Lab Report 5

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Power System Analysis

Lab Report 5
Shaheer Ahmed Qureshi
Pakistan Institute of Engineering And Applied Science
Department of Electrical Engineering
LAB INSTRUCTOR: Sir Bilal Nadeem

Per unit system of measurements in Power Systems ZB = (VB2 )/SB (2)

The phase and line quantities expressed in per-unit are the
same, and the circuit laws are valid, i.e.
Spu = Vpu Ipu (3)
The major goal of this lab exercise is to see how using Vpu = Zpu Ipu (4)
a per-unit system of measurements makes it easier to solve
circuits using transformers. By establishing base quantities
on one side and obtaining the per-unit values of all circuit III. TASK 1
quantities in relation to these base quantities on the other, the
per-unit system takes on the task of addressing complex issues. A. Statement
All of the laboratory tasks were completed satisfactorily. The
Consider Figure 1.1, which shows a single-phase power
results are described in the lab report’s discussion section.
system with a generator supplying electricity to a load with
II. I NTRODUCTION impedance Zload over a transmission line with impedance
Zline. To determine load voltage and transmission line losses,
A. Objectives
write a MATLAB function.
• To learn how transformers in power systems reduce line
• To learn how per unit system of measurements simplifies
solving circuits containing transformers.
B. Theory
Physical quantities like as power, voltage, current, and
impedance are stated as decimal fractions or multiples of base
values in per-unit systems. Different voltage levels vanish in
this system, and a power network consisting of generators,
transformers, and wires (of various voltage levels) is reduced Fig. 1. Task 1 Circuit Diagram
to a system of simple impedances. Any quantity’s per-unit
value is defined as
Quantity in per unit= ActualQuantity/BaseQuantity
For example, B. MATLAB Code
Spu = S/SB , Vpu = V /VB , Ipu = I/IB , Zpu = Z/ZB
The numerators (actual values) are always real numbers, while v=480;
the denominators (base values) are always phasor quantities or zl ine = 0.18 + 1i ∗ 0.24;
complex values. A per-unit system must have a minimum of zl oad = 4 + 1i ∗ 3;
four basic values to be fully defined: volt-ampere, voltage, Rl ine = 0.18;
current, and impedance. The three-phase base volt-ampere is z = zl ine + zl oad;
usually SB or M V AB and the line-to-line base voltage VB or Il ine = v/z;
kVB are selected. Base current and base impedance are then magni = abs(Il ine);
dependent on SB or VB and must obey the circuit laws. These vl oad = Il ine ∗ zl oad;
are given by pl oss = magni ∗ magni ∗ Rl ine;
ZB = VB /30.5 IB (1) disp([′ LoadV oltage =′ , num2str(vl oad)]);
The base impedance becomes disp([′ T ransmissionLineLosses =′ , num2str(pl oss)]);
disp([′ T ransmissionLine
Losses(N ew) =′ , num2str(pl ossn ew)]);
C. Results

Fig. 2. Results of Task 1

C. Results
A. Statement Fig. 4. Results of Task 2
b. Assume a step-up transformer with a turn ratio of 1:10
and a step-down transformer with a turn ratio of 10:1 are
installed at the generator and load ends of the line, respectively V. TASK 3
(See Figure 1.2). Calculate the load voltage and transmission A. Statement
line losses for the new setup using MATLAB code. Define the basic amounts for each part of Figure 1.2 and
sketch the equivalent circuit per unit. Calculate load voltage
and line losses using MATLAB code.
Zload = input(’Load impedance = ’);
Zline = input(’Line impedance = ’);
T1 = input(’Turns ratio of step-up transformer: ’);
T2 = input(’Turns ratio of step-down transformer: ’);
Vg = input(’Generator voltage = ’);
VB = input(’Base voltage u want to select: ’);
SB = input(’Base apparent power u want to select: ’);
Fig. 3. Task 2 Circuit Diagram
Vpu = Vg/VB;
VB1 = VB/T1;
B. MATLAB Code ZB1 = (VB1)2 /SB;
v=480; V B2 = V B1/T 2;
zl ine = 0.18 + 1i ∗ 0.24; ZB2 = (V B2)2 /SB;
zl oad = 4 + 1i ∗ 3; Zpu1 = Zline/ZB1;
Rl ine = 0.18; Zpu2 = Zload/ZB2;
z = zl ine + zl oad; V Lpu = (Zpu2/(Zpu1 + Zpu2)) ∗ V pu;
Il ine = v/z; V L = V Lpu ∗ V B2;
magni = abs(Il ine); V Load = abs(V L);
vl oad = Il ine ∗ zl oad; theetav = atand(imag(V Load)/real(V Load));
pl oss = magni ∗ magni ∗ Rl ine; ILpu = V pu/(Zpu1 + Zpu2);
a = 10/1; ILpU = abs(ILpu);
zl oadn ew = a ∗ a ∗ zl oad; SLpu = ILpU 2 ∗ Zpu1;
ze q = zl ine + zl oadn ew; SL = SLpu ∗ SB;
ze qn ew = (1/a) ∗ (1/a) ∗ ze q; P L = real(SL);
ig = v/ze qn ew; QL = imag(SL);
disp([′ GeneratorCurrent =′ , num2str(ig)]); f printf (′′ );
np1 = 1; disp([′ loadvoltage =′ , num2str(V Load), sprintf (′ 2220′ ),
ns1 = 10; num2str(theetav), char(176)]);
Il inen ew = (np1/ns1) ∗ ig; disp([′ Losses =′ , num2str(P L),′ watts′ ]);
disp([′ N ewLineCurrent =′ , num2str(Il inen ew)]);
C. Results
np2 = 10;
ns2 = 1; VI. D ISCUSSION
il oadn ew = (np2/ns2) ∗ Il inen ew; We learned in this lab experiment that electrical power
magnin ew = abs(Il inen ew); is delivered at a high voltage to reduce power losses in
vl oadn ew = il oadn ew ∗ ze qn ew; transmission lines. A transformer is required to step-up the
pl ossn ew = magnin ew ∗ magnin ew ∗ Rl ine; voltage to a higher level because the voltage at the producing
disp([′ LoadV oltage(N ew) =′ , num2str(vl oadn ew)]); side is significantly lower than the voltage at which it is
Fig. 5. Results of Task 3

transmitted (about 11 kV). When the voltage is increased, the

current is reduced by the same factor. As a result, losses of
I2R will be reduced. This may be seen in the findings of
task-02, which demonstrate that power losses are smaller than
in task-01. However, it’s important to realise that the type of
load also influences the demand for a transformer.
It was discovered that whatever circuit parameters exist, they
can all be stated on a per-unit basis, making circuit analysis
much simpler. The best thing is that we have complete
control over the quantity’s base value. The real and base
values of voltage and current vary in the same proportion in
transformers. As a result, the per-unit voltage and current at
the primary and secondary of the transformer stay constant.
Because the unit value of current remains constant throughout
the circuit, it may be assumed to be a simple series circuit,
making it very easy to solve as in task-03.
We learned how transformers in power systems reduce line
losses and how using a per unit system of measurements
facilitates solving circuits with transformers in this lab project.
To reduce power losses, higher loads necessitate the use of
transformers, whilst lower loads demand the use of fewer
transformers (again to minimise the power losses).
[1] H. Saadat, Power System Analysis, McGraw-Hill, New
York, 1999

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