ADSOFT FT6 - 01. Introduction

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ERP User Training


User Training Program

History of Open ERP " Open Source Enterprise Management System created by OpenERP s.a. in Belgium " TinyERP iniGally created in 2002 " Indian development branch launched in 2007 " No external funding unGl 2010, now 70+ sta worldwide (Belgium, India, USA) " 500+ modules, including community contribuGons, covering the largest scope of Open Source Enterprise Management systems

User Training Program

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

IntroducGon Human Resources Setup Project Managemen

Stock Mangemen

EvaluaGon Quiz Sales PresentaGon

Manufacturing Purchase Management Sales Management Financial & AnalyGcal AccounGng Technical IntoducGon Pricelist Knowledge Managemen Advanced ConguraGon

Open Source Business Model

Generate acGvity Provide feedback Contribute
Community Partners
Create market Sell added-value Contribute Professional markeGng

Dene product vision Give Support Partners/ Community Provide feedback experience



Finance ecosystem Provide feedback / experience

Open Source ERP Trends

Google Insights for Search 2004 June 2011

Some Numbers
About Open ERP " A few interesGng numbers " Modules: 500+ (40 in 2006) " Languages: 25+ " Downloads/installaGons: 1000/dayvia " Community contributors on 800+

Open Source ERP Comparison


Generic information
" Websites: " product home page " Portal, online OpenERPhosGng " Object kernel homepage, dedicated to the community " Source project homepage, where the community lives " edu.openerp.comOpenERP University (e-Learning) " Several Partnership packages, Support and Maintenance Oers -hip://

Help Resources
" DocumentaGon " hip:// (FuncGonal, Technical, ) " News " (Editor news) " news) " Community tools " discussion) " hip://
Code Bugs and Blueprints TranslaGons Mailing-lists, QuesGons

Architecture Client / Server

" Cross-plakorm server and client solware " AlternaGve clients: Desktop, Web (HTTP/HTTPS) " Solware as a Service version available via

OpenERP version 6.0

" OpenERP6.0 is becoming a true suite of Business ApplicaGons, not a classical ERP anymore " By reducing the dependencies between standard modules, OpenERP6 will make it easier to install specic Business ApplicaGons only. For example: installing Sales without pulling Manufacturing. " By organizing the menu and interfaces in an applicaGon-centric way, OpenERP will behave like your typical dedicated solware, for each context.

OpenERP version 6.0

" To bring the usability and ease of use levels of a dedicated piece of solware, OpenERP 6 brings : " Completely redesigned web interface " ApplicaGons-centricinterface " Per-applicaGon menu structure, streamlined " Contextual shortcut sand navigaGon " Flexible conguraGon wizards " Simplied lists

OpenERP version 6.0

ApplicaKons-based interface

OpenERP version 6.0

Per-applicaKon menu

OpenERP version 6.0

Flexible conguraKon wizards

OpenERP version 6.0

Simplied lists

OpenERP version 6.0

Simplied menus

OpenERP version 6.0

Structured interface, expandable groups

OpenERP version 6.0

Group by

OpenERP version 6.0

Search view context

OpenERP version 6.0

Custom lters

OpenERP version 6.0

Diagram view

OpenERP version 6.0

Security rules

Exercise 1
List view " In the Customers list view, sort the partners by inverse alphabeGcal order " In the Addresses list view, sort the partners by Country and see how many partners there are in China. " Go to the Products list view and sort products by Status to discover which are items in development. How?
" Go to Sales > Address Book. Double-click Customers to open the list view of customers. Click the Name column twice to sort in descending order. " Go to Sales > Address Book. Double-click Addresses to open the list view of partner addresses. Then click the Country column once to sort the elements in ascending order and nd the partners located in China. " Go to Sales > Products. Double-click Products to open the list view of products. Click the State column once to sort the products and nd how many are In Development.

Exercise 2
Basic Search
" In the Customers list view, which customer(s) do you nd when you lter the list according to these criteria: Name : as, Country : Taiwan. " Open the Sales Orders list and nd out how many sales orders are QuotaGons. " SGll in the Sales Orders list, display your own quotaGons. " Show all the Sales Orders.

