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Table Of Content
Definition and Characteristics of Quantitative Research

Strengths and Weaknesses of Quantitative Research

Types of Quantitative Research

Importance of Quantitative Research

Kinds of Variables and Their Uses

Design a Research Useful in Daily Life

What is it?
Quantitative research is a systematic investigation of
observable phenomena where the researcher gathers
numerical (quantitative) data and subjects them to
statistical methods. The method of research is highly
deductive as it uses data to test hypotheses and theories.
Quantitative research uses statistical methods to present
and interpret the data gathered by the researcher
(Babbie, 2010).

The main goals of quantitative research are to test
hypotheses, explore causal relationships, make
30 prediction and generalize the findings within a
population. Compared to qualitative research,
quantitative typically uses larger samples (or sets of
respondents of the study), and primarily utilizes
probability sampling. This type of sampling is highly
10 randomized. Because of this, quantitative research is
often said exhibit a lower level of subjectivity and a
higher level rate of generalizability (Palmer, 2019).
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Quantitative research as emphasized by Vanderstoep
and Johnston (2009) is used to get answers in numerical
30 form. The output is usually in the form of graphs,
statistical data, tables, and percentages, etc. The
purpose of using quantitative research is to make use of
mathematical and statistical models to establish an
understanding of the problem of research. The outcome
10 of quantitative research is analyzed with the help of
statistics to get unbiased results. The results of
quantitative research can be generalized because it is
0 conducted on a large population size.
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The Characteristics
Quantitative research is a popular choice of research,
especially in industries. As companies want to know about
the demand for the product in the market and preference
of customers before making huge investments. With the
help of quantitative research, one can learn about the
wishes and needs of target groups (Creswell, 2002).
Large Sample Size
The sample size used represents the
whole target market or population.

Structured Research Methods

In-depth information about the preferen-
ces of the respondents can be drawn.

The Characteristics
The following are different characteristics of Highly Reliable Outcome
quantitative research (Babbie, 2010): It is used for industrial research
purposes because of its reliability.
Close-ended Questions
Close-ended question’s answers are
more specific and right to the question.

Numerical Outcome
It is easy to read, understand, and is easy
to deduce a conclusion than a detailed

Generalization of Outcome
A decision can be taken for the entire
The Characteristics population based on the outcome of the
sample population.
The following are different characteristics of
quantitative research (Babbie, 2010): Clearly Defined Research Questions
It requires objective answer and helps the
researcher to focus their works towards
accepting or rejecting hypothesis.
Strengths and Weaknesses
Planning and performing the essential parts of conducting
quantitative research is very crucial. In gathering and
analyzing data, you could experience circumstances that
are beyond your control. In order to minimize false
conclusion, you need to consider standard processes in
conducting the study Baracenos (2016).
Though we consider quantitative research as one of the
reliable approaches to conduct a study, we also need to
learn its limitations in order to maximize its effectiveness.
It is generalizable.
This can approximately represent a
wider population because of its greater
number of respondents.

It is objective.
The use of systematic and mathematical
procedures in summarizing and analyzing the
data is scientifically accurate and rational.

The Strengths
According to Palmer (2019), the following are It can be replicated.
Repetition of study in other location and
the strengths and weaknesses of employing different set of respondents is allowed and it
quantitative research: can be compared with its related studies.
It can process faster data analysis.
The use of statistical software can
summarize information and can compare
across categories in a short period of time.

It can test hypotheses.

The statistical analysis is capable of
testing significant relationship, difference
and effect.

The Strengths
According to Palmer (2019), the following are It is unbiased.
Gathering of data preferred random
the strengths and weaknesses of employing sampling which keeps distances from the
quantitative research: respondents.
Miss some circumstantial or contextual facts.
In data collection, the researcher cannot explain the
meaning of the questions for the respondents as much
as the respondents cannot explain their answers.

Fixed structure may lead to its inflexibility

process of discovery.
The study is designed first before it is conducted which
makes its procedures fixed that leads to limited info.

Can lead to structural bias and

false representation.

The Weaknesses
Researcher may define more personalized and standard
questions instead of the respondents’ reflection.

