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Legendary Armor (Requires Attunement Ritual)

Soul Binding Plate

uits of armor like these were designed to be
ideal transmutation vessels. A seal printed with
blood on the inside of the armor could easily
transfer a soul to a new body. For many, a
reasonable method for immortality had been
created, but at what cost?
Soul Stitching
By drawing a blood seal on the inside of this armor, your soul
is immediately torn from your body and trapped inside the
While your soul is within the armor, you can control the
individual pieces of the suit as if they were your own body
and perceive through a set of red orbs within the helmet.
Your original body still functions as normal, except that it no
longer needs to eat and lacks both sentience and
If either your new or old body die, both are considered to be
dead and the suit of armor becomes permanently
nonmagical. The soul within the armor will also be
permanently destroyed if this occurs. Nothing short of a wish
spell can revert this.
Armor Conversion
While attuned to this item, you're assumed to be proficient in
heavy armor and always wearing a set of plate armor. Along
with that, the following traits are always active:
Hollow: Any racial features your old body possesses no
longer apply to your new body.
Metallic Core: You are immune to poison damage, the
poisoned condition, all diseases, and exhaustion.
Size: Your size category is medium.
Endless: You can no longer breathe, eat, or sleep, and
don't need to in order to survive.
Construct: Your race is construct, and all healing you
receive is half of its original value, rounded down.
Sturdy: Your hit point maximum increases by an amount
equal to four times your level. Whenever you gain a level
thereafter, your hit point maximum increases by an
additional 4 hit points.
Built to Last: Any effects that would deal 6 damage or
less to you instead deal 0 damage.
Armor Repairs
Any creature skilled in crafting or repairing armor can fix
your damaged plate. You can benefit from a short or long rest
depending on the time spent repairing your armor.
A minimum of 1 hour is needed for a short rest, and a
minimum of 8 hours are needed for a long rest.
Very Rare Shield (Requires Attunement)

Black Rose

shield forged by the minions of an ancient green
dragon. Black Rose was stolen by an adventurer
years ago, which lead to the armor trading
countless hands since. This shield is one of the
only pieces of the Black Rose armor set known
to still exist.

Vampiric Gem
After you kill a hostile creature, the shield gains a gem. Gems
can be activated using an action, and only 5 gems can be
stored in the shield at any given time.
After expending gems, remove them from the shield and
choose one of the features below to activate.
Dragon's Poison (1 Gem)
The shield exhales poison in a 15-foot cone in front of itself.
Creatures within range must make a DC 11 Constitution
saving throw, taking 3d6 poison damage on a failed save, or
half as much damage on a successful one.
Health Drain (1 Gem)
You regain 2d4 hitpoints.
Toxic Rebuke (2 Gems)
The next creature that attempts to make a melee attack
against you within the next 10 minutes causes your shield to
expel a violent wave of toxic gas.
The attacker must make a DC 11 Constitution saving
throw. On a failed save, they instead spend their action
retching and reeling. Creatures that don't need to breathe or
are immune to poison automatically succeed on this saving
Static Sickness (5 Gems)
Every creature within 5 feet of you must make a DC 11
Strength save or be paralyzed until the start of your next turn.
Ancestral Shield

Hero's Shield

his shield was given to a legendary hero tasked
in defending the world from its darkest nights.
The hero has since vanished, but the shield
still remained, left dormant until another
worthy hero would re-claim it once more.

Ancestral Improvement
Ancestral items gain additional abilities as the wielder
attuned to them levels up.
Until level 5, the Hero's Shield functions as a normal shield.
Use the shield stat block to determine its armor statistics.
Turtle Shell
At level 5, The shield coats itself in a protective glossy shell,
gaining a +1 bonus to AC.
Airborne Shield
At level 7, as a bonus action, the shield can create a
duplicate version of itself within 60 feet of the wielder at a
location they can see.
The shield floats in the air to protect a single creature within
5 feet of itself, adding its AC to that character against a single
At the start of your next turn, the duplicate shield disappears
and cannot be used again until your next short rest.
Prison Shield
At level 10, the shield can cast Otiluke's Resilient Sphere
once per day. The spell save DC is equal to
your constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus.
Pure Fortress
At level 15, your body becomes as durable as your shield.
You gain advantage on all Constitution saving throws, and
immunity to the poisoned condition.

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