Welded Connection - 1

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Simple Welded Connection

of welds, the conner...
jointed by
members are
When two structural designers had a feeling that wel
welded connection. A few decades ago
called a welded connectien
and that a good-quality
c o n n e c t i o n s were
less fatiguc resistant on the
had a great impact use of

These negative feelings

could not be made. and electrodes
the progress made in
welding equipment
structures. But
welding in
for welding,
and the increasing trust
and science of designing
the advancing art implement for
have combined to make it a powerful
and acceptance of welding in welding
the economics inherent
construction industry. Further,
the expanding labour. In addition.
increase in the prices of material and cost of
help to offset have helped effect
made possible by welding,
the shortened production cycle will become increasingl
in the pace of new construction. Welding
quickening and experience that
a greater depth of knowledge
important people acquire
as more
the regulatory agencies and government department
goes with it. Today most
of number of reasons for using

in fact. prefer welded joints. There are a

ones are the following:
welded design, but a few basic
more efficient use of mate-
Welded designs offer the opportunity to achieve a
. that produces a one piece
rials. Welding is the only process
The of fabrication and erection helps compress production
2. speed steel plates
cuts costs. Connecting
3 Welding saves weight and consequently
are reduced or eliminated since they often are not required.
No deductions are there for holes; thus the gross section is
carrying loads.
5. Welded joints are better for fatigue loads, impact loads and vibrations.
Further, a properly welded joint is stronger than the jointed material. Fuseu
structure in contrast to the non-rigid structures made using
JOints create a igid
other types of joints. The compactness and greater rigidity of welded joints pern
design assumptions to be realised more aceurately.
Welding offers the best method for achieving a rigid connection, resulling
ol a
reduced beam depth and weight. Thus, it noticeably lowers the overall height
building. The weight of the structure and consequently the static loading 1s co
siderably reduced. This saves column steel and reduces foundation requiremen
Saving in transportation, handling time and erection is proportional to the welg
dMiple Welded Connection

Welding permits architects and structural engineers complete freedom of design.

The usage of outs

usage of
outstanding design advancements such open-web expanded (castel-
tated) beams, tapered beams, vierendeel trusses, cellular floor construction, tubular
olumn and trusses are a few examples of welded constructions (Plates 5 and 0)


The basic types

of welded be classified depending upon the type of
joints can
slot weld, spot weld,
weld. eg. fillet weld, groove weld (or butt weld), plug weld,
f lat weld, horizontal weld, vertical weld and overhead weld
etC.. position, e.g..
and corner welded.
etc. and type eg., butt welded, lap welded, tee welded
These welds are shown in Fig. 6.1

Horizontal Flat butt weld

Tee fillet
butt weld weld

butt weld
filletweld Ktr r r r Tr. g
Slot weld
fillet weld

Flat fillet weld

Plug weld
fillet weld

6.1 Types and positions of welds

used. Groove welds, are provided
fillet welds are most frequently
Groove and of groove welds are
lined up. Various types
when the members to be jointed
thus costly.
welds require edge preparation and are
shown in Fig. 6.2. Groove the weld metal than
to form, but require double
Single V, U, J, etc., are cheaper double grooves is usually
choice between single and
double grooved joints. The is offset by saving
in weld
cost of preparation
a question of whether the higher thickness only. Fillet
to 8 mm
used for plates up
different planes. This
metal. Square butt welds
are in
two members to
welds are provided when Therefore, fillet
welds are more com-
is frequently met within in Fig. 6.3.
fillet welds are shown
mon than groove welds. Various types of and
require less material preparation,
easier to make, amount of weld
Fillet welds are normally
welds. On the other hand, for a given
are easier to fit than groove c o n c e n t r a t i o n of stress.
strong and they
not as controls design
material, they are
rather than strength
stressed structures where stiffness
In lightly welds are entirely adequate
brittle fracture is not a problem, fillet
and fatigue or
and frequently are,
more economical. Reliable
fillet welds may be,
and generally
Limit State Design
of Stel Structures
but, as aa rula
service conditions,
designed for severe
stress and
where smooth
flow of stress
tress is
welds welds are
better in highly

the parent metal, is finic

ary eIf
characteristics as

the butt joint has the same

proper grinding
or the like), and has comlet smooth
with it on both sides (by
it approaches the
condition of no joint at all penetration
with unweld zones, for mos
impact and fatigue resistano

common types of parent

metal, may have
stance equal o
base metal.
superior to that of the

Square Single Double Single Double

vee vee U U

Single Double Single Double Single

tee tee bevel bevel J
Fig. 6.2 Types of groove welds
Slot and plug welds
used to supplement the fillet welds, when
length of fillet weld cannot be provided. Since, the penetration of these welds
cannot be ascertained and since these
are difficult to
inspect, slot and plug are

Surface not
in tension
Surface in

Convex Concave itre

Fig. 6.3 Types of fillet welds

knowledge of welding symbols is essential
the for a site engineer to be able to read
drawings. Symbols save a lot of
Table space as descriptive notes can be omitted.
6. depicts the symbols and the method of their representation on
drawings. The drawings need to the
finish, spacing and indicate the side of welding, size, contour and
whether it is field or
and dimensions of shop weld. Some examples of symbols
welds are shown in Tables 6.2 and 6.3,
e 6.16.1 Description of type of weld and
Type of Weld
Seam Spor| Plug Field
Square V Bevel U J Vwith Bevel with Weld
broad broad root with
root face face raised
PY |
Shape of weld surface Symbol Method of representation
Flat (usually finished flush)|

