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Journal of Hazardous Materials 324 (2017) 94–99

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Nitrate-Mediated Microbially Enhanced Oil Recovery (N-MEOR) from

model upflow bioreactors
Fatma Gassara, Navreet Suri, Gerrit Voordouw ∗
Petroleum Microbiology Research Group, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta T2N 1N4, Canada

h i g h l i g h t s

• High oil production: high concentrations of electrons donor and electron acceptor.
• Best final oil production (36%): use of glucose and 80 mM nitrate.
• The production of oil from these bioreactors: N2 -CO2 gas and biosurfactant production.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Microbially Enhanced Oil Recovery (MEOR) can enhance oil production with less energy input and less
Received 29 July 2015 costs than other technologies. The present study used different aqueous electron donors (acetate, glu-
Received in revised form 2 December 2015 cose, molasses) and an aqueous electron acceptor (nitrate) to stimulate growth of heterotrophic nitrate
Accepted 20 December 2015
reducing bacteria (hNRB) to improve production of oil. Initial flooding of columns containing heavy oil
Available online 8 March 2016
(viscosity of 3400 cP at 20 ◦ C) with CSBK (Coleville synthetic brine medium) produced 0.5 pore volume
(PV) of oil. Bioreactors were then inoculated with hNRB with 5.8 g/L of molasses and 0, 10, 20, 40, 60 or
80 mM nitrate, as well as with 17 mM glucose or 57 mM acetate and 80 mM nitrate. During incubations
Microbially Enhanced Oil Recovery
Heterotrophic nitrate reducing bacteria
no oil was produced in the bioreactors that received 5.8 g/L of molasses and 0, 10, 20, 40 or 60 mM nitrate.
Molasses However, the bioreactors injected with 5.8 g/L of molasses, 17 mM glucose or 57 mM acetate and 80 mM
Glucose nitrate produced 13.9, 11.3 ± 3.1 and 17.8 ± 6.6% of residual oil, respectively. The significant production
acetate of oil from these bioreactors may be caused by N2 -CO2 gas production. Following continued injection
with CSBK without nitrate, subsequent elution of significant residual oil (5–30%) was observed. These
results also indicate possible involvement of fermentation products (organic acids, alcohols) to enhance
heavy oil recovery.
© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction and secondary phases of production. Production of both heavy and

light oils can also be limited by high interfacial tension between oil
Primary oil recovery uses the resident pressure of the reservoir and water, which results in high capillary forces that retain the oil
to produce oil. As this pressure dissipates, secondary oil flow to in small pores in the reservoir rock. These forces can be decreased
producing wells is achieved by injecting water to repressurize the by injection of chemical surfactants or by injecting alkali, which
reservoir. This eventually leads to breakthrough of injection water activates organic acids in the oil to act as surfactants. Extracting
and to an increasing ratio of produced water to produced oil. Once the maximum amount of oil from reservoirs through tertiary pro-
this ratio becomes too high tertiary production methods must be duction methods constitutes a major challenge to the oil industry
used. These can include Chemically Enhanced Oil Recovery (CEOR), [1–4].
in which surfactants, polymers, acids, gases or solvents are injected. Microbially Enhanced Oil Recovery (MEOR) is an alternative ter-
The target of these methods is to produce the 45–55% of residual oil tiary oil recovery technology in which microbial products (biomass,
in place (ROIP) that remains in the reservoir following the primary biopolymers, gases, acids, solvents, enzymes and surface-active
compounds) and activities (hydrocarbon degradation, plugging)
are used to improve the recovery of ROIP from depleted reser-
∗ Corresponding author. Fax: +1 403 289 9311.
voirs [1,5,6]. This technology typically uses either indigenous or
E-mail addresses: (F. Gassara),
injected microorganisms to produce useful products by ferment-
(N. Suri), (G. Voordouw). ing inexpensive raw materials such as molasses. It has the potential
0304-3894/© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
F. Gassara et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials 324 (2017) 94–99 95

