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Heimler’s History Ultimate Review Packet APUSH 2020- Unit 9 (1980-present) Guided Notes

Question Notes Key Terms/Evidence

Reagan and Conservatism

Many Americans, especially conservatives affirmative action

suburban whites, had become wary of
Great Society initiatives and the growth of
Describe the emergence government responsibility and called for the
of The New Right. What slashing of numerous programs to limit
role did religion play in government spending. At the same time, Moral Majority
this development? the fusion of Christian values and the Roe v Wade
Republican Party occurred in the 1970s, Right to Life
especially surrounding the issue of

Former Governor of California (and

Hollywood actor), Reagan campaigned on
Describe the presidential the conservative values of the New Right,
and congressional winning the presidency in 1980. With the
elections of 1980. Moral Majority’s help, Republicans also
established a majority in the Senate for the
first time in almost 30 years.

Nicknamed Reaganomics, his policy held

that greater tax cuts for investors and supply-side economics
entrepreneurs would encourage saving and Economic Recovery Act
What was Reagan’s investment, thus producing economic
economic platform? benefits that would reach every level of the “trickle down” theory
economy. This directly rejected the
decades of adherence to stimulatory
practices of Keynesian economics. New Deal/Great Society

Welfare programs furthered by the New Social Security, Food

What programs did Deal and Great Society initiatives were cut Stamps, Medicaid, and
Reagan decrease and or significantly defunded. At the same time, federal education
increase funding to? in the midst of the Cold War, military
funding was drastically increased. $150 billion

He appointed 3 conservative judges, Sandra Day O’Connor

What impact did Reagan
including the first female Supreme Court Antonin Scalia
have on the Supreme
justice, that would influence decisions for Anthony Kennedy

End of the Cold War

Heimler’s History Ultimate Review Packet APUSH 2020- Unit 9 (1980-present) Guided Notes

The US supported anti-communist Contras Sandinistas

in Nicaragua with profits from the illegal
What was the Iran-Contra
sale of arms to Iran. This resulted in
controversy, as it circumvented Congress’s
oversight of the federal budget.

Part of the Cold War arms race, the SDI was “Star Wars”
What was the Strategic the buildup of advanced laser-based weapons
Defense Initiative? systems that could shoot down enemy missiles
from space.

Soviet reforms under Gorbachev’s glasnost

leadership led to new common ground perestroika
between the rivals and was the impetus Intermediate-Range
How did the diplomatic
behind signing disarmament treaties. Nuclear Forces Treaty
relationship with the
Reagan kept the pressure on as START I
USSR change during the
Gorbachev’s reforms eventually led to the “Tear down this wall!”
collapse of Soviet rule as independence
movements emerged throughout the Parade of Sovereignties
USSR. George H.W. Bush

A Changing Economy

Technological advancements in digital

communications like the internet and email
What factors led to expanded the reach of the American economy.
increased economic Continued mechanization increased production
activity? and profits, despite rising unemployment in the
late 80s and early 90s along with stagnant

Mobile access to the internet, via cell

What impact did phones, created the occasion for constant
technology have on connection across the country and world.
society? Social media platforms even changed what Facebook, Twitter, etc.
those connections look like.

Migration and Immigration

Which regions attracted The South and West due to their growing
the most immigration economic opportunities and their proximity
during the 1990s and to Mexico and Latin America, in general.
2000s? From where?

A new, fairer process for entry into America Immigration Reform and
What kind of immigration was established in 1986, even granting Control act
reforms were passed? amnesty for some people who had
previously immigrated illegally.
Heimler’s History Ultimate Review Packet APUSH 2020- Unit 9 (1980-present) Guided Notes

Nativist resentment of Latino-Americans

and immigrants arose, citing the
What was the response
competition for jobs as the major frustration
to increased immigration
(remember the Irish?). Still, immigration
during this period?
contributed to significant economic growth
throughout this period.

Challenges of the 21st Century

The declaration of a “Global War on Terror” Osama bin Laden and

led to increased US military intervention al-Qaeda
Describe the effects of across the world, especially in the Middle Afghanistan and Taliban
the 9/11 attacks. East. Heightened national security
concerns also led to increased surveillance Dept. of Homeland Sec.
measures and Islamophobia. Patriot Act

Global warming had long been a significant

concern for over a half century but the
increased dependence on fossil fuels was Al Gore
Describe environmental
more deeply correlated with climate “An Inconvenient Truth”
concerns in this period.
change. This led to calls for alternative
energy sources and the “go green”

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