Other side
ldentification line
Reference line Arrow
Concave 50 (100) line
Arrow side 6 mm fillet weld convex
finish 50 mm weld length
and 100 mm no weld length Joint

Table 6.2 Examples of use of main and supplementary symbols for welds

S. Designation Illustration Symbolization

No. Symbol
1. V
Single-V grove
weld N

3. Double V
groove weld

Concave fillet
Limit State Design of Steel Structures

Table 6.3 Dimensions of welds

S Designation Definition
No welds Inscription
Groove S: minimum distance from
weld the surfacc of the part to the
bottom of the penetration, which
cannot be greater than the thick-
ness of the thinner part

2. Continuous t: height of the

largest isosceles
fillet weld triangle that can be inscribed in
VL the section s: side of the largest
At isosceles triangle that can be ins-
cribed in the section
3. Intermittent
: length
of the weld
fillet weld (without
(e) end craters).
(e): distance between adjacent
weld elements,
n: number of weld
elements Snxle
(same as in 2)

4. Staggered
intermittent (e)(Same as in 3) n x 7(e)
fillet weld
(Same as in 2) Snxi 7(e)
S nxl (e)
2. The reference line should be a
straight line
bottom edge of the preferably drawn parallel to the
3. The drawing.
symbol is placed on the continuous line
the weld is on the side of the reference line it
arrow side of the
4. The joint.
symbol is placed on the broken line side
side of the if the weld is on the
joint. other
Welding consists of joining two steel
sections by
between them through the application of establishing a metallurgical bond
commonly used process is are pressure and/or through fusion. The
metals is produced welding-a fusion process. The bond between the
then allowing the
by reducing the surfaces to be
molten metal to solidify. joined to a molten state and
union is completed. When the molten metal
In the arc
welding process (Fig. 6.4), the intense
metal to liquid state is heat required to reduce the
produced by an electric arc. The arc produces a temperature
Simple Welded Connection 227

t 3600°C
between the sections to be
welded and
oals heat at the tip of the electrode melts filler metaltheandelectrode.
m e n d o u s
The tre
base metal, thus
ving them in a common pool called a crater. As the areas solidify,
the met-
joined into one solid homogeneous piece. By moving the electrode along
iaint to be welded, the surfaces to be jointed are welded together along their
the j
rth, In all modern are welding processes, the arc is shielded for the following
r e a s o n s :

Welding machine ac or dc Extruded
power source and controls cooling
Electrode holder Gaseous shield
Molten pool
Electrode Stag Arc stream

Arc Base metal

Ground cable

Electrode cable

Fig. 6.4 Metal arc welding

1. To protect the molten metal from air, either with gas vapour or slag
2. To add alloying or fluxing ingredients
3. To control the melting of electrode for more effective use of the arc energy.

metal. For example,
Generally, the electrode used for welding is stronger than the parent
the electrode used for welding structural steel Fe
410 is E 41. This electrode gives a weld
ultimate tensile strength of 410 to 510 MPa.
deposit of yield strength of 330 MPa and


electrodes and proper joint preparation are
Good welding techniques, standard defects are inevitable and a
the basic tools to achieve a sound weld. However,
common defects
them. Some of the
knowledge of these is essential to minimize
shown in Fig. 6.5.
in the welds are discussed below and are
fused with
Incomplete Fusion is the failure of the
base metal to get completely
foreign materials
and also because of
the weld metal.It is caused by rapid welding
on the surfaces to be welded.
of the weld metal to penetrate
Incomplete Penetration is the failure and
found with single vee and bevel joints
Complete depth of joint. It is normally
also because of large size electrodes.
in the weld while cooling.
Porosity occurs due to voidsgas pockets entrapped
of the metal. Normally
It results in stress concentration and reduced ductility
is spherical and not a notch. Even
porosity is not a problem because each void
their spherical shape may
with a slight loss in the section because of the voids,
be considered to allow a smooth flow of stress around the void without any
Limit State Design of Steel Structures
these are caused because of
loss in strength. Mainiy careles
measurable hvdrogen use of
back-up plates. presence
in the
of moIsture electrodes, drogen in the steel and
excessive current.

Lack of fusion
Lack of fusion



Root-face penetration

Gas pocket
Slag inclusion

(c) (d)

Undercut Undercut

Fig. 6.5 Weld defects

Slag Inclusions metallic oxides and other solid

sometimes found compounds which are
elongated or globular inclusions. Being lighter than the molten
material these float and rise to the weld
surface from where these are removed
after cooling of the weld.
However, excessive rapid cooling of the weld may
cause them to be
trapped inside the weld. These present
and overhead welding.
problem in vertical

Cracks are divided hot and cold. Hot cracks occur due to
the presence of
sulphur, carbon, silicon and hydrogen in the weld metal.
trapped in the hollow spaces of the metal structure Phosphorus and hydrogen
cold cracks. Preheating of the metal to be give rise to the formation of
welded eliminates the formation of

Undercutting is the local decrease of the thickness of the

weld toe. This is caused by the use of parent metal at the
excessive current or a very
undercut may result in loss of gross section and
acts like a notch.
long arc. An
Simple Welded Connection
.eld leads to
collapse, therefore proper
A pod
Some o f the methods for
inspecting welds are inspection of the weld is
as necessary
M a g n e t i c

Particle Method Iron

fillings are spread over the weld and it is then
electric current. The

fillings form patterns which are

surface cracks. interpreted
Penetratio Method The
depth of a
had. A dye is applied over the weld surface crack
can be estimated
by this
metho and then the surplus is removed.
e abso
A dye absorber is placed over the weld which oozes the
of the crack.
dye giving an idea of
the depth
asonic Method In this method, ultrasonic sound waves are sent through
weld. Defects like flaws, blow holes, etc., affect the time interval of sound
transmission identifying the defect.
Radiography X-rays or gamma rays are used to locate defects. This methodis
used in groove welds only. It cannot be used in fillet welds because the parent
material will also form part of the projected picture.


