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How to calibrate a graduated cylinder

by Jack Brubaker / in Style

Most scientific glassware requires periodic recalibration, or at least verification of its
previous calibration. The method for calibrating graduated cylinders depends on the type of
cylinder. Graduated cylinders are marked either TC, meaning "to contain," or TD, meaning
"to deliver."
For a TC cylinder, the volume readings marked on its side represent the amount of liquid
contained in the cylinder. This amount will differ from the volume actually delivered by the
cylinder when the liquid is transferred to another container. A few drops of liquid will usually
remain in the cylinder, and this volume of liquid has been taken into account for a cylinder
that has been calibrated TD.

 Most scientific glassware requires periodic recalibration, or at least verification of its

previous calibration.
 For a TC cylinder, the volume readings marked on its side represent the amount of
liquid contained in the cylinder.

The calibration method is based on measuring volumes of water and then determining the
mass of the water that was measured. Water exhibits a density of 1.00 grams per millilitre
(g/ml) near room temperature. This means that each 1.00ml of water should weigh 1.00g.
Thus, a cylinder containing 5.0ml of water should contain 5.0g of water.
Tare the balance so that it reads exactly zero, then place the graduated cylinder on the balance
and record (write down) its mass.
Fill the graduated cylinder to 20 or 25 per cent of its capacity with distilled water. The liquid
in the cylinder will for a U-shape called a meniscus. The proper volume reading is taken at
the bottom of the U. Add the last few drops of water one drop at a time from an eyedropper to
bring the meniscus to exactly the desired mark. Record this volume reading.

 Tare the balance so that it reads exactly zero, then place the graduated cylinder on the
balance and record (write down) its mass.
 The proper volume reading is taken at the bottom of the U.
 Add the last few drops of water one drop at a time from an eyedropper to bring the
meniscus to exactly the desired mark.

Return the cylinder to the balance and record the new mass of the cylinder.
Repeats Steps 2 and 3 for volumes of 50, 75 and 100 per cent of the cylinder's maximum
Subtract the mass of the empty graduated cylinder from each of the mass readings. This will
give the mass of just the water in the cylinder. Use graph paper or a computer graphing
program to plot the calibration data on x-y coordinates. Plot the mass readings on the y-axis
and the volume readings on the x-axis. Include the origin (0,0) as a data point. Draw a
straight line through the data points.
Refer to the graph when using the graduated cylinder in the future. Find the volume reading
on the cylinder on the x-axis, then locate the corresponding y-value of the line for that value
of x. The y-value indicates the "true" volume in the cylinder. Remember that this calibration
is valid only for determining how much water the cylinder actually contains, not how much it
will deliver to another container.
Tare the balance so that it reads exactly zero, then place an empty beaker or plastic cup with a
volume at least as large as that of the cylinder on the balance and record (write down) its
Fill the graduated cylinder to 25 per cent of its capacity with distilled water. The liquid in the
cylinder will for a U-shape called a meniscus. The proper volume reading is taken at the
bottom of the U. Add the last few drops of water one drop at a time from an eyedropper to
bring the meniscus exactly to the desired volume mark. Record this volume reading.

 Refer to the graph when using the graduated cylinder in the future.
 The proper volume reading is taken at the bottom of the U.
 Add the last few drops of water one drop at a time from an eyedropper to bring the
meniscus exactly to the desired volume mark.

Pour the water in the cylinder into the empty beaker, then return the beaker to the balance and
record its new mass. After the beaker has been weight, empty its contents and dry it before
proceeding to Step 4.

 Pour the water in the cylinder into the empty beaker, then return the beaker to the
balance and record its new mass.

 Pour the water in the cylinder into the empty beaker, then return the beaker to the
balance and record its new mass.

Repeats Steps 2 and 3 for volumes of 50, 75 and 100 per cent of the cylinder's maximum
Subtract the mass of the empty graduated cylinder from each of the mass readings. This will
give the mass of just the water in the cylinder. Use graph paper or a computer graphing
program to plot the calibration data on x-y coordinates. Plot the mass readings on the y-axis
and the volume readings on the x-axis. Include the origin (0,0) as a data point. Draw a
straight line through the data points.
Whenever using the cylinder in the future, refer to the graph. Find the volume reading on the
cylinder on the x-axis, then locate the y-value of the line for that value of x. The y-value
indicates the "true" delivery volume of the cylinder. Remember that this calibration is only
valid for the amount of liquid the cylinder will actually deliver, not for how much the
cylinder contains.


