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Internat ional Journal of Behavioral Development © 2000 The International Society for the

2000, 24 (4), 385–397 Study of Behavioural Development l

Motor development as foundation and future of

developmental psychology
Esther Thelen
Indiana University, Bloomington, USA

The study of how infants and children come to control their bodies is perhaps the oldest topic in
scientiŽc developmental psychology. Yet, for many years the study of motor development lay
dormant. In the last two decades, however, there has been an enormous resurgence of interest. As at
the time of the very beginnings of our Želd, the contemporary study of motor development is
contributing both empirically and theoretically to the larger questions in development and especially
to our understanding of developmental change. In this essay, I trace the course of the changing
fortunes of motor development, evaluate where we have been, what we are doing, and speculate on
some critical issues for the future. The purpose of this essay is to comment on the general themes and
inuences that have been a part of motor development’s ‘‘rise-fall-and-rise-again’’ history. For a
more comprehensive review of substantive topic areas in motor development, readers are referred to
the authoritative treatment recently published by Bertenthal and Clifton (1998) and to the excellent
monograph by GoldŽeld (1995).

Human infants are born with very little control over their (1935) well-known and still contentious study of the twins
bodies. Yet within a year or so, they are able to sit, stand, walk, Jimmy and Johnny, and the Nancy Bayley Berkeley Growth
reach, manipulate objects, feed themselves, gesture, and even Study (1935). In 1946, Carmichael’s Manual of Child
speak a few works. A year later, toddlers are adept at running, Psychology contained two seminal articles by Gesell (1946)
climbing, scribbling, riding a tricycle, and talking in simple and McGraw (1946), attesting to the theoretical status of
sentences. For parents, these new motor skills are the most motor studies in the Želd.
dramatic and visible changes in the Žrst few years of life, There were three important and related legacies from this
frequently noted and commented on. For those interested in golden age of motor development research. The Žrst legacy
studying developmental processes, this sequential unfolding of from these pioneers is their theoretical contributions, and
motor milestones is like an open window on change. Whereas especially their strong grounding of human development in
children’s mental lives must be measured indirectly, their biology. The second is empirical through the introduction of
movements are continuously observable. Each new pattern is detailed and rich description, novel methods for capturing
there to see and describe. There are no hidden processes human movement, and clever natural experiments. The third,
between the control of the movement and its actual execution. and perhaps the most enduring, was the establishment of
developmental norms. I discuss each of these legacies in turn.

Motor development: The golden age The legacy of development grounded in biology
It is no surprise, therefore, that the emergence of motor skills The two most important theorists of this era were Arnold
has Žgured so prominently in the Žrst scientiŽc studies of Gesell and Myrtle McGraw. Both provided us with massive
human development, truly laying the foundation of the Želd. descriptions of early motor development. But for both
Rich description of infant movement dates to the last century scientists, the motor catalogues were not the ends in
with Darwin’s (1877) well-known ‘‘biography’’ of his own themselves. Rather, both Gesell and McGraw saw these
child and the pioneering work of the German physiologist descriptions as a way to understanding the most general, and
Preyer (1888), and the tradition was continued into the 20th profound, developmental principles.
century with the narratives of Millicent Shinn (1900). The full
owering of the descriptive work in motor development began Gesell and the dynamic principles of growth. Gesell left us the
in the 1920s with the publication of the Žrst of Arnold Gesell’s most well-articulated comprehensive developmental theory,
pathbreaking research and popular monographs (e.g., Gesell, one that is still insightful and attractive (for many details, see
1928; Gesell & Thompson, 1934). The golden age continued Thelen & Adolph, 1992). From the start of his career, Gesell
through the 1930s with Mary Shirley’s (1931) exquisite claimed deep roots in the science of biology. He viewed
longitudinal descriptions of 25 infants, Myrtle McGraw’s development as a unitary process, requiring description at

Correspondence should be addressed to Esther Thelen, Indiana

University, Department of Psychology, 1101 East Tenth Street,
Bloomington IN 47405; e-mail:

many levels encompassing evolution, embryology, comparative Just as Coghill unlocked the mysteries of salamander
psychology, neurophysiology, and anthropology. He was development through Žlming postures and movements, so
especially inuenced by Charles Darwin, whom he considered Gesell believed he could discover the secrets of human
the founder of the scientiŽc study of the child and by G.E. development by Žlming and describing the morphology of
Coghill, an early behavioural embryologist. movement. For example, Gesell learned from embryology that
Gesell credited Darwin with making humans legitimate new forms and tissues evolved from chemical gradients and
subjects of scientiŽc study. Before Darwin, Gesell maintained, polarities in the fertilised egg and early embryo. In his principle
infants and children were understood primarily in theological of developmental direction, he argued that just as the direction of
and philosophical terms. Because Darwin showed that the early embryonic growth is determined by a longitudinal
human mind was continuous with all other living things, he gradient in the mesoderm, so the same direction of change
gave scientists the freedom to study human nature in the same appears in the fetus and the newborn infant. That is,
scientiŽc way they investigated the rest of the natural world. development proceeds in a head-to-tail fashion, in succeeding
Gesell attributed to Darwin his core belief that mental life is waves, throughout the early years. Superimposed on this
continuous with, and impelled by, the same processes that gradient is the proximal-to-distal sequence of maturation, with
drive all organic growth. Moreover, Gesell admired Darwin’s control emerging Žrst in the trunk and head, and later in the
naturalistic methods, and he saw himself, too, as a naturalist, distal digits. This theme of patterns arising from gradients and
‘‘tirelessly’’ seeking ‘‘ideological order’’ through relentless polarities has re-emerged in contemporary neuroembryology.
observation and comparison (Gesell, 1948, pp. 36–37). Edelman (1988), for instance, shows how the complexity of
Gesell’s other hero was Coghill, who was his contemporary form develops, not through precise speciŽcation from the
and a leader in the new Želd of behavioural embryology. genes, but through local, physical, and chemical interactions at
Coghill’s major work was on the behavioural embryology of the the surfaces of the cells. He echoes Gesell’s views of
salamander Amblystoma. Coghill’s contribution was to show a development as a morphological or ‘‘topobiological’’ process,
correlation between the development of movement patterns in where collectives of cells or neural elements self-organise into
these animals and corresponding changes in their nervous waves of pattern change.
systems. To do this, Coghill took motion pictures of locomot- The practical importance of Gesell’s theory was to act as a
ing salamanders at different stages of development and then counterweight to the popular notions of behaviourism that
painstakingly traced the patterns of their limbs and their were fashionable at that time. To parents who were told that
bodies. He discovered that a particular form of locomotion, for infants were totally shaped by their environment, Gesell
example a ‘‘C’’ body shape or an ‘‘S’’ body shape was offered a different view, one of an autonomous unfolding of
coincident with the growth of speciŽc neural connections potential. The role of the environment was to support this
(Coghill, 1969). unfolding, but it did not engender it. Thus, there was no point
Gesell learned several lessons from Coghill. First, he saw of training or teaching children until they were developmen-
that development was a morphological process, that is, a tally ready.
change in the form of behaviour. Gesell believed that just as
movements and postures provided a read-out of the nervous McGraw and the biology of development. Myrtle McGraw was
system, so even mental development had this morphological also a developmentalist of great sophistication and subtlety
character, that is, it could be understood though observable who used human motor skill development as her principle
behaviour. Second, Gesell was convinced that principles of empirical data. Like Gesell, she questioned the relevance of
growth and development illustrated by Coghill’s studies of the behaviourism, the dominant paradigm in experimental psy-
salamander were the same for all species, including humans. chology, as an explanation for developmental change. Rather,
‘‘We believe that the growth processes which mold the body she, too, took inspiration from a generation of experimental
and behavior of the human infant are in essence comparable biologists to consider the processes of growth, which she
with those which are being successfully analyzed by experi- understood as a continuous, contingent, holistic but nonlinear
mental embryology’’, he claimed (Gesell & Thompson, 1938, organic process (McGraw, 1935). She was also inuenced by
p. v). This led to Gesell’s third legacy from Coghill, the view Coghill for his emphasis on development as patterns of total
that behavioural changes followed biologically driven neural form (rather than the concatenation of individual reexes, a
maturation, and not the other way around. Gesell’s matura- more behaviourist view) and for his studies relating nervous
tionist views stemmed directly from Coghill’s discoveries that structure to behavioural function.
in the salamander, changes in movement patterns emerged Although McGraw believed strongly in the ultimate
from neural events that happened before sensory connections inseparability of structure and experience, she expressly
were made.1 Movements, therefore, were a product of designed her study of the twins Jimmy and Johnny (1935) to
autonomous neural changes, not from the sensory input. ask which of their early motor skills could be trained and which
‘‘Patterns of behavior in all species’’, Gesell wrote, ‘‘tend to were more Žxed by developmental design. One twin, Johnny,
follow an orderly genetic sequence in their emergence. This was exercised daily in a variety of skills, both universal (sitting,
genetic sequence is itself an expression of elaborate pattern—a walking) and culturally speciŽc (swimming, roller-skating).
pattern whose basic outline is itself the product of evolution She discovered that although training had some effects on the
and is under the inuence of maturational factors’’ (Gesell, quality and initial performance of Johnny’s movements, in the
1933, p. 217). long run, intensive training did not make a big difference.
These results were taken up by the popular press as refuting
associationism and supporting the primacy of maturation.
Bergenn, Dalton, and Lipsitt (1992) claim that McGraw’s
Bergenn et al. (1992) argue that Gesell’s interpretation of Coghill is more legacy as a maturationist oversimpliŽes her more sophisticated
‘‘maturationist’’ than Coghill himself espoused. view of development. They are likely correct, but the twin

