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South Asian J Exp Biol; 10 (4): 222-233; 2020 [DOI: 10.38150/sajeb.10(4).


ISSN: 2230-9799 Vol. 10, Issue 4, Page 222-233


Effects of Oligoarabinoxylans From Aristida pungens Leaves on

Germination and Growth of Barley
Lahouari Chaa1, Jean Claude Mollet2, Meriem Kaid-Harche1
Laboratoire des Productions et Valorisations Végétales et Microbiennes, Université des Sciences et de la Technologie
d’Oran Mohamed Boudiaf, USTO-MB, BP1505El M’naouar, 31000 Oran, Algerie
Normandie Univ, Uni Rouen, Laboratoire de Glycobiologie et Matrice Extracellulaire Végétale (Glyco-MEV), Fédéra-
tion de Recherche "Normandie-Végétal" – FED 4277, I2C Carnot, 76000, Rouen, France

Article History: The objective of this study was to investigate a possible biological activities
Received: 29 Apr 2020 of oligosaccharides resulting from the hydrolysis of parietal hemicelluloses of
Revised: 23 Jun 2020 the foliar tissue of Aristida pungens. Known for its developed, fiber-rich foliar
Accepted: 27 Jun 2020 tissue, this perennial grasses is widely distributed on the arid and sub-
desertic regions of Algeria. In order to identify added-value application for
*Corresponding Author: the cell wall hemicellulose of Aristida pungens (Poaceae), the polymers were
Email: hydrolyzed enzymatically and after size exclusion chromatography, oligosac-
Telephone: +213798808673 charide fragments were tested for their abilities to modify the germination
and growth of barley seeds (Hordeum vulgare). Five fractions were sepa-
Keywords: Aristida pungens, oli- rated with different compositions and molecular weights. The low molecular
goxylans, Hordeum vulgare, germi- weight fractions were mostly composed of oligo-xylans, while the high mole-
nation, root biomass cular weight fractions consisted of oligo-glucuronoarabinoxylans. Biological
tests suggested that the oligosaccharide fractions and particularly the low
molecular weight fraction could promote germination and increase root bio-
mass at low concentrations or reduce it at higher concentrations, suggesting
a possible bio-stimulating application.

1. Introduction Among these polysaccharides, hemicelluloses are a

heterogeneous, diverses and characteristics of the
One of the characteristics of plant cells is the pre- studied species. In eudicot plants, hemicelluloses
sence of an external envelope called cell wall. It is
are mainly xyloglucan (Schultink et al., 2014; , De-
in constant evolution according to the stage of hors et al., 2019) whereas in monocot species, in-
development of the tissues and environmental fac- cluding Poaceae, they are arabinoxylan type.
tors. Thus, the wall is called primary in young tis- (Scheller & Ulvskov P., 2010). Arabinoxylans are
sues and secondary in old tissues, knowing that all polymers composed of a D -xylopyranoses linked
intermediate cases can be observed. in b-(1-4) backbone, which can be substituted with
The wall is mainly composed of carbohydrate po- L-arabinofuranose linked to the C3 of the xylose
lymers, including cellulose, pectins and hemicellu- and in some cases of 4-O-methylglucuronic acid
loses, proteins and ocasionnally other compounds residues. (Scheller & Ulvskov, 2010, Bacic et al.,
of a phenolic nature such as lignins (Albersheim et 1988, Harris et al., 1997).
al., 1977).
Chaa et al., South Asian J Exp Biol; 10 (4): 222-233; 2020
The structural complexity of the wall indicates that
it is not only a "plant skeleton" in charge of suppor-
ting and protecting the plant, but it is also a dyna-
mic structure participating in the growth and deve-
lopment of plants (Mravec et al., 2017), in defence
processes, and is also considered a source of signal-
ling molecules (Albersheim & Darvill , 1985 ; De-
lattre et al., 2005 ; Larskaya & Gorshkova, 2015 ;
Van Aubel & Van Cutsem, 2016). Indeed, it is now
clearly accepted that oligosaccharides resulting
from the degradation of cell wall polysaccharides
can act as regulators of plant growth and develop-
ment (Laporte et al., 2007 ; Liu et al., 2010) and
induce responses to biotic and abiotic factors Figure 1: Aristida pungens tuft in its naturel environment.
(Cabrera et al., 2010 ; Rasul et al., 2012 ; Zou et al.,
2015 ; Zong et al., 2017). The biological activity of compounds, especially xylans (Chaa et al., 2008).
oligosaccharide fractions depends on their degrees
of polymerization (DP), compositions and struc- 2. Material & Methods
tures (Ochoa-Villarreal et al., 2012). 2.1. Plant material
Some works have demonstrated that xylo- Hemicelluloses were extracted from leaves of Aris-
oligosaccharides are a class of oligosaccharines, tida pungens (Poaceae, Monocot), characteristic of
which are bioactive oligosaccharides (Darvill et al., Algerian sub-desert regions.
1992). These fragments consist of two to ten xylose
units (De Oliveira et al., 2018 ; Romero-Fernandez The biological effects of oligoxylans were carried
et al., 2018), that may be substituted by other out on germination and growth of barley caryopsis
sugar units such as arabinose and/or glucuronic (Hordeum vulgare L. variety "colibri" Poaceae, Mo-
acid in α-(1-2) and in α-(1-3) (Chen et al., 2016). nocot).