When filling a graduated cylinder, always lift the cylinder to eye level to read its volume.
Never lower your head to table level; if the cylinder spills or breaks, your eyes and face will
be vulnerable to splashes and flying glass. The use of safety glasses is recommended.
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How to Calculate a Weight to Strength

by Pearl Lewis / in Science & education
A low weight-to-strength ratio is not only desirable in the gym. The weight-to-strength ratio,
when descriptive of a material, relates the density of the material to its ability to withstand
permanent deformation or fracture under pressure. Low-ratio values indicate that the material
is lightweight but can bear significant load. High values describe heavy materials that deform
or break easily. The weight-to-strength ratio is typically used in an inverse form as the
strength-to-weight ratio; it is then termed the specific strength of the material.

 A low weight-to-strength ratio is not only desirable in the gym.

 The weight-to-strength ratio, when descriptive of a material, relates the density of the
material to its ability to withstand permanent deformation or fracture under pressure.

Measure the mass of the material using the scale. For example, if you are determining the
weigh-to-strength ratio of titanium, weight the titanium and report the mass in grams (g) or
kilograms (kg). To convert the titanium mass from grams to kilograms, divide the mass by
1,000. For example, a mass of 9.014 grams is equivalent to 0.009014kg: 9.014/1000 =
Determine the volume of the material. For regularly shaped samples, use a ruler to measure
the dimensions of the sample and calculate the volume from the dimensions. For example, if
the material is in the form of a cube with side lengths of 1cm, the volume of the cube equals
the side-length cubed: 1 x 1 x 1 = 1cm^3. For irregularly shaped samples, the volume may be
obtained by a process of fluid displacement. Measure the water level in a graduated cylinder
before and after submerging the sample in the water. The change in water level is equivalent
to the volume of the specimen in cubic centimetres. For example, if the water level before
adding the sample is 10cm^3 and the water level after adding the sample is 15cm^3, the
sample volume is five cubic centimetres: 15 - 10 = 5. Convert volumes given in cubic
centimetres to cubic meters by dividing by 1 x 10^6. For example, a volume of 5cm^3 equals
5 x 10^-6m^3: 5/1 x 10^6 = 5 x 10^-6.

 Determine the volume of the material.

 For regularly shaped samples, use a ruler to measure the dimensions of the sample
and calculate the volume from the dimensions.

Calculate the density of the material by dividing the mass of the sample by its volume. For
example, a titanium sample that weighs 9.014 grams and occupies two cubic centimetres will
have a density 4,507 kilograms per meter cubed: 9.014/1000/(2/1 x 10^6) = 4507.
Determine the ultimate strength of the material from the turning point of the material's stress-
strain curve by tracing the stress-strain curve of the material until the curve reaches its
highest point. The value read from the stress-axis, or y-axis, is the ultimate strength of the

 Calculate the density of the material by dividing the mass of the sample by its volume.
 The value read from the stress-axis, or y-axis, is the ultimate strength of the material.

Divide the density by the ultimate strength of the sample to obtain the weight-to-strength
ratio of the material. For example, titanium has an ultimate strength of 434 x 10^6 N/m^2,
and a density of 4507kg/m^3. The weight to strength ratio for titanium is 1.04 x 10^-5kg/Nm:
4507/434 x 10^6= 1.04 x 10^-5.
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Acid Base Titration Sources of Error

by Jack Brubaker / in Hobbies
Chemists use acid-base reactions, in conjunction with an indicator (a compound that changes
colour when in acidic or basic conditions), to analyse the amount of acid or base in a
substance. The amount of acetic acid in vinegar, for example, can be determined by titrating a
sample of the vinegar against a strong base such as sodium hydroxide. The method generally
involves adding a titrant (in this case, the sodium hydroxide) to an analyte (the vinegar). The
exact amount of base in the titrant must be exactly known to achieve accurate results; that is,
the titrant must first be “standardised.” Then the amount of titrant required to neutralise the
acid in the vinegar must be precisely measured.
A skilled operator can achieve results with errors less than 0.1 per cent, although such results
typically require substantial practice and familiarity with the equipment. Beginners tend to
focus on achieving a “perfect” end point to the titration, where the indicator teeters on its
transition from acidic to basic. Accurately reaching the end point of the titration, however, is
only one component to achieving an accurate result. By the time the titration is actually
carried out, significant error will usually have already crept into the experiment from a
variety of sources.
Check the calibration of the balance
Although acid-base titrations are carried out in the liquid phase, one or more steps usually
involves weighing a solid reagent on a balance. Sodium hydroxide, for example, is
standardised by titrating potassium hydrogen phthalate (KHP) that is weighed on an
analytical (0.0001 gram) balance. Never assume that a balance is level or properly calibrated.
The calibration procedures vary from one balance manufacturer to another; refer to the
operator’s manual. Students should consult their instructor before attempting a recalibration.