study, plus her subsequent work on the development of Denver Developmental Screening test. Today such tests are so
locomotion, put the role of maturation into the forefront. universally accepted that their origins are little discussed. But it
McGraw’s last major work was a monograph on the was Gesell’s theoretical insights and methodological rigour that
development of locomotion, The Neuromuscular Maturation of led to the vast catalogue of motor milestones on which these
the Human Infant (1945), a model of astute interpretation. tests were based.
Again, inspired by Coghill, she described the phases of prone Gesell, like Coghill, saw in the postural and movement
and upright locomotion as a series of whole body forms. At forms a direct reection of the internal, lawful processes of
Žrst, she claimed, infants movements are involuntary and growth. The link to collecting normative data on infant
under control of subcortical centres. Successive phases of new movement was a direct one:
forms emerged as behaviour becomes increasingly encepha-
lised. In addressing the role of learning versus maturation in . . . the underlying concepts of the normative study may be
this study. McGraw reiterated that the two inuences are summed up as follows: Behavior grows. Growth expresses itself
impossible to parse apart. Nonetheless, she stated that for in ordered patterns. Behavior growth, like physical growth, is a
locomotion, ‘‘Improvement of a function through practice or morphosis. It is a process which produces a progressive
exercise appears to coincide with cortical participation in the organization of behavior forms. This morphogenesis can be
activity’’ (McGraw, 1945/1972, p. 127), in essence agreeing investigated by morphographic methods and especially by
with Gesell that an amount of readiness is necessary, and that analytic cinematography. By these methods we can ascertain
there may be critical periods for advancing function. the lawful sequences and norms of psychological growth for the
purpose of genetic research. These norms may also be used as
standards of reference for the analytic appraisal of development
status (Gesell & Thompson, 1938, p. 4).
The legacy of methodology
From our technology-rich vantage point, we can only stand in
Thus, our contemporary reliance on movement for early
awe of the detailed data so cleverly and painstakingly collected
developmental diagnosis may have had its origins in Gesell’s
by the early movement pioneers. In addition to photographs
theoretical interest in the more general issues of the nature of
and movies, analysed in great detail, they also recorded
development. In particular, Gesell believed that movement was
movement directly. For instance, Burnside (1927) and Shirley
the most direct expression of the forms of organic growth. By
(1931) recorded infants’ and toddlers’ footprints by oiling the
studying postures and movements of infants and children.
children’s feet and allowing them to walk on paper. Many
Gesell both illustrated the more general principles of develop-
critical parameters of gait can be measured by this simple
ment and provided an enormous set of normative data.
technique, and indeed it is still being used today (Adolph,
In the late 1920s and early 1930s, Gesell and his colleagues
1997). Another methodological advance, important in the
observed over 500 infants in a carefully structured and highly
establishment of developmental norms, was repeated testing of
detailed series of tasks to establish age norms for a long list of
the same children in a large number of standardised tasks.
motor behaviours. For example, Gesell and Thompson (1934,
Gesell took this testing to high art, with highly standardised
1938) reported age norms for 41 stages of siting behaviour, 58
equipment, structured interviews, and detailed instructions to
stages of pellet behaviour, and 50 stages of standing and
the testers (Gesell & Thompson, 1938). The point, of course,
walking behaviour. Many of these behaviours were Žlmed
was to chart developmental changes in a systematic way.
using precise cinematic methods (Gesell & Thompson, 1934).
Piaget’s (1952) methods, in contrast, were very exible, as he
Gesell claimed that his interest in such extensive norms was
continually adapted the tasks to Žt the child. Contemporary
not to establish a single model of performance for everyone,
researchers have again raised the issue of whether a standar-
but to have a standard by which the ‘‘abounding variety of
dised task really reveals the child’s full abilities, suggesting task
individual differences’’ (Gesell &Thompson, 1938, p. 4) could
materials may need to be scaled to children’s growth (Newell,
be detected and understood. In reality, Gesell’s books for both
Scully, McDonald, & Baillargeon, 1989) or measured in a
professionals and parents were much more concerned with the
supportive social situation (Vygotsky, 1978).
behaviour of the ‘‘typical’’ child at particular ages than in this
Finally, we must credit both Gesell (Gesell & Thompson,
variability. Indeed, Gesell chose his sample to be highly
1929) and McGraw (1935) for the intensive study of twins, a
homogeneous: children of European descent, economically
method still used intensively today to parse apart the
stable, intact families, 99% of whom attended church.
contributions of genetics and environment.
The idea that by a particular age, an infant or toddler
‘‘should’’ have achieved a particular motor milestone has not
only become a standard developmental diagnosis, but it has
The legacy of developmental norms also become completely entrenched in our cultural beliefs
The legacies of theory and measurement are closely tied to the about child-raising. For instance, I own a used copy of Gesell’s
third, and perhaps most lasting inuence, that of develop- The First Five Years of Life (1940) which was originally a gift
mental norms. Although mental testing of children dates back from ‘‘Mother Dingle’’ to the ‘‘Dunlaps’’ with the loving
to the early part of the 20th century, largely through the work inscription, ‘‘Please read from cover to cover’’. This book is
of Alfred Binet, it was Gesell who brought the concept of one of many written by Gesell which sets normative standards
developmental norms for infants and young children both into of behaviour based on his observations, and we can imagine the
the mainstream of developmental psychology, into the popular Dunlaps scrutinising their child at each age for ‘‘typical
psyche, and into the homes of millions of parents. The test behaviour’’ in each ‘‘typical day’’.
battery that Gesell and his staff perfected in the 1920s and In sum, the golden age of motor development left us with a
1930s still forms the basis of the most widely used infant tests rich heritage: a deep understanding of growth and form, an
today, the Bayley Scales of Infant Development and the appreciation for the interweaving and nonlinear course of

