluted cities to try to get local governments to take ______
1) laid - action 2) sold - steps 3) thrown - effort 4) left-root 5) placed - interest
7. ______ is the demand for affordable clothing that the country’s clothing industry
is ______ to quadruple in size over the next twenty years and employ over 4
million people mostly women
1) Much - predict 2) High - estimated 3) That - calculated
4) Heavy - anticipate 5) Such - predicted
8. He was convinced that in the right circumstances a business can be as powerful
a ______ for good as a charity and therefore he created a platform for people to
improve their lives by ______ online entrepreneurs
1) model - converting 2) lesson -flourishing 3) specimen - lucrative
4) precedent - successful 5) force - becoming
9. The central bank’s ______ to the crisis has been to set reasonable standards
while giving banks time to comply and itself some flexibility to make future ______
1) reaction - impartially 2) response - tough 3) attention - challenging
4) acknowledgement - hard 5) responsible - complex

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS SO Pr el i m s - M T–39

10. About one sixth of the earth’s land is ______ in one way or another by setting up
sanctuaries etc but such reserves at sea though necessary are very few covering
at ______ three percent.
1) destroyed - scarcely 2) safeguard - worse 3) protected - most
4) inundated - hardly 5) degraded - only
Direction(Q.No:11-15) : Rearrange the given six sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E)
and (F) in a proper sequence so as to form a meaningful paragraph and then
answer the given question:
(A) Looking at this outrage the government has finally confessed to an “electricity
emergency” and has begun a program of rationing for industrial users.

(B) Radio announcers jocularly advised listeners to make their morning toast by
vigorously rubbing two pieces of bread together and wisecracked about amorous
uses for the extra darkness.

(C) At first, the power blackouts seemed a mere nuisance, the electricity suddenly
dead for two or three hours at a time, two or three times a day.
(D) This is a mortifying turn for a country that considers itself the powerhouse of
Africa and resists comparisons to its underdeveloped, famine-plagued neighbours.
(E) It also finds it embarrassing to witness electricity shortages, now expected to
be a fact of life for the next five years.

(F) But after three weeks of chronic failures -after regularly irregular vexations
with lifeless computers, stove tops and stoplights - public forbearance has given
way to outrage.
11. Which of the following should be the FIRST sentence after the rearrangement ?
1) A 2) C 3) B 4) F 5) E

12. Which of the following should be the SIXTH (last) sentence after the
rearrangement ?
1) E 2) D 3) B 4) A 5) F
Which of the following should be the FIFTH sentence after the rearrangement ?
1) E 2) B 3) D 4) F 5) C

14. Which of the following should be the THIRD sentence after the rearrangement ?
1) A 2) C 3) B 4) F 6) E
15. Which of the following should be ihe SECOND sentence after the rearrangement
1) C 2) B 3) F 4) D 5) E
Direction(Q.No:16-25) : Read the following passage carefully and answer the
given question: Certain words are given in bold to help you to locate them while
answering some of the questions.
Through the years, we’ve watched technology grow like a child budding into
adulthood. It starts out mostly crying, then crawling, gradually learning to walk,
and finally being able to run at a speed we all wish we could keep up with. We’ve
seen technology fail, and we’ve seen it succeed We’ve poked fun at it when it
doesn’t make sense, and we’ve praised it when it’s absolutely brilliant. We’ve
yelled at it when it runs out of power, and we’ve fixed or replaced it when it gets
run down.
We treat technology as a family member-even if that is a little co-dependent.
You can’t blame us, though, it’s certainly made aspects of our lives easier. We’re
no longer forced to send letters through the postal service, book vacations through
travel agents, shop in stores, visit the library for research material, or wait for
our photos to be developed. Thanks to technology, all of these activities can be
performed either digitally or online.

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS SO Pr el i m s - M T–39

At the same time, though, technology can make life more convoluted-
especially when something doesn’t work right or doesn’t do what it’s supposed to.
Say. for instance, a computer erases all of your important data.
For the most part, however, technology does us more good than harm It’s
reconnected us with old college roommates, helped us learn a foreign language,
and encouraged us to exercise. Technology has changed our lives-for the better
and for the worse
For many of us. communicating with family used to mean sending letters
and cards through the mail and getting no response until weeks later. We’d pass
hand-written notes to friends in class. We’d pick up the telephone-paying for
long-distance calls, and could only talk to one person at a time. On top of that,

there were no answering machines to leave messages if a person wasn’t home, or
Caller ID to screen calls if we didn’t feel like picking up the phone Also, pay
phones were the only option to call home if our car broke down on the side of the

For the past decade or so, technology has transformed the way we
communicate, in part due to the advent of the Internet. Instead of mailing letters,
we’re writing e-mails that can be sent instantaneously to a recipient. We can
even add multiple recipients to these e-mails, so that more than one person can
read them. Even more, we can send greeting cards over the Web. No postage

needed! Sending a note to a friend can be done in a matter of seconds through
instant message clients. With them, we can see if a “buddy” is available or away,
talk to multiple people at a time, “wink” and “sigh” using emoticons. ignore a
message if we don’t feel like talking, and send links to our favorite Web articles
and videos.

We are no longer bound to long-distance charges, either. Many folks have

already kicked their landline phones to the curb and replaced them with” mobile
phones. We can place free video calls (yes. we can see the person we’re talking
to) to anyone in the world over the Internet. For a monthly paid service we can
make regular phone calls over the Internet through our cable company.
Mobile phones have become a godsend, letting us place calls no matter where

we are. Even text messaging has become an efficient way to get a short message
across, such as “Meet you there at 8.”
It’s true that technology has also made society somewhat impersonal. We
communicate with each other mostly through e-mail and instant message. As a
result, it’s difficult to tell when a person is serious or sarcastic-our clever turns
of phrase can easily be misconstrued. Technology tends to make communication
drag out more than it has to. too. Sometimes it’s quicker to just get out of your
seat and walk to the person, or simply pick up the phone.
Even worse, younger generations have forgotten how to spell and write
complete sentences due to the increased use of text messaging on mobile phones.
A report stated that in many cases, teenagers seemed “unduly reliant on short
sentences, and had a limited vocabulary” and that too with bad spelling and little
or no punctuation. It’s beginning to pose a threat to traditional conventions in
writing, not to mention oral communication.
In addition, we’ve seen how addicted people can become to their smartphones.
People possess an obsessive need to constantly check their e-mail, even when on
vacation with the family. It’s as if we’re afraid we’ll miss something important or
be out of the loop.
16. Which of the following is most nearly the SAME in meaning as the word given in
bold as used in the passage ?
1) misunderstood 2) misdiagnosed 3) suppressed
4) defective 5) mishap

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS SO Pr el i m s - M T–39

17. Which of the following is most OPPOSITEin meaning of the word given in bold as
used in the passage ?
1) invention 2) position 3) point 4) culmination 5) outcome
18. Which of the following can be the most suitable title for the passage ?
1) The Future of Technology 2) Technology Development - The Roadblocks
3) Technology - The Good and the Bad of Communication
4) How Well Do You Know Technology ?
5) Are You Technologically Savvy ?