" Go to Sales > Address Book. Double-click Customers to open the list of customers. To lter, type as in the Name eld, type Taiwan in the Country eld. ASUSTEK is the result. " Go to Sales > Sales. Double-click Sales Orders to open a list of all sales orders. Click the QuotaGons search buion to quickly discover that two sales orders are in this state. " Go to Sales > Sales. Double-click Sales Orders to open a list of all sales orders. Click the My Sales Orders buion to display your quotaGons. " Click the My Sales Orders buion again to show all quotaGons (because the QuotaGons buion is sGll selected from exercises 2). Click the QuotaGons buion to show both sales orders and quotaGons. Click the Sales buion to only display conrmed Sales Orders.

Exercise 3
Group By
" Display the Customers list according to these criteria: Name : ma, Group by salesman. " In the Addresses list view, group the addresses by Partner then by Type. Look at the order of the elds " In the same list, clear the lter and group the addresses by country then by partner

" Go to Sales > Address Book. Double-click Customers to open the list of customers. To lter, type ma in the Name eld. Click the + next to Group by and click the Salesman buion to group the customers by salesman. " Go to Sales > Address Book. Double-click Addresses to open the list view of partner addresses. Click the + next to Group by and click the Partner buion, then the Type buion. In the data list view below, click the + in front of a partner to see the result. " In the same list, click the Clear buion to clear the lter. Click the + next to Group by and click the Country buion, then the Partner buion. In the data list view below, click the + in front of a country to seethe result.

Exercise 4
Advanced Search
" In the Customers list view, which customer(s) do you get when you lter with these (advanced) criteria: " City : Paris OR Mons (use the operator is equal to) " Open the Products list view and lter with these (advanced) criteria: " To sell and Cost price is greater than 300

" Go to Sales > Address Book. Double-click Customers to open the list of customers. To lter, click the green + next to the Filters buion. Select the City eld and select the operator is equal to , then type Paris. Select OR instead of AND. Do the same, but now type Mons. Then click the Find buion to start the search. The customers displayed are Bank Wealthy and sons, Eric Dubois and The Shelve House. " Go to Sales > Products. Double-click Products to open the list view of products. Click the To Sell buion. Then click the green + next to the Filters buion. Select the Cost price eld, select the operator greater than, type 300. Then click the Find buion to start the search. The products PC2, PC3, PC4 and PC0 will be displayed.

Exercise 5
Filter Management " In the Addresses list view, suppose you would olen like to see your contacts by Partner and by Country. Filter to the correct data, then save the lter so that it can be easily reused. You can save it as a shortcut (it will be added to the shortcut menu) or as a lter.

How? " Go to Sales > Address Book. Double-click Customers to open the list of customers. To lter, click on Partner and then Country. Then via the lter eld, select to save the lter (as a lter or as a shortcut).

Exercise 6
Extended Filters " In In the Product list view, add the stock locaGon Shelf 1. Look how the Real and Virtual stock gures change. " In the Product list view, add the stock locaGon Shelf 2. Look how the Real and Virtual stock gures change.

How? " Go to Sales > Sales > Products. Double-click Products to open the list of products. Open the Extended lters and enter Shelf 1 as stock locaGon. Look at the column Virtual Stock and Real Stock. " Go to Sales > Sales > Products. Double-click Products to open the list of products. Open the Extended lters and enter Shelf 2 as stock locaGon. Look at the column Virtual Stock and Real Stock.

Exercise 1
Form view (part 1) " Find the partner Maxtor and open its form. " What is the partners ZIP code?

How? " Go to Sales > Customers. Double-click Customers to open the list of partners and type Maxtor in the Name eld. Then click the Find buion to show the result. Double-click the line with Maxtor to switch to form view or click the Form buion on the toolbar. " In the General tab, look at the Zip eld to nd 23540 as the zip code of Maxtor.

Exercise 2
Form view (part 2)
" " " " " " Find the partner Elec Import. Who is his dedicated salesman? Which pricelist is linked to this partner? What is his account receivable? Open the country list and select Australia. In Categories in the partner form, double-click the Supplier / Components Supplier category to nd out what happens

" Go to Sales > Customers. Double-click Customers to open the list of partners and type Elec in the Name eld. Then click the Find buion to show the result. " Double-click the partner to open it in form view. Go to the Sales & Purchases tab. The Dedicated Salesman eld reads Demo User " Go to the Sales & Purchases tab. The Sale Pricelist eld reads Public Pricelist (EUR). " Go to the AccounGng tab. Since we started this training in Simplied view, no account informaGon will be displayed " TO BE COMPLETED

Exercise 3
ToolKp sand drill-down " Filter the partners list to nd the partner BalmerIncS.A.. " In the partner form, consult the toolGp about the customer and supplier checkboxes. " Dene the partner as a supplier.