development, a sense of our biological continuity, and exact their overt behaviour), which continues to this day. (It is
scientiŽc methods. What happened to that legacy? perhaps ironic that although Piaget’s theory of mental
development was entirely grounded in perception-action, later
interpreters were more interested in the contents of mind than
its sensorimotor origins.) Piaget offered descriptive stages, but
Motor development: The dormant times he also inspired brilliant experimentation, something that the
motor development theorists did not do. The other dominant
After more than two decades of extraordinary theoretical and force on the Želd came from the ethological and psycho-
empirical contributions to our understanding of development, dynamic theories of John Bowlby on the nature of attachment.
the study of motor systems had declined by 1950 and then lay Here again, I believe that Bowlby’s richly descriptive work
dormant for nearly 30 years afterward. This dramatic reversal made such a long-lasting impact because it was implemented
of fortunes can be attributed to both the state of the Želd itself experimentally by Mary Ainsworth. The lesson may be that
and to changes occurring in psychology as a whole. even the most elegant theory survives only as it generates new
As I have suggested previously, it may be that the successes and copious empirical research.
of the early pioneers also contributed to the decline of the Želd
(Thelen, 1995). They produced vast and widely published
catalogues of motor milestones and richly detailed descriptive
studies. The norms were incorporated into developmental tests Motor development: Two decades of rebirth
and became family lore, at least in middle class North
American families. There seemed to be little left to do. Beginning in about 1980, the tide began to turn again, and
Moreover, both Gesell’s and McGraw’s theoretical positions interest in movement gradually gained momentum. Just as
appeared to lead to dead-ends in terms of further empirical multiple factors contributed to its decline, the Želd’s revitalisa-
studies, but for different reasons. Once Gesell showed, through tion has come from a number of converging inuences. These
the descriptive topologies of behaviour, that human develop- included several theoretical advances: new ideas in movement
ment obeyed universal principles, the case was effectively science and biomechanics, insights from ecological psychology,
closed. Change dictated by the principles of developmental and the import of dynamic systems theory. But the Želd has
direction, reciprocal interweaving or individuating maturation also beneŽted greatly from a new understanding of the
was a biological imperative. Although Gesell acknowledged (as plasticity of the brain, and from technological advances in
did McGraw) the interaction of experience and maturation, he recording movement and brain activity.
did not inquire further about those mechanisms, nor did he
encourage others to do so. For McGraw, the situation was
more complex. She admitted in her 1962 Foreword to The
Neuromuscular Maturation of the Human Infant that she did not
The importance of N. Bernstein
achieve her goal of relating the development of function to the However subtle and interactionist their own positions, the
maturation of structure. Part of the problem was that methods legacy from the neuroembryologists, through Gesell and
for studying changes in the brain were inadequate. But she also McGraw, was that movement was a direct read-out of the
recognised that the earlier theoretical formulations were too maturational status of the nervous system. The reverse was
simplistic, especially the division of behaviour into cortical and scarcely considered—that the developmental course of the
subcortical inuences, and the neat separation of ‘‘instincts’’ nervous system may be moulded by the nature of the body and
versus ‘‘acquired traits’’ or ‘‘maturation’’ opposed to ‘‘learn- how it moves. The same ‘‘top-down’’ view was also dominant
ing’’ (McGraw, 1945/1973). Throughout her career, McGraw in the psychology of adult movement, where most effort was
continued to elaborate a biologically sophisticated theory of devoted to understanding the nature of the executive ‘‘motor
development (Bergenn et al., 1992), but she did not translate programme’’. We can credit the Soviet movement physiologist,
her insights into new empirical work. And she, too, failed to N. Bernstein (1967), for inspiring a real revolution in the
convince others to continue to use motor development as an conceptualisation of movement. Although he too worked
entry for understanding processes of change. during the 1930s, Bernstein’s ideas only became known in
The decline of motor development must also be understood the West after his book was translated in 1967.
in the light of the other forces in the Želd during the 1950s, Bernstein’s seminal insight was to pose the control issue
1960s, and 1970s. During this time, learning theorists and differently. He started with the body, which, he noted, had
experimental psychologists dominated academic departments hundreds of bones and joints and millions of muscle Žbres. Yet
of psychology. Descriptive and normative data, no matter how every movement is a coherent, coordinated event. How can the
detailed, could not be compared in apparent ‘‘scientiŽc rigour’’ brain accomplish this feat of coordination, given so many
to the tightly controlled experimental methods practised by possible combinations, or degrees of freedom? The answer,
these disciplines. Moreover, neither learning theory nor main- according to Bernstein, was that movements were organised in
stream experimental psychology has traditionally considered synergies, that is, a functional linking together of muscles into
how people control their bodies a question of major interest. ensembles that worked together. What the brain recruited,
Movement is often treated as only a by-product of the more according to Bernstein, was not individual muscles, but an
psychologically interesting processes, or an arbitrary response appropriate pattern to accomplish a functional task. This vastly
modality such as pressing a lever. simpliŽed the control problem. Indeed, Bernstein showed that
At the same time, the focus in developmental psychology movement was function-speciŽc and not muscle-speciŽc: His
shifted dramatically. The work of Jean Piaget became increas- classic example is that you can sign your name using a pen on
ingly well known and highly inuential, igniting fervent interest paper or using a broomstick on a blackboard, but the signature
in the inner mental life of children (as opposed to the form of remains the same.