19. Which of the following is most nearly the SAME in meaning as the word given in
bold as used in the passage ?

1) chance 2) alternative 3) decision 4) difference 5) permission
20. Which of the following is most OPPOSITE in meaning of the word given in bold as
used in the passage ?
1) designer 2) pitted 3) elaborate 4) round 5) simple

21. Which of the following is true according to the passage ?
(A) It is possible to see and converse with a person situated at another location in
real time with the help of technology.
(B) Technology has made it easier to share information with each other.
(C) Technology is responsible for making people aloof to some extent.

1) All the three A. B and C 2) Only A and B 3) Only B and C

4) Only A 5) Only B
22. Which of the following is/are the charactenstic/s of communicating with the
help of technology

(A) Depiction of facial expressions has become possible

(B) Communicating with multiple people simultaneously has become a possibility
(C) Information on availability of people to converse or chat is obtainable
1) Only A and C 2) Only B and C 3) Only A and B
4) All the three (A), (B) and (C) 5) OnlyB
23. According to the passage, which of the following is/are the downfalls of technology
proliferation ?
(A) The landline has become redundant hence causing some companies to shut
(B) Addiction to one’s smartphone causes a number of problems
(C) Technology can sometimes cause prolong communication more than it has to
1) Only C 2) All the three (A), (B) and (C) 3) Only A
4) Only A and B 5) Only B and C
24. According to the passage, which of the following is Not True ?
1) Without technology communication was a slower process.
2) Technology has made communicating with others more expensive.
3) Most aspects of technology proliferation are beneficial.
4) The advent and subsequent proliferation of technology has had its share of ups
and downs.
5) All the given options are true according to the passage.

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS SO Pr el i m s - M T–39

Direction(Q.No:25-35) : Read the following passage carefully and answer the

question. Certain-words/ phrases are given in bold to help you locate them while
answering some of the questions.
Profits have been booming in America, reaching the highest proportion ol
GDP since the second World War. You might imagine that businesses are investing
like crazy to take advantage of all those great opportunities. Not a bit of it. The
ratio of business investment to GDP has picked up since the depths of the financial
crisis, but it is still close to the lows of previous cycles. Instead businesses are
handing cash back to shareholders, a tactic once reserved for executives who had
run out of ideas. In 2011, the value of American share buy-backs was equal to 2.7

percent of GDP. in Britain the figure was 3.1 percent. In the early 1970s American
companies invested 15 times as much cash as they distributed to shareholders,
in recent years the ratio has dropped to below two. The main cause for this

detrimental change in economic policy is management compensation and
incentives. Executives are now paid largely in the form of bonuses rather than
salary. These bonuses are often tied to the share price, which in turn depends on
the ability of the company to meet its quarterly earnings-per-share target. Buy-
backs tend to boost earnings-per-share; investment plans may dent them. The
result of the increased importance of bonuses and the use of these measures of

performance is that managers are less inclined to take the short-term risks,
such as cutting profit margins and investing. Academic studies confirm this. A
2004 survey found that the majority of managers questioned would not proceed
with a profitable long term project if it meant that the company would miss the
consensus forecast of profits in the current quarter and companies where the

executive compensation is linked to the stockmarket are less responsive to long-

term new investment opportunities
Many executives are also rewarded in the form of share options for meeting
targets. Options are more valuable than when they are linked to a volatile asset
(the more the asset price moves, the more likely it is that the option will be

exercised). Since share prices are affected by trends in profits, executives have
an incentive to pursue short-term strategies that make profits more volatile.
Until 2000. profits in the national accounts data had very similar volatility to the
reported profits of S&P 500 companies; since then, the latter have been four
times as volatile. The change seems to have been driven by mark-to-market
accounting. Firms mark up the value of their assets during good times and then
write them down in the bad times. There is no equivalent to this in the national
accounts. Indeed according to the national accounts. American companies have
been paying out in cash more than 100 percent of their domestic profits to
shareholders. If profits have been overstated so has the net worth ol companies.
The lack of corporate investment has also had broader impacts. Companies have
preferred to increase output by adding labour rather than capital. This explains
why the productivity numbers in America and Britain have been unusually poor
in recent years. We need to drive_ back onto the road to investment
25. Which of the following is/ are effect(s) of companies distributing a large share of
profits to shareholders ?
(A) Few investment opportunities are available.
(B) Companies lack incentive to be creative.
(C) Profitability is inflated.
1) All (A), (B) & (C) 2) Only (A) 3) Only (A) & (C)
4) only (C) 5) Only (B) & (C)

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS SO Pr el i m s - M T–39

26. Which of the following can be inferred in the context of the passage ?
1) American firms have misrepresented the amount of profits they have made.
2) The American economy has recovered from the financial crisis and its GDP
growth will soon exceed that prior to the crisis.
3) On account of the financial crisis, executives are now sensibly not focusing on
the long-term profits
4) America’s growth since the 1970s has been astonishing owing to its astute
economic policy and handling of financial crisis.
5) All the given statements can be inferred in the context of the passage
27. What does the author want to convey through the phrase “You might imagine

businesses are investing like crazy to take advantage of all those great
opportunities” ?
1) Businesses are indiscriminately investing in order to take advantage of high

risk and returns.
2) It is not advisable for American businesses to invest in risky financial options.
3) Despite the impression that businesses are investing because of a conducive
environment, the contrary is true.
4) Cash spent by businesses on risky investments exceeds their profits
5) Other than those given as options

28. Choose the word which is most nearly the SAME in meaning as the word BOOMING
given in bold as used in the passage
1) loud 2) deafening 3) crashing 4) thriving 5) rolling
29. According to the author, why is there a difference in the S & P 500 data for
profitability pre and post 2000 ?