to enhance oil production with the input of less energy as in ther-

mal processes and less expensive materials as in CEOR processes
[2–4,7]. Molasses is a cheap by-product of the refining of sugar-
cane into sugar that represents an excellent material used in MEOR
technology to promote microbial growth. MEOR can also involve
injection of nitrate, which serves as a high-potential electron accep-
tor stimulating the metabolic activity of the oil field microbial
community. This can lead to increased oil recovery through micro-
bial production of N2 and CO2 gas, production of biosurfactants or
the blockage of non-productive subsurface channels by biomass
formation [2–4,8].
Heavy oil remains in part due to its high viscosity, which lim-
its its mobility and prevents its production by the less viscous
injected water. Viscosity matching, in which water is amended
with polyacrylamide or other polymers is the major tertiary pro-
duction method used in Canada as in the Medicine Hat Glauconitic
C (MHGC) field near Medicine Hat, Alberta to increase production
of heavy oil. However, polyacrylamide is expensive and contains
the toxic monomer (acrylamide). In our study, we analyze a ter-
tiary production method based on the stimulation of the indigenous
microbial community with an aqueous electron acceptor (nitrate,
used also to control souring) and cheap and safe electron donors
like molasses, acetate and glucose. The potential of this strategy
was analyzed by using model sand-packed columns at low pressure
and ambient temperature.

2. Materials and methods

Fig. 1. Set of 6 up-flow sand-packed bioreactors subjected to CSBK medium flooding
(A) and schematic of setup for a single bioreactor (B).
2.1. Oil samples

Experiments were conducted with heavy oil from the Medicine that samples of the influent and effluent stream could be taken
Hat Glauconitic C (MHGC) field near Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada. for chemical analysis. The three-way valves were connected to
The MHGC field is a shallow (850 m), low-temperature (30 ◦ C) field 0.76 mm ID PVC tubing (Mandel Scientific) with the aid of steel fit-
from which heavy oil with an American Petroleum Institute (API) ting units (OCHS Laborbedarf). The influent tubing was connected
gravity of 12–18◦ and a viscosity of 3400 cP at 20 ◦ C is produced by to calibrated 0.5 mm ID PVC pump tubing with 1 mm OD steel con-
water injection. nectors (Mandel Scientific) and placed in the head of an 8-channel
peristaltic pump (Gilson Inc., Minipuls-3). Medium was pumped
2.2. Media and enrichment cultures from a sealed bottle containing anaerobic CSBK medium with a
N2 -CO2 headspace, replenished with a N2 -CO2 filled syringe. The
Enrichment cultures were grown in 120-mL serum bottles, effluent tubing was led into a perforated Falcon tube used to collect
containing 47.5 mL of sterile anaerobic CSBK medium containing the effluent (Fig. 1). Experiments were performed at room temper-
g/L: 1.5 NaCl, 0.05 KH2 PO4 , 0.32 NH4 Cl, 0.21CaCl2 ·2H2 O, 0.54 g ature (22 ◦ C) and low pressure (1 atm)
MgCl2 ·5H2 O, 0.1 KCl and 1 mL of trace elements [9] with either
0, 10, 20, 40 or 80 mM NaNO3 , 1 mL of MHGC oil, a headspace of 2.4. Effect of addition of water-soluble electron donors
90% (v/v) N2 and 10% CO2 (N2 -CO2 ) and additional electron donors
(either molasses, acetate or glucose), as described in Table 1. The For experiments on enhanced oil recovery, 30 mL plastic syringe
bottles were closed with butyl rubber stoppers and were inocu- sand-pack bioreactors were injected with CSBK medium under
lated with 2.5 mL of produced water (5PW) from the MHGC field upward flow conditions and weighed before and after water sat-
and incubated at 30 ◦ C. Inocula of 5% were sufficient for good nitrate uration to measure PV which ranged from 14 to 16 mL. The CSBK
reduction and good growth of hNRB. Samples from enrichment medium in the sand-pack bioreactorswas then replaced with heavy
cultures were taken periodically using N2 -CO2 flushed syringes oil. The Oil containing bioreactors were then eluted at a rate of
and used to measure nitrate and nitrite concentrations with high- 15 mL/day with anoxic CSBK using a peristaltic pump. The oil con-
pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). These enrichment cultures tent of the produced oil-water mixture was determined daily by
were used for inoculating bioreactors as described in the next sec- adding dichloromethane and measuring the optical density of the
tions. solvent layer with a spectrophotometer at 600 nm. Following injec-
tion of 15 PV of CSBK a total of 0.5 PV of oil was produced with
2.3. Bioreactor setup approximately 0.45 PV of oil remaining in the bioreactors. We refer
to this as stage 1. In stage 2 columns were injected with nitrate
Syringes (30 mL) without the piston were provided with a layer and with microbial cultures grown as indicated in Table 1. These
of glass wool and a layer of polymeric mesh and were then packed were transferred into 50 mL Falcon tubes, which were centrifuged
tightly with sand (Sigma–Aldrich, 50–70 mesh), followed by a top for 20 min at 13,000 rpm. The biomass pellet was then suspended
layer of glass wool as described previously by Callbeck et al. and in 0.5 PV of anoxic CSBK medium with 5.8 g/L of molasses (17 mM of
Gudi˜na et al. [10,11]. A rubber stopper perforated with a 1 mL glucose equivalents) and 0–80 mM sodium nitrate (experiment I),
syringe was used to seal the columns. Zip ties were used on the as well as with 17 mM glucose or 57 mM acetate and 80 mM sodium
outside to enhance the seal. Two Luer-Lock three-way valves were nitrate (experiment II) injected into the columns using the peri-
connected to the bottom syringe inlet and the needle outlet so staltic pump. The columns were then sealed at the top end, while
96 F. Gassara et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials 324 (2017) 94–99

