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Becoming James Bond: The Magic of Being

Good at A Lot of Things

I’ll never forget when I went to a wedding in India with my family. I was
hanging out there with my cousin and we decided to go get drinks at
the bar. And then I watched him talk to the bartender and order drinks
in perfect Hindi. And I’m sitting here staring at him, like, “Shouldn’t I be
able to do this?”

Another time, I remember traveling with a buddy in Asia, and this guy
was incredible to watch. Every single place we went, he got the hotel
rooms upgraded, he made friends at bars. At one point in Thailand, I
remember hanging out with a group of local Thai people, eating food
that tourists would never know about, all because of my friend’s ability
to talk to anyone. Again, I’m like, “How do you do this?”

I think we all have someone like this in our lives. They’re kind of like
a real life James Bond, the kind of person who suddenly just starts
speaking to your waitress in Mandarin. A language you had no idea they
even knew. Or the kind of person who just picks up a guitar and starts
playing. It’s like they pull these skills out of nowhere. And whenever
you’re with them, it’s like, “How do you know this stuff?” I actually
think knowing these things is awesome, but notice that people think
it’s weird to learn them. Notice the difference? Knowing how to speak
fluently to a waiter in a foreign country? Super cool. Telling people
you’re taking a class on juggling this Friday? Weird.

In fact, I remember telling one of my friends that I was taking a whisky

tasting class. And you know what he said to me? He said, “Man, you
remind me of me when I was single.” I said, “What do you mean?” He
said, “I used to do all kinds of interesting stuff. I’d take classes. I’d go out
to events. I’d try all these weird things. Now I don’t really do that stuff.”

Now I totally get that, when you’re single versus in a relationship, of

course things are gonna be different. But I will say that you are here,

B E C O M I N G J A M E S B O N D : T H E M AG I C O F B E I N G G O O D AT A L O T O F T H I N G S 1
Becoming James Bond: The Magic of Being
Good at A Lot of Things

you’re watching this program. So I already know which choice you

wanna make. And we’re gonna get into this.

I wanna be able to order coffee in Italy. I wanna be able to drive stick

shift if I have to, or I wanna be able to dance at my cousin’s wedding. I
wanna be able to learn anything fast. It’s fun, it’s impressive, and it’s a
great way to meet new people. So why don’t other people do it more?
Why are you the one who joined this program and all of your friends did

Well, I think, some of the common reasons that we’ve all heard, you
know, people think they don’t have time. People don’t make learning
new skills a priority, which is fine, maybe they’re not. And a lot of
times people just don’t know where to start. And you know what?
Sometimes we don’t even know what to learn. I think, a lot of us can
actually relate to coming home after work, getting something to eat,
sitting down in front of the TV, maybe you have some free time, but not
really being sure what to do with it.

In fact, one of our readers wrote, “I don’t have any hobbies except
reading. What should I do?” Now, that sounds kind of weird. I don’t
think this guy is serial killer but I get it. You’re sitting here, you live in a
world with a million options, you have the time. But what are you even
supposed to do? Now I’ve realized that you can pick up a lot of things
pretty quickly. We all have the same amount of hours in a day, and one
big distinction I’ve learned is that it’s easy to go with the flow. Almost
like getting carried along a river.

Life makes it very convenient and easy to wake up, go to work,

come home, eat, and watch TV. And then what happens? We end
up looking at those friends in our lives. You know, the ones who can
speak different languages, who are always out there doing different

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Becoming James Bond: The Magic of Being
Good at A Lot of Things

interesting things, and we think about how different they are from
us. But they’re not. The truth is, these friends of ours, these James
Bonds who are good at a lot of things, usually aren’t actually experts at
everything. They just try a lot of new things. And we can train ourselves
to do that, too. It doesn’t have to be this huge commitment. And
frankly, you don’t even need to be that good.

I’ll give you an example. I always heard my friends talking about

paddleboarding. Paddleboarding is that thing, you’re kinda standing up
on a surfboard, you’re using an oar to move yourself along. So I decided
to take a lesson over the weekend and I learned some stuff, like how
to balance and how to turn around, and that was it. Guess what? I did
the class, it was cool, I’m probably not gonna do it again. But, you know
what? Next time I’m at the lake with my friends and somebody says,
“Hey, anybody wanna go paddleboarding?” Now I can say, “Yeah, I can
do that.”