" Go to Sales > Customers. Double-click Customers to open the list of partners and type Balmer in the Name eld. Then click the Find buion to show the result. " Double-click the partner to open it in form view. Hover your mouse over the quesGon mark in front of the customer and supplier checkboxes to display the toolGps. " Select the Supplier checkbox to tell OpenERPthe partner is a supplier

Exercise 4
Products informaKon " In the Products list view, nd the product with reference HDD1 . " What is the cost price of this product? Look at the cosGng method.

How? " Go to Sales > Products. Double-click Products to open the list view of products. Type HDD1 in the Reference eld, then click the Find buion. " Double-click the HDD1 product to open form view. Go to the Prices & Suppliers tab and check the Cost Price eld. You cannot see the cosGng method, because you are working in Simplied view.

Exercise 5
Update product informaKon " In the Products list view, nd the product Basic PC. " In this Products form, create a new category Basic PC with the parent category Computer Stu that you assign to the product.

" Go to Sales > Products. Double-click Products to open the list view of products. Type bas in the Name eld, then click the Find buion. " Double-click the Basic PC product to open form view. On the InformaGon tab, click the Category eld. Press F1 to create a new category for this product. You can also click the Search a resource buion and the click the New buion. In the Name eld, type Basic PC and as a Parent category, select Computer Stu.

Exercise 1
List/form view and default values " Open the partner form for Agrolait and open it. " Change the view from the Partner Contacts to list view. " How many Partner Contacts belong to this partner? What are the names of the dierent contacts? " What is the city of the delivery address? " For this delivery address, update the postal code to 1200 and the city to Brussels. " Then Dene Brussels as default value associated to 1200 " What happens when you enter fra in the country eld and then use the Tab key? " Try again by entering bel. Why is it dierent (from fra)?

Exercise 1
" Go to Sales > Customers. Double-click Customers to open the list of partners. Open the partner form for Agrolait. " On the General tab, in the Partner Contacts secGon, click the Switch buion to switch from form view to list view for the contact addresses. " You will see 3 contacts. Their names: Sylvie, Paul and Serge Lelitre. " Switch back to form view, and browse through the contacts by clicking the Next Record arrow. The city of the delivery address is Wavre. " Change the Zip eld to 1200 and the City eld to Brussels. " Right-click the City eld Brussels. Click Set as default. Then decide whether this default applies for all users or only for you, and select the Value applicable if zip = 1200 checkbox. " Click the Country eld and select Belgium or empty the eld. Type fra and press Tab key. Open-ERP will select France because it is the only country that starts with fra. " Type bel and press the Tab key. OpenERPwill now display a list of three countries starGng with Bel.

Exercise 2
Advanced OpKons
" " " " " In the Medium PC Product form view, create a new product category In the Product Manager eld, select any of the users. Without going back to the List view, nd the product before and aler Medium PC? Duplicate the Medium PC product. Change the name of this new (duplicated) product to Large PC and the reference to PCL, then save it.

" " " " " In the Medium PC Product form view, create a new product category In the Product Manager eld, select any of the users. Without going back to the List view, nd the product before and aler Medium PC? Duplicate the Medium PC product. Change the name of this new (duplicated) product to Large PC and the reference to PCL, then save it.

Exercise 1
Hierarchy views and wizards " Display the products by category " From the hierarchy, display the list of products belonging to the PC category. " Open the PC1 form and open the product sales wizard

Exercise 1
How? " Go to Sales> Products by Category " Click the + in front of Sellable. Click the + in front of Computer Stu. " Double-click PC to display the list of All products products belonging to this category. " Double-click the PC1 product to Sellable Private display it in form view and click Stock Level Forecast. Compu
ter Stu Compu ter Accesso ries IT compone nts kits




IT comp onents

Onsite interven Gon

Phone Help

Exercise 2
Prints " Print all the Customers Addresses. " Print product labels for product HDD_GEN. " In the Product list view, print the list of products. How?
" Go to Sales > Address Book > Addresses. Click the Print buion in the toolbar to print a list of all addresses. When you select one or more addresses, OpenERP will only print the selected addresses. " Open the product HDD_GEN in form view, then click the Print Products Labels wizard OR click the Print buion on the toolbar. Then select Products Labels and click OK. " Back in the product list view, print the list of products by clicking on the Print buion on the toolbar menu.

Exercise 1
Consult sales order informaKon
" " " " Display the list of sales orders. Open all the sales orders in Calendar view. From the web client, drag and drop one of the sales orders to change its date. From the web client, display the graph view and show all the sales orders of Agrolait.