The following assumptions are made in the analysis of welded joints.
. The welds connecting the various parts are homogeneous, isotropic
elastic elements.
and their deformations are there-
2. The parts connected by the weld are rigid
fore, neglected.
considered. Effects of residual
3. Only stresses due to external loads are

of the welds are neglected.

stresses, stress
concentrations and shape

6.8 DESIGN OF GR0oVE sections
weld is provided for
6.6. A square groove
A groove weld is shown in Fig. etc., groove
U, Vee or double U, Vee,
ess than 8 mm. Above this
a single or compression
designed for direct tension
are provided. Groove weld is usually Since a groove weld
should be made.
Dut if shear is also there
then due provision form of
the most suitable
section at the joint, it is
involves no change in
abrupt stresses.
the weld for transmitting alternating

6.8.1 Specifications Fusion zone

Reinforcement is the
the throat Reinforcement
extraweld metal which makes
than the Throat
dimension at least 10% greater
welded material. The
thickness of the
reinforcement is to Groove weld
reason for providing Fig. 6.6
increase the efficiency of the joint.
Limit State Design of
Steel Structures

the depth through the weld is

provision of reinforcement ensures that at

equal to the thickness of the plate and in case of thick plates the metal
etal with:Ca within
thickness of the plate is in the annealed conditnon. However., any reinforcemee
the weld is ignored in calculating the strength. It is also difficult for a wol"O
make the weld flush with the parent metal: so extra metal is deposited.
der to
Reinforcement makes the groove weld stronger for static loads. But in eas

repeated and loads stress concentration develops in the reinforcCem

Hence, under such type of loads it is undesirable an
early failure.
leading to
weld surface is made flush. Where a flush surface is required, the groove
is first reinforced and then dressed flush. Subsequent removal of reinforcemen
not considered as reducing the strength of the joint. In any case, the reinforcemo.
should not exceed 3 mm.
Size The size of the groove weld used is specified by the throat dimensian
This is also called effective throat thickness. The groove welds may be of partiat
penetration or of complete penetration (Fig. 6.7), the former being not preferred
It is difficult to achieve complete penetration for single-U, Vee, J or bevel welds
However. this can be achieved by using back-up strips as shown in Fig. 6.7 (a)
These back-up strips may be left in place or removed atter the welding process is
over. Double-U, Vee, J or bevel welds are examples of complete penetration groove
welds. In case of complete penetration of the groove weld the effective throat
thickness is taken as the thickness of the thinner member jointed. In case the full
penetration of groove weld cannot be achieved, an effective throat thickness of
7/8th of the thickness of the thinner member should be used. But for calculating
the strength, the effective throat thickness is assumed to be 5/8th of thickness of
the thinner member.

Backing bar Reinforcing fillet
Single vee Square Tee fillet
Corner single vee
Square Tee
(a) Complete penetration groove welds

Square vee
Double vee
Corner single U
(b) Partial penetration groove welds
Fig. 6.7 Complete and partial penetration groove welds
Except for the square edge type made in relatively thin metals, complete pe
etration welds generally are welded from both the sides.
butt welds, usually are of the
Incomplete penetralio
single V or single bevel type. In fact, incompre
penetration is the failure of the base metal and the weld metal to fuse at tne
root [Fig. 6.5 (b)]. This defect
may be due to faulty design of the groove su
as excessive root-face
dimension, root gap or groove angle, or it may be
faulty technique such as the use of excessively large size electrodes, duc
speed or insufficient current. Incomplete penetration is particularly undesiraD
since it causes stress concentration under load and
may cause shrinkage crach
O p e Yelaea Connectio0n

Effective Area
ective Area The effective area of the
groove weld is the product of effective
throat thickness
thickness and the effective length of the groove weld. Effective length is

the length of the weld for which the required size of the weld is done.

6.8.2 Design Strength

The design strength of the groove weld in tension compression is
by yield

Tdw (1)
where f = smaller of yield stress of the weld (y) and the parent metal (f) in
effective length of the weld in mm
effective throat thickness of the weld in mm

Y partial safety factor

= 1.25 for shop welding
= 1.5 for site welding
The design strength of the butt weld in shear is also governed by yield.

Vaw (2)
wherefm Smaller of shear stress of weld N3) and the parent metal N3)
Yw partial safety factor as defined above
yw= yield stress of weld (MPa)
6.8.3 Design Procedure
1. In case of complete penetration of the groove weld, design calculations are
not required as the weld strength at the joint is equal to the strength of the

member connected.
2. In case of incomplete penetration of the butt weld, the effective
determined to
thickness is computed and the required effective length is
furnish the strength equal to the strength of the members
3. The design strength of groove welds is calculated by Eq. () or/ by Eq. (2)
as appropriate.


other. For such joints the
The fillet weld is done for members which overlap each
to direct stresses but these
Critical stress is shear stress. They are also subjected
or concave shaped fillet welds are
are not of much importance. Usually, convex
all external appearances, the concave
provided depending upon the situation. To
the convex weld. However, a check of the
fillet weld seems to be larger than
weld to have less penetration and a smaller
cross section may show the concave
therefore the convex fillet weld may actually
throat (Fig. 6.3) than first thought;
less deposited metal. Originally a concave
be stronger even though it may have
it seemed to offer a smoother path for the
Tillet weld was favoured because
0/ Steel S i I n .
Limit State Design
fillet welds of this shana
But experience has
shown that single pass
the effect of imn
of stress.
a greater tendency to crack upon cooling.
which outweighs
stress distribution.
shrinks, its Ouler
face is stressed in.ten-
When a concave fillet weld cools and cooling shrinks and stresses
fillet weld on the
sion (Fig. 6.3). whereas a convex
fillet welds cracks develo
Therefore in
outer face in compression. desired they are made in tu
welds are or
However. when
on cooling. and the other passes
are built-up to f .
more passes the
first slightly convex, under alternati
most suitable
a c o n c a v e fillet
weld. Concave fillet
welds are