I’m not the best but I’ve added it to my portfolio of skills. I checked the
box. I tried it out. If I wanted to go deeper, I could have, but I’m good
enough. I can do it once, I can do it for a few minutes, I can have a good
time, and most importantly, I’m not letting my lack of skills hold me
back from any opportunity.

Now imagine if you did these just three or four times a year. The
cool thing is, once we learned something, we can take those same
lessons of learning and apply them to a bunch of new things. You can
actually get better at learning the more you learn. For example, this
paddleboarding lesson was just one thing, but the real key is that in the
past year I’ve done paddleboarding, gone on a trapeze, I’ve learned how
to make cocktails, I’ve done all kinds of stuff.

Now this is where it starts to get really interesting because you

B E C O M I N G J A M E S B O N D : T H E M AG I C O F B E I N G G O O D AT A L O T O F T H I N G S 3
Becoming James Bond: The Magic of Being
Good at A Lot of Things

haven’t just done one thing like paddleboarding. You’ve actually built a
routine of doing new stuff all the time. You’re acquiring new skills, new
experiences. You’ve learned the skill of learning skills. And the truth
is, once you’ve proven to yourself that you can pick up one thing, it’s
gonna be much, much easier to pick up the next.

That’s when it starts to become addictive. And in fact, you even start
looking for the next new thing to pick up. It’s where it gets really fun.
So that’s what we’re gonna do here. We’re gonna pick up a bunch of
skills and we’re gonna move fast. If you do wanna get really good at
something, you can. And we’ll show you how to do that, too, and how to
do it quickly.

One more thing, I just wanna leave you with my personal

recommendation for getting the most out of this program. And that’s
one simple thing. Don’t just read, don’t just watch, actually do it. This is
something that I’ve noticed all the world’s best learners do. They focus
on action over consumption. You don’t learn a skill by studying the
theory alone, you gotta go out there and actually practice it. You and I
all know someone who’s been learning Spanish in seventh grade, but
still can’t really speak it. Why? Because they spent all those years with
their nose in a book but they never actually went out there and tried to
talk to someone.

So I want to encourage you, I’m gonna push you to get results. In this
course, you have to actually take action. And that’s why at the end of
each lesson, we’re gonna challenge you to take one small really specific
action, and we’re gonna help you accelerate your learning.

So here is what I want you to do right now. You might have lists of
things that you’re always saying that you wanna learn. What’s that
thing? Learning to play a guitar, or speak Italian, or finally figure out how

B E C O M I N G J A M E S B O N D : T H E M AG I C O F B E I N G G O O D AT A L O T O F T H I N G S 4
Becoming James Bond: The Magic of Being
Good at A Lot of Things

to use Photoshop, whatever it is. No shame, make that list. And then I
want you to think about one thing you can do right now to learn more
about it fast.

In the next 30 minutes, for example, you could just Google it and read
the top three results, you could watch a couple of YouTube videos, you
could even take a short class or a course. For example, one of my co-
workers on our team loved having fresh flowers in her house. But every
time she tried to buy some, they would just look awkward and weird.
She kept saying that one day, she would take a floral arrangement class
when she had time. Sound familiar?

And when we were researching this course, she thought, “You know
what? Let me see if I could do just a little bit right now.” So she took
a free 20-minute class online. Just 20 minutes. Then she got a bunch
of flowers together and she tried her first arrangement. No, it wasn’t
perfect, but hey, it looked nice and her friends said something nice
about it. And it made her feel just a little bit happier every time she
walked past her kitchen table. Now she told me this. I thought it was
the perfect example of what this course is about.

Baby steps and soon you will develop an amazing skill of learning fast.
In fact, with my co-worker, in 30 minutes, she knew 10 times more than
she had in all the years she had spent complaining about how bad she
was at flower arrangement.

So go ahead. I want you to spend the next 30 minutes diving into just
one skill you’ve always thought about, and you will be surprised at how
far you can get. Leave a comment below and share what skill you’ve
decided to dive into. I can’t wait to read what you’ve picked.

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