Table 1
Summary of oil and water production in bioreactors following one cycle of incubation (stage 2), as well as following completion of the experiment (after stage 3). Density of
MHGC oil = 0.959 g/mL.a

Experiment I Bioreactor Molasses (g/L)b Nitrate (mM) Oil stage 2 (% ROIP) Oil final production (% ROIP)

Bio I1 5.8 0 0 15.1

Bio I2 5.8 10 0 5.8
Bio I3 5.8 20 0 5.2
Bio I4 5.8 40 0.17 6.8
Bio I5 5.8 60 0 11.5
Bio I6 5.8 80 14.4 16.9

Experiment II Bioreactor Electron donor (mM) Nitrate (mM) Oil stage 2 (% ROIP) Oil final production (% ROIP)

Bio II1 Acetate (57) 80 14.4 21.6

Bio II2 Acetate (57) 80 8.2 14.3
Bio II3 Glucose (17) 80 24.4 41.1
Bio II4 Glucose (17) 80 11.2 31.0
This table was modified from Table S2 of Ref. [17].
Molasses at 5.8 g/L corresponds to 17 mM of glucose equivalent.

the bottom ends were attached to 60 mL vials through 18 G effluent molasses: 17 mM of glucose equivalents
57 mM acetate
port needles. Vials were changed regularly to measure produced 105 17 mM glucose

Reduction (%)
water and oil over 14 days (stage 2) when no further fluid produc- 100
tion was observed. Following incubation, flow of CSBK medium at 95
1 PV/day was resumed in stage 3. Oil and water production were 90
measured throughout the procedure. Concentrations of nitrate and
nitrite in the aqueous phase were measured by HPLC.
0 10 20 40 60 80
Nitrate concentration (mM)

2.5. Chemical analysis Fig. 2. Concentrations of nitrate (mM) in the 47.5 mL aqueous phase and in
enrichment cultures used for experiments I and II, as indicated. The percentage
1 mL of the bioreactor effluent was transferred to a microfuge (%) reduction of nitrate achieved at the end of the incubation is indicated. This
tube and centrifuged at 13,000 rpm for 5 min to remove oil and was calculated as % of reduction = (nitrite concentration/initial nitrate concentra-
tion) × 40% + ((initial nitrate concentration − residual nitrate concentration − nitrite
biomass and clear fluid was transferred to a clean tube and then
concentration)/initial nitrate concentration) × 100%.
used for nitrate and nitrite assay. Nitrite and nitrate were detected
using high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) using a UV
detector (Gilson, USA) as sescribed by Callbeck et al. [10]. 3. Results and discussion

