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The scenario depicts that in the TERRAIN

aftermath of a hivequake, the The defender(s) sets up the
notorious Karloth Valois has terrain as shown in the map,
arisen from the Abyss with a there should be line of fencing,
horde of Plague Zombies to wreak barbed wire, obstacles and the
his revenge on the Hive. Several like to mark the defensive wall,
settlements were quickly and one large building to
overwhelmed, the lucky ones being represent the remnants of the
killed, the others joining the Checkpoint building.
increasing mass of walking dead. More buildings should be placed
Only a few Adeptus Arbites at the rear of the table to
manning the remnants of represent the outskirts of the
checkpoint 13 stood between settlement.
Valois and his hordes and the
devastated hivers. GANGS
Outnumbered, the few defenders of The Adeptus Arbites (Judges) set
Law fought hard against the up first, in or within 6" of the
shambling mass of zombies, but checkpoint building, the Bike is
Karloth had a ace up his sleeve, not moving at the start of the
he had been busy in the Abyss, Game.
and had found a ancient Warp Karloth Valios, an Ambull and
Gate, of unknown Province. 2D6+6 Zombies enter on the first
It lead to the notorious world of turn.
Luther McInttyre IX home of the The Gang Members arrive on their
renowned Ambulls. His powers first turn.
enabled him to influence several Additionally, Karloth's player
of the beasts which he now should roll 1d6 at the start of
unleashed on the Judges. The each of his turns - that many
hungry and angry Ambulls made additional Plague Zombies arrive
short work of several Judges and and enter on his table edge. As
if it had not been for the long as Karloth is not Out of
arrival of a local gang, who had Play this roll is made - even if
recognized the danger to their he is down. Once he is Out of
own territory and families, they Play no more Zombies arrive.
would have fallen too soon.
However, their arrival managed to STARTING THE GAME
hold back the tide of horror long Karloth takes the first turn and
enough for additional enters with his horde of Zombies
reinforcements to arrival and and one Ambull, anywhere along
contain the zombies. his table edge, moving as normal,
This scenario, is in essence, he and/or the Ambull can run/
quite simple, Karloth wants to charge if they wish, subject to
slaughter all those who stand in normal rules.
his path of Vengeance and the Plague Zombies move 2D6" in the
Judges and Gang want to stop him normal fashion, unless of course
dead - literally if possible. they start within 9" of Karloth,
when they roll 3D6" and pick the
two dice for their move distance.
The Judges take the second turn Should the Gang Bottle Out there
and the Gang move onto the table is no additional rewards.
(same rules as above) at the same There is no experience for
time. For the purposes of this Karloth or his horde - but iT is
scenario, the Judges and Gang reward enough to watch them
take the same turn. shamble menacing across,
consuming all in their path.
If the Judges are all killed (or SPECIAL RULES
down) and the Gang has Bottled You will not be surprised to find
(or all dead/down), the games that there are lots of these!
ends, similarly if Karloth and 1. Kadoth
all his minions are destroyed Rules for Karloth and Plague
(unlikely). Otherwise the game Zombies can be found in their
ends when both players have taken respective PDFs.
eight turns, when Adeptus 2. Ambulls
reinforcements arrive. Natives of the dangerously hot
polar rock deserts of Luther
EXPERIENCE Mclntyre IX attempts at
The usual experience awards domestication have resulted in
apply: them being found on many planets
+d6 survives in the Imperium. They have huge
+5 per wounding hit barrel chested bodies and ape
+10 to Gang Leader if meets like stance. Both the legs and
objectives (see below). the arms end in iron hard claws
In addition the following awards used for tunneling through the
are made. soft stone that covers their
+5 for surviving h-to-h combat native land. Ambulls pursue
with a Ambull (per round). Crawlers and other creatures
+10 for killing an Ambull. through the tunnels and their
huge laws are used to grab their
OBJECTIVES prey from the loose rubble. They
The Gang leader needs to stop the adapt well to most environments
Zombies and in the best case, and will eat all manner of living
keep at least one Judge alive to creatures.
reap the rewards. Should at least M WS BS S T W I A Ld
one Judge be alive AND the gang 6 5 0 5 5 3 5 3 8
did not bottle out the defending Ambulls are huge ferocious
leader receives +15 Experience creatures that cause Fear and due
and may have either Watchmen to their size and power do not
Status or an additional territory suffer from pinning.
of his choice. As they have Strength 5, opposing
Should the Gang NOT bottle out armor rolls are at -2 to save.
but the Judges are all killed 3. The Judges
(not just down) the leader gains The Adeptus presence at the
+10 experience and a +2 modifier Checkpoint is represented by
on the Outlaw table (for next 2d6 several Judges, one of which is a
games) or 2d6x10 credits reward. patrol judge on a bike. None of
the Judges have to take ammo
rolls as their equipment is well take account of that - should you
maintained and supplied. The wish to use the "standard"
Sanctioned Psyker does not have Adeptus rules you may wish to
to make roll on the Perils of the increase the horde and/or not use
Warp table if he rolls a 2 or a the gang. one rationale (if you
12, but her powers are then need it) is that these are
exhausted for the rest of the actually auxiliaries recruited
game - on a roll of 2 the power from the Hive - hence the
can be used as normal for that sanctioned psyker- to help bring
attack. the Imperial Law to the lower
Judges (Adeptus Arbites) depths of the Underhive - or like
M WS BS S T W I A Ld us you can use them because they
4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 8 were what we have and they looked
Standard Equipment: Bolt Pistol, good. In the same way you may
Boot Knife, equivalent of notice, if the photos come out,
Carapace armor (4+). that we used Kaleb Dark for
Standard Skills: True Grit. Karloth - for the same reasons.
In addition: The two Street 4. General
Judges, Joe and Armitage, have Between the horde, the checkpoint
Crack Shot, Rapid Fire (Bolt and the settlements beyond is a
Pistol) and the Iron Jaw skill defensive fence/barrier a mixture
(or chin). of formerly powered fence (now
The Sanctioned Psyker, (or Psi- off-line), barbed and razor wire
Judge) Cassie, has Dodge, Step and the like. There is only a
Aside and the Psychic powers: small entrance gap as depicted on
Mental Assault, Mental Strength the map. A figure that starts
and Zen Shootist their movement turn in contact
The Patrol Judge is on a Bike with the barrier/fence may spend
(See Gang War 1 for rules, what all their movement to clamber
do you mean you haven't got it?) over/through. The fence/barrier
which has a autocannon on a provides cover as normal. (-1 to
centerline mount (fixed forward hit if firing through, negated if
90 arc) and he is additionally standing against it.)
equipped with a
shotgun with
Solid, Scatter,
Hotshot and Bolt
Note: As you may
have noted, these
rules are NOT
those officially
created for the
Adeptus, (as seen
in Batdes in the
Underhive). We
were using our old
Judge Dred figures
- and these rules

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