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Oxford 1 language school 2020/21

Fairyland 4

Name and surname ____________________________________________

Final exam
I. Put the verbs into Present Simple or Present Continuous Tense.
1. _______ Alvin _________ (do) the dishes at the moment? No,he __________.
2. Emma _________ (wear) a skirt every day.
3. _______ you often _________ (ride) your bike in the park?
4. My mum ____________ (not cook) now.
5. A mechanic ___________ (not sell) fruit and vegetables.
6. Harry and Mona ____________ (water) the plants at the moment.
7. An astronaut _____________ (fly) into space every week.
8. _______ he ____________ (mop) the floor?
9. _______ your mother __________ (work) every day?
10. My friends __________ (dance) at the moment. 10p ______
II. Complete with the correct preposition of movement.

1. The car is going _______ 2. The car is going _______ 3. The car is going
the bridge. the bridge. _________ the tunnel.

4. The girl is getting 5. The man is coming 6. The ball is going 7.The ball is going
________ the car. ________ the car. ______ the stairs. _____ the stairs.
III. Complete the sentences.

£11.50 £18.00 £7.65 £13.30

£55. 20 £19.15 £16.00 £9.50

Oxford 1 language school 2020/21
Fairyland 4

1. How much _________________ ? 5. How much _______________?

____________________________. ________________________.
2. How much _________________ ? 6. How much ________________?
____________________________ . __________________________.
3. How much _________________ ? 7. How much ________________?
____________________________ . __________________________ .
4. How much _________________ ? 8. How much ________________ ?
____________________________ . __________________________.
8p _____
IV. Complete with: must, mustn’t, should, shouldn’t.
1. You __________ put out the fire.
2. You __________ an aspirin if you’ve got a headache.
3. You___________ drop litter.
4. You___________ eat many sweets if you’ve got a stomachache.
5. You ___________ make a lot of noise in the countryside. 5p______
V. Complete with the correct object pronoun.
1. Billy and Bob have got a cold. You should take ________ to the hospital.
2. She’s got a rush. Look at __________.
3. Anna’s got a headache. You should give _______ an aspirin.
4. Give _______ the oranges. I’m going to make some orange juice.
5. We are going to the cinema. Come with _______. 5p _______
VI. Complete with: some, any, a, an.
1. There is __________ milk in the fridge.
2. I need ___________ bread to make a sandwich.
3. Is there __________ orange in the bag?
4. There isn’t ________ honey on the table.
5. Are there _________ eggs. I want to make an omlette.
6. I have got ________ jar of jam.
7. There isn’t _______ packet of flour, but there is _______ carton of orange juice.
8. Do you need _______ carrots for the salad.
8p _______
VII. Complete with: much, many, a lot of.
1. How ______ lemonade do you need? 5. Do you need________ limes?
2. There’s __________ cheese in the fridge. 6.There are _________ watermelons.
3. How __________ melons are there? 7.How _______ olive oil does she need?
4. I have got ________ free time. 8.There aren’t _______ strawberries.
8p ________
Oxford 1 language school 2020/21
Fairyland 4

VIII. Complete with the correct form of comparative or superlative.

1. The giraffe is __________(tall) than the bear.
2. The cheetah is ___________(fast) animal in the world.
3. He is ____________(good) at Maths than his brother.
4. Jonny is ____________(bad) student in our class.
5. The elephant is ________(big) than the hippo.
6. The panda is _________(fat) than the monkey.
7. She is the ___________(happy) girl in the world.
8. I’m _________(bad) at Geography than my sister.
9. Julie is ________________(beautiful) girl in our class.
10. Miss Dee is ___________(good) teacher in our school. 10p _______
IX. Complete with the verb to be in Past Simple Tense(was/were)
1. There ________ a car in the street last night.
2. Danny _________ home alone yesterday.
3. ________ there two boys in the garden last night? Yes, there _________.
4. Molly ________(not) tired after school.
5. _______ you scared? No, I _________.
6. She _______ very happpy. All her friends came to the party. 6p _______
X. Put the verbs into Past Simple Tense.
1. The kings and queens ___________(live) in castles.
2. The cooks __________(not work) in the kitchen all day.
3. The butlers __________(carry) the food to the Great Hall.
4. _______ the boys _______(do) their homework? No, they _________.
5. The children __________(travel) on the school bus all day.
6. A young boy _________(come) into the forest.
7. _______ you _________(see) knights in the museum? No, we _________.
8. He ________(can) swim when he was five years old.
9. The boy _________(fall) but he ____________(not get) hurt.
10. We ___________(go) to John’s house last night. 10p ______
XI. Complete the questions.
1. _______ is this? This is my friend Tom. 4. ________Susie? She’s at the bank.
2. ________is your birthday? It’s on 22 July. 5. ________ old are you? I’m eleven.
3. ________ bike is this? It’s Jill’s. 6. ________ are these? These are pens.
6p _____
XII. Cicle the correct answer.
1. August is the eight/eighth month of the year.
2. Jack is thirteen/thirteenth years old.
3. C is the third/three letter of the alphabet.
4. Friday is the five/fifth day of the week.
Oxford 1 language school 2020/21
Fairyland 4

5. December is the twelve/ twelfth month of the year.

6. May Day is on the one/ first of May. 6p ______
XIII. Complete the sentences with: will
1. I think he _________ be a doctor when he grows up.
2. In the future we ________(not) wear shoes that can fly.
3. ________ you help me?
4. The phone is ringing. I _______ answer it.
5. He _________(not) ride a motrobike. 5p _______
XIV. Complete the sentences with: to be going to .
1. Alvin and Erlina ______________(come) too.
2. Look at those clouds.It ________________ to rain.
3. We _______________(not visit) our cousins, we ___________(visit) our friends.
4. Harry and Lee ____________(go) on holiday.
5. ______ Trog __________(play) football on Monday? 5p _______
XV. Translate the sentences:
1. Вујко Фергус е стар и дебел, а вујна Мери е висока и слаба.
2. My super mum has got short curly hair and she can see through a door.
3. Лее не го чисти подот во моментот, тој го мести креветот.
4. The teacher is walking through the door.
5. Продавницата за алишта е наспроти месарата, веднаш до пекарата.
6. Does a chef fix cars? No, he doesn’t. He cooks food.
7. Ема секогаш носи црвен фустан.
8. There was a little green man in my garden last night.
9. Ерлина беше на панаѓурот со Алвин минатиот понеделник.
10. Astronauts, doctors, nurses, writers, teachers made the world a better place.
Oxford 1 language school 2020/21
Fairyland 4

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