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Assignment 1 (U1R1)

Name(Chinese/English) 葉惠棻/Fennie

p.4 B Identify(Write a if you check the idea on the left, b if you check the idea on the right) (8%)
1 a 2 b 3 a 4 b

p.5 D Vocabulary(as is used in the reading. Explain in Chinese) (24%)

achievement 成就 embody 包含
acknowledged for 認可 inclined 傾向
adversity 逆境 inherently 天生的
aspire to 嚮往 pursue 追求
confront 面對 resolve 毅力
constrained 被約束的 version 版本

p.7 B Vocabulary (22%)

a acknowledged for b resolve c inherently d aspire to
e constrained f version g achievement h confront
i embody j inclined k adversity l pursue

p.8 D Identify (8%)

a 4 b 5 c 1 d 3 e 2

p.9 F Categorize (16%)

True statements:1. (paragraph2) 3. (paragraph5) 4. (paragraph6)
False statements and correction:
2. A parent is usually our first role model. (paragraph3)
5. It is perhaps more important to be a role model when things go wrong. (paragraph7)
6. A role model sometimes makes mistakes. (paragraph7)
7. We need role models in many different situations. (paragraph6)
8. Sometimes we only have to look as far as the mirror to see a role model for our children, our
or even ourselves. (paragraph10)
p.10 Write what you think. B Choose one of the questions from Activity A and write a paragraph of 5-7
sentences in response. (10%)
3. Twenty years from now, I would like to hear people say I’m a philanthropist who has a heart of gold. I
hope I can help stray dogs and cats in the future. In order to accomplish my dream, I think the most
important thing I need to do now is to study well and work hard to get a college degree. In this way, I
can find a good job in the future so that I can have enough money to build houses and provide
necessities such as food for stray dogs and cats. Also, from now on, I will go to animal shelters to take
care of cats and dogs. I hope I can keep those thoughts and realize my dream successfully soon.
Write two sentences with the phrase “not necessarily”. Do not copy the sentences that have been
discussed in class. (12%)
1. Seeing is not necessarily believing.
2. Close contact with a person diagnosed with Omicron may not necessarily lead to a diagnosis.

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