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ACTIVITY: Analysis of Variance

Determine if there is a significant difference among the four different marketing strategies used by
ABC Group of companies for one year.

ABC Group of Companies, Inc.

Marketing Strategy
Month Market Penetration Market Development Product Development Diversification
January 59000 57300 56000 48750
February 63000 60100 58000 62750
March 50200 50000 63000 51000
April 45780 58900 69002 45720
May 60000 56350 64000 57000
June 38100 45300 50000 40900
July 57250 62000 59200 54010
August 40000 60000 50000 42000
September 46980 55040 55000 40000
October 58960 52100 52352 45000
November 61230 47580 60253 53021
December 70050 36000 59200 55000
AVERAGE 54212.5 53389.16667 58000.58333 49595.91667

6 Different pairs

Market Penetration Market Development

59000 57300
63000 60100
50200 50000
45780 58900
60000 56350
38100 45300
57250 62000
40000 60000
46980 55040
58960 52100
61230 47580
70050 36000

Market Penetration Product Development

59000 56000
63000 58000
50200 63000
45780 69002
60000 64000
38100 50000
57250 59200
40000 50000
46980 55000
58960 52352
61230 60253
70050 59200
Market Penetration Diversification
59000 48750
63000 62750
50200 51000
45780 45720
60000 57000
38100 40900
57250 54010
40000 42000
46980 40000
58960 45000
61230 53021
70050 55000

Market Development Product Development

57300 56000
60100 58000
50000 63000
58900 69002
56350 64000
45300 50000
62000 59200
60000 50000
55040 55000
52100 52352
47580 60253
36000 59200
Market Development Diversification
57300 48750
60100 62750
50000 51000
58900 45720
56350 57000
45300 40900
62000 54010
60000 42000
55040 40000
52100 45000
47580 53021
36000 55000

Product Development Diversification

56000 48750
58000 62750
63000 51000
69002 45720
64000 57000
50000 40900
59200 54010
50000 42000
55000 40000
52352 45000
60253 53021
59200 55000

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