1) The American government changed the method for compiling and reporting
profitability statistics.
2) The financial crisis forced rating agencies to be stricter in evaluating profitability.
3) Post 2000. rating agencies used mathematical formulae not judgment and
experience to assess profitability.

4) There are now uniform guidelines for reporting national accounts data and S &
P data
5) After 2000. companies have begun to manipulate profitability trends resulting
in the difference in data.
30. What is the author’s view of the current practice of managerial compensation ?
1) He feels that it is beneficial as executives enjoy high salaries which increases
their productivity.
2) He believes that it is essential to attract and retain talent.
3) He feels that it is not a healthy practice as it hampers investment
4) He considers today’s economic environment risky and executives should be
compensated accordingly.
5) He is of the opinion that by eating up the profits as bonuses, loyalty of
shareholders will be lost.
31. According to the passage, which of the following can be said to be the result(s) of
mark-to-market accounting ?
(A) An accurate picture of the financial health of American companies is not
(B) Firms are penalised by shareholders for declaring poor financial results.
(C) Net worth of companies can be accurately estimated as market conditions are
taken into account.
1) Only (B) 2) Only (A) 3) Only (A) & (B)
4) All (A), (B) & (C) 5) Only(C)

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS SO Pr el i m s - M T–39

32. Which of the following is the main idea of the passage ?

1) To urge companies to return to traditional profit sharing formulae
2) To criticise the new regulatory environment, which has dented executives’
3) To point out that companies are justified in trying to increase profits
4) To suggest reasons business investment is low and urge that it should improve
5) To praise companies for putting the interests of shareholders and employees
ahead of profit making
33. Choose the word which is OPPOSITE in meaning to the word BROADER given in
bold as used in the passage

1) detailed 2) universal 3) limited 4) biased 5) plain
Direction(Q.No:34-40) : Read this sentence to find out whether there is any
grammatical mistake/error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the

sentence. Mark the part with the error as your answer. If there is no error, mark
‘No error’ as your answer. (Ignore the errors of punctuation if any).
34. Environmental activists have urged (1)/ the Centre to spend more time in listening
(2)/ to the opinions of all stakeholders (3)/ before making changes for the laws
related to the environment. (4) No Error (5)
35. The Court sentenced them two (1)/ to three years simple impnsonment (2)/ on

charges of employing two minor girls (3)/ as maid servants at their residence. (4)
No Error (5)
36. The Queen tried (1)/ her hand for texting (2)/ when she went (3)/ for the opening
of the new Gallery (4) No Error (5)
37. At the development committee meeting, (1)/ the district administration will (2)/

take up the issue of a telecom company erecting poles (3)/ illegally between
electric lines in various part of the city. (4) No Error (5)
38. A baby elephant is believed to have (1)/ separated from its mother (2)/ due to
heavy rains which lashing (3)/ the forest regions in the district. (4) No Error (5)
39. China is (1)/ making it easier (2)/ for people (3)/ to sue the government. (4) No

Error (5)
40. While the conviction rate (1)/ in crimes against women remains very low. (2)/
women seems to be (3)/ most unsafe in their homes (4) No Error (5)
Direction(Q.No:41-50) : In the given passage there are blanks, each of which has
been numbered. Against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. Find the appropriate word in each case.
Too many companies approach the retention of key employees during
disruptive periods of organisational change by throwing financial (41) at senior
executives, star performers or other “rainmakers.” However, the money is (42)
well spent. Many of the (43) would have stayed put anyway: others have concerns
that money alone cannot (44) Moreover, by focusing (45) on high fliers, companies
often overlook those “normal” performers who are (46) critical for the success of
any change effort. Research suggests that there is a better and less costly approach
to employee retention-and one that will serve companies well as they merge,
restructure and re-organise to seize strategic opportunities as the economy picks
It starts with (47) all key players but (48) only those who are most critical
and most at risk of leaving. These people are then offered a (49) of financial and
nonfinancial benefits (50) to their aspirations and concerns
41. 1) pleasures 2) jargon 3) profits 4) incentives 5) advantages
42. 1) highly 2) timely 3) oddly 4) rarely 5) shortly
43. 1) recipients 2) persons 3) senders 4) culprits 5) followers

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS SO Pr el i m s - M T–39

44. 1) address 2) build 3) direct 4) purchased 5) works

45. 1) lonely 2) utter 3) exclusively 4) singly 5) vastly
46. 1) never 2) such 3) even 4) yet 5) nonetheless
47. 1) deciding 2) identifying 3) emphasising 4) blaming 5) lifting
48. 1) targeting 2) objecting 3) aim 4) subjecting 5) focusing
49. 1) stir 2) complex 3) union 4) blend 5) merger
50. 1) ordering 2) vary 3) tailored 4) regulated 5) checked
Direction(Q.No:51-56) : In this question two/three statements followed by two
conclusions numbered I and II have been given. You have to take the given

statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known
facts and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the
given statements disregarding commonly known facts.

51. Statements : No work is a task. All tasks are masters.
Conclusion I: All masters are tasks
Conclusion II: All works being masters is a possibility
1) only Conclusion II is true 2) only Conclusion I is true
3) either Conclusion I or II is true 4) neither Conclusion I nor II is true
5) both Conclusions I and II are true
52. Statements : All numbers are digits. All alphabets are digits.