Moreover, as the motor system is assembled for functional which becomes inhibited as the cortex, and voluntary move-
action, it actually exploits the mechanical properties of the ment, matures. However, while stepping when upright does
limbs and body. For example, limbs have springlike properties disappear, kinematically identical kicking movements per-
because of the elastic qualities of the muscles and the formed while infants are supine, do not, and indeed increase
anatomical conŽguration of the joints. When an ordinary in frequency. To account for this strange disparity—move-
spring is stretched and let go, it oscillates in a regular trajectory. ments that are a function of body posture—we looked again to
The movement pattern need not be explicitly conŽgured the peripheral contribution. Here again, we discovered that
because it arises from the natural properties of the spring. there was a relation between infants’ abilities to step and the
Similarly, many aspects of human movements need not be mass of their legs. As their legs became heavier through the
detailed in the nervous system because they arise by themselves deposition of subcutaneous fat in the Žrst few months, their
from the natural properties of the body. One good example is ability to lift them in the biomechanically demanding upright
walking: As people step on one leg and then shift their weight posture decreased. Simply laying infants down, or reducing the
forward over it, the back leg is stretched and stores energy, like effective mass by holding them in a tank of water, restored the
a spring. As that leg swings forward, it uses little active muscle movement (Thelen & Fisher, 1982). Again, performance
contraction, but rather relies on the potential energy gained by depended on all elements of the moving system.
stretching the muscles. Because body masses, lengths, centres of inertia and so on
In his writing on the development of movement, Bernstein are continually changing as infants grow, and because new
turned the old theories on their heads. It was not, he claimed, postures bring on new biomechanical challenges, skill acquisi-
so much the nervous system instructing the muscles, as the tion is a continually interactive process. Infants must discover
dynamics of the movement instructing the nervous system. how to produce the appropriate coordinative pattern and
Children must learn the biodynamics of their bodies, the modulate it to Žt the task. Furthermore, the addition of each
changing forces that produce and accompany each movement new skill opens different opportunities for these interactions to
in each situation. To learn to walk, for instance, infants must occur. Development progresses through each new achieve-
deal with the complex interactions between the movements of ment, setting the next set of challenges. Thus, Bernstein’s
the legs, the centre of gravity of the body, and the support impact was to reintroduce the child as an active movement
surface. These cannot be instructed beforehand, but must be problem-solver, much as Piaget had replaced the child as
individually assembled through experience. Eventually, infants passive stimulus-responder with one who actively seeks stimuli
learn not just to control their movements, but to make them in the world.
efŽcient by exploiting their biomechanics, that is, using what
the system can provide ‘‘for free’’.
The impact of Bernstein on the study of motor development
The importance of ecological psychology
was to shift the focus from thinking exclusively of the central Bernstein’s message of the child as an active explorer meshed
nervous system as the sole contributor to the emergence of new beautifully with the second powerful inuence on the
skills to considering the contributions of the biomechanics of renaissance of motor development research. This was the
the moving limbs. In my early work on the coordination and theoretical approach loosely known as ecological psychology,
control of spontaneous leg movements in infants, for example, based largely on the work of psychologists Eleanor Gibson (E.J.
I came across two puzzling results. The Žrst involved the Gibson, 1969, 1988) and James Gibson (J.J. Gibson, 1966).
kinematic (time-space) organisation of the common kicking The basic assumption of Gibsonian psychology is that people,
movements seen throughout the Žrst six months. These and other animals, are able to directly perceive structured
movements are well coordinated, displaying a nearly simulta- information in the environment that enables them to function-
neous exion and extension of the hips, knees, and ankles. ally act within it. (This is in contrast, of course, to the view that
Moreover, the durations of the parts of the movements were the environment does not have meaning until it is recon-
not random, but showed structure as well (Thelen & Fisher, structed within the brain.) The goal of development, in the
1983). How did this structure arise? Surprisingly, when my Gibsonian view, therefore, is for infants and children to
colleagues and I looked at the patterns of muscle activity that progressively discover the affordances for action in the
produced kicking movements, we found that the underlying environment, a process of matching the abilities of the actors
electromyographic activity was far less patterned than the with the opportunities in the world around them. Eleanor
resulting movement. Indeed, infants appeared to just contract Gibson has been especially eloquent in championing the child
all the exors and extensors at the beginning of the exion as an active explorer in this process, where both perception and
phase of the kick and use very little muscle activation action are mutually coupled together. According to her,
thereafter. Extension was largely passive. This meant that the infants, from the beginning, are continually coordinating their
extension was not directly programmed by the central nervous movements with concurrent perceptual information to learn
system, but rather emerged as a consequence of the elastic how to maintain balance, reach for appropriate objects, and
properties of the legs and their stored energy when exed. In locomote across various surfaces and terrains (Gibson, 1988).
short, the precise patterns of these movements came about Research from this perspective is not primarily concerned with
from the interplay between the neural command and the the form of the movement or its neurological control, but how
peripheral properties of the body. children come to recognise the match between their abilities
The second puzzle involved the well known newborn and the qualities of the task environment. One of E. Gibson’s
‘‘stepping’’ reex. Newborn infants will perform alternating classic studies, for example, showed that crawling infants
step-like movements when held upright with their feet on a crossed both a rigid surface and a squishy waterbed without
surface. Within a few months, such movements can no longer hesitation. Toddlers, however, hesitated and explored the
be elicited. Since the time of Preyer (1888), the common surface of the waterbed, and then shifted to crawling rather
explanation has been that the patterns are a primitive reex, than risk falling on the squishy surface (Gibson et al., 1987).

