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BSEd- Mathematics II ETHICS



On a sheet of paper, in five sentences, give your own view about the racial
discrimination being discrimination being experienced by the colored men and
women in the United States of America, in particular with the death of George


George Floyd’s death followed several widely publicized incidents that

exposed the deep racial fissures in American society. On 23 February Ahmaud
Arbery was shot by a former police officer and his son while they attempted a
citizen’s arrest for jogging in the wrong neighbourhood in Georgia. In Kentucky,
Breonna Taylor was asleep in her bed on 13 March when police raided her
apartment, looking for a person who did not live there and had already been
detained, and shot her eight times.

On the same day George Floyd was killed, video surfaced of a white woman
in Central Park threatening to call the police on a black man who had asked her to
put her dog on a leash, telling him “I’m going to tell them there's an African
American man threatening my life": a terrifying prospect for any black man who
was given the ubiquitous “Talk” during their childhoods. By the time videos of
Geroge Floyd's death had become widely shared, tension had boiled over into the

Surname: Given Name: M. I.


Student Number 20-00217 Course/Year/Section BSEd- Mathematics II


Assessment Questions:


Female genital mutilation is a classic example of a practice that is proscribed in some cultures, but
permitted in others. The historian Herodotus described the contrasting practices of two cultures
towards their dead. The ancient Greeks cremated their dead, while the Callatian Indians would eat the
bodies of their deceased fathers. Members of both cultures were horrified when they learned of the
other’s apparently barbaric way of treating their dead.

Contrasting world views, like those of the Callatians and the Greeks, are sometimes thought to support a
particular view about morality – that of cultural relativism. Cultural relativism notes that cultures vary in
what they regard as right and wrong, standards vary from place to place and over time, there is no
universal standard, and consequently it is mistaken to criticize the practices of another culture.
According to cultural relativism, FGM is neither right nor wrong. It is wrong according to western
standards, but may be permissible according to the values of other societies.

In the last chapter, we examined a variety of arguments in support of different positions on various
ethical matters of life and death. These arguments invoked competing ethical principles and led to
conflicting conclusions, but they all had one thing in common: all of them assumed that there was just
one right answer to the ethical question at issue. In other words, they all assumed that there was
objective moral truth. Now we will consider some challenges to this notion. The first of these is Cultural

Cultures differ with respect to what is deemed morally acceptable. Rachels illustrates this with the story
of the ancient King Darius, the Callations and the Greeks. (The Callations were an Indian tribe who had a
custom of eating their dead fathers, while the Greeks cremated their dead; according to the story, each
regarded the others’ practice as abhorrent). Other examples: Most people in America consider polygamy
to be a moral outrage, but it is common and accepted for men to have more than one wife in some
cultures, including Islamic countries. In America, no legal or moral distinction is made between killing
infants, the elderly, or anyone in between (all are condemned, of course). But among Eskimos,
infanticide is permitted at the discretion of the parents. Killing of the elderly (by abandoning them in the
snow) has been practiced by Eskimos and the native peoples of northern Greenland. Lending money for
interest was considered sinful in medieval Europe, and it is still regarded as such in some parts of the
world. In America, male circumcision has been the norm since the late 19th century, and parents who
opt against it are often roundly criticized or condemned; it is quite the opposite in Europe and most of
the rest of the world. Female circumcision, on the other hand, is condemned in America and Europe but
widely practiced in many African countries. There is no shortage of such examples.

There is no doubt that cultures exhibit differences --often radical differences-- in their ethical stances on
food, sex, punishment, political expression, human rights, and matters of life and death. The existence of
differing ethical norms in different cultures has convinced many people of Cultural Relativism, the
doctrine that ethics is culturally relative and that there are no objective moral standards.
Part II. Essay. Make your argument on the statement below.

1. It is important to have a universal standard of morality, e.g. the Ten Commandments, where all
people's have to abide.


A moral value is a universally accepted principle that governs the day to day living of life. These
principles are important in maintaining unity, harmony and honor between people. The universal moral
values are those accepted by the international community. Knowing good moral values such as kindness,
humility, courage, and compassion at an early age builds a child's character. It forms the very core of
their being and becomes a foundation of their moral beliefs. This is why it's essential to start teaching
them moral values while they're still children.