3.1. Effect of molasses on heavy oil recovery using

microorganisms at low pressure conditions: experiment I
2.6. Oil emulsification
In order to enhance oil recovery using an aqueous electron
Effluents from low-pressure bioreactors used in experiment II donor, we tested the effect of 5.8 g/L of molasses (17 mM of glucose
were centrifuged at 13,000 rpm for 5 min. 2 mL of clear fluid was equivalent) with 0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80 mM of nitrate. Note that in the
added to 2 mL of toluene. After mixing toluene and the supernatant absence of nitrate we expect fermentation of sucrose to organic
by vortexing for 2 min, and leaving to stand for 24 h, the emulsifi- acids and/or alcohols, whereas in the presence of nitrate hNRB
cation index E24 (%) was calculated, as indicated below. A higher activity will increase production of N2 and CO2 . In stage 2 incu-
E24 indicates the potential presence of a higher concentration of bations, no oil was produced in bioreactors Bio I1 to Bio I5 (Fig. 3).
biosurfactant. However, Bio I6 injected with 80 mM nitrate produced 0.96 mL of
E24 (%) = ((height of emulsified layer, mm)/total height of the oil (14.4% of ROIP). Following continued injection with CSBK with-
liquid column, mm) × 100 out nitrate, significant elution of oil was observed in all bioreactors
following stage 3: 15.1, 5.8, 5.2, 6.8, 11.5 and 16.9% of ROIP in
Bio I1 to Bio I6, respectively (Table 1). These results indicate possi-
ble involvement of fermentation products (organic acids, alcohols
2.7. Surface tension measurement and biosurfactant) but not gases in oil production in Bio I1, whereas
the significant production of oil from Bio I6 in stage 2 may be caused
Surface tension is the elastic tendency of liquids, which makes by N2 -CO2 gas production. Microbial gases produced can swell oil
them acquire the smallest possible surface area. Separation of by decreasing its density and increasing its volume and thus facil-
oil and water is caused by interfacial tension between immisci- itate oil displacement [13]. However, the lower oil production in
ble liquids. The presence of a surfactant decreases surface tension Bio I2 to Bio I4 could be due to the lower gas and biosurfactant
(interfacial tension), which permits stability of minute droplets of production. Hence, different mechanisms may have contributed to
oil in the bulk of water (or vice versa), especially when the polar additional oil production from molasses at different nitrate con-
head groups of the surfactant are charged. The surface tension of centrations of 0–80 mM. Li et al. [4] showed that the injection of
the same supernatants obtained in 2.6 was determined according to nutrients (7 g/L of nitrate and 14 g/L of molasses) in an oil field
the ring method (as described by Gudi˜na et al. [11]) using a fully increased the abundance of microorganisms, particularly biosur-
automatic surface tension analyser (Fisher Autotensiomat model factant producers such as Pseudomonas, Alcaligenes, Rhodococcus,
215, Fisher Scientific Company, USA). and Rhizobium. Furthermore, the density of these microorganisms
F. Gassara et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials 324 (2017) 94–99 97

was closely related to the incremental oil production [4]. Oil emul-
sification and changes in the fluid-production profile were also
observed [4]. Hence, the additional oil produced from bioreactors
amended with high nitrate concentration (80 mM) and 17 mM of
molasses is probably due to an increase in microorganisms able to
grow and produce metabolites, especially gases and biosurfactants.