Oligoxylans have been used as a substrate or addi- 2.2. Extraction of hemicelluloses

tive in some bacterial productions [Chen et al., The leaves were collected in the El Kheiter region,
2016 ; Menezes et al., 2018 ; Grassi et al., 2018) or located in the highlands inwestern Algeria (34°
for their antioxidant capacity (Antov & Dordevic, 04'37.5"N 0°05'19.2"E). After harvest leaves were
2017 ; Ðordevic & Antov, 2016 ; Gowdhaman & dried and crushed in a knife mill.
Ponnusami, 2015), but there has been little work
on the biological effects of this class of oligosaccha- The sequential extraction protocol was based on
rides on plant growth and rooting (Ishihara et al., methods minimizing polymer degradation
1991 ; Ishii et al., 1992 ; Katapodis et al., 2002). (Redgwell & Selvendran, 1986) and was adapted to
the species studied (Chaa, 2004) for the extraction
For these reasons, we decided to initiate this pros- of hemicellulosic compounds.
pective study, which aims to demonstrate the pos-
sible affiliation of oligoxylans, obtained by enzyma- Briefly, the plant powder was treated with a chloro-
tic hydrolysis of hemicelluloses extracted from the form-methanol mixture (vol/vol) for 14 h at room
leaf cell walls of Aristida pungens, to the oligosac- temperature with stirring. This treatment is was
charin family. repeated a second time in order to remove as ma-
ny organosoluble impurities as possible. After filtra-
To our Knowledge no studies have been done on tion, the residue was resuspended in 95% ethanol
the biological activites of hemicelluloes from leaves for 2 h to remove traces of chloroform and then
of this specie which is one of the most abundant incubated in boiling 95% ethanol for 2 h.
rhizomatous grasses found in the arid and sub-arid
regions of Algeria. Aristda pungens is characterized The insoluble residue was then dried at 50°C for 48
by the presence of a developed leaf tissue (Figure h. This fraction represents the alcohol insoluble
1) (Harche et al., 1992), with an average productivi- residue. From this residue, the pectic polymers
ty of 300-500 kg of dry matter per hectare (Djebaili, were then extracted with cold water (4°C for 2
1990) and also has a wall rich in hemicellulosic hours), boiling water (for 2 hours) and then with