6.9.1 Specifications
nominal size of a fillet
weld is the dimension of its leg. Thus, the
Size(s) The
is specified as the
minimum leg length of the weld. The leg
size of fillet weld

the distance from the root to the

toe of the fillet weld [Fig. 6.8 (a
length is
It is measured by the largest right angle
triangle which can be inscribed within
definition would allow an unequal-legged fillet weld
the weld [Fig. 6.8 (a)]. This
the largest inscribed isosceles right
(Fig. 6.8 (b)). Another definition stipulates fillet weld [Fig. 6.8 (c
angle triangle and would limit this to equal-legged

welds preferred since they are easy to make. Unequal-

Equal-legged fillet are

Increased effective Increased effective

Fusion zone
throat 1.262t throat 1.262t

Added weld
Weld face Added weld
Leg Toe

20 -1.2620-
(a) (b) Throat increased by 26% (c) Throat increased by 26%
Area increased by 100% Area increased by 59%

Fig. 6.8 Leg length of fillet weld

legged fillet welds are sometimes used to
get additional throat area, hence strength,
when the vertical leg of the weld cannot Channel
be increased. An
example of this is the shear
attachment of a channel (shear
over a beam
flange, shown in Fig. 6.9
Here the vertical
leg of the fillet weld
must be held to the thickness at the outer Beam
edge of ihe channel flange fillet weld
flange. Additional
strength must be obtained by increasing Fig. 6.9 Welding of channel shear
the horizontal leg of the
filet. The weld Connector
size for
unequal-legged fillet weld is
specified by both leg lengths.
(a) Maximum Size of Weld The
thinner part jointed. The maximum size is a
maximum size of a fillet weldfunction of the thickness
is obtained by subtracs
15 mm from the thiCkness of the
thinner member to be jointed. This
jimits the size or the fillet weld so that total strength may be developed without specification
overstressing the adjacent metal. Further, this requirement helps to ensure by visual
inspection that the desired throat thickness has been attained (Fig. 6.10). In case
of welds applied to the round toe of steel sections the maximum size of the weld
should not exceed 4 of the thickness of the section at the toe.

Inspector believes
this is edge of plate
Inspector can see
edge of plate
Inspector believes he 1/16 min.
has this weld throat Inspector knows he has
this weld throat
Actual weld throat
Diagrammatic face of weld

Root of weld

Fig. 6.10 Identification of plate edge

(b) Minimum Size of Weld A small weld placed on a thick member is

undesirable. The heat generated in depositing the small size weld may not be
appreciably enough to expand the base metal. Consequently, as the weld cools, it
contracts and is prevented from doing so by the stable base metal. This results
in initial stresses in the weld metal. Also the welding process will not heat the

heavy plate much beyond the immediate vicinity of the weld. The of the mass
thick plates will cool the weld too rapidly and tend to make it brittle. To help
control this situation. IS: 800 specifies the minimum size of a fillet weld as given
in Table 6.4. These are the minimum sizes of the first run, to avoid the risk of

cracking in the absence of preheating. The minimum size of the weld should not
exceed the thickness of the thinner part jointed. Also, the weld size should not
be less than 3 mm.

Table 6.4 Minimum size of weld

Thickness of Thicker Member Minimum Size (mm)

over (mm) up to and including (mm)

0 10
10 20
20 32
8 first run
32 50

selected for the reasons

Usually, a weld size closer to the minimum size is
stated as follows:
run of welding which means
.Large size welds require more than one
will be required for
after the first run of welding chipping and cleaning
weld runs. This increases the cost.
proper bond of successive
one for the same strength
2. A smaller size weld will be cheaper than a large
a 300 mm, 5 mm size
considering the volume of welding. For example, and
as a 150 mm long
fillet weld will have the same strength (198.84 kN)
volume of weld metal for a 10 mm
10 mm size fillet weld. However the
which is about twice th
weld will bex10
x 150= 7500 mm| that of 5
mm sire weld sx 300- 3750 mm

Effective Throat Thickness is the shortest distance from the root of th

weld to the face of the diagrammatic
weld (linejoining the toes) as shown in
6.11 (a) The effective throat thickness should not be less than 3 mm AL
should not exceed 0.7/or 1.0r under special circumstances, where f is the thicu
of thinner plate of elements being welded.
Effective throat thickness = K x size of weld KS

Throat KS
= 0.707 S Failure

Root S
(a) Throat of weld (b) Effective length of weld

Fig. 6.11 Fillet weld dimensions

where S is the size of weld in mm and Kis a constant. The value of

upon the angle between the fusion faces and is given in Table 6.5.
Table 6.5 Values of constant K for different angles between fusion faces
Angle benween Fusion Faces 60°-90° 91°-100° 101-106 107-113 114-120P
K 0.70 0.65 0.60 0.55 0.50
Note: Fillet weld is not recommended if the angle between fusion faces is less than 60° or more
than 120

