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Name: Mbenj Azieh R.

Delos Santos Date: 1/13/22

Read the article that I uploaded entitled " Success Story: Hidilyn Diaz's Lift of Faith.

Evaluate the content of this article and answer the given questions below.

1. What is the main aim of the author in the text?

-The author wanted to be a weightlifter and achieving with her goals therefore don’t give up in
your self like she said in the article, always remember “never give up” and be strong enough to
beat your fears in life.

2. To what extent has this aim been achieved?

-She extent by making some more practices and more training experience and making sure of
the aim to be successful.

3. What is the content of the text all about?

- Now she's using that status to inspire, reassure, and advise people on what to do in the face of
the spread of coronavirus internationally.

4. Is the content relevant to our lives? Why?

-Since people are working-hard and the abbreviation of other people are different from us
specially not all people are the same as one.

Reminder: Please observe subject-verb agreement, capitalization, and punctuation marks.

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