Ecological psychology has shaped the Želd of contemporary motor synergy to do some task, the participating components
motor development studies in several important ways. First cohere and produce patterns that have temporal and spatial
and foremost is the notion that perception and action are organisation that is not the result solely of the detailed
inseparable in the formation of skills. Perception is essential for instructions from the nervous system. These investigators,
movement, but movement also informs perception. Move- and subsequently many others, demonstrated that simple,
ments of the head and eyes, for instance, enable the perceiver cyclical movements of the limbs in humans could be described
to sample the visual array. Movements of the arms, hands, and by the mathematics used for coupled oscillators in general. In
Žngers are necessary for haptic exploration of new objects and particular, they discovered that when people move their body
surfaces. Locomotion is essential for understanding the quality parts in a rhythmical fashion, they have preferred coordination
of surfaces and the layout of the spatial surroundings. Indeed, modes: Spatial and temporal patterns that are comfortable and
we can even cast movement as a form of perception, a way of easily performed. Other possible patterns are unstable, such
knowing the world by moving in it. that the preferred mode seems to suck them in, or ‘‘attract’’
Second, research in the ecological tradition has made them. Under certain conditions, people may spontaneously
researchers aware that perception in the service of action is shift coordination modes from one preferred regime to
always multimodal, likely right from birth. For example, a another. Again, using locomotion as an example, quadrupeds
study by Rochat and Morgan (1995) has shown that very use different gaits depending on the speeds of their move-
young infants are aware of the correspondences between their ments. The gaits performed are those that are the most energy
visual perception of their moving limbs and their propriocep- efŽcient for the particular speed (see Kelso, 1995).
tive and haptic senses of them. In these studies, infants were There were several important implications of dynamic
shown two side-by-side televised displays of their own legs, systems ideas for conceptualising motor development, and
clothed in distinctively striped stockings. On one display, the for developmental theory in general. First is the restatement of
video image was concordant with the infants’ views of their legs Bernstein’s ideas that every movement is a system-wide
as they sat in the infant seat. On the second, the legs were ensemble of all participating components, assembled in the
reversed. Infants showed by their preferential looking that they context of a particular task at hand. Kugler and Turvey (1987)
could distinguish the two displays. Clearly, they must have, used the terms ‘‘soft-assembly’’ to describe this exibility:
through experience of looking and moving, mapped the Behaviour patterns are not prescribed, although some may be
correspondences between what they saw and what they felt. preferred. This meant that behaviour was not ‘‘hard-wired’’
The third lasting contribution from ecological psychology to into the brain, but emerges ‘‘online’’ in the light of the person’s
current motor development research is the emphasis on available structure, energetic resources, and the nature of the
exploration as an important force for developmental change. task to be done.
E.J. Gibson (1988), for instance, describes three overlapping Second, dynamic systems theory emphasised not only
phases of exploration in the Žrst year. At Žrst, infants explore patterns in space, but also that behaviour has a pattern over
events with vision and hearing. Next, they explore objects with time as well. This is important because it changes the focus
reaching, grasping, and mouthing, and later, they explore the from taking a ‘‘snapshot’’ of behaviour at a particular age or
large layout with self-produced locomotion. Changing motor skill level, to more serious considerations of how change occurs
skills contribute to infants’ exploratory behaviour, but the over time. Here, the timescale could be seconds, or minutes, or
behaviour itself also leads to new motor skills. weeks, or months. Indeed, from a dynamic perspective, it
makes little sense to consider changes at different time scales as
different processes. What happens at an action timescale
The introduction of dynamic systems cascades into changes over the timescales of learning and
Both Bernstein and the Gibsons were concerned with a similar development.
issue: How to avoid the ‘‘homunculus’’ problem—some entity Finally, there is the idea that the coordinative state of a
in the head of the actor that represents the world and makes stable movement pattern—for instance, walking or reaching—
decisions to act in it. For Gibson, the solution was direct behaves like a dynamic attractor with varying levels of stability.
perception. For Bernstein, the solution was reducing the For a pattern to change, something must disrupt the stability of
executive decisions by the synergistic organisation of the brain the old pattern, so that the components can coalesce into new
and body. In the 1980s, a group of young movement theorists forms. In terms of development, this meant characterising
centred around the Haskins Laboratories in New Haven, behaviour in terms of its stability to identify the transitions into
Connecticut merged these two theoretical traditions with new forms and test the mechanisms that engender them (see
recent advances in the physics and thermodynamics of Thelen & Smith, 1994; Thelen & Ulrich, 1991).
complex systems to produce a radical change in the theory of Systems ideas are not new in developmental psychology.
motor control and development. In two landmark papers, They have been proposed by Werner, Lewin, Piaget, and many
Peter Kugler, Scott Kelso, and Michael Turvey (Kelso, Holt, others. For example, Piaget (1952) believed that new levels of
Kugler, & Turvey, 1980; Kugler, Kelso, & Turvey, 1980) mental equilibration could only be achieved through disequili-
considered Bernstein’s synergies in a new light, as self- bration of current stages, similar to the phase shifts described
organising systems, and described by the same dynamic by contemporary dynamicists, and he was profoundly con-
principles that governed complex, so-called dissipative struc- cerned with processes of change. Current dynamic systems
tures, in physics and chemistry. (Dissipative systems absorb theories have gone beyond the old formulations, however, in
energy to maintain themselves in organised states far from two important ways. First, we have achieved some level of
thermodynamic equilibrium. All biological systems are dis- success in reŽning the precision of our ideas through formal
sipative, but so are some other natural systems such as cloud mathematical models (see Newell & Molenaar, 1998; Thelen,
formations or uid ows.) Schöner, Scheier, & Smith, in press). But equally important,
The key insight here was that when a person assembles a dynamic thinking has inspired a renewed interest in empirical

