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Hi, this is Carlos Cavallo. I want to
welcome you to your free chapter of Fatal Attraction
The Passion Phrases: Obsess His
Mind - Capture His Heart…
Mistake #1:
In this short ebook, we’re going to Moving Too
Fast, Too Soon
cover the 7 Fatal Connection
Mistakes that send men running -
sometimes into another woman’s
arms. These are mistakes you can
easily avoid if you know what they are. So you’ve just met this wonderful new
guy, and after a few dates, you’re totally
But first, before we cover the Passion sure he’s THE ONE. Now you have this
Phrases, I want to jump in right right irresistible urge to bare your soul, and
now by showing you these fatal maybe even more than that, because
mistakes that make men pull away… you want him for-keeps, right?

You’re overcome with this burning
desire to prove to him that you’re the
best thing that has ever happened to

Maybe you’re willing to drop everything
else in your life for this guy because
he’s just so… so wonderful, right?

If you feel like doing any of those

things, you need to slam on the brakes
and PAUSE. It’s time to stop and have

a reality check.

Now, don’t get me wrong here, it’s

perfectly fine to be excited about
discovering this wonderful new guy who
came into your life.

The problem appears when you go too

far, especially at the beginning of the

Now, I’ve seen my fair share of women

who have sabotaged their relationship
because of this one mistake. I’ve even
experienced it myself. Talking about your past relationships in
gory detail is simply unattractive to
Let me explain what I mean: men.

This is simply the bad habit of giving a Worse, it can actually make the guy
guy Too Much Information early on, like jealous and feel insecure. Right now,
on the first date. your past doesn’t involve him in any
way, so leave the him out of it.
“Have you ever felt like
At least until things really do get
you needed to tell him serious!
everything about you -
because it seems like Also, don’t talk about your childhood
traumas, your deepest fears, or
you just GET each anything that’s too heavy. Having to
other?” deal with too much baggage up front
is what will typically scare a guy off.

Well, here’s a little news-flash: No He realizes every woman has some

matter how much chemistry you have baggage. Heck, he’s got baggage. But
between you, there’s stuff that you’re he knows that it’s not something you
just not ready to talk about on the first should bring out too early.
few dates.
Besides, sharing inappropriate content
And you could wind up scaring off an isn’t going to make you closer. That will
otherwise perfect guy for you. happen on its own - naturally.

The solution: Keep the freak-out factor
to a minimum!
This is otherwise known as playing Ms.
Save the heavy stuff for later when he’s Makeover or “Fixer Upper.” I think you
ready to get serious. For now, keep it may already know about this little
light and fun. mistake.

“Don’t treat a guy like a pet


This is vitally important. Keep those two

words in mind, light and fun. project - or a pet for that
Remember, you can stay true to yourself
He doesn’t need a lesson in grooming,
fashion, behavior, or anything else that
pressures him to fit into your mold of the
perfect man.

Stop wishing he was more well-dressed,

more outgoing, more artistic, more
sensitive, more of the bad boy type, more
of the nice guy… whatever.

Make him feel accepted up front.

without full disclosure. He’s going to have It’s an immediate mandatory requirement,
time to get to you know you later on. you can’t escape it.

There’s no rush! FYI: Later on, you can “adjust him.” For
now, make him feel accepted just the way
Keep in mind, men aren’t emotional he is.
robots. But most guys just aren’t cool
about getting too emotional too soon, The one thing that will tell a guy he’s not
especially with somebody he barely acceptable is when you step in and try to
knows. fix him.