According to Palmer (2019), the following are

the strengths and weaknesses of employing It is costly.
quantitative research: Due to very large sample, the expenses will be
greater in reaching out to these people and in
reproducing the questionnaires.
The Different Types
To be able to achieve a significant research output, it is
essential that a researcher must identify the specific type
of quantitative research appropriate to his/her study. Like
building a house, it needs to have a masterplan or a
blueprint to follow.
There are several approaches used in conducting a
quantitative research studies. These approaches may fall
into two (2) categories classified as non-experimental and
experimental research designs.
Non-experimental Research Designs
It embodies a group of techniques used to conduct
quantitative research where there is no manipulation done
to any variable in the study. In other words, variables are
measured as they occur naturally, without interference of
any kind. This lack of manipulation may exist because the
variable was naturally “manipulated” before the study
began or because it is not possible, or feasible, to
manipulate a particular variable (Mertler, 2014).

01 Descriptive 02 Comparative 03 Correlation

Its purpose is to describe, and Involves comparing and contrasting Its purpose is to discover, and then
interpret, the current status of two or more groups of the study possibly measure, relationships
individuals, settings, conditions, or subjects based on a particular between two or more variables. From a
events (Mertler, 2014). The dependent variable. It compares research perspective, relationship
researcher is simply studying the two or more distinct groups on the means that one's status on one variable
tends to reflect his or her status on
phenomenon of interest as it exists basis of selected attributes such as another variable. In education, it seeks
naturally; no manipulation to the knowledge level, perceptions and out traits, abilities, or conditions that
individuals, conditions, or events. attitudes and others. co-relate, with each other.
Experimental Research Designs
It is a group of techniques where the researcher
establishes different treatments or conditions and then
studies their effects on the participants. It is because of
this ability to manipulate the treatment conditions and
control for many extraneous factors that experimental
studies are the most conclusive of all research designs.

01 True Experimental
02 Quasi-experimental

It shares one important characteristic in common: It comes close to true experiments; however, there
They all involve the random assignment of is still no random assignment of the participants to
participants to treatment conditions (Gay et al., groups, which weakens the ability to control for
2009). Random assignment is one of the most extraneous influences.
powerful techniques for controlling for extraneous
threats to validity (Fraenkel et al., 2012).
Furthermore, samples are also randomly selected
before they are randomly assigned.
Its Importance Across Fields
People do research to find solutions, even tentative ones
to problems, in order to improve or enhance ways of doing
things, to disprove or provide a new hypothesis or simply to
find answers to questions or solutions in daily life.
Quantitative research has an undeniable impact on the
different aspects of society. The findings of a particular
quantitative study can influence crucial decisions
affecting different organizations and individuals (Barrot,
Kinds of Variable and Their Uses
Variable is anything that changes (Shukla, 2018). Simply it is a
characteristic that vary from one person to person, text to text,
or object to object. A height differs from person to person and
changes as the person grows. Temperature varies as well
depending on the weather condition and country of origin.
Objects around us vary in so many aspects—color, size, and
shape. These are all examples of variables--the characteristics
that a person, object or situation possesses that may vary as
they change. In other words, as a person changes, the
characteristics he/she possesses also change. Likewise, as an
object or a situation changes, the characteristics it possesses
also change.

40 Independent Variable
Independent Variable refers to the one
30 that may cause the results. The variable
that the researcher analyzes is likely the
20 change agent for one or more other
variables. There are two classifications of
10 Independent Variable: Active
Independent Variable and Assigned
Independent Variable.
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40 Dependent Variable
Dependent Variable refers to those
30 variables that change as an effect of the
changes brought by the other variable.
20 This is the variable that is affected by the
independent variable.

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Designing a Research Useful to Daily Life
Planning is the first step in doing research, and it is an
essential part that a researcher must consider. Using one's
interest in designing research is a starting point in the
topic selection that will lead to choosing appropriate
topics to research. The researcher must dig deeply from
his area of interest to bring out the idea on what topic to
select that can be useful in daily life. It is said that without
a conceptually sound beginning, middle and end of any
process is scrambled or disorganized (McKenna &
McKenna, 2000).
Area of Interest
Choose a topic that is interesting to you
by considering your possible likes and

Timeliness and Relevance

The research interest is timely and is
related to the present issues that the
society is facing.

Designing a Research
The following are the things you should Clear and Specific Goals
Specific refers to the degree to
which your research topic is focused.
Your preference must be a topic that
can be useful in daily life. You will not
limit yourself to your “wants” and “likes”.

Availability of Information
In choosing a research topic, visit your
library and other sources of information to
check the availability of reading materials.

Designing a Research
The following are the things you should

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