No digit is a symbol.
Conclusion I: No symbol is a number
Conclusion II: No alphabet is a symbol
1) only Conclusion II is true 2) either Conclusion I or II is true
3) both Conclusions I and II are true

4) neither Conclusion I nor II is true 5) only Conclusion I is true

53. Statements : Some years are months. Some months are days.
No day is a week.
Conclusion I: No week is a month
Conclusion II: Some months are weeks
1) only Conclusion II is true 2) neither Conclusion I nor II is true

3) only Conclusion I is true 4) either Conclusion I or II is true

5) both Conclusions I and II are true
54. Statements : Some years are months. Some months are days.
No day is a week.
Conclusion I: All months being years is a possibility
Conclusion II: No day is a year
1) both Conclusions I and II are true 2) either Conclusion I or II is true
3) only Conclusion II is true
4) neither Conclusion I nor II is true 5) only Conclusion I is true
55. Statements : All numbers are digits. All alphabets are digits.
No digit is a symbol.
Conclusion I: All alphabets being numbers is a possibility
Conclusion II: All digits are numbers
1) neither Conclusion I nor II is true 2) only Conclusion II is true
3) both Conclusions I and II are true 4) either Conclusion I or II is true
5) only Conclusion I is true
56. Statements : Some seniors are juniors. All juniors are mentors.
All seniors are guides.
Conclusion I: No junior is a guide
Conclusion II: No mentor is a senior
1) either Conclusion I or II is true
2) both Conclusions I and II are true 3) only Conclusion I is true
4) neither Conclusion I nor II is true 5) only Conclusion II is true

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS SO Pr el i m s - M T–39

Direction(Q.No:57-59) : Study the following information and answer the given

question :
N is the mother of A. J, the only son of T is married to A. K is the only sister
of J. J does not have any children. V is the grandson of T. V is married to P
57. If R is the brother of A. then how is R related to J ?
1) Niece 2) Nephew 3) Cannot be determined
4) Cousin 5) Brother in law
58. How is K related to P ?
1) sister 2) Aunt 3) Sister in law
4) Grandmother 5) None

59. How is T related to K ?
1) Mother in law 2) Grandfather 3) Aunt
4) Cousin 5) Cannot be determined

60. This consists of a statement followed by two courses of action numbered I and II
given below it A course of action is an administrative decision to be taken for
improvement, follow-up or further action in regard to the problem, policy etc. You
have to assume everything in the statement to be true and then decide which of
the suggested courses of action/s logically follow/s from the given statement.
Statement: Despite lower fares ‘Roadlanes’ bus service has been losing out to

‘Fastmove’ bus service on the City A - City B route
I. ‘Roadlanes’ bus service should increase the bus fare to match the fares of
’Fastmove’ bus service
II. ‘Roadlane’ bus service should not ply on the same route on which ‘Fastmove’
bus service plies.

1) Both I and II follow 2) Either I or II follows

3) Neither I nor II follows 4) Only II follows 5) only I follows
61. Read the given information carefully and answer the given question:
Many people get their tonsils removed and yet live normal lives. Hence, it can be
said that tonsils have no specialized function in the body.

A) Another part of the body can take over the function of the tonsils if they are
B) The tonsils have been shown to have a vital role to play in the physiology of
many animals.
C) The human tonsil develops as part of the immune system, a system of vital
importance in defense against disease.
D) Tonsillectomies (removal of tonsils) are performed only when the tonsils become
seriously infected.
If all the given four statements are taken to be true, then which of them would
strengthen the given conclusion of importance of tonsils ?
1) Only C 2) Only A 3) None of the given statements
4) Both C and D 5) Both A and C
Direction(Q.No:62-65) : Read the given information and answer the given question
Eight people E, F, G, H, I, J, K and L live on separate floors of an 8-floor
building. Ground floor is numbered 1, first floor is numbered 2 and so on until the
topmost floor is numbered 8.
* I lives on floor numbered two Only one person lives between I and F
* E lives immediately above K. E lives on an even numbered floor.
* Only one person lives between E and H. H lives above E J lives on any of the
floors above G

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS SO Pr el i m s - M T–39

* G does not live on floor numbered one.

62. How many people live between the floors on which K and I live ?
1) More than three 2) Three 3) One 4) No One 5) Two
63. Who lives on the floor immediately above E ?
1) G 2) other than those given as options 3) H
4) L 5) K
64. Who amongst the following lives between I and F ?
1) L 2) No One 3) G 4) E 5) K
65. Which of the following is true with respect to the given information ?
1) I lives immediately above G 2) F lives on floor numbered three

3) L lives on floor no. 1 4) only two people live between J and K
5) j lives on the top most floor
Direction(Q.No:66-67) : This consists of a comment followed by two statements

numbered I and II given below it. You have to decide which of the given statements
numbered I and II weaken/s or strengthen/s the comment and mark the appropriate
66. Comment: The upcoming hydro-electric power plant project should be immediately
stalled in public interest.
I. The proposed hydro-electric power plant was to be built in highly eco-sensitive

area which would have resulted in flash floods and landslides
II. The proposed hydro-electric power plant would have produced electricity
sufficient to provide 100% electrification to most of State X and other neighbouring
1) Statement I strengthens the comment while Statement II weakens the comment.

2) Statement I weakens the comment while Statement II strengthens the comment.

3) Both Statement I and Statement II weaken the comment
4) Statement I weakens the comment while Statement II is a neutral Statement.
5) Both Statement I and Statement II strengthens the comment
67. Comment: Despite having received sufficient funds from the government, research

institute A. Which was set up 5 years ago. Has been unable to develop a single
drug in its facility. The funds being provided to the institute should thus be
I. It always takes 8-12 years of research and trials on an average for a new drug
to be developed for human use.
II. Drug development is an expensive and failure-prone process which requires
cutting-edge scientific skills and collaboration across multiple disciplines
1) Statement I weakens the comment while Statement II strengthens the comment.
2) Statement I strengthens the comment while Statement II weakens the comment.
3) Statement I weakens the comment while Statement II is a neutral Statement.
4) Both Statement I and Statement II weaken the comment
5) Both Statement I and Statement II strengthens the comment
Direction(Q.No:68-72) : In this question, relationship between different elements
is shown in the statements. The statements are followed by conclusions. Study
the conclusions based on the given statement and select the appropriate answer.
68. Statements : J = R  K < V  I < E
Conclusion I: V > J
Conclusion II: E  R
1) Only Conclusion II is true 2) Only Conclusion I is true
3) Both Conclusions I and II are true
4) Either Conclusion I or II is true
5) Neither Conclusion I nor II is true

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS SO Pr el i m s - M T–39

69. Statements : P  U = N > C  H

Conclusion I: P  C
Conclusion II: U > H
1) Neither Conclusion I nor II is true 2) Either Conclusion I or II is true
3) Both Conclusions I and II are true 4) Only Conclusion I is true
5) Only Conclusion II is true
70. Statements : R < K  M = J ; K  L > S
Conclusion I: J > R
Conclusion II: M < S
1) Only Conclusion I is true 2) Only Conclusion II is true

3) Either Conclusion I or II is true
4) Both Conclusions I and II are true
5) Neither Conclusion I nor II is true