 Although acid-base titrations are carried out in the liquid phase, one or more steps
usually involves weighing a solid reagent on a balance.

Verify that the primary standard is properly dried
Most of the primary standards used to standardise titrants must be thoroughly dried in an
oven, usually for several hours, prior to use. They must then be cooled to room temperature
and stored in a desiccator to ensure that they do not absorb moisture from the atmosphere.
Any absorbed moisture will result an erroneously high titrant concentration.
Verify the precision of the glassware
If the analyte (the sample being analysed) is a liquid, verify that the glassware used to
measure it possesses the requisite precision. Volumetric pipettes should be used to precisely
measure volumes; they are generally accurate to within 0.02ml.
Use sufficient quantities of analyte and titrant
Measured volumes should always be 10.00 millilitres (ml) or greater and measured masses
should be 0.1 grams or greater. This pertains to the number of significant figures in the final
result. If 10.00ml of a liquid analyte is pipetted into a flask, and at least 10.00ml of titrant is
consumed in the titration, then the final result will be precise to four significant figures. The
significance of this should not be overlooked. Statistically, determining the per cent acetic
acid in vinegar to be 5.525 per cent is much more precise (and difficult) than determining it to
be 5.5 per cent.

 Measured volumes should always be 10.00 millilitres (ml) or greater and measured
masses should be 0.1 grams or greater.
 If 10.00ml of a liquid analyte is pipetted into a flask, and at least 10.00ml of titrant is
consumed in the titration, then the final result will be precise to four significant

Realise the limitations of the equipment
The accuracy of volumetric glassware is limited, and not all volumetric glassware is created
equally. Burettes, for example, are generally classified as B or A (the class will be marked on
the burette). A class-A burette will typically be precise to within 0.05ml. A class-B burette,
however, may only be precise to within 0.1 mll. This represents a doubling increase in the
uncertainty of the burette’s volume measurement. In the case of using a class-B burette, the
operator should understand that a final result with 0.1 per cent error is not realistic.
 The accuracy of volumetric glassware is limited, and not all volumetric glassware is
created equally.
 In the case of using a class-B burette, the operator should understand that a final result
with 0.1 per cent error is not realistic.

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How to Calculate Keq Given pKa

by Jack Brubaker / in Hobbies
Chemists use equilibrium constants, or Keq values, to express whether a reversible chemical
reactions favours the formation of products or reactants. Acetic acid, or CH3COOH, for
example, undergoes a partial reaction with water according to CH3COOH + H2O <--->
CH3COO- + H3O+. An equilibrium constant greater than one would indicate that most of the
acetic acid molecules convert to CH3COO-. An equilibrium constant less than one would
indicate that most of the acetic acid molecules remain intact. When specifically applied to
acids, chemists refer to equilibrium constants as acid-dissociation constants, or Ka values.
These numbers are typically very small. The value for acetic acid, for example, is 0.000018,
or 1.8 x 10^-5. Consequently, chemists sometimes express these quantities as pKa values,
where pKa = -log Ka. In this case, the pKa of acetic acid becomes pKa = -log (0.000018) =

Refer to a table of pKa values and locate the pKa of the compound under investigation. For
example, the pKa of benzoic acid, a common food preservative, is about 4.20.

Multiply the pKa value by negative one to invert its sign. In the case of benzoic acid, 4.20 x
(-1) = -4.20.

Calculate the Ka or Keq value by using a calculator to raise 10 to the power of the negative
pKa. Continuing the previous example, if benzoic acid exhibits a pKa of 4.20, then its Ka =
10^(-4.20) = 6.31 x 10^-5, or 0.0000631. And because benzoic acid is acidic, its Keq and Ka
values are numerically identical.

 Refer to a table of pKa values and locate the pKa of the compound under
 And because benzoic acid is acidic, its Keq and Ka values are numerically identical.


Mathematically, raising 10 to an exponential power is referred to as the "antilog" and the

button for this operation is usually marked "10^x" on most scientific calculators.
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