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LEGENDS: First- You are the narrator (I,WE)

__ Important words The narrator is the character in the

__ story, either the protagonist,
__ Element observer, or survivor.
__ own def. ko Second- Structured around the “you”
ENGLISH 10 pronoun. This can allow you to draw
your reader into the story and make
The Short story & Its elements. them feel like their part of the
-A short story is a fully developed action.
story which is shorter than a novel Third- The author is narrating a story
and longer than a fable. It typically about the characters and refers to
takes just a single sitting for them with the third person pronouns
reading. “he/she”.
-> Omniscient- alam niya ang buong
The short story is usually concerned pangyayari sa story.
with a single effect conveyed in only ->Limited- limited lang ang alam
one or a few significant episodes or niyang characters like 2-3 lang.
scenes.The form encourages economy of
setting, concise narrative, and the SETTING- The setting of the story is
omission of a complex plot;character the time and place in which it
is disclosed in action and dramatic happens.
encounter but is seldom fully Authors often use descriptions of
developed. landscape,scenery,building,seasons or
weather to provide a strong sense of
Characters- A character is a person, time= when place=where
or sometimes even an animal, who takes
part in the action of a short story or PLOT- refers to the sequence of events
other literary work. that make up a story, whether it’s
told, written,filmed, or sung.
TYPES OF CHARACTERS Linear- well presented
Protagonist- This is the main Non-Linear- may iba’t ibang point na
character, around which the whole pupuntahan yung story.
story revolves.The decisions made by
this character will be affected by a STRUCTURE OF THE PLOT
conflict from within. -> Freytag's pyramid
Antagonist- This causes conflict for Exposition- the beginning of the
the protagonist. story, characters, setting, and the
main conflict are typically
Inciting incident-
Round- Good in the story and ended up
Rising action- The main character is
to be the bad one. (nags surprise)
in crisis and events leading up to
Nagbabago yung characteristic niya.
facing the conflict begin to unfold,
Flat- The character remains from the
The story becomes complicated.
top to end.
Climax- Peak of the story, a major
Bida siya nung una bida rin ng dulo.
event occurs in which the main
character faces a major enemy,fear,
challenge or other source of conflict.
Static- do not change throughout the
Falling action- The story begins to
story. Same lang sila ng flat.
slow down and work towards its end,
Dynamic- change throughout the story.
tying up loose ends.
They may become bad or change in
Resolution and denouement- concluding
complex ways.
paragraph that resolves any remaining
issues and ends the story.
POV- this is where the narrator’s
position in relation to a story being
Conflict- is a struggle or problem
told. Refers to who is telling or
between opposing forces.Characters
narrating a story.
must act to confront those forces and found in language (what we say vs.
there is where conflict is born. what we mean) or circumstances (what
we expect to happen vs. what actually
1. Character vs. Self- Internal- TYPES OF IRONY
conflict meaning that the opposition ● Dramatic irony is when we have
the character faces is coming from more information about the
within. May entail a struggle to circumstances than a character.
discern what the moral or “right” (mas alam pa natin yung
choice is or maybe he/ she will be nangyayari sa story kesa sa
struggling with his/her mental health. characters)
2. Character vs. Character- A common ● Verbal irony is when someone
type of conflict in which one says something, but means the
character’s needs or wants are odds opposite.
with another’s. (fist ● Situational irony is when we
fight,sampalan,suntukan etc.) expect one thing, but get the
3.Character vs. Nature- A character is
set in nature. This can mean the
weather, the wilderness or a natural

4. Character vs. Supernatural- Pitting

characters against phenomena like
ghosts,gods, or monsters raises in the
stakes of a conflict by creating an
unequal playing field.

5.Character vs. Society- an external

conflict that occurs in literature
when the protagonist is placed in
opposition with society, the
government, or a cultural tradition or
societal norm of some kind.
Characters may be motivated to take
action against their society by a need
to survive, moral sense of right and

THEME- Is a message, an abstract idea,

central or controlling idea, or
universal truth in any art. This can
be referred to as the subject matter
or topic.
E.g. love, friendship, good vs. evil,
the importance of family, crime is
bad, etc.

GENERALIZATION - A short story

presents one aspect of the life of a
character.A short story can also
impact a reader and even inspire them.

IRONY-Irony is when the reality is

opposite of what we expect. The key
here is "opposite," not just
different. This incongruity can be

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