3.2. Effect of acetate and glucose on heavy oil recovery using

microorganisms at low pressure conditions: experiment II

In experiment II, we compared the effect of addition of 57 mM

acetate or 17 mM glucose, together with 80 mM nitrate in the
presence of hNRB cultures grown on these same electron donors
(Fig. 2). Duplicate stage 2 incubations led to production of 11.3 ± 3.1
and 17.8 ± 6.6 of ROIP, respectively. Almost complete reduction of
nitrate and of the intermediate nitrite was observed during all stage
2 incubations (Fig. 4). Hence, these results indicated similar effec-
tiveness of aqueous electron donors (molasses, acetate, glucose)
under conditions where all nitrate was reduced with formation of
similar amounts of N2 -CO2 driving oil from the bioreactors. Follow-
ing stage 3, continued injection with CSBK without nitrate, the final
oil production in the two duplicate sets of bioreactors containing
either acetate or glucose was: 17.9 ± 3.7 and 36.1 ± 5.0% of ROIP,
Hence, additional oil can be produced from bioreactors injected
with high concentrations of nitrate, and a water-soluble electron
donor, which is readily used by hNRB (e.g., acetate, molasses or
glucose). Oil production in low-pressure bioreactors was observed Fig. 3. Oil production in low pressure bioreactors in experiments I (top) and II (bot-
during stage 2 incubation, when the bottom of the bioreactor was tom). The production of oil in PV is plotted against volume of produced fluids (PV)
flooded through the column. Stage 2 incubation was for 14 days. The numbers in
connected to the anaerobic atmosphere of a serum bottle through
brackets are concentrations in mM. For molasses, this is mM of glucose equivalents.
a syringe needle and during subsequent injection of more CSBK in
stage 3. This oil production was higher and faster than observed
by Kryachko and Voordouw [12]. In their experimental set up concentration of molasses (17 mM of glucose equivalents) stage 2
vials were connected to syringe needles at the top of the biore- production of oil was only observed with 80 mM nitrate, not with
actors, causing oil, water and produced gas to all move in the 10, 20 or 40 mM nitrate (Fig. 3). The mechanism of oil production
same direction (upwards). Maximum oil production in this system during stage 2 incubations of low-pressure bioreactors was likely
was 2.06 mL after 341 days of incubation in bioreactors injected the result of N2 -CO2 production (Fig. 6).
with nitrate. However, in our current setup in which produced oil
and water moved downwards being displaced by gas that moved 3.3. Surface tension and emulsification index measurement
upwards, up to 1.8 mL of additional oil was obtained after 1 cycle (14
days) of incubation. Significant oil production in stage 2 appeared In order to further define the mechanism involved in enhanced
to require high concentrations of both electron donor and acceptor. oil recovery at low pressure and low temperature conditions
Lower concentrations of electron acceptor gave less oil production. (Fig. 6), we measured the E24 and the surface tension for the efflu-
The decrease appeared to be non-linear in the case of a constant ents collected from the bioreactors at the start of stage 3. As shown

90 Nitrate, Acetate (80, 57.2) 20 Nitrate, Acetate (80, 57.2)

80 Nitrate, Acetate (80, 57.2) 18 Nitrate, Acetate (80, 57.2)

Nitrate, Glucose (80, 17) 16 Nitrate, Glucose (80, 17)

Nitrate, Glucose (80, 17) Nitrate, Glucose (80, 17)
60 Stage1 Stage 3
Nitrate (mM)

Nitrite (mM)

40 Stage3 Stage2
10 2

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
Days Days

Fig. 4. Nitrate and nitrite concentrations in the effluents from low pressure bioreactors in experiment II. The nitrate and nitrite concentrations are plotted against time in
98 F. Gassara et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials 324 (2017) 94–99

70 Emulsificaon index (%) Surface tension (mN/m) 70

60 60

Surface tension
50 50

E24 (%)
40 40

30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0
Nitrate, Acetate Nitrate, Acetate Nitrate, Glucose Nitrate, Glucose
(80, 57.2) (80, 57.2) (80, 17) (80, 17)

Fig. 5. Emulsification index (E24 , left scale) and surface tension (right scale) of effluents from low pressure bioreactors Bio II1 to Bio II4. The effluents were collected
immediately following stage 2 incubations.

and CO2 production that displaced the oil from the columns [10].
Oxidation of 16.6 mM of glucose to CO2 and H2 O requires 80 mM
of nitrate in the aqueous phase (Eq. (1)) and oxidation of 50 mM of
acetate to CO2 and H2 O requires 80 mM of nitrate (Eq. (2)):