work that is closer to Piaget’s original agenda of looking at Technological contributions to motor development
processes of change. (In the post-Piagetian era, studies were
When Halverson (1931) published his very detailed studies of
more concerned with describing age-deŽned performance
the development of prehension, he collected his kinematic data
stages.) Process accounts often involve detailed longitudinal
by Žlming infants reaching over a table with a grid drawn on it.
studies to identify times of transition combined with micro-
From the Žlm, he traced the path of the hand, frame-by-frame,
genetic methods that test possible mechanisms that move the
and then extracted the quantitative data from the measure-
child into new developmental phases. Finally, dynamic systems
ments on the grid. Seventy years later, the fundamental
have also inspired studies that incorporate multiple levels of
technique for measuring movement is the same: Sample the
analysis from the cognitive to the biomechanical. For instance,
position of the body part in space many times per second and
I have used dynamic systems principles in my own work to
reconstruct the pathway of the moving segment. But we now
uncover the multiple inuences on change in locomotor-
have equipment to do this much more rapidly and accurately.
movement (Thelen & Ulrich, 1991) and reaching (Thelen et
Video has replaced expensive movie Žlm, which required
al., 1993, 1996).
special lighting and development. Devices that automatically
track markers on the limbs with great precision are commer-
Plasticity in the central nervous system cially available. Computers that can handle the very large
datasets generated by movement analysis are also inexpensive
There have been two other inuences on research in motor
and accessible to all. In addition to measuring movement, we
development that bear mention. First, just as our predecessors
can now also track forces through the use of force platforms
over 50 years ago were inspired by the current Žndings in
and patterns of muscle activation with electromyography.
neurophysiology, so too has contemporary thinking been
Although it requires a great deal of skill and patience to use
shaped by remarkable discoveries in neuroscience. First is a
these sophisticated techniques with infants and children, there
growing understanding of the systems-wide properties of the
are a number of laboratories around the world that have
brain. Although much research is dedicated to pinpointing
successfully conquered the challenges.
local areas that subserve different functions, it has also been
There is no question that these technological advances have
discovered that no area works in isolation. Indeed, neural
contributed greatly to advances in our understanding of motor
networks supporting perceptual, motor, and cognitive pro-
development, perhaps more than in any other area of
cesses are widely and densely interconnected (see, for instance,
developmental psychology. It may be that our visions of what
Edelman, 1987). For example, neurones responding to both
questions can be asked are limited by the means we have to
spatial localisation of visual targets and to intended movements
answer them.
are found in many areas of the cortex. At the same time, a
single neurone may be activated by the visual, planning,
memory, and movement aspects of a task (reviewed in Thelen
et al., in press). These Žndings reinforce the idea that Major themes in contemporary motor
perception and action, and its cognitive counterparts, are part development
of the same continuous and coupled process.
Second, neuroscientists have discovered remarkable, dy- In this section, I review the current major thrusts in the study
namic plasticity in even the adult brain. By careful brain of motor development in the light of the historical precedence
mapping in monkeys, they have established that experiences in of the Želd. Again, this review is far from exhaustive. In the
the world both establish and maintain the functional con- Žnal section, I point to some new directions for the future.
nectivity of both cortical and subcortical areas. Old ideas about
the Žxity of the adult brain have been overthrown (see, for
example, Merzenich, Allard, & Jenkins, 1990). The implica-
Descriptions of the development of motor skill:
tion for development is profound: Experience moulds the
Understanding coordination and control
brain. What may have previously been considered as autono- We still carry on the heritage of McGraw and Gesell by using
mous maturational changes in brain function may indeed be detailed, longitudinal studies as the foundation for under-
driven by children’s everyday actions in the world. But the loop standing motor skill development. Like our predecessors, we
is still closed: Just as experience reorganises the brain, so also also use these studies to infer developmental changes in the
the resulting improvements in perceptual discrimination, underlying mechanisms. Moreover, from the point of view of
memory, and motor control provide children with new dynamic systems, such studies are essential for providing the
opportunities for experience to further remap the brain. ‘‘landscape’’ of behavioural patterns: When they are stable and
A Žnal major inuence in the Želd has been the important when they change. This is the Žrst step for identifying points of
theoretical work of Gerald Edelman, which is a synthesis of transition, where the system may be probed by experiments.
current neuroembryology, neurophysiology, and behavioural Thus, longitudinal studies are further supplemented by
development consistent with Bernstein, Gibson, and dynamic experiments to test hypotheses about coordination and control.
systems. In his Theory of Neuronal Group Selection, Edelman Notable examples of contemporary descriptive work are the
(1987) proposes that adaptive behaviour emerges as the pioneering studies of Claes von Hofsten on infant reaching
recurrent perceiving and acting in the world strengthens (1979, 1982, 1984, 1991). Von Hofsten was the Žrst to re-
particular neural networks such that patterns are progressively introduce detailed kinematic measures of infant movement,
selected from many wider possibilities. In his view, genetic and after Halverson’s efforts 40 years earlier. Especially compelling
neuroembryonic processes provide the rough outline of the were von Hofsten’s (1980) demonstrations of young infants
neural anatomy. The functional mapping of the brain is catching moving objects, a seemingly remarkable precocious
subsequently experience-dependent, especially through per- ability. Von Hofsten’s work has been extended by other
ceptual-motor exploration. longitudinal studies of reaching using even more dense

sampling techniques and adding kinetic and electromyographic about movement as a biomechanical problem to be solved by
measures (Spencer & Thelen, 2000; Thelen et al., 1993; the nervous system: We cannot think about neural control
Thelen, Corbetta, & Spencer, 1996), and following infants distanced from what is controlled. For instance, learning to
until they were several years old (Konczak, Borutta, & walk requires keeping the centre of mass of the body over a
Dichgans, 1997; Konczak, Borutta, Topka, & Dichgans, permissible base of support and controlling the ‘‘fall’’ as the
1995). infant steps forward. Crawling requires the correct limb
Lower limb movements have also received attention. For combinations to maintain a dynamic base of support. Reaching
instance, my colleagues and I were the Žrst to describe infants’ involves stabilising one arm segment against the forces
spontaneous leg movements using kinematic techniques. generated by the other moving segments. In this view, the
Previously, infants’ leg movements, because they were not patterns of muscle activation may well be the result of the
apparently goal-directed, were thought to be disorganised or biomechanical demands of the movement, not the cause of the
random. However, we demonstrated a high degree of movement. For example, Angulo-Kinzler et al. (2000)
coordination both within and between limbs and a pattern of discovered that, as Bernstein predicted, the patterns of muscle
developmental changes in that organisation. We followed this activation underlying treadmill stepping, supported, and
by a more in-depth look at the kinetics of infant leg independent walking in infants were much more variable than
movements, that is, how infants managed the forces that the patterns of forces that moved the legs.
produce movements (Jensen, Ulrich, Thelen, Schneider, & And second, contemporary researchers are considering new
Zernicke, 1994; Schneider, Zernicke, Ulrich, Jensen, & ideas about variation and individual differences. From the
Thelen, 1990). start, researchers in motor development have noticed, mea-
As in motor development’s ‘‘golden-age’’, the development sured, and discussed individual differences. Shirley (1931), for
of upright locomotion has been a primary focus in contem- instance, documented the differences in onsets of various
porary studies. Learning to walk is a dramatic developmental motor skills in her 25 babies and related these differences to the
milestone, the transition from infancy to childhood. Moreover, infants’ physical growth, muscle tone, and ‘‘willingness to
there has been increasing recognition of the complexity of the expend energy’’ (p. 125). Physical dimensions and movement
task, and thus, in the question of how infants solve the ‘‘styles’’ are still seen as an important part of the story (Adolph,
problems involved (Thelen, 1984). For example, Sutherland 1997; Thelen et al., 1993). Additionally, today’s researchers
(1984) reported gait measures on children up to seven years of are less concerned with variability around age norms than in
age, documenting kinematic changes in step parameters and earlier times. Indeed, in many studies, children are compared
joint excursions, as well as changes in muscle patterns. Bril and on the basis of their skill levels rather than their ages.
Breniere (1992; Breniere, Bril, & Fontaine, 1989) focused There are two ways in which variation and individual
more directly on changes in newly walking infants, using a differences have taken on new theoretical status. First, there is
large force plate to provide detailed descriptions of weight increasing recognition that individual differences in body
shifts and propulsive forces. Clark and Phillips (1988) looked dimensions, muscle qualities, and inherent energy levels,
primarily at changes in interlimb coordination over a similar provide children with different kinds of movement problems
time period. Moreover, there have been two recent long- that they must solve in order to gain skills. Low energy children
itudinal studies of interlimb patterns in crawling, another topic with large limbs may have to learn different adaptive strategies
well-researched by earlier investigators (Adolph, Vereijken, & than small, wiry, highly energetic ones. This emphasises the
Denny, 1998; Freedland & Berntental, 1994). problem-solving nature of motor skill development, that there
Finally, I mention several longitudinal descriptive studies cannot be a rigid, phylogenetic blueprint because individuals
undertaken from an explicit dynamic systems perspective. must Žt their own bodies to their own tasks. Second, we have
Thelen and Ulrich (1991) reported changes over the Žrst year come to recognise variation itself as the source of develop-
in infant treadmill stepping, emphasising the mechanisms mental change, a heritage from both dynamic systems theory
promoting transitions to better performance. Angulo-Kinzler, and Edelman’s selectionism. If children do not have multiple
Ulrich, Chapman, & Thelen (2000) followed this by tracing options, they will be stuck in only a few solutions. Thus, some
the continuity between treadmill stepping and later supported investigators have reported not just their dependent variables,
and unsupported upright locomotion, using multiple measures but also the structure of variability as indicators of when skills
of kinematics, kinetics (forces), and electromyography. The are stable and when they change (e.g., Thelen &Ulrich, 1991).
longitudinal reaching study I mentioned earlier (Thelen et al.,
1993, 1996) was also designed to follow dynamic principles, Experimental studies of early skills. One important way to
not only in the dense longitudinal design, but also in the uncover processes of change is to experimentally manipulate
multiple measures used to capture the multiple inuences on variables to which the system is sensitive. For example, I
the task (Spencer & Thelen, 2000; Spencer, Vereijken, mentioned previously my hypothesis that infants’ limb masses
Diedrich, & Thelen, 2000). Finally, in a most clever study, were important in the disappearance of the stepping reex. To
GoldŽeld, Kay, and Warren (1993) used a dynamic analysis to test this, we changed the limb mass by submerging the infants’
understand how infants learned a novel movement task, legs in water or adding weights (Thelen, Fisher, & Ridley-
bouncing in a Jolly-Jumper. Johnson, 1984). More recently, the effects of biomechanics
Here, I do not dwell on the detailed results of these and movement have been evaluated by changing infants’
investigations. Rather, I suggest that taken together, these postures (Jensen et al., 1994; Savelsbergh & van der Kamp,
contemporary studies of reaching and walking have gone 1993) or by adding weights to their limbs and torsos (Adolph &
beyond the classic studies in two important ways, reecting the Avolio, 2000; Thelen, Skala, & Kelso, 1987). To study the
inuence of Bernstein, Edelman, and dynamic systems. First, development of postural control, for example, researchers have
there is more explicit consideration of the biomechanical commonly intervened experimentally by placing infants and
aspects of early movement. Theoretically, this means thinking children on a platform that perturbs the infants’ balance. By