" Go to Sales > Sales. Double-click the Sales Orders menu item. OpenERP by default shows all sales orders. " In the same sales orders view, click the Calendar buion in the toolbar to display a calendar with sales orders. " From the web client, click one of the sales orders in Calendar view, press the lel mouse buion and drag it to a dierent date. Release the mouse buion to conrm the date for the selected sales order. " From the web client, click the Graph buion to display the sales orders in graph view. Click the Agrolait graph to display all sales orders of Agrolait.

Exercise 2
Create a sales order " From the sales orders list, create a new quotaGon " In the Customer eld of the sales order, select Agrolait. " Order 2 PC1 products and change the DescripGon to Our basic PC. Add the text There will be no deliveryon Wednesday. Save " Compute taxes. " Conrm and print the order.

Exercise 2
How? " Go to Sales > Sales. Double-click Sales Orders. Click the New buion to create a new quotaGon (sales order in iniGal status). " In the Customer eld, press F2 to select Agrolait. " In the Sales Order Lines part, click the New buion. Type PC1 in the Product eld and change the quanGty to 2. Change the DescripGon eld to Our basic PC. Click the Notes tab and type the text There will be no delivery on Wednesday. Save the line by clicking the Save buion, then click the Close buion. " Click the Compute buion to compute taxes. NoGce that the Untaxed Amount, Taxes and Total elds are calculted. " Click the Conrm Order buion to turn the quotaGon into a sales order. Click the right arrow in the web client and click the QuotaGon / Order report to print the sales order.

Exercise 3
Processes " Find how to display the Sales workow in both GTK and web client. How? " GTK Client : " From the AdministraGon > CustomizaGon >Workows >Workows, display the list view and select the sales order workow. Open it using the Diagram buion on the toolbar menu. " Web Client : " Open the Sales Orders list view and select a sales order, then click on the Show Workow on the right menu.

Exercise 1
Partner form view " Open the Distrib PC partner form in simplied view. Does it belong to any categories? " Then switch to extended view and open the same Partner form. Now associate the Customer / Consumers categoryto it.

" No, categories are not displayed in Simplied view mode. " Click the Edit Preferences buion to switch to extended view and open the Distrib PC Partner form. There are 2 opGons to add a category: " Click the Add buion and select the corresponding category. " Type cons in the white area below Categories and then press Enter. The correct category will be proposed. Click OK to conrm the selecGon.

Exercise 2
Product form view " Open the Keyboard product form both in simplied and extended view in order to compare the following tabs " InformaGon, " Procurements and LocaGons How?
" Open the Keyboard product form. Make sure the user preferences are set to Simplied. Look at the following tabs: " InformaGon, " Procurements and LocaGons. " The tab now has two more blocks, i.e. Weights and Lots. NoGce that the Procurements and LocaGons tab now also displays the Counter-part LocaGons ProperGes block.

Exercise 3
AcKon " Open the Mouse product form and check which of the following links are available in both simplied and extended view: " Minimum Stock Rules, " Product Sales, " Stock by LocaGon. How? " Open the Mouse product form. Minimum Stock Rules is the only one that is displayed both in Simplied and Extended view.

Exercise 1
Se[ng a date eld " In the history tab of a Partner form, add a phone call : " Name = Follow up phone call " Phone = 0032 (0) 81/81.01.23 " DuraGon = 0.25 " Date = today +1 month and +1 day How?
" Open the Partner form then the history tab, add a phone call: " Name = Follow up phone call " Phone = 0032(0) 81/81.01.23 " DuraGon= 0.25 " Date = today +1 month and +1 day " Save the data and close. Dont forget to save also on the customer form.

Exercise 2
Log in / out " In le (menu on the top), log as demo user (user : demo, password : demo). " While you are logged as demo user, press ctrl+o to log as admin user (user : admin, password : admin).

How? " In le (menu on the top), log as demo user (user : demo, password : demo). " 2)While you are logged as demo user, press ctrl+o to log as admin user (user : admin, password : admin).