Chaa et al., South Asian J Exp Biol; 10 (4): 222-233; 2020
1% ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) for 4 h The tubes were then pooled into 5 fractions (F1 to
at 80°C. After filtration, the insoluble residue was F5). Each of the fractions was resubmitted to a se-
treated for 2 h at 80°C in a solution of NaOH (1%) cond separation on BioGel P2 by collecting 0.5 mL
prepared in 75% ethanol to remove lignins per fraction and again pooled to obtain 5 fractions
(Gabrielii et al., 2000). (F1' to F5').
Finally, the hemicelluloses were extracted in a 14% 2.4. Thin layer chromatography
KOH solution for 14 h at room temperature. The
solubilized hemicellulose fraction is was collected The collected fractions from the first and second
from the insoluble residue by filtration. The filtrate separation on BioGel P2 as well as the crude hydro-
was neutralized with acetic acid, dialysed against lysate were deposited at 10µg, on a thin layer of
distilled water and precipitated by adding 3 vol of silica plate. Xylose and sucrose were used as con-
95% ethanol. The polysaccharide precipitate was trols. The plate was placed vertically in a tank satu-
recovered by centrifugation, dissolved in water and rated with a solvent mixture of butanol/acetic acid/
finally freeze-dried. water (2/1/1, vol/vol/vol).

2.2. Production and separation of oligoxylanes The plate was subjected to a double migration to
improve oligosaccharide separation. The sugars
The arabinoxylan-enriched fractions werehydro- were revealed by spraying the palte with the orci-
lysedwitha commercial recombinant endo-(1,4)- nol sulfuric reagent (49 mL water, 6 mL sulphuric
xylanase (Sigma, X2753-10G), produced by fermen- acid, 0.2 g orcinol and 145 mL 95% ethanol) fol-
tation of genetically modified Aspergillus oryzae lowed by incubation at 110°C for 10 min.
expressing the Thermomyces lanuginosus xylanase
gene. 2.5. Liquid Gas Chromatography (GLC)

The enzyme mixture consisted of 500µL of xylanase 2.5.1. Preparation of samples

(1 unit.mL-1) and 1 mL of the xylan extract prepared Fractions (100 µg) obtained after the second run on
at 1% (w/v) in 50 mM acetate buffer, pH 5.4. En- BioGel P2 were mixed with 32.8 µg lysine, used as
zyme incubation was carried out at 40°C for 35 min. an internal standard, in a hydrolysis tube and
This duration was determined experimentally by freeze-dried.
enzyme kinetics (0 to 70 min) and by monitoring
the progress of digestion by measuring the redu- The dry residue was subjected to a methanolysis
cing sugars with para-hydroxybenzoic acid hydro- (methanol/anhydrous HCL 0.5 M) in a nitrogen at-
razyde (PAHBAH) (Fry, 1986). A xylose standard mosphere at 80°C for 20 hours. The samples were
was simultaneously carried out at 5, 10, 20, 30 and dried under a nitrogen flow and derivatized with
40µg.mL-1. heptafluorobutyrate according to the method of
Zanetta et al. (1999).
At the end of the enzymatic incubation, the diges-
tion medium was placed in a boiling water bath for A reference mixture consisting of authentic mono-
5 min, then cooled and 3 vol of ethanol were added saccharides (glucose, xylose, arabinose, galactose,
to precipitate the undigested polymers. After cen- glucose, mannose, rhamnose, ribose, fucose, glucu-
trifugation at 40.000 g for 15 min at 4°C and evapo- ronic acid, 4-O-methyl glucuronic acid and galactu-
ration of the supernatant, the oligosaccharide ex- ronic acid) were performed in parallel to identify
tract is finally resuspended in 500 µL of distilled the peaks and calculate the correction factors for
water. each monosaccharide.

