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1 Our new things

2nd Edition

Class Book

What your child learned in class


with animated stories

2 Naomi Simmons

School things: classroom, table, computer, peg, pencil case, board, poster,
picture, drawers, cupboard, CD Player
This/That is… These/Those are…
Review of the alphabet and initial sounds

In this room
Sit in your child’s room and start the sentence ‘In this room there’s a/an…’
Take turns to repeat the original sentence and add an item each time.
Who can remember the most?
 Say             Child responds
In this room there’s a bed. In this room there’s a
bed and a cupboard.

In this room there’s a bed and In this room there’s

a cupboard and some books. a bed and a cupboard and
some books and a chair.

• Play again using This/That is… These/Those are…
This is a bed.
This is a bed and This is a bed, that is
that is a cupboard. a cupboard and these are
some books.
• Play the game in different rooms.
• Add colours and numbers In this room there’s a blue chair and 10 books…
• Include prepositions and places In this room there’s a book on the bed and
a doll on the floor.
1 Our new things

Find out!
What’s new? Look and answer the questions.
Have you got a new school bag?
How many new books have you got?
Have you got a new pencil case?
What is new in your pencil case? (There is… There are…)
What is new in your classroom at school?

Listen at home
Student MultiROM Unit 1 (Tracks 4-6)

I can…
I can name 5 new things in my classroom in English.

I can talk about things using This/That is… These/Those are…

I can say the initial sounds and the letter names of the alphabet.

Karaoke sing-along, stories and phonics practice at

© Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for instructional use.

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