71. Statements : P  U = N > C  H
Conclusion I: P  N
Conclusion II: H < N
1) Only Conclusion II is true 2) Both Conclusions I and II are true
3) Only Conclusion I is true 4) Either Conclusion I or II is true

5) Neither Conclusion I nor II is true
72. Statements : J = R  K < V  I < E
Conclusion I : E > K
Conclusion II: K  J
1) Both Conclusions I and II are true 2) Only Conclusion II is true

3) Either Conclusion I or II is true 4) Only Conclusion I is true

5) Neither Conclusion I nor II is true
73. Read the following information carefully and answer the question which follows :
Regulatory authority for education in country Y has decided to conduct four exams
in the entire year for students of standard twelfth and to calculate the aggregate

marks while giving the final percentage rather than conducting only one exam at
the end of the year.
Which of the following statements supports the decision of the regulatory authority?
1) Many students appearing for standard twelfth board examinations start preparing
from the previous year itself.
2) Conducting multiple examinations helps in appropriate evaluation of students’
knowledge and understanding of the subjects
3) All colleges in country Y consider only the percentage obtained in the standard
twelfth for providing admission in the desired undergraduate course.
4) Some students start working while attending college simultaneously to support
their families, studying for four examinations could be very difficult for such
5) Many students find it easier to study for one exam rather than studying
throughout the year
Direction(Q.No:74-79) : Study the given information and answer the question :
When a word and number arrangement machine is given an input line of words ;
and numbers, it arranges them following a particular rule. The following is an
illustration of input and rearrangement: (All the numbers are two digit numbers)
Input : 15 23 deliver 67 product on 92 time 88 key 40 business
Step I : business 15 23 deliver 67 product on 92 time 88 key 40
Step II : business 15 67 product on 92 time 88 key 40 23 deliver
Step III : key 40 business 15 67 product on 92 time 88 23 deliver

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Step IV ; key 40 business 15 product 92 time 88 23 deliver 67 on

Step V : time 88 key 40 business 15 product 92 23 deliver 67 on
Step VI : time 88 key 40 business 15 23 deliver 67 on 92 product
Step VI is the last step of the above arrangement as the intended arrangement is
As per the rules followed in the given steps, find out the appropriate steps for the
the given input.
Input: preference 57 20 of 76 bank 83 with 91 candidate 10 46 today 35 help

74. Which element is exactly between “10” and ‘with’ in third last step of the given
arrangement ?
1) 83 2) of 3) 76 4) preference 5) 57

75. Which of the following is second last step of the given input ?
1) today 83 preference 57 help 35 bank 10 with 91 20 candidate 46 of 76 selection
2) 83 today 57 help preference 35 bank 10 candidate with 91 20 of 46 selection 76
3) 91 83 57 help 35 10 20 candidate 46 of 76 bank selection preference today with
4) 83 today 57 preference help 35 bank 10 with 91 candidate 20 of 46 selection 76

5) today 83 preference 57 help 35 bank 10 20 candidate 46 of 76 selection 91 with
76. In which step are the elements ’57 76 83 with” found in the same order ?
1) The given order of elements is not found in any step.
2) Fifth 3) Third 4) Second 5) Fourth
77. What is the position of 46" from the right end in the third step ?

1) Ninth 2) Sixth 3) Fifth 4) Eighth 5) Seventh

78. How many steps will be required to complete the given arrangement based on the
given input ?
1) Eight 2) Ten 3) Nine 4) Seven 5) six

79. Which element is sixth to the right of the element which is twelfth from the right
end of the last step ?
1) candidates 2) 46 3) 35 4) bank 5) of
Direction(Q.No:80-82) : Study the following information carefully and answer
the question.
Each of the six friends viz. A, B, C, D, E and F scored a different percentage
in an exam, B scored more than E but less than F. D scored less than only C. E
did not score the minimum marks. The one who scored the second highest scored
92% marks. The one who scored third lowest scored 78% marks.
80. Which of the following is true with respect to the given information ?
1) A scored less marks than only one person
2) None of the given options is true
3) Only three people scored less than E
4) F obtained third highest percentage in the exam
5) C possibly obtained 89% marks
81. The one who scored the lowest scored 11% less than B. Which of the following
could be the possible percentage scored by E ?
1) 91 2) 64 3) 67 4) 81 5) 75
82. Who amongst the following scored 92% marks ?
1) B 2) A 3) D 4) C 5) F

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Direction(Q.No:83-87) : This question consists of a question and two statements

numbered I and II given below it. You have to decide whether the data given in
the statements are sufficient to answer the questions. Read both the statements
and choose the most appropriate option.
83. Are all the five friends A, B, C, D and E, sitting around a circular table, facing the
centre ?
(I) A sits third to right of E. E faces the centre. A sits to immediate right of C. D is
not an immediate neighbour ofE.
(II) D sits second to right of E. Only one person sits between E and A. C sits to
immediate right of A.
1) The data in both statements I and II together are necessary to answer the

2) The data either in statement I alone or statement II alone are sufficient to
answer the question

3) The data in statement I alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the
data in statement II alone are not sufficient to answer the question
4) The data even in both statements I and II together are not sufficient to answer
the question
5) The data in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the
data in statement I alone are not sufficient to answer the question

84. Six different exams - P, Q, R, S, T and U have been scheduled on six different
days of the same week starting from Monday to Saturday. Which exam will be
held on Thursday ?
(I) Exam P will be held on Friday. Only one exam will be held between exams P
and S. Exam U will be held on a day immediately before exam Q.

(II) Only two exams will be held before exam S. Only one exam will be held
between exams S and U. Only two exams will be held between exams U and R.
1) The data in statement I alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the
data in statement II alone are not sufficient to answer the question
2) The data even in both statements I and II together are not sufficient to answer

the question
3) The data in both statements I and II together are necessary to answer the
4) The data either in statement I alone or statement II alone are sufficient to
answer the question
5) The data in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the
data in statement I alone are not sufficient to answer the question
85. Which direction is Peter facing ?
(I) If Ali turns 45° to his right. Ali and Seema will face opposite directions. Seema
faces west. Peter is to the right of Ali.
(II) If Peter turns 90° to his left, he will face a direction same as Seema. Rahul
faces northeast If Rahul turns 45° to his right, he will face a direction opposite to
that of Seema.
1) The data in both statements I and II together are necessary to answer the
2) The data in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the
data in statement I alone are not sufficient to answer the question
3) The data even in both statements I and II together are not sufficient to answer
the question
4) The data either in statement I alone or statement II alone are sufficient to
answer the question
5) The data in statement I alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the
data in statement II alone are not sufficient to answer the question

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86. Is M the granddaughter of R ?