this means, researchers can test the limits of children’s postural infants use perception to adjust movements. But the converse
stability at various ages, and investigate the underlying is also true: Children use actions to inform perception,
neuromotor mechanisms that produce the response (Woolla- primarily through the use of exploratory movements (Gibson,
cott & Sveistrup, 1992). 1988). For instance, when confronted with an unfamiliar
I should note here that several studies have combined the surface, infants, unsure of the suitability of the surface for
longitudinal, descriptive method with experiments by repeating locomotion, will use their hands to touch and pat (Adolph,
an experimental manipulation in the same infants over 1997; Gibson et al., 1987). Bushnell and Boudreau (1993)
different ages. A most elegant example of this is Adolph’s provide an excellent illustration. They show how infants’
(1997) study of infants climbing up and down slopes, where perceptual detection of the properties of objects such as weight,
she followed babies from the onset of crawling through stable texture, or sounding abilities, develops only as their motor
independent walking. At each visit, Adolph assessed their abilities are sufŽcient to manipulate the objects appropriately.
abilities to judge climbable slopes with a psychophysical In sum, we have learned a great deal about development in
measurement on slopes of different grades. Similarly, An- general through the experimental study of perception and
gulo-Kinzler et al. (2000) tested infants in three locomotor action. In particular, this work has emphasised the continual
contexts varying in support from eight months until they were active role of children in exploring their environments, and the
walking well. context-dependent, problem-solving process that constitutes
developmental change. Many of the old ideas about develop-
Studies in perception-action coupling. Although all motor mental timetables can now be recast in different terms. Instead
development studies are perception-action studies, experi- of a phylogenetically determined sequence of stages, develop-
ments explicitly in the Gibsonian tradition continue to ment is better conceptualised as a changing landscape of
dominate the Želd. Here the issue is not so much motor patterns, whose stability depends not only on the organic status
control per se, but how action is modulated by perception, and of the child, but also on their experiential history, and how
in turn, how action informs perception. For example, early those interact with the particular task at hand. AŽnal example
work by Lee and Aronson (1974) and Butterworth and Hicks makes the point well. In his classic work, Gesell described a
(1977) established the dominance of vision in toddlers’ series of grip conŽgurations infants used to grasp a cube,
postural control by using the famous ‘‘moving room’’ para- ranging from a simple scoop to the Žne pincer grasp. Newell
digm. This situation was later extended and reŽned by and colleagues (1989) looked at the grasping task in a new way.
Bertenthal and Bai (1989) with younger infants and also used They reasoned that for a young infant, a one-inch cube
by Stoffregen, Schmuckler, and Gibson (1987) to show that presented a different task, based on the infant’s hand size, than
infants were sensitive to peripheral visual ow. Since then, to an older infant or an adult. Indeed, they discovered that
there has been considerable debate over the relative impor- infants were much more adaptable, depending on the cube
tance of vision and proprioception in the control of posture. In size, with young infants using more appropriate grasping
their review, Bertenthal and Clifton (1998) concluded that the patterns than previously thought possible. In short, the baby
balance between multiple sources of information may be could ‘‘soft-assemble’’ a solution matching their own skill level
contextually determined, much like the soft-assembly of action to the demands of the task.
I described earlier.
The role of perception in prehension has also been a topic of Cognition and motor skill development. A Žnal area gaining in
intense study. Early researchers, including Piaget (1952), prominence is the intersection between perception-action and
Bruner (1973), and White, Castle, and Held (1964) stressed cognition. Views on the relationship between these two
the necessity of infants gradually learning to match the sight of domains have been complex. For many years, motor skill and
their hands with the sight of the objects to be reached. cognition were believed to be unrelated because early studies
Questions about this gradual visual-visual matching arose with showed only modest correlation, if any, between children’s
von Hofsten’s (1982) report of infants’ directed reaches during motor and intellectual development (e.g., Shirley, 1931). (Of
the newborn period, before a long period of learning course, this has always been a contentious issue, because,
commenced. Recently, Clifton, Muir, Ashmead, & Clarkson especially in infancy ‘‘mental’’ test items have an enormous
(1993) further challenged the visual-matching idea by showing motor component, e.g., Bayley, 1936.) On the other hand,
that at Žrst, infants reached as well in the dark to a lighted or Gesell believed that both domains were governed by the same
sounding object as when they could see their hands. This work developmental principles. For Piaget, cognition was built from
underscored the importance of learning the ‘‘feel’’ as well as perception and action, and Piaget’s descriptions of how early
the sight of the arm and hand. motor skills, such as reaching and sucking, are used in the
Over the Žrst year, infants are not only better able to reach a service of developing cognition are still among our most
target, they become increasingly skilled in anticipating the insightful.
location and size of objects. Notable work in this area includes Today, there is little interest in using motor development to
von Hofsten and Ronnqvist’s (1988) descriptions of the predict later mental status, but there is increasing agreement
development of anticipatory hand shaping and Ashmead, with Piaget of the tight linkage between movement and
McCarty, Lucas, & Belvedere’s (1993) demonstration of cognitive development. The work of Bertenthal and Campos
infants’ abilities to adjust movements ‘‘online’’. McCarty, and their colleagues has been especially inuential in this
Clifton, and Collard (1999) investigated infants’ discovery of regard (e.g., Bertenthal &Campos, 1990; Berthental, Campos,
the correct way to grip a spoon. In a particularly clever &Barrett, 1984). These scholars argue that one setting event—
experiment, they presented the spoon in varying orientations to the onset of crawling—initiates a developmental cascade that
see when and how infants could anticipate and perform the has consequences for changes in spatial cognition and
appropriate grip. emotional development. The mechanisms, by which being
The studies I have mentioned so far have looked at how able to move about changes the ways that babies think, are not

