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(Chavacteristics k TAGACOENINE => vate = k CrucleynieILelectropied + CORUERREY Mechanisiy (bond making + breaking im 4 step) # exothermic -. taty TS Clooks Lite t) aworeting to Vammonds Posulate ‘Sharky mata Pa — central carbon is sp €| =m Vaghvidi eal yn TSP 2. 4 backside atta ie SAVES RE OR + StRSSREMNEMINRNY = geacvartes only 1 stereorsormer * OMD= elecerons on nueteaphite (ex: lone pair en Non sf oewital) LUMO > G*C-LG (ex: OF C-BA (Notes alout Rates 4 better leaving goug =Suster =LG ability * down a cotumn (2% BM>cPo Pd (stave cw) - LG ability f acres a vous ( FOr POH rath 7S) CEN ~ LG ability * w/ resonance ( SoS tHs > AL ey, > Coc» = neutral LO > chamed LO T steac vinderany = suee =e chart for speufigs suf no mn rings S y-slow wi 364 membte ving Cring strain. in TS*) — LG mut be oval for Nu to attack nucltophile trends — Negatively charged 7 newtrad ( POH > V0) = VEN = t nuuephiaty (CNH, > COW) €¥ across @ vow — HSS batkty (stente hiinderana) = T nucleo : —¥eidowen column =i neuteal, move i Polari aahle = nnore nucteoplilve © SY column = ‘ruclto. (Set > HOE) FF negatively craved, more basic = more nuiteo. F> 2°) spsolverrt effects = signitteant w/ sharged nudlto pile = polar re mre foivents column = tructuopriverty (17 Ber CP? F), re AX dense changes + wy nusieoprie ousity)) —pelar apvotic solvents: t column T nucleo pniieiey (F6, 70 polar APOC BEE eSu2 Cin general) 4 CFF rar: Chravartaictss 1 ordee, unimoleulad > cete =e Celectophite} Las crnangiag Nuikoprie has YO eHact on rate F radLinic mixture of pre ducts © L steps: ' VLG leaves RDS) > endothermic -- late TS w 2. Na attacks -> exotitenmic __s EMO analysis ae WOMO= elections on Nix (ex: Lote pair on A) spt ovtiald LWHO= C2» orbital (aways) ye a — * ren Goov. INNotes about Poles! amore Stectally hindered Hi euecbophiles slow competing &as2 rons sk more substituted elecbopnites = stabi cartoartien beter (tint yperconyugatio ah vate He 4 rm 4 a2 se resonance vol cartncation + stabiliation = t wate EN eamunfgnups on COL vate wie destabti2ing. % polar protic solvent better ble Stabitee ¢® #18 order, unimoleantir > vert 2 steps 1. LG teaves CROSS > endothermic . (ate TS 2. elimination : deprotonate to form Cee vond —> exothermic pk oF CH next to carbocation “ ~~3 (compnved 1 usual pea=5°) KCelectopnite) Ae <7, af oe «To peter El over Sul: = etmovt ali potential utlopniles = tte. = Wt electoplile that witl produce mort sustituted albente ¥ Zaitees rule: Small bases result im the more Stale (more supseated§ altene) aS tHe major product Suto npeconugationn Geransy 3) > oe > po Ely nhs Aramatny fens 2 > tetabtivid §——DMsub. pronosee, 2" order, moleular > rate= ‘eLelectroprite] Coan} * Concerted mechanism = ckeprotonactinn, tremation of CC, Le Vanes at same tine & Stertospecitic. -entthermic 5 * requires Hand LG 0 be auntiperiplanar > one another oo cjA.. | op AE WALG mtit both be mae GPT =/ axial ‘unt per aay 9) # MO analysis: HOMO = T CH (alway) UMD = OF eLG (ex: O*-B> & Hotmann's rule big, bulky, bases vesuit in the less ‘Stoalde, oo he ye Any + ide “eo te 5 (Wk) itn diioperylemite [ (04) less substeteted attone, ° ; ‘ et y wda, NE&t “Oy weirs op Seng oa Hite. imetieyl TRE ey me nite (oMED M505 e we SB yt Wen “CHs hy hrexamety prosper “ta awnide (WAPAY HO-tHs HOS tho meth qtrano\ water CAAT ally = # Our be: mor seat EB cA be frmed (exe HV Rywnainnes Ra eae ving Sain (345 manber ving) by expanding oceur hy: 1.2 Wydnde shite (Faster) LD alkyl shi#t (Slower but betéer i ring expanding) sa ule eke: ye state A . pease aK, CB = Oo wy ca aa ¥ @) iF preiented w! oppor tunity to do both Give adnove3, do ving expansion Frese (gree) ¥ 40 CHUCK for SHIFHY, look act carnons adjacent to CO, is there at Ht or Ay! gene that can wrove whith will create a more stake Ch? Teo tc ~ rachel pou | se [| foe [oe |e | : ~ ¥5See deasion tee wp ex: Bre Tn pretecture ule 4 for w diferent rep. ob information aot Wp ee er Nig

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