Effective Length is the length of the fillet weld for which the specified size and
throat thickness of weld exist
s made of he
[Fig. 6.11 (b)]. In practice the actual length of weld
effective length shown in the
The effective drawing plus two times the weld s
length is, therefore, equal to the overall length provided minus twe
the weld size. The deduction is made to
allow for
craters to be formed at the End return
ends of the welded
length. End returns as shown in Fig. 6.12 are
made cqual to twice the size of the weld
to relieve
the weld length from
high stress concentrations at
their ends. This is
particularly important on the
tension end of the parts
carrying bending loads.
The actual length of the weld
should not be less
than four times the size of the weld.
Fig. 6.12 End returns
Inspite of all the precautions exercised by the
at the start and end of weld welder, there is always slight tapering
of weld is snecified
length. Therefore, a minimum
length of four times the sie
1f the welds are parallel with the lines of stress, as in the case of longitudinal
cllet welds, and are placed at the edges of the plates, there is a serious concentra-
n of stress al the edges of the plate. Therefore, the length of the longitudinal
eide) fillets on the flat should be not less than the width of the flat. The uneven
s ofthe stress distribution is accentuated as the w idth of the plate increases.
Fr these reasons, the perpendicular distance between longitudinal fillet welds is
limited to 6 times thick ness of the thinner plate jointed If the plate is wider
than this limit. slot or plug welds must be introduced As a rule the provision of
slot tends to improve the distribution of stress in the plates as sherwn in Fig
613(b). Longitudinal fillet welds in slots have the same strength as ordinary
longitudinal fillet welds.

Section A-A Section B-B


(a) (b)
without sloe
Fig. 6.13 Distribution of stress in side-welded tension bar with and

of the weids on the

Slots if provided should be set back behind the beginning
area of plate is not reduced and that
edges of the plate to ensure that the effective
concentration of stress within the
the deposition of slots does not lead to serious
to be superio
plates. On first sight the joint as shown in Fig. 6.14 (b) might appear
smaller loads as shown in Fig.
in strength to the one in Fig. 6.14 (a), but it fails at
to the stress concentration in the plate
in the re-entrant angles ot
6.14 (c) owing

(b) (c)
of fillet welds by means

Fig. 6.14 Unsatisfactory method of increasing length

of square slots
connections in a compression
lf the welded joint of a splice or end
length of the reduction
exceeds 150 times the throat size of the weld, the
or tension element
236 Limit State Design of Steel

in weld strength as per long joint is done. However, for flange to web connecti
since the welds are loaded for the full length this limitation does not apply, Fo
by factor,
of weld is reduced
long joints the design capacity
s 1.0
1.2150, 3)
direction of force transfer
where ,= length of joint in the
,= throat size of the
a fillet weld is equal
to effective lenoth
Effective Area The effective area of ngth
of the weld multiplied by effective throat
Overlap The overlap of plates to be fillet welded in a lap joint should not he
less than four times the thickness of the thinner part joined or 40 mm, whichever
is more as shown in Fig. 6.15. This insures that the induced eccentricities can
ignored. for they will not create excessive level of secondary stresses (bendina
in the weld.

Maxm. of
Overlap 4 4t or
Overlap- 40 mm

Fig. 6.15 Minimum lap

Transverse Spacing When the end of an element is connected
only by parallei
longitudinal fillet welds, the length of the weld along either edge should not be
less than the transverse
spacing between longitudinal welds.
Packing When packing is welded between two members and is less than 6
mm thick, it should be trimmed flush with the
the weld, in such a edges of the element. The size ot
case, along the edges is increased over the
an amount
equal to the thickness of packing. Otherwise the required size by
beyond the edges and is fillet welded to the packing is extended
pieces between which it is fitted.
6.9.2 Design Strength
The design stress of a fillet weld
where 4
Jwn= nominal strength of fillet weld
The design strength of a fillet weld is based fN3
on its throat area and is by
Y (5)

Paw Ks
N3 Ymw
weld in
= effective length of the mm

thickness in mm
, = throat
S = size of weld in mm
of the weld and the parent material in
fsmallerof ultimate strength
P design strength of weld in
Y partial safety factor
= 1.25 for shop welding
= 1.5 for site welding

made during erection of structural
in shear and tension for site welds
The design strength of 1.5
be calculated by Eq. (5) but with a partial safety factor
members should
6.9.3 Design Procedure
bending (tensile
be subjected to direct (tensile or compressive).
A fillet weld may since the fillet
and shear stresses but shear controls the design
or compressive) follows
for fillet welds are as
weld always fails in shear. The design steps
on the thickness of the
1. The size S of the weld is assumed based
to be jointed.
of about 45° through
An equal legged fillet weld fails by shear at an angle
2 the throat. The strength of the fillet weld is calculated by Eq. (5).

3 Pull thrust to be transmitted by the connections is estimated.

the factored pull or
4. Effective length of the weld is calculated by dividing
as lon-
thrust by the strength of weld/mm. The length can either be adjusted
transverse fillet welds
gitudinal fillet welds (parallel to the load axis) or as
welds. It is a
(perpendicular to the load axis) along with longitudinal fillet
common practice to treat both the welds as
if they are stressed equally. If
the of the weld exceeds 150 1, the design capacity of weld is reduced
by the factor iw [Eq. (3).
5. If longitudinal fillet check is provided to see that
weld is made, a
only a
the length of each longitudinal fillet weld is more than the perpendicular
distance between them.
6. End returns of length twice the size of the weld are provided at each end

ofthe longitudinal fillet weld.

