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Issue 270 Newsademçc.

com™ – American English edition FREE Activities Advanced Version

Name: Class: Date:

Apple and the FBI (Page 1)

Instructions: Read the article ‘Apple and the FBI’.
Answer questions 1-16.

1. By what name is the boss of the FBI known? Who appoints this person?

2. Which other big technology companies agree with Apple?

3. What does the FBI want Apple to do?

4. Who is the chief executive officer of Apple?

5. What is the Supreme Court and what is its job?

6. Who was Steve Jobs?

7. Why does Mr. Cook believe that creating this software would set a dangerous precedent?

8. What does the House Judiciary Committee do?

Issue 270 Newsademç™ – American English edition FREE Activities Advanced Version
Name: Class: Date:

Apple and the FBI (Page 1) continued

9. Why does the FBI want to access the information on the man’s iPhone?

10. What is significant about the Macintosh computer launched by Apple in 1985?

11. What do surveys seem to show?

12. What do the letters FBI stand for? How many employees does the organization have?

13. What is a “compromise”?

14. When do the FBI take over investigations?

15. What did Mr. Cook do before joining Apple?

16. Where did Apple start? Where is Apple’s headquarters?

Issue 270 Newsademç™ – American English edition FREE Activities Advanced Version
Name: Class: Date:

Apple and the FBI (Page 1)

Instructions: Read the article ‘Apple and the FBI’.
Fill in the boxes with the correct answers to find the mystery word.











1. These crimes, they argue, could be a danger to the country
2. Each of America’s 50 states has its own police , or police force
3. Some think there could be a compromise
4. The FBI wants to what’s stored on the iPhone
5. After searching the couple’s car and home, the FBI found the man’s
6. The was set up over 100 years ago
7. They say that the FBI must be able to fully serious crimes such as terrorism
8. The couple seem to have become supporters of several Islamic groups
9. Its boss is known as the “ ”
10. Once , the software could always be “lost”, stolen, sold, or copied

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