(I) V is the mother of M. Q is the sister of M. V is the daughter-in-law of R.
(II) Z is the son of W. Z is the brother of both M and Q. Q is the granddaughter of
R. R is married to S. S has only one grandson.
1) The data in statement I alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the
data in statement II alone are not sufficient to answer the question
2) The data even in both statements I and II together are not sufficient to answer
the question
3) The data in both statements I and II together are necessary to answer the

4) The data in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the
data in statement I alone are not sufficient to answer the question
5) The data either in statement I alone or statement II alone are sufficient to

answer the question
87. Among five friends. P, Q, R, S and T. Seated in a straight line, facing north, who
sits at the extreme right end of the line ?
(I) R sits second from right end of the line. T is one of the immediate neighbours
of R. Only two people sit between T and P.
(II) Q sits at extreme left end of the line. Only two people sit between Q and R. P

is an immediate neighbour of S.
1) The data in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the
data in statement I alone are not sufficient to answer the question
2) The data even in both statements I and II together are not sufficient to answer
the question

3) The data either in statement I alone or statement II alone are sufficient to

answer the question
4) The data in both statements I and II together are necessary to answer the
5) The data in statement I alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the

data in statement II alone are not sufficient to answer the question

Direction(88-91) : Study the information and answer the given questions :
In a certain code language.
‘best day to win’ is written as ‘dh ko pt se’
‘win of the day’ is written as ‘pt dh mi ax’
‘best of two worlds’ is written as ‘ax dv se cw’
‘the two different worlds’ is written as ‘cw mi dv gn’
(All the codes are two letter codes)
88. Which of the following possibly means ‘two beautiful worlds’ in the code language
1) dv ze cw 2) dv ze se 3) pt cw ax 4) dv nd mi 5) dv cw pt
89. What does code ‘ax’ stand for in the code language ?
1) the 2) to 3) two 4) worlds 5) of
90. What is the code for ‘different’ in the code language ?
1) mi 2) ko 3) pt 4) gn 5) dv
91. What is the code for ‘best’ in the code language ?
1) pt 2) ax 3) mi 4) se 5) ko
Direction(92-97) : Study the information carefully and answer the question :
R, S, T, U, V, W, X and Y are sitting around a circular area at equal distances
between each other, but not necessarily in the same order. Some of the people
are facing the centre while some face outside

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS SO Pr el i m s - M T–39

(i.e. in a direction opposite to the centre). Note: Facing the same direction
means if one faces the centre then the other also faces the centre and vice
versa. Facing opposite direction means if one person faces centre then the other
faces outside and vice versa.
T sits third to the right of V. T faces outside. X sits third to the left of T. Only
one person sits between Y and X. S sits third to the right of Y. U sits second to the
right of S. U and X face opposite directions. R sits to the immediate left of W. W
faces the same direction as V. R faces the same direction as S. T sits second to
the right of U.
92. How many people in the given arrangement face the centre ?

1) Four 2) Five 3) Two 4) One 5) Three
93. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on the given seating
arrangement and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that

group ?
1) W 2) V 3) U 4) X 5) Y
94. Which of the following is true regarding W as per the given seating arrangement
1) Only two people sit between W and X
2) Only three people sit between W and U

3) W is an immediate neighbour of both U and T
4) W sits second to the left of V 5) W faces the centre
95. Who sits exactly between U and T, when counted from the left of T ?
1) Y 2) R 3) X 4) S 5) W
96. Who sits third to the right of S ?

1) X 2) Y 3) R 4) T 5) W
97. What is Xs position with respect to R ?
1) Second to the left 2) Fourth to the right
3) Third to the right 4) Third to the left 5) Fifth to the right
Direction(Q.No:98-100) : Study the given information carefully and answer the

given question :
Ten people are sitting in two parallel rows, containing five people each in
such a way that there is an equal distance between adjacent persons. In row-1 K,
L, M, N and O are seated and all of them are facing north and in row-2 A, B, C, D
and E are seated and all facing south (but not necessarily in the same order).
Each person also likes a different game. Volleyball, Hockey, Chess, Basketball,
Tennis, Cricket, Badminton, Ludo, Football and Snooker (but not necessarily in
the same order).
E sits exactly in the centre of the line. One of the immediate neighbours of E
likes Chess. K faces the one who likes Chess. Only two people sit between K and
O. None of the immediate neighbours of K like Football. O faces the one who likes
Snooker. Only one person sits between E and D. D faces the one who likes Tennis.
D does not like Football. O likes neither Tennis nor Football. B and C are immediate
neighbours of each other and neither of them faces M or L. C does not like
Snooker. L sits second to the right of M. L faces the one who likes badminton. The
one who likes Cricket sits second to the right of L. L faces one of the immediate
neighbours of the one who likes Hockey. The one who likes Ludo is neither an
immediate neighbour of N nor A. The one who likes Volleyball faces the opposite
direction of M. N does not like Ludo.
98. Who amongst the following likes Badminton ?
1) K 2) C 3) D 4) M 5) E

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99. Who amongst the following is an immediate neighbour of the one who likes
Volleyball ?
1) O 2) The one who likes Chess 3) K
4) The one who likes Snooker 5) L
100. Which of the following pairs represent the people sitting at the extreme ends of
both the lines ?
1) C, K 2) A, N 3) C, L 4) E, K 5) D, M
Direction(Q.No:101-105) : Study the table and answer the given question Note :
(1) The table depicts components of monthly salary (in Rs.) of each employee

(different grades) of a private company (X) in 2007.
(2) Total earning of an employee is the sum of Basic Salary, House Rent Allowance.
Transport Allowance and Other Allowances.

