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How to Play Warhammer 40K

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1. 1 Decide on one army with which you would like to play. There are about 12 different armies that you can choose from, and each has its own story, advantages and disadvantages. You can purchase an army, codex and rulebook from Games Workshop, so check their website for a location near you. Ads by Google Discount War hammer War hammer upto 40% off 40k, Blackreach Lotr, War hammer 2 Assemble and paint your Warhammer army before you begin to play. Modeling is necessary when you purchase an army, so you need to glue and paint each element. 3 Play the game with 2 or more people, each with their own army. All players must agree on a point total, which is used to purchase your army. Each piece of the army is worth a certain number of points, which is to make sure that the armies are about as equal as possible in their strength and abilities. Once each player has chosen the elements of their army, you may begin. There are a variety of different playing modes in Warhammer 40K. Each mode of play has its own rules and objectives, but most are played with dice and a tape measure. 4 Place scenery on the playing surface so that it is as equal as possible for all players. Each player will then take alternating turns placing his army on the board. 5 Begin playing the game by taking turns with each player. The objective is to impose as much damage on your opponent's army while minimizing the amount of damage imposed upon yours. In each turn a player will move, shoot and assault. In the move action, you will move pieces of your army based on the rules and guidelines outlined in your army codex and rulebook. Typically, most pieces are allowed to move about 6 inches (15.2cm), so use a tape measure to make sure the measurements are correct. In the shooting phase you will roll a die to determine how many of your shots were received by your opponent's army. Once you know how many shots were received, you will roll a corresponding number of dice to determine how many of those shots concluded in a wound. Once this number is determined, your opponent will roll a corresponding number of dice to determine if those hit will be saved by their armor. The ones that are not saved by armor will be removed from the playing field.

2. 3.

4. 5.

The assault phase is marked by charging at your opponent's army and then "resolving" close combat. Decide which of your units are going to attack which of your opponent's units. The success of close combat attacks is determined in the same way as the shooting phase. You need to roll to see how many you have hit, how many will be wounded and how many saved. The only difference is that your opponent can strike back in the assault phase, and will then roll to see how many pieces of your own army will be hit, wounded and saved. 6. 6 Take turns completing the move, shoot and assault sequence. You may take as many turns as agreed upon, but typically, each player is allowed 6 turns before the outcome of the game is determined. So, my friends Annabelle and Laura have been on at me to show them how to play Warhammer for ages, and yesterday they came round to learn. They were given the option of White Scars or Emperor's Children, and chose the Emperor's Children, presumably on the basis of their pinkness. We played a quick warmup game with about 15 marines per side (during which they tabled me and won) and then moved onto this, the first game, with roughly 400 points a side including vehicles, special weapons and whatnot... The game was played on my tiny little brown coffee table, measuring something like 3' x 18", with no scenery whatsoever as I haven't got any... White Scars 10 x Tactical Marines (Plasmagun, Missile Launcher, Sgt with Powerfist) 6 x Assault Marines (Sgt with Powerfist) 1 x Dreadnought (Multimelta) Emperor's Children 10 x Chaos Space Marines (Asp.Champion) in a Chaos Rhino 3 x Chaos Terminators (Combi-Meltas, Power weapons) 1 x Chaos Predator (Autocannon, Lascannon Sponsons) Turn 1 - White Scars get first turn. Dreadnought moves up and fires it's Multimelta at the Predator, but fails to penetrate. Tactical Squad fire a missile at the Rhino and miss. Chaos Predator fires at the Dreadnought and immobilises it. Chaos Rhino moves up and fires bolters to no effect.

Turn 2 - Dreadnought fires at Predator and immobilises it Tactical squad fire at Rhino and shake it. Can't move or fire next turn. Chaos Predator fires at Dreadnought with no effect. Chaos Marines disembark the Rhino and try to shoot at the Assault Squad, but are out of range.

Turn 3 - Dreadnought and Predator trade shots, no real effect Tactical squad shoot at the Chaos Marines, killing two. Assault squad charge the Chaos Marines, and force them to flee, killing two. Chaos Marines rally and fire back at the Assault Squad, killing one. Chaos Terminators turn up and fire at the Tactical Squad, killing two.

Turn 4 - Dreadnought and Predator trade shots, probably shaking each other or something. Tactical Squad shoot at the Chaos Terminators, killing one. Assault Squad charge the Predator, to no effect. Chaos Marines charge the Assault Squad, killing two and losing one.

Turn 5 - Dreadnought and Predator either can't fire or still fail to kill each other. Tactical squad fire at Chaos Terminators, to no effect. Chaos Terminators charge the Tactical Squad, killing one. Chaos Rhino reverses for a ram next turn. Chaos Marines and Assault Squad continue combat, losing the last two regular Assault Marines.

Turn 6 - Dreadnought still fails to kill Predator. Tactical Squad and Chaos Terminators stay in combat, killing one Terminator and one Marine. Assault Squad Sgt wins his combat, and cuts down the entire Chaos Marine squad as they flee! Chaos Predator bring all guns to bear on the lone Assault Squad Sgt, killing him. Chaos Rhino rams the Dreadnought, with no effect.

Turn 7 - Dreadnought finally manages to blow something off the Predator - it loses it's Autocannon Tactical Squad kill the last Terminator. Chaos Rhino tank shock the Tactical Squad, they move out of the way.

Following turns - We weren't playing a mission, so we just keep going! Tactical Squad move around the back of the Rhino, and Plasmagun it to death. Chaos Predator finally destroys the Dreadnought. Tactical Squad, over the next few turns, run towards the Predator, taking two shooting casualties before Powerfisting it to death.

So, the White Scars win by being the last two models left on the table. Annabelle and Laura hang their heads in shame!

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