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Class: Human Resource Management

Professor: Prof. Kim

Student: Ismonjanov Jamolkhon
Student ID: 2018105713

Find an effective way for members of the organization to achieve performance in “The
Devil wears Prada”.
Motivation and inspiration are crucial for business professionals since they aid in achieving
high performance and efficiency within their organizations. Motivating employees effectively
improves performance, but it can also make it difficult for supervisors to channel inspiration
toward the achievement of organizational objectives. As part of this essay, I will analyze several
motivation theories with recommendations to achieve better performance in the film “ The Devil
Wears Prada”, and then also discuss some barriers supervisors might face when trying to
motivate staff members.
Needless to say, reward-driven behavior is also a concept that is seen in this film and it is
great. For example, in our main characters, Andy and Emily, motivation is driven by rewards,
pressures, and opportunities. Miranda knows what motivates her employees and how to control
their motivation to enhance their performance. Leadership and management issues are well
illustrated in the film, as Miranda’s style of leadership and management might lack empathy
towards employees, but it is not my concern here. As Miranda makes editorial decisions
throughout the movie, explaining to Andy about the history of the color cerulean and making the
final magazine decisions, this is a display of her conceptual and technical skills, which are
required of a good leader. However, Miranda’s lack of human skills may also be directly related
to the leadership grid that she follows, which entails authority-compliance behavior. I believe it
is important to listen to others, unlike Miranda, yet you must put the final point.
Finally, I do not think that motivation is the only key, but listening and understanding
employees’ needs could bring better results. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is a motivation theory
that can also be applied to Andy as her physiological and safety needs were being met working
in Runway, but in the long run, it does not cope with self-esteem and self-actualization needs.
There are still autocratic leaders like Miranda today who do not care about their employees, only
results. As Andy did, this will lead to employees not being satisfied with their work-life balance,
and they will leave their current jobs in search of better jobs.

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