Rushing him to talk about his feelings - Especially if he doesn’t see anything
like where you stand with him, where the wrong with himself.
relationship is going, and so on - adds to
the pressure. Fatal Attraction
And it also makes you look needy. Mistake #3: 

Pretending to be
Fatal Attraction
something that
Mistake #2: 

Trying to Change you’re NOT

I’ll give you an example of pretending: Another way women aren’t true to
Letting him see how much you want a themselves is when she tries to hide her
committed relationship. 
 interests and passions from her man

 because she fears that he won’t like the
If a guy realizes that your goal is to get things she likes. Or that he’ll reject her.
into a relationship so you can STOP
being single, he’s going to back off from She turns her life upside down just so

the relationship. And eventually he’s that she can spend 99% of her free time
going to run for the hills. with him - sometimes 100 to 110% of her
time. She drops her family and friends
Going overboard with sweetness is also like hot potatoes and cancels social get-
a big turnoff for guys - like when you slip togethers if it will eat into the time that
him little notes, or you’re calling him she could spend with him.
twenty times a day, leaving a hundred
different text messages, etc.

He knows on an intuitive level that acting

this way isn’t sincere. A man isn’t
interested in women that CHASE him!

This is HUGE…
If he thinks you’re only acting this way to
pull him into a commitment, he’s not
going to go along. In fact, he’ll resist.

Not to mention, he won't appreciate Sacrificing your life like this is going to
what he didn’t work for. In other words, compromise your identity and scare him
he has to romance you and work to win away from the relationship.
you for him to actually fall in love with

It’s like when a child gets a shiny new toy Fatal Attraction
as a gift instead of working and saving
up money to buy it. The kid who gets the
Mistake #4:
free gift NEVER appreciates it.
Always be THE PRIZE he wants to
or giving him a
(I’ll show you how to do this in the safe space to be
“Passion Secrets” section of the
Passion Phrases program.)
Sleeping with him on the first date is also 

not the way to win him over. Men BIG TIP: Men need to feel like they’re
typically don’t emotionally bond with you heard by their woman.
if they get the “prize” for free.

What’s confusing to many women is that attention. And you know you aren't
she thinks she’s listening to him. She reaching him.
thinks she’s hearing him. But she
doesn’t understand he’s looking for This is a biological fact. You see, men
specific clues that tell him she’s listening. are not designed to multitask.

This mistake is easy to fix when you A woman can talk with another woman

understand how to use words to open his while doing several things at the same
heart up. This is not a skill most women time. Most women can easily talk on the
learn, and that’s why I teach this in detail phone, put some lipstick on, all while
in the Passion Phrases program. driving her car in rush hour traffic with
the radio blaring.

Men can’t do this. We operate in a “one-

after-the-other” linear way of thinking.

There’s a remedy for this. If you see

your man on his phone - or he’s doing
anything else - and you need to talk to
him, you MUST ask him to stop what
he’s doing. He has to put the phone
away or pause his game or movie.

He has to give you his undivided

attention before you can tell him what it
For example, some guys need emotional
is you want or need. That’s the only
words when you’re trying to feel
way you can be sure he’s actually
connected, and some guys don’t. It’s
hearing you.
important to know what phrases make
him respond to you - and what to say so
that he sees you as “The One.” Fatal Attraction
Mistake #6:
Fatal Attraction
Mistake #5: Expecting Him To
Misreading His Read Your Mind
Signals It’s a little bit of cliché, but you’d be
amazed how many guys feel like they’re
supposed to read your mind and just
I’ll give you an example here: You start KNOW what’s going on with your
talking to him before you really have his feelings.
attention. This means he needs to stop
doing whatever he’s already doing, and Here’s a classic example: When you’re
agree to listen to you. obviously angry, and he asks you:
“What’s wrong?”
If you’ve ever tried talking to a man who
is watching sports, you won’t have his Then you say, “Nothing.”

And then you get even more upset DID YOU KNOW: You can also get your
because he’s not pushing to get the truth needs met before you have to ask him
out of you. by knowing what to say to him? The
phrases that men want to hear?
This is a kind of a mind game. Because
you want him to push the point and That’s the beauty of what I’m going to
keep asking. But you’re making it too show you in the Passion Phrases

indirect for him to understand. program. When you know what to say
he will automatically give you what you
You want him to keep prodding you to want without you having to ask!
find out what is wrong (and there
obviously is) because that would mean
that he really does care. That’s what
Fatal Attraction
most women are trying to get him to do Mistake #7:
when they say “nothing” like this.
Assuming that
Maybe you just don’t want to
inconvenience him with your feelings, you’re compatible
but you really want him to care. That’s
love! and you ‘GET’ him
When you have a specific need - for What it comes down to is this: You need
example, to be hugged or cuddled - and to know how to flip a man’s Obsession
if your man doesn’t magically offer to Switch to get him to stop pulling away
give you what you need, How do you get and DESIRE you again. It’s the only
what you want? If you wait and do solution to keep him chasing you.