. I t is assumed that the strength of the longitudinal and transverse tillet welds, as
shown in Fig. 6.16, is same. Actually the strength of the transverse fillet weld is
about 30% more than the longitudinal fillet weld, because a transverse fillet weld is
stressed more uniformly for full length whereas a longitudinal fillet weld is stressed

non-uniformly due todeformations along the weld length. Another reason

for the greater strength of the transverse fillet weld is given by tests which show
that failure occurs at an angle other than 45, giving transverse fillet welds a larger
effective throat area.
Limit State Design of Steel
reasons for
2. The main
strength of
the greater
t r a n s v e r s e fillet
an inter-
welds are probably
est in simplifying
in most
and the fact that
cases little
would be saved
Lonaitudinal fillet weld Transverse fillet weld
by differentiating between

transverse and longitudinal

Fig. 6.16
welds. Many joints transverse, and oblique
welds. Any attempt at
combinations of
and difficult to justify as a desia
would become complicated
thorough analysis
normal and shear stresses sectic
the designed weld subjected to
3. For checking of
6.15 may be referred.
of a part, specified the size of the
For a applied to the square edge
fillet weld thickness in order to
least 1.5 mm less than the edge
weld should generally be at
fillet weld applied
down of the exposed arris [Fig. 6.17 (a)]. For the
avoid washing

1.5 mm-

(a) (b)
6.17 Fillet welds on square edge of plate or round toe of rolled section

(a) Desirable (b) Acceptable because c) Not acceptable because of

of full throat thickness reduced throat thickness

Fig. 6.18 Full size fillet weld applied to the edge of a plate or section

to the rounded toe of a rolled section, the Chamfer7

specified size of the weld should generally
not exceed 3/4 of the thickness of the sec-
tion at the toe [Fig. 6.17 (b)]. Where the
h:b 1:2 or flatter
size specified tor a fillet weld is such that
the parent metal will not
project beyond
the weld. no melting of the outer cover
or orce Force
covers is allowed to Occur to such
an extent
as to reduce the throat thickness
(Fig. 6.18).
When fillet welds are
applied to the
edges of a plate or section in Fig. 6.19 End fillet weld normai
direction or force
Simple Welded Connection
dynamic loading, the fillet weld
subjected to dynamic
equal to the
thickness of the should be of full
full size,
size, that
that is, with
through Fig. 6.18 or plate section, with the limitations
nd fillet weld normal to the
direction of force should be of
1roat thickness not less than 0.5t unequal size
where t is thickness
6.19. The differen
erence in part as shown
thickness of the welds in such of the pa
ata uniform
slope. sucl a case is negotiated



members are

noints should be borne in mind while

lowing poi
double-angle sections. The fol-
1. The calculated weld length is
The calculate designing the weld.
the two sides parallel to the axis of the longitudinal
as fillet welds either on
sides as shown in Fig. 6.20 (b), i.e., transverse (Fig,
6.20 (a)), or on three
welds with longitudinal
welds. A longitudinal fillet weld length should neveralong be placed on one side
only as there will be possibility of rotation.
. The centre of gravity of the weld should coincide with the centroid of the
section used as a truss member. If the member is symmetrical, the welds
will be placed symmetrically but if the member is (angle,
channel) as is usually the case of a truss member, the lengths of longitudinal
fillet welds are kept different on the two sides, as shown in Fig. 6.20 (a),
to achieve the above condition.

(a) (b)

6.20 Fillet welds for trus member

Let L L = longitudinal fillet welds on two
length of

PpP factored design loads along lengths L, and L2, respectively

P factored load acting on the centroid of the
length L, [Fig. 6.20 (a)].
Taking moment about the line passing through
Pah P h 0 =

Ph 6)
Similarly Ph 7)
known, the fillet weld lengths
me the factored design loads P and P2 are

e designed as described in Section
Srel Structures
Limit State Desigm of

fillet weld can be increased by connecting the two side

The effectiveness of a

end wed as shown in Fig. 6.20 (b). Further hen the weld
welds by an
over the two parallel sides lenpth
to he provided cannot be accommodated
This arrangement also
limited overlap. it may be the only choice. reducesthe We
of gusset plate and resulls in economy.
fillet welds
Let L, L length of kngitudinal

h of end fillet weld

P factored load acting on the centroid of the section
fillet weld
P =

factored design force in the end

ht (from Eq. (5))

+1 + h
length of weld required
Taking moment about the line passing through I.
Ph + Ps Ph =0 (8
Taking moment about the line passing through l,

Ph+ Pa- Ph=0 9

Since P, from Eq. (5) is known; the above Eqs. (8) and (9) can be solved for
P and P2. Once the factored design loads Pi and P2 are known the fillet weld
lengths and , can be designed.


Intermittent fillet welds are provided to transfer calculated stress across a joim
when the strength required is less than that developed by a continuous fillet weld
of smallest practical size, eg., in case of connections of stiffeners to the web of
plate girders. The fillet weld length required is computed as a continuous tillet
weld and a chain of intermittent fillet welds of total length equal to the computed
length, with spacing as per S specifications is provided. The types of intermit
tent fillet weld are as shown in Fig. 6.21. Staggered, intermittent fillet welds a
shown in Fig. 6.21 (a) are structurally better than the chain pattern intermittem
fillet welds shown in Fig. 6.21 (b).

(a) (b)
Fig. 6.21 Intermittent fillet weld
The question of whether and to what extent intermittent welds should be uSeu
involves consideration of the following
I. Intermittent fillet welds are not economical
unless the weld is of minin
size. A smaller size fillet weld of a
longer length is usually more economica
for the same strength. This is because the
strength of a fillet weld increase
Simple Welded Connection 241

directly with size but the weight of the weld metal increases with the square
of the size.
, I f automatic welding is to be used the weld should be continuous.
I f the structure is exposed, the use of continuous welds may he preferable
as they are conducive to greater ease of maintenance and longer life of
1 f severe dynamic loads, repetitive and alternating act on the structure
intermittent welds must not be used

LIntermittent butt welds may be used to resist only shear forces and in general are
not recommended.