2.3 Separation by size exclusion chromatography 2.5.2. Analysis

The oligosaccharide extract (500 µL) was deposited The derived samples were separated on a Varian
in a low-pressure chromatographic column (1.5 × 3900 type GC, equipped with a CP Sil 5-CB column
73 cm), filled with Biogel P2 (BioRad), connected to (0.5mm x 50m, fused silica, Varian) and a flame
a peristaltic pump with a flow rate at 0,5 mL.min-1 ionization detector. The carrier gas was nitrogen
and a fraction collector. Fractions collected and the under a pressure set at 5.5 psi.
elution profiles were obtained by colorimetric de- The temperature program was set at 150°C for 10
termination of the total sugars using the phenol min, a temperature increase from 150 to 200°C at a
with sulphuric assay (Dubois et al., 1995). rate of 0.8°C.min-1, then a 7 min plateau at 200°C,
Chaa et al., South Asian J Exp Biol; 10 (4): 222-233; 2020
a further increase from 200 to 240°C at a rate of 5° hydrolysate, the tubes were pooled into five oligo-
C.min-1 and a final plateau at 240°C for 20 min. The saccharide fractions (F1-F5) (Figure 2A).
temperatures of the detector and the injector we-
reset at 260°C. Each of the fractions was then resubmitted to a
second run (Figure 2B-F). Only the tubes making up
The sugars were identified by comparing their re- the largest part of the peak were pooled to elimi-
tention times with those of the control sample and nate possible contamination of the peripheral frac-
quantified using lysine as the internal standard. tions as shown in Figure 2B-2F.
2.6. Germination Tests 3.1.2. Separation analysis
2.6.1. Control calibration Thin layer chromatography was carried out in order
to determine the quality of the column separation
In order to determine the optimal conditions for of the different fractions and to estimate the size of
germination of barley , several treatments and cul- the oligosaccharide fractions (Figure 3).
ture conditions were carried out in distilled water :
The profile revealed an increasingly important mi-
- Sterilization or not of the caryopses. The gration of the oligosaccharides with the decrease of
treatment consisted of a bath of 1% sodium hypo- their molecular weight. Thus, large oligosaccha-
chlorite for 10 min followed by 3 rinses with distil- rides (F1') did not migrate whereas the low mass
led water for 5 min each. oligosaccharide fractions migrate between sucrose
- Sealing or not of the petri dishes with parafilm and xylose as for F5'.
during the culture. In addition, it is interesting to note a decrease in
In all cases, germination assays were performed in the contamination after the second separation on
the dark in petri dishes (100 mm x 15 mm) contai- Biogel P2. As an example, the intensity of the con-
ning two filter papers soaked with 5 mL of test so- taminant spots (*) in F5 decreases after the second
lution and 15 caryopses per dish. separation in F5'. This observation also applies bet-
ween F4 and F4'.
Germination rates were determined daily by obser-
vation of the caryopses, germination being counted 3.1.3. Monosaccharidic analysis of fractions
positive as soon as the radicle emerged from the The monosaccharide composition (Table I) clearly
integument. indicated that xylose is the main monosaccharide in
2.6.2. Tests for oligosaccharide fractions all fractions. It fluctuated between 53.3% in F1' and
reached 97.7% in F5'.
The different oligosaccharide fractions from the
second run on BioGel P2 (F1' to F5'), xylose and the Arabinose was also present in significant quantities
initial undigested fraction prepared in distilled were as it can reach more than 24% in F1'. For the other
tested at 5mg.L-1, 1mg.L-1, 100µg.L-1, 10µg.L-1, sugars, except for glucose, which represented a
1µg.L-1 and 0.1µg.L-1 . rate close to 9% in F1', they are present in rather
small quantities (less than 5%). These results con-
The number of germinated grains was recorded firm that hemicelluloses from Aristida pungens, is
daily for the first 4 d. At the seventh day, the num- of the glucuronoarabinoxylan (GAX) type.
ber and fresh mass of the roots and the length of
the coleoptiles were measured. The results were Based on these analyses, it can be assumed that
statistically processed with StatView by comparing the