Wouldn’t it be awesome to have a deep

heartfelt connection with your guy so
that you simply get each other without
even having to say a word?

Imagine how it would feel to practically

read each other’s minds.

Imagine what your relationship would

actually be like without the
misunderstandings, without the
nothing, you get frustrated, instead of arguments, or those power struggles you
simply asking for what you want. get into…

This will eventually push him even Most women don’t realize that the key to
further away from you because he’ll stopping him from pulling away is to
sense that you were holding it in - and simply flip his Obsession Switch.
he’ll also sense that you were fibbing
when you said that “nothing” was wrong. Knowing how to reach into his heart with
(Which can also feel manipulative to a words will make a profound difference in
man.) your relationship. You’ll see the change

in his eyes as he realizes how much you This is when he starts putting in less
mean to him. effort. Disagreements start appearing out
of nowhere. And eventually he loses
Once you know the words and phrases interest.
he wants to hear, you’re finally going to
be able to connect with him on a level And then you wake up to the reality that
that is intimate and almost spiritual. the relationship isn’t going the way you

hoped. And you start worrying about your

However, it’s this area where a lot of love.
women have trouble. If you don’t know
how to trigger his desire for you and
make him chase you - THAT is the
single most fatal mistake you can
make with him. (And it ruins all the
hard work you’ve done to get him this

Many couples have broken up simply

because they couldn’t create a strong
PASSION between them that could
not only save the relationship, but keep But that’s okay because even the
them together forever. happiest couples go through this
disillusionment. Every couple goes
In my years of experience coaching through this!
women, I’ve noticed the same
destructive pattern in countless I know a lot of women who have survived
relationships… this stage with their man and they’ve
lived happily ever after. In fact, going
Here’s what usually happens: through it is the key to moving forward
in your own relationship.
First, the woman (accidentally) makes
the mistake of not understanding how to The real problem is when you don’t have
talk to her man. It isn’t a big problem in a PASSIONATE connection during this
the beginning because everything is so critical time in your relationship.
fresh and new, AND you’re infatuated
with each other. That passion that’s missing - that’s
what breaks up most the relationships:
But this creates what I call a ripple effect When she doesn’t know what to do
that will eventually pull you apart. during the “relationship reality check.”

And then the romantic feelings naturally You might not see the danger of your
fade a little bit over time. The relationship man pulling away from you. When
goes through a sort of ‘reality check’ conflict starts to creep in, he may start
when he pulls away from you. doubting the relationship - and things
start to change between you.
You know what I’m talking about, right?
THAT is when he’ll end up pulling away.

Once you know this secret, you’ll
connect with your man in a way that will
keep you together for years to come.

So join me in the next section as I show

you how men use conversation
differently than women, and I’m also

going to show you the three ways that

men use talking to connect
emotionally to you.

I want you to pay particular attention to

number 3 in that section, because most
women overlook this important step

So click the button below and let’s

continue on to the next chapter in the
Passion Phrases…
And that leaves him emotionally
vulnerable to other women who are
just waiting in the wings for the
opportunity to steal him away.

Yeah, this women is kind of like a


She’ll make her move and take

advantage of him when he’s at his

And it’s all downhill from there.

And that’s what I want to save you from.

You deserve to have him and keep him
just the way you want him.

You can’t afford to not know what he’s

thinking and feeling. In your relationship,
you can’t afford to not know how to
create a powerful OBSESSION for you.

The good news is that it’s easy to trigger

this obsession - and it’s something you’ll
completely master by the end of The
Passion Phrases course.


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