Moral law states God's principles for a right relationship with him and with others. The Ten
Commandments are the most visible and powerful expression of God's will for his people. As we read
the New Testament and reflect on the Bible as a whole, we see that these commands are still operative.
Since the time of Moses, our basic obligations have been summed up by the famous laws known as The
Ten Commandments. God gave us these laws as a guide for the good living of His people and as a check
against evil. And they are as valid today as then.

In Catholicism, the Ten Commandments are considered divine law because God himself revealed them.
And because they were spelled out specifically with no room for ambiguity, they're also positive law.
That's why they're also known as divine positive law.“Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God
in vain.”



1. Pakikipagkapwa-tao : Opening 1. Extreme Personalism
yourself to others and feel one with
- always trying to to give personal
others with dignity and respect deal
interpretation to actions
with them as fellow human beings.
- thank you with "but" (compliment-
- sense of fairness and justice
- concern for others
2. Extreme Family Centeredness
- ability to empathize with others
- strong family protection good or bad
- helpfulness and generosity condition

- practice of hospitality 3. Lack of Discipline : relaxed attitude

but poor time management
- sensitive to other feelings and trust
- impatient and unable to delay
2. Family Orientation : a genuine and
gratification or reward
deep love for family.
- love to take short-cuts or 'palusot'
- commitment and responsibility
- honor and respect
- carelessness
- generosity and sacrifice
4. Passivity and Lack of Initiative : strong
- sense of trust and security reliance to others fate

3. Joy and Humor : Filipinos have a - yeah proud Pinoy. It's all because of
cheerful and fun-loving approach to life the race (nationality/blood) not by
and its up and down, pleasant persons attitude, hard-work, dream and
disposition, a sense of humor and perseverance etc.
propensity for happiness that
- very complacent (relax) but their
contribute not only to the Filipino
rarely is a sense of urgency (It's OK we
charm but also to the Filipino Spirit. We
have 1 day left to finished, just relax)
laugh at those we love and hate. We
tend to make joke about our good and - too patient without any plan or action
even bad fortune, to smile even in the (matiisin) "Bahala na System" - No
most trying of times. matter what, At least we tried.

- emotional balance and optimism - doubt and debate first than study,
discuss until planning and action
- healthy disrespect for power and
office. 5. Colonial Mentality : Patriotism vs
Active awareness
4. Flexibility, Adaptability and Creativity
- luck of love and appreciation on what
5. Hard Work and Industry : capacity for
they have
hard work given to raise one's standard
living of a decent life for one's family. - open outside but side-open or close
6. Faith and Religiosity : Faith in God -
accepting reality to comprehend as a 6. Kanya-kanya Syndrome : self-serving
human created by God. "Pampalakas- attitude that generates feeling of envy
loob" and competitiveness towards others
(status vs prestige).
7. Ability to Survive
- personal ambition but insensitive to
common good

- crab mentality

- lack of appreciation resulting

unhealthy competition

7. Lack of Self Analysis and Reflection

- Sometimes superficial and flighty

Surname: Given Name: M.I.

Student Number Course/Year/Section
Subject: Chapter 7: THE FILIPINO
Assessment Questions:

Create a poem (free verse) or compose a song to symbolize your Filipino identity
in terms of description of your Filipino cultural heritage and unique qualities.

Respect your elders all if they deserve;

Respect your servants too who you well serve;

Respect your father for tilling the soil;

Respect your mother for her love and toil.

Respect all teachers who gave you knowledge;

Respect your friend who saved you from the ledge;

Respect all good minds who advised you good;

Respect the man of God who gave soul’s food.

Respect all strangers who were all Godsends;

Respect your foes who taught you self-defense;

Respect those evil men who you troubled;

Respect the tempter who well you misled.

Respect your conscience which tells you what’s right;

Respect your God who is your Friend and Guide.