(3) Net Pay of an employee = Total earning - (Amount deducted for Provident Fund
+ Amount deducted for various taxes)

Grades Number of Basic House Transport Other Amount Amonut

employees Salary Rent Allowance Allowances deducted deducted

Allowance for for
Provident various
Fund taxes
A 164 9600 3200 1600 6400 960 820
B 138 13200 3600 1800 7200 1320 1080

C 130 16400 4600 2200 7800 1640 1260

D 114 24000 5200 3400 8400 2400 1600
E 98 32100 6900 3800 8770 3210 1860
C 88 44800 8200 4500 9300 4480 2940

101. What is the difference between total earning of a Grade B employee and net pay
of a Grade F employee ?
1) Rs. 33,740 2) Rs. 34,360 3) Rs. 34,120 4) Rs. 33,580 5) Rs. 32,980
102. What is the respective ratio between total earning of a Grade A employee and
total earning of a Grade B employee ?
1) 104 : 131 2) 104 : 129 3) 108 : 131 4) 108 : 133 5) 104 : 133
103. What is the average number of employees working in all the given grades together
1) 116 2) 126 3) 124 4) 122 5) 128
104. Total earning of an employee in Grade C is what percent of the Net pay of an
employee in Grade E ?
1 2 2 1 2
1) 72 2) 66 3) 60 4) 50 5) 55
3 3 3 3 3
105. If in 2008. amount in each of the components of salary of Grade A employees
increased by 10%. what was the net pay received by each employee of Grade A in
that year ?
1) Rs. 21,448 2) Rs. 24,108 3) Rs. 19,642 4) Rs. 22,816 5) Rs. 20,922
106. What is the total net pay received by th of the number of employees of Grade D
together ?
1) Rs. 2,18,000 2) Rs. 2,32,000 3) Rs. 2,28,000 4) Rs. 2,22,000 5) Rs. 2,36,000

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS SO Pr el i m s - M T–39

Direction(Q.No:107-112) : Study the following information carefully to answer

the question.
An electronics goods shop had marked the prices of various items for sale in
the shop. Price of a laptop is 120% of the price of a TV set, price of a mixer is 75%
of the price of a food processor, price of a split AC is 125% of the price of a window
AC which is 60% of the price of a laptop, price of the food processor is Rs. 12, 500
which is 40% of the price of the TV set. Price of a desk top is 80% of the price of a
laptop and 75% of the price of an ipad.
107. If the shopkeeper sold the TV set offering 10% discount then what is the selling
price of a TV set ?

1) Rs. 28,125 2) Rs. 22,500 3) Rs. 27,650 4) Rs. 31,250 5) Rs. 28,500
108. What is the total price of a laptop, a desk top and an ipad together ?
1) Rs. 1,08,700 2) Rs. 1,15,200 3) Rs. 1,12,500 4) Rs. 1,07,500 5) Rs. 1,10,700

109. Price of a mixer is what percent of the price of desk top ?
1) 25.8 2) 31.25 3) 33.5 4) 32.75 5) 28.5
110. Mr Raje decided to buy one split AC and one window AC for his house. What will
be the total cost if no discount was offered ?
1) Rs. 52,450 2) Rs. 54,025 3) Rs. 50,600 4) Rs. 55,250 5) Rs. 50,625
111. What is the difference between the price of a laptop and a TV set ?

1) Rs. 6,250 2) Rs. 6,050 3) Rs. 6,750 4) Rs. 6,725 5) Rs. 6,450
112. Price of an ipad is more than the price of a TV set by what percent ?
1) 24 2) 28 3) 32 4) 22 5) 26
Direction(Q.No:113-118) : Study the following pie-charts and the Information
given below them carefully and answer the question given :

Percentage of students passed from six schools in 2012

School A
C School F

School B

School E
School C
School D

Total number of students of all the six schools together in 2012 was : 16400.

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS SO Pr el i m s - M T–39

Percentage of students passed from six schools in 2013

School F School A
18% 14%

School B
School E

School C
School D

Total number of students of all the six schools together in 2013 was : 18200.
113. From which of the following schools the total number of students passed in both
the years together was maximum ?
1) A 2) E 3) F 4) C 5) D

114. What was the total number of students passed from school D in 2012 and 2013
together ?
1) 4368 2) 4152 3) 3936 4) 2184 5) 1968
115. What is the difference between the number of students passed from school A in
2013 and the number of students passed from school B in 2012 ?

1) 732 2) 1012 3) 2548 4) 3280 5) 896

116. The number of students passed from school B in 2012 was approximately equal
to the number of students passed from which school in 2013 ?
1) F 2) E 3) C 4) B 5) A
117. The number of students passed from school C in 2012 was approximately what

percentage of number of students passed from school E in 2013 ?

1) 40 2) 75 3) 35 4) 50 5) 6o
118. Number of students passed from school A in 2012 is approximately what percent
less than the number of students passed from school A in 2013 ?
1) 25 2) 100 3) 30 4) 70 5) 50
Direction(Q.No:119-123) : Study the following table to answer this question.
Population details of six cities in 2012
City Total Male : Female % Literate % population
Population (in Ratio above 50 years of
lakhs) age
Kolkata 120 13 : 11 85 45
Jaipur 75 8:7 70 52
Chandigarh 80 17 : 15 80 55
Baroda 60 7:5 75 48
Cuttack 40 11 : 9 80 56
Rohtak 20 21 : 19 70 44

119. What is the difference between population above 50 years of age in Cuttack and
Rohtak ?
1) 12,60,000 2) 12,20,000 3) 12,40,000 4) 13,20,000 5) 13,60,000

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120. What Is the total population of Baroda and Rohtak up to the age of 50 years ?
1) 42,40,000 2) 44,20,000 3) 37,60,000 4) 46,40,000 5) 38,40,000
121. If in Jaipur. 80% of the male population is literate, what percent of the female
population is literate ? (rounded off to nearest integer)
1) 53 2) 59 3) 63 4) 43 5) 67
122. What percent of the total population of Kolkata and Cuttack together is illiterate ?
1) 17.25 2) 16.25 3) 16.75 4) 15.75 5) 15.25
123. What is the difference (in lakhs) between total male population of Baroda and
Chandigarh together and the total female population of these two cities together

1) 22 2) 15 3) 24 4) 17 5) 18
Direction(Q.No:124-126) : Study the information and answer the given question.
A deck of 52 cards is given.

(Note : A deck of cards comprises 4 suits - Spades, Clubs, Diamonds and
Hearts. Each suit contains 13 cards : Ace, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10, Jack, Queen
and King.)
124. If two cards are drawn randomly, what is the probability that the face value of
both the cards is 10 ?
4 3 6 1 5

1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
221 221 221 221 221
125. If one card is drawn randomly, what is the probability that it is either the king of
hearts or the queen of clubs ?

