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Second Year - Second Semester Examination – 2015

EN2219 – English Language Teaching Methodology II (Full Time/ Part Time)

Instructions for Candidates
Answer five (05) questions only
All questions carry equal marks Time : 3 Hours

Question 01

(i) Define the terms Error and Mistake (04 Marks)

(ii) Briefly explain the differences between errors and mistakes (04 Marks)

(iii) Explain four causes for language learner errors (12 Marks)

(Total 20 Marks)
Question 02

(i) What is Micro Teaching? (05 Marks)

(ii) List out five important Characteristics of Micro Teaching. (05 Marks)

(iii) Explain the stages of Micro Teaching. (10 Marks)

(Total 20 Marks)
Question 03

“All the vocabulary and language structures in the pupil’s text books are introduced and
practiced through activities to make the pupils learn the language meaningfully. When they
are active they will learn. Activity based learning is lively and enjoyable”

Explain 5 strategies to have a better approach to language classes.

(Total 20 Marks)

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Question 04

(i) What is the approach/ underlying principle of the secondary English material used in the
Sri Lankan government school system? (02 Marks)

(ii) Mention two teaching methodologies which can be sued in the secondary English
classrooms . (02 Marks)

(iii) Mention four objectives of teaching English in the secondary classroom. (08 Marks)

(iv) Explain the advantages of having a good lesson plan for a teacher before entering the
classroom. (08 Marks)

(Total 20 Marks)

Question 05

(i) What is teaching technique? (04 Marks)

(ii) Mention the importance of using teaching techniques in language classroom. (06 Marks)

(iii) Discuss the possible teaching techniques that could be applied in a language classroom
(10 Marks)

(Total 20 Marks)

Question 06

(i) Name the stages of a lesson plan (05 Marks)

(ii) Study the page given below from the grade five text book and prepare a suitable lesson
plan. (15 Marks)

Read and Match


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