Write a personal essay about your own anlysis of what we are at present i.e. slow
economic progress, high cases of graft and corruption, lack of cohesion, etc. and
why we are like that vis-a-vis our value system and way of life. From that
standpoint how do you project our country will become in the next ten years or






1. Write a cinquain describing any of the basic human values explained in the


Mariel Blancada Elacion

Happiness is like a crystal,

Fair and exquisite and clear,

Broken in a million pieces,

Shattered, scattered far and near.

Now and then along life's pathway,

Lo! some shining

Hard Work fragments fall;

But there are so many pieces

No one ever finds them all.

You may find a bit of beauty,

Or an honest share of wealth,

While another just beside you

Gathers honor, love or health.

Vain to choose or grasp unduly,

Broken is the perfect ball;

And there are so many pieces

No one finds them all.

Yet the wise as on the journey,

Treasure every fragment clear,

Fit them as they may together,

Imaging the shattered sphere,

Learning ever to be thankful,

Though their share of it is small;

For it has so many pieces

No one ever finds them all.

2. Compose a diamante poem on any of the basic human values explained on the

3. Make a three-column chart on the eleven basic human values. On the first
column fill it up with the 11 Basic Human Values. On the second column, relate
how this value is being applied today. On the third column, make your personal you will live out these values in your daily living.


Basic Human How this value is being applied Personal Commitment

Values today
1. Happiness More than simply positive mood, •I will express gratitude for my
happiness is a state of well-being friends, family and blessings
that encompasses living a good today.
life, one with a sense of meaning
•I will meditate or practice
and deep contentment. Feeling
mindfulness today.
joyful has its health perks as well.
Happiness has even been linked to •I will connect with a friend
a longer lifespan as well as a higher today.
quality of life and well-being.
•I will plan one fun activity

•I will do something nice for a

friend today.

•I will smile at one stranger

•I will eat healthily today.
2. Peace True peace includes personal Listen with the intent to
wholeness, righteousness, political understand. Be helpful to others
justice, and prosperity for all when you can (help your
creation. That's the way God neighbor with their groceries,
intended things to be when he walk their dog, clean up their
created his garden, his paradise. yard) Meditate and invite others
to meditate. Study nonviolence,
ADR (Alternative Dispute
Resolution), Conflict
Management, Conflict
Resolution, Peace studies.
3. Love Love as something that selfishness •Show love and loyalty
satisfies your own desires.
•Express respect and
Relationships these days are
centered around physical
connections rather than emotional •Convey honesty and trust
ones. Society thinks that love is
•Work as a team and
disposable. Love has become text
messages and phone calls.
4. Freedom Freedom is a condition in which •Not caring what other people
people have the opportunity to think.
speak, act and pursue happiness
•Being able to do what you
without unnecessary external
want when you want.
restrictions. Freedom is important
because it leads to enhanced •Being duty and responsibility
expressions of creativity and free.
original thought, increased
•Being spiritually free.
productivity, and an overall high
quality of life.
5. Safety Safety should be viewed as a value •being honest and open about
like honesty, working hard and health and safety issues.
reporting to work on time. Values
•making health and safety a
are embedded; while priorities can
topic of everyday conversation.
change. Making safety a depot
value leads to building a workplace • setting clear expectations and
safety culture. encouraging accountability.
6. Intelligence Through intelligence, humans •Challenge Your Brain with
possess the cognitive abilities to Mental Exercises. One of the
learn, form concepts, understand, main ways to sharpen your mind
apply logic and reason, including is by doing mental exercises.
the capacities to recognize
•Repeat Information.
patterns, plan, innovate, solve
problems, make decisions, retain •Read More Books.
information, and use language to
•Engage More with People in
Challenging Games.

•Make Schedules.

•Get Quality Sleep.