1 5 1 1 11
1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
13 52 52 26 52
126. One card is drawn randomly After that another card is drawn randomly What is
the probability that the first is a king and the second is a 7 of spades ?
3 7 1 1 1

1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
676 663 676 663 208
Direction(Q.No:127-132) : In this question a number series is given. After the
series a numbr is given followed by (a), (b), (c), (d), and (e). You have to complete
the series starting with the given number following the sequence of original
series and answer the question that follows the series.
127. 7 11 30 102 424 2140
4 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
What will come in place of (b) ?
1) 32 2) 20 3) 22 4) 28 5) 24
128. 5 20 55 180 735 365
3 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
What will come in place of (c) ?
1) 128 2) 142 3) 162 4) 168 5) 136
129. 2 11 46 141 286 291
5 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
What will come in place of (c) ?
1) 315 2) 292 3) 321 4) 307 5) 298
130. 100 52 30 23 27.5 45.75
92 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
What will come in place of (d) ?
1) 28.5 2) 24.5 3) 27 4) 24 5) 29

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS SO Pr el i m s - M T–39

131. 11 10 18 51 200 995

6 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
What will come in place of (d) ?
1) 106 2) 112 3) 80 4) 87 5) 76
132. 45 20 24 63 248 1239
50 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
What will come in place of (d) ?
1) 342 2) 286 3) 324 4) 368 5) 296
Direction(133-138) : Study the following graph carefully and answer the question

Profit made by six companies in three consecutive years (Rs. in crores)

2010 2011 2012


Amount in crores


C 30

Company A Company B Company C Company D Company E Company F

133. What was the total profit earned by company F in 2011 and company A in 2012
together ?
1) Rs. 205 crores 2) Rs. 180 crores 3) Rs. 150 crores
4) Rs. 235 crores 5) Rs. 135 crores
134. The total profit earned in the grven three years by which of the following companies
was the maximum ?
1) E 2) D 3) B 4) F 5) C
135. Which of the following companies made continuous increase in profit over the
given three years ?
1) F 2) C 3) A 4) E 5) B
136. The profit earned by company E in 2011 was approximately what percentage of
the profit earned by company B in 2012 ?
1) 80 2) 110 3) 40 4) 70 5) 140
137. What Is the respective ratio between total profit made by company C in all three
years and the total profit made by company D in all three years ?
1) 8 : 9 2) 17 : 19 3) 14 : 15 5) 17 : 18 5) 16 : 17

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138. The total profit earned by companies C and F together in 2011 was approximately
what percentage of the profit earned by company D in 2012?
1) 125 2) 175 3) 85 4) 95 5) 145
Direction(Q.No:139-144) : Refer to the graph and answer the given question :
Number of laptops manufactured by three
companies (P, Q and R) during 6 months :


Number of laptoops manufactured





January February March April May June
C Months

139. If 7%, 4% and 6% of the laptops manufactured by companies P, Q and R respectively

in June were defective, what was the total number of defective laptops
manufactured by the given companies together in June ?
1) 72 2) 84 3) 64 4) 88 5) 56
140. Total number of laptops manufactured by all the given companies together in May
is what percent more than total number of laptops manufactured by all the given
companies together in January ?
10 3 4 1 5
1) 12 2) 18 3) 16 4) 20 5) 15
11 11 11 11 11
141. The ratio between the base and height of a right angled triangle is 4 : 3 respectively,
if the hypotenuse is 10 Cm., What is the area of the triangle ?
1) 27 sq.cm. 2) Data provided are not adequate to answer the question
3) 30 sq.cm. 4) 18 sq.cm. 5) 24 sq.cm.
142. Average of three odd numbers is 21, if the difference between the smallest and
the largest of these three numbers is 18. What is the third number ?
1) Data provided are not adequate to answer the question.
2) 27 3) 21 4) 13 5) 10
143. A is six years elder than B at present. The ratio of their ages after six years will
be 5 : 4 respectively. What is B’s present age ?
1) 12 years 2) 18 years 3) 24 years 4) 20 years
5) Data provided are not adequate to answer the question

Sreedhar’s CCE I B PS SO Pr el i m s - M T–39

144. Fifteen percent of thirty percent of forty percent of a number is 9. What is two-
fifth of that number ?
1) 200 2) 300 3) 100 4) 150 5) 250
145. The perimeter of a rectangular field Is 90 metres. The ratio between the breadth
and the length of the field is 1 : 2 respectively. What is the area of the rectangular
field ?
1) 500 sq.m. 2) 300 sq.m. 3) 225 sq.m. 4) 450 sq.m. 5) 900 sq.m.
146. Twelve women can complete a work in 18 days. Sixteen men can complete the
same work in 9 days. In how many days will six men and twelve women complete
the same work ?

2 4 5 1 3
1) l0 2) 6 3) 9 4) 18 5) 12
7 7 7 7 7

147. The difference between the simple and compound interest on a sum of money at
the end of two years is Rs.20 at the same rate of interest. What is definitely the
rate of interest percent per annum ?
1) 10 2) 15
3) Data provided are not adequate to answer the question
4) 5 5) 20

148. The average age of 24 students and a teacher together is 15 years. If the teacher’s
age is excluded, the average age of only the students become 14. What is the
teacher’s age ?
1) 35 years 2) 39 years
3) Data provided are not adequate to answer the question.

4) 42 years 5) 36 years
149. A earns Rs. 15,000 more than B every month. B’s monthly income is Rs.20,000
less than C’s monthly income. If total monthly income of A and C together is
Rs.95,000. What is B’s monthly income ?
1) Rs.50,000 2) Rs.30,000 3) Rs.40,000 4) Rs.15,000 5) Rs.47,000

150. The ratio between the cost price of two articles A and B is 3 : 5 respectively.
Article ‘B’ was sold with a profit of 20 percent. If article ‘A’ also was sold at the
same price, what would have been the percent profit only for Article A ?
1) 200 2) 50 3) 150 4) 100
5) Data provided are not adequate to answer the question
1.3 2.1 3.5 4.1 5.1 6.1 7.5 8.4 9.3 10.3 11.2 12.3 13.1
14.1 15.3 16.1 17.4 18.3 19.2 20.5 21.1 22.2 23.2 24.2 25.5 26.1
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