fully understood, but may involve their increased attention to Bertenthal, Boker, & Rose’s (1995) dynamic analysis of infant
perceptual information as they move about. In other words, postural control, GoldŽeld et al.’s (1993) work on infants
movement helps children sample the world more completely. learning the Jolly-Jumper, Fitzpatrick, Schmidt, and Lock-
There is, perhaps, even a more basic way in which man’s (1996) analysis of children learning to clap, and Thelen
movement and cognition are tightly linked, a way close to et al.’s (in press) dynamic Želd model of infant perseverative
what Piaget envisioned (Thelen, 2000). Infants, children, and reaching. Other notable efforts are Taga’s (1995) model of the
adults are perceiving and moving all of their waking hours. development of locomotion, and Berthier’s (1996) simulations
Movement itself is a form of perception because the of infants learning to reach. The models of Sporns and
proprioceptive and haptic senses are continuously receiving Edelman (1993; Almassy, Edelman, & Sporns, 1998) are
information, information that is perfectly coupled with implemented both on the computer and in an autonomous
information from the external senses such as vision and mobile robot. Indeed, there is considerable interest in the
hearing. Thus, movement is an integral part of the ensemble ‘‘developmental’’ aspects of such robots, and especially how
of all our experience, including the times when we are just perception and action work together to produce emergent
looking at something, because looking involves movements of adaptive behaviour (Pfeifer & Scheier, 1999).
the eyes, head, and neck. If, in the Piagetian sense, higher
cognition is built from sensorimotor experiences, then the Embodied cognition. There is a great need for studying the role
movement that occurs with those experiences is remembered of movement in so-called ‘‘higher’’ cognition—memory,
and recalled to the same degree as information from the other decision making, categorisation, and language. For example,
perceptual senses. Even as mental events become more Thelen, Smith, and colleagues have demonstrated the role of
abstracted from the immediacy of the senses with develop- body memory in a classic Piagetian task, the A-not-B error
ment, they never become fully disassociated from the (Smith, Thelen, Titzer, & McLin, 1998; Thelen et al., in
sensorimotor events that produced them (Edelman, 1987; press). They showed that when infants reach several times to
Thelen, 2000). Indeed the hallmark of a skilled person is the one of two targets, they build up a location memory of the
ability to process efŽciently both ‘‘online’’ and ‘‘ofine’’ and to target that also includes the feel of the arms and infants’
be able to switch between these modes as the situation postural set, and that these memories inuence further
demands. I have argued (Thelen, 2000; Thelen et al, in press) decisions to reach. This is a clear demonstration that move-
that this exibility demands that action and mental events be ment is not separate from remembering and deciding, which
encoded in the same dynamic language so that they can be are traditionally considered ‘‘cognitive’’ processes. These
tightly intermeshed, and that this encoding is there from the authors suggest that movement must be considered as part of
start. every task: What aspects of movements that accompany
everyday actions are remembered and encoded as part of the
task ensemble?
An agenda for the future: It is not just motor A very promising entry into this question lies in the area of
any longer speech and gesture. Infants produce interpretable gestures
many months before they speak, and of course, gestures are
Today, motor development is a robust Želd, with strong universal in older children and adults. Until recently, gestures
theoretical bases and empirical work of great sophistication. were considered as by-products of speech, or augmented
The continued strength of the Želd in the future. I believe, lies communication. Now the motor aspects of both gesture and
both in our abilities to pursue important issues within the Želd speech are being reconsidered, especially the deep coupling
and, at the same time, to tie motor development with advances between hand gestures and cognition. There is also consider-
in other, related disciplines. In this concluding section, I offer able evidence that control of hand and mouth are both
some thoughts about these future directions. phylogenetically and ontogenetically linked, and that indeed
language acts are profoundly embodied (Iverson & Thelen,
Multimodal perception and action. We have made great strides 1999).
in understanding the role of visual perception in the develop-
ment of reaching, posture, and locomotion. But, as I discussed Neural bases of motor skill development. The Želd of ‘‘develop-
above, experience is continually multimodal, including the mental cognitive neuroscience’’ is just coming into its own
perception of movement. Much less is known about how (e.g., Nelson, in press). Current neuroimaging and direct
infants and children use correlated information from multiple recording techniques are not well adapted to studying large
sources, especially in decisions to act (but see, for instance, movements in normal young human subjects. However,
Streri & Pêcheux, 1986). scientists have used other approaches to better understand
brain correlates of skill development. For example, several
Formal models and robotics. The processes involved in motor research programmes are following groups of infants, largely
development are excellent candidates for a variety of types of prematurely born, who have suffered well-characterised,
computational and dynamic models, as well as implementation perinatal brain lesions. Many show considerable recovery of
in robots. Modelling of any type offers the opportunity to think function while still others do not attain fully functional
more precisely about the phenomenon in question, and to outcomes (see review in Elman et al., 1996).
generate testable hypotheses about the processes involved. Such studies raise profound issues both about early
There is already considerable progress towards this end (see, plasticity and the effects of experience, but also about the old
for instance, Newell & Molenaar, 1998). Examples inspired ideas of localisation of function, because it is apparent that
explicitly by dynamic systems theory include Robertson’s when there is injury to one part of the brain, other areas can
(1993; Robertson, Cohen, & Mayer-Kress, 1993) dynamic assume needed functions. It is hoped that as collaborations
analysis of the time structure of fetal and infant movements, between neuroscientists and developmentalists increase, and

with inevitable technical advances, this exciting area of brain- References

behaviour interface will grow at a rapid pace.
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