2, In case intermittent butt welds are to be used, they should have an effective length
not less then four times the weld size with the longitudinal spacing between the
effective length of welds not more than 16 times the thickness of thinner part
6.12.1 Design Procedure for intermittent fillet welds
1 The size of the weld is assumed and the total effective length of the fillet
weld required is computed.
2. Any intermittent fillet weld section should have a minimum effective length
of four times the size of the weld with a minimum of 40 mm, except for
plate girders.
3. The clear spacing between an intermittent fillet welds should not exceed
12 for compression and 16t for tension and should in no case be more than
200 mm, where t is the thickness of thinner part jointed.
4. At the ends, the longitudinal intermittent fillet weld should be of a length
not less than the width of the member or else transverse welds should
also be provided. If transverse welds are provided along with longitudinal
intermittent fillet welds, the total weld length at the ends should not be less
than twice the width of the member.


Plug and slot welds are used most often to tie two parts together and, in particu
ar to reduce the unsupported dimensions of cover plates in compression, which
ncreases the critical stress. They may also be used for shear transmission. Their
use 1s generally reserved for locations where it is inmpractical to make a fillet weld
yet possible to provide a plug or slot. The eritical section for either a plug weld or
a slot weld is the faying surface
between the connected parts. The unit shearing
TeIstance on this section is essentially the same as that of a fillet weld. Plug and
slot welds should not be used to transmit tension that is, a force normal to the
faying surface. Tensile resistance depends largely upon the degree of penetration
of the weld, which is apt to be rather than uncertain in either a plug or a slot
distrust plug and slot welds because of the of
weld. Some engineers ditficuly
inspection. It is rather ease to make a plug or slot weld which appears excellent
on the surface yet contains voids at the critical section.
The following specifications should be adhered to while designing plug and
slot welds.
Steel Structures
Limit State Design of
2 25 mm.
be2 3t and also
. Width or diameter should be 2 1.5t and also 2 12 mm
Corner radius in slotted hole should
2. also 2 25 mm who.
bet ween holes
should be 2 21 and where
3 Clear distance
slot. ts
a hole or
the thickness of plate having

Note stren
of welds is permissible and the
A combination of plug weld and other types
the welds.
of theindividual capacities of
the joint is the sum

tensile due to axial force or shears
When subjected to compressive or
either force
alone, the stress in the weld is given by
S. or q (10)
calculated normal stress due to axial
force in N/mm
Ja =

q = shear stress in N/mm*

force transmitted (axial force N or the shear
force Q)
, = effective throat thickness of weld in mm
effective length of weld in mm


Fillet Welds When subjected to a combination of normal stress (due to ax
tension/compression or bending tension/compression) and shear stresses, t
equivalent stress f, should satisfy the following

f.=+34 s (11)
Ja = normal stress, compression or tension, due to axial force or bending

moment determined from Eq. (10)

4 = shear stress due to shear force or tension determined from Eq. (10)

For fillet welds check for the combination of
stresses need not be done
1. for side fillet welds
joining cover plates and flanges plates, and
2. for fillet welds where sum of
normal and shear stresses does not
mined from Eq. (4). exceed Jyd
Butt Welds For butt welds
check for the combination of stresses need no
done if
1. butt welds are
axially loaded, and
2. in single and double
bevel welds the sum of
not exceed the design normal normal and shear stresses does
50 per cent of the
stress, and the shear stress does not c e e d

design shear stress.

u Comnectton

ombined Bea earing, Bending and Shear stress, Jor 1s

Where bearing
with bending (tensile or compressive) and shear stresses under the
unfavourable conditions of loading. the equivalent stress f, is obtained
most unfavou

the following formula:



cquivalent stress
f =

f = calculated stress due to bending in N/mm

f= calculated stress due to bearing in N/mm
= shear stress in N/mm
calculated from Eq. (12) should not exceed the values
The equivalent stress J, as
the parent metal.
allowed for


Butt Weld When the butt weld is reinforced on both the sides of the plate,
is increased to such an extent that it is unlikely for failure
section through the weld
to occur in
the weld, and the fracture normally occurs some distance away [Fig.

6.22 (a)]. The reinforcement acts as a

supporting rib which inhibits necking
in the immediate vicinity of the

If the weld is ground flush with the

surface of the plate, the position of
the fracture depends upon the relative
V (b)
Failure of butt welds
strength of the plate and weld metal.
lower for the weld metal than for the
If the tensile strength or the yield point is
centre of the weld [Fig. 6.22 (b)]. But
if the
plate, failure takes place through the
metal are higher, failure takes place
tensile strength and yield point of the weld
weld junction is quite unusual.
in the plate away from the weld. Failure in the
reinforced butt weld, the stitfening
Under conditions of free bending across a
effect of the reinforcement inhibits failure at
the joint. But since stress concen-
of the section, there is sonme
ration occurs at the weld junction, due to change
butt weld.
weld junction itself with a flush
tendency for a crack to start at the
1ailure under such a condition occurs in the middle
of the weld. If there is a wide
between the two metals, the tailure
nerence in the tensile strength or yield point
may occur at the junction.
normal profile convex end fillet
Fillet Weld The plane of the fracture in
the root of the [Fig. fillet 6.23 (b)].
6.23 (a)] is along the diagonal from
edFig. addition to the tensile stress, the position
When the fillet is subjected to shear in
according to the relative magnitude
he line
of fracture departs from the diagonal are unequal, a fracture usually
01 the two stresses |Fig. 6.23 (c)]. If the fillet legs

CCurs near the shorter leg |Fig. 6.23 (d)].