7. Respect It surrounds us on many levels. •Be thoughtful of others’
There is the respect of age, respect feelings.
for the wise, respect of laws,
•Address mistakes with
cultural, traditions etc. Nowadays,
“respect” has become more of a
feeling rather than a concept. One • Make decisions based on
gives respect if they feel it is what’s right, not who you like.
necessary that it should be granted
•Respect physical boundaries.
to someone or something.
•Live and let live.
8. Equality When men and women are both Everyone should be treated
viewed as being just as smart and fairly in all day-to-day activities
capable as each other, this is an and work-related decisions
example of equality of the sexes. (recruitment, training,
promotion, allocating work, pay,
etc.). We should be embracing
people's differences, as a more
diverse workforce is more
profitable too.
9. Justice Justice means giving each person •Adopt a politician.
what he or she deserves or, in
•Embrace diversity.
more traditional terms, giving each
person his or her due. When such •Support local organisations.
conflicts arise in our society, we
need principles of justice that we
can all accept as reasonable and
fair standards for determining
what people deserve.
10. Nature It underpins our economy, our •Reduce Water Consumption.
society, indeed our very existence.
•Reduce Usage of Electricity.
Our forests, rivers, oceans and soils
provide us with the food we eat, •Restrict Usage of Paper.
the air we breathe, the water we
•Use Newer Agricultural
irrigate our crops with. We also
rely on them for numerous other
goods and services we depend on •Spread Awareness.
for our health, happiness and
11. Health Health is a state of complete •Be More Active and Exercise.
physical, mental and social well Exercise offers so many health
being. For a healthy life cycle, a benefits, it's nothing short of a
person needs to have a balanced magic bullet.
diet and has to regularly exercise.
•Maintain a Healthy Weight.
One must also live in a proper
shelter, take enough sleep and •Get Screened and Get Your
have good hygiene habits. Shots.

•Don't Smoke: Quitting Saves


•Find Joy From Family and





My life's objectives

•Graduate from college

•Become a Teacher

•Have a long-term relationship

•Drive or buy my dream car

•Become an inspiration to others

•Go on a trip around the world

How do you set your life's objectives

*Here are five things on how to do in setting my life's objectives.

•Decide which goal i want to achieve. Don’t be afraid to set multiple life goals at

•Write my life goals down. This way I’ll be more likely to remember each one.

•Tell someone about my goals. They may be able to help me complete them!

•Outline steps to complete my life goals. Be sure to map out what needs to be
done to consider each goal reached as best I can.

•If I have big and ambitious goals, consider breaking them down into smaller goals
to achieve first.

How do you know what's right and what's wrong?

•Generally speaking, doing the right thing is an act that follows justice, law
and morality while doing the wrong thing refers to an act that does not follow
morality or justice. The right action is one which is legitimate, appropriate, and
suitable while the wrong action is one which is not legitimate or appropriate.

What have been your life's accomplishments and failures?

*these are just some of the accomplishments I have had in life;

•I graduated Junior High School and Senior High School which my parents are
proud of.
•Somehow I have also helped my parents financially because of my part time job.

•and one that I can consider an accomplishment is that I also finished my 1st year
of college.

*Then I can't forget that I failed when I almost couldn't graduate from High School
due to an unexpected event knowing that I was also affected.


1. Show your understanding of universal values through a drawing or collage.


2. Determine the process on how universal values can be uncovered.


Understand how universal values can be uncovered by different means, including

scientific investigation, historical research, or public debate and deliberation.
Understand and discuss the idea of moral relativism and the challenges it poses to
universal values.

3. Why is universal value is important? Explain.

The UNIVERSAL VALUES game. Being aware of one's values helps us understand
and direct our attitudes and behaviours. Because all our important choices in life
are directed by our values, understanding these helps us understand ourselves,
what motivates us and what causes us anxiety and stress.




Doing the right thing is an act that is in accordance with the law, justice, and
morality while doing the wrong thing is an act that is not in accordance with
morality or the law. The right way is one which is proper, appropriate, and suitable
while the wrong way is one which not suitable or appropriate. The word “right” is
from the Latin word “rectus” meaning “straight” while the word “wrong” is from
the Latin word “pravus” meaning “crooked.”Doing the right or the wrong thing
depends largely on the individual and how he is brought up and how
environmental factors have affected the way he behaves or acts. Each man is born
with the ability to choose which path to follow, but deeply religious individuals
tend to do the right thing more often than those who are not.

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