4C6 H12 O6 + NO3 − + 4.8 H+ → 6CO2 + 2.4 N2 + 8.4 H2 O (1)

− − +
CH3 COO + 8NO3 + 13 H → 10CO2 + 4 N2 + 14 H2 O (2)

Pseudomonas is one of the most widely studied oil degraders

and rhamnolipid producers [16]. Rizobium and Rhodococcus are
also capable of utilizing saturated hydrocarbons and producing
biosurfactants [4]. These microorganisms and their metabolites
are always found in the oil field environment, and play impor-
tant roles in the MEOR process and their abundance increases
with the injection of nutrients [4]. The injection of molasses or
acetate or glucose and nitrate could enhance the abundance of
biosurfactant producers that could explain the oil emulsification
during oil production from our sand-packed columns. The for-
mation of oil-in-water microemulsions, which could improve the
Fig. 6. A schematic suggesting the overall mechanism of MEOR by nitrate reduction.
mobilization of entrapped oil, is one of the main mechanisms
in Fig. 5, the effluents from the glucose-amended bioreactors gave of MEOR [4] and is likely the main mechanism involved in this
a significantly higher emulsification index (average E24 = 38%) than study. The community composition of the effluents coming from
that given with the effluent from the acetate-amended bioreac- these bioreactors amended with acetate or molasses or glucose
tors (average E24 = 1.5%). The values of the surface tension obtained should be investigated in order to better understand the mecha-
for effluents from glucose- and acetate-amended bioreactors were nism involved to obtain this significant oil recovery. Community
more similar with averages of 55 and 64.5 mN/m, respectively. The analysis of enrichments with acetate glucose and molasses has
higher emulsification index and lower surface tension is correlated indicated the presence of Thauera (3.5, 3.5 and 10.8%, respectively)
with more potential biosurfactant production and more oil recov- and of Pseudomonas (2.5, 80.7 and 8.1%, respectively) as indicated
ery. In this study, the final oil production in the two duplicate sets elsewhere [17].
of bioreactors containing either acetate or glucose was: 17.9 ± 3.7
and 36.1 ± 5.0% of ROIP, respectively. Hence, the injection of glu- 4. Conclusion
cose in the sand-packed columns decreased the surface tension of
the effluent and increased the emulsification index and oil recov- The potential of different aqueous electron donors (acetate,
ery as compared to acetate. It is known that microorganisms can aid glucose molasses) and an aqueous electron acceptor (nitrate) to
MEOR by increasing the emulsification, altering wettability, chang- stimulate growth of heterotrophic nitrate reducing bacteria (hNRB)
ing preferential flow pattern, producing gas, biomass plugging under low pressure and low temperature conditions to improve
and/or reducing oil viscosity [12,14]. However, recent studies have tertiary production of oil was tested in this study. The results of
demonstrated that among these mechanisms, emulsification and this study showed that significant oil production during incuba-
wettability alteration are the main contributors to the MEOR pro- tion with hNRB (stage 2) appeared to require high concentrations
cess [14,15]. Significant oil recovery in these cases was attributed of both electron donor (17 mM glucose or 57 mM acetate or 17 mM
to biosurfactant’s capacity to alter wettability which aids mobiliza- of glucose equivalents as molasses) and acceptor (80 mM nitrate).
tion of the entrapped residual oil [12,14]. Hence, the significant oil Lower concentrations of nitrate gave less oil production. The
recovery observed with the injection of glucose could be attributed decrease appeared to be non-linear in the case of a constant concen-
to a significant production of biosurfactant. tration of molasses (“17 mM”). Stage 2 production of oil was only
The injection of molasses, acetate or glucose and nitrate observed with 80 mM nitrate, not with 10, 20 or 40 mM nitrate.
enhanced the abundance of hNRB such as Pseudomonas and Thauera The mechanism of oil production during stage 2 incubations of
that contributed to oil production during stage 2 incubation by N2 low-pressure bioreactors is likely a result of N2 -CO2 production.
F. Gassara et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials 324 (2017) 94–99 99

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