If the tensile strength of the weld metal
and be
of the plate, the fillet may remain intact
Considerably greater than that
6.23 (e)]. With all end fillet welds failure
uledright out of the plate [Fig.
ruptly, after a small amount of
Steel Structures
Limit State Design of

i (a)
Line of Line of

Line of Line of
fracture Lineof

(d) (e)
Fig. 6.23 Position of fracture in side fillet welds

Side Fillet Weld In a side convex fillet weld subjected to shear stress along the
weld, failure occurs down the throat of the weld. The break commences at the toe
of the fillet at one or both the ends of the weld and as it progresses, the plane of
fracture rotates (Fig. 6.24). The failure is gradual and considerable deformation
of the fillet and usualy also of the plates takes place before the final fracture.


Fig. 6.24 Position of fracture in side fillet welds

Fillet Weld Consider
a fillet weld shown in Fig. 6.25 (a). After the
as d
cooled, shrinkage is welu
greater along the face of theto weld
metal is deposited. If the vertical plate is free
where large portion O
move [Fig. 6.25 (b)]. it is pufillet

over by the
shrinkage of the weld
is so without residual stresses
because no resistance is due to shrinkage. This
side of the vertical offered to such distortion. Now a other

plate [Fig. 6.25 fillet weld on

back into the (c)]. if deposited, will tend
This residual stress position generating arge residual
to pull tne plale
generated because of
minimized by depositing
stress in both the
the two welds asymmetry of welding
can N
Simple Welded Connection 245

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 6.25 Distortion and residual stresses of fillet welds

hort Length Butt Weld Consider a butt weld connecting two plates A and
A. as shown in Fig. 6.26. When molten metal is deposited part A and zone B
f plate A are heated rapidly to a very high temperature allowing the steel to
behave plastically. Zone C being heated less than the remaining two is assumed to
hehave elastically. The heated portions tend to expand in proportion to the change
in temperature. Zone C, being less heated tends to expand less and restrains some
of expansion of zone B and part A. The distorted shape is shown in Fig. 6.26 (b).
Since part A and zone B are restrained from expanding while in a plastic state, in
cooling they tend to shrink to a length less than their original dimension. Zone C.
which did not undergo plastic deformation tends to shrink to its original dimension
and thus will restrain part A and zone B from free shrinkage. When the plates
are completely cooled, part A will be shorter than its original length and will
a distorted shape shown in Fig. 6.26(c). Since part A and zone B have
been prevented from full shrinkage, they are subjected to tension, whereas zone
Cis subjected to compression and bending, resulting in essentially compressive
stresses at the boundary between zones B and C, and tensile stresses at the free

edge of zone C. If the two shown in 6.26 were symmetrical about the
plates Fig.
weld, the distortions and residual stresses would be reduced considerably.


(b) )
Distortion and residual stresses in butt weld
Fig. 6.26

Long Butt Weld Consider a long butt weld

as shown in Fig. 6.27. One part of the plate
Zone D. is in heated or expanding state
Similar to Fig. 6.26 (b) while the zone C is
a cooling or contracting state similar to Fig.
6.26 The relative areas of two zones, final
distortions, and the residual stresses depend
on speed of welding and on arrangement
Fig. 6.27 Heating and cooling
and sequence of welds designed to
long butt weld
There are a
distortions and residual stresses.
Limit State Design of Steel Structures

residual stresses and prevent distortions, SSome

number of techniques to minimize
before welding, hammering
the weld to elon
of which are: preheating the parts ongate
forces (preening), etc.
and to relieve the shrinkage
it locally


preferred in comparison
to butt welds due to the following reassons
Fillet welds are
of veeing and finishing the ends
. A fillet weld saves the operation
fabricated slightly long and cut exacsil
2 In case of butt weld, members are
a ctly
in uneconomical
to have a close fit in the field. This process
3. Butt welds have higher residual stresses.


1. Welded joints are economical. This is because splice plates and bolt/river
materials are eliminated. Also, the gusset plates required are of a smaller
sze because of the reduced connection length. Labour cost is also less as
only one person is required to do the welding whereas at least two persons
are required for bolting and four for riveting.
2. Welded structures are more rigid (due to the continuity of the section at the
joint) as compared to bolted/riveted joints. In bolted/riveted joints. cover
plates, connecting angles, etc., deflect along with the member during load
transfer and make the joint more flexible.
3. Due to the fact that the strength of a welded joint is the same as that o
the parent metals, even a smallest piece of the metal which otherwise is a
scrap can be used, bringing overall economy.
4. With welding it has become possible to connect tubular sections, which are
structurally very economical.
5. Due to the fusion of two metal pieces jointed, a continuous structure is
obtained, which gives a better architectural appearance than bolted/riveted
6. Alterations can be done with less
expenses in case of welding as compareu
The process of
welding is quicker in comparison
8. The
process of welding is silent, whereas in the
noise is produced.
case of riveting a lot
9. In welding less
safety precautions are
required for the
whereas a hot rivet may toss and public in the vicing
10. As splice the injure
persons working.
plates, bolts/rivets, etc., are not used, the details and
welded structures are easier and
less time drawings
I1. The
efficiency of welded joint is more than that consuming.
In fact, a of a bolted/riveted
proper welded joint may have 100% jo
2. Members to be
jointed may distort due to the heat efficiency.
process, whereas there is no such during the weldg
possibility in bolted/riveted joints.

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