Case Introduction (1/3)

Case IntroducKon " The company NotSoTiny : " Located in Belgium " dedicated factory manufacturing wooden bookshelves " created by F. Dupont and L. Lecoq " The departments : " Commercial , Research and Development (R&D), ProducGon, Quality, IT and Financial AccounGng " Main product, Picaso book shelf, declined in two dierent models : " a bookshelf having a width of 1 meter " a bookshelf having a width of 2 meters

Case Introduction (2/3)

Case IntroducKon " As NotSoTinyhad a fast growth and they are now in a situaGon where all the processes are complex and require a lot of eorts from the employees : " dual encoding, " Error n processes, " Several non-integrated solware pieces " Etc. " Aler having evaluated dierent ERP solwares, they decided to go for OpenERP. " They contacted you to build a funcGonal prototype... in 4 days !

Case Introduction (3/3)

Case IntroducKon " You agreed to build the following prototype construcGng it incrementally : " InstallaGon and ConguraGon " Sales and Purchases management " Human Resources management " Project management management " Financial management " Warehouse management " Manufacturing management " Transversal Document management

Installation & Configuration

InstallaKon and ConguraKon Flow

Download OpenERP

Create a New Database

Select Modules

Use ConguraKon Wizards

Assign Dashboard / Homepage

Assign Users to Groups

Create OpenERP Users

Install Database " 2 AlternaGves : " Download all-in-one installer on and install it " Register on " StarGng with a new database " For a local installaGon, use your Desktop or Web client to create it " For ODOO, use the Control Panel

Congure Database " To nish the setup, you need to congure : " An appropriate set of modules
Modules provide specic funcGonal blocks to your OpenERP system

" Language(s): OpenERP translaGons of user interface , screens and menus. " Once a language is installed all modules will provide their translaGons for it " Security: " Users and Groups
Groups are used to setup access rights

Access Rights
Access Right ConguraKon " No access right on something = full access to everyone " Specied per group " Allow/Disallow access to menu items " Allow specic operaGons on specic resources:
Create Read (display) Write(update) Unlink(delete)

" User Access rights=union(Access Rights of her groups)

Exercise 1
Install a working OpenERP
" " " " Open your GTK client to create a new database. Do not select demonstraGon data and use English as default language. Select the extended interface. Congure your company: " NotSoTiny Company - Union Street, 512 -1000 Brussels -Belgium,, " Currency: euro and load your logo if possible.

" " " " "

File > Databases, create a new database Open your web client to create a new database Do not select demonstraGon data and use English as default language Select the extended interface Congure your company by entering given data

Exercise 2
Install the required modules
" Install the following generic modules: " Customer RelaGonship Management,, Warehouse Management, AccounGng & Finance, Sales Management, Purchase Management " Select the generic chart of accounts and set 21% sales and purchase taxes " Do not change the default value when conguring Customer RelaGonship Management. " Skip the conguraGon of the purchase system, the sales management " Do not change the default value for conguring Sale Order LogisGc.

" " " " " Install the generic modules Select the generic chart of accounts and set 21% sales and purchase taxes. Do not change the default value for conguring Customer RelaGonship Management. Skip the conguraGon of the purchase system, the sales management Do not change the default value for conguring Sale Order LogisGc.

Exercise 3
Create the dierent user sand set their access rights " Dene the dierent users and assign them to the right groups.
Name Fabien Dupont Login fabien Password fabien Groups All features, except administraGon of the ERP

Luc Lecoq
Eric Dubois Thomas Lebrun

Eric thomas

eric thomas

AccounGng, Sales and Product / Partner Manager

Sales, Manufacturing Product / Partner Manager Sales, AccounGng and Product / Partner Manager

Exercise 3
How? " AdministraGon > Users > Users, create new users " Fill in users data as provided in the table " Fabien: All groups except AdministraGve groups " Luc: Internal user and Usability/ Extended view, all nance and sale groups and Product/Partner Manager " Eric: Internal User and Usability/ Extended view, all manufacturing groups and Product/Partner Manager " Thomas: Internal User and Usability/ Extended view, all sale and nance groups and Product/ Partner Manager

Exercise 4
Assign a sales dashboard to Lucs login " Set up a sales manager dashboard to Luc. This dashboard must appear when he logs in.

How? " AdministraGon > Modules > Modules " Set the Sales Dashboard as the main menu for Luc, AdministraGon > Users > Users. In the Home AcGon eld (in the User tab), select Sales Dashboard " Log in as Luc, the Sale Dashboard should be the home page

Key Points
Basic se[ngs " Search, Form view, List view, Graph view, Calendar view, Gani view " Shortcut, ToolGps, F1/F2, default value, date eld " DuplicaGon, Import / Export " Wizards, AcGons, Print InstallaKon & ConguraKon " Install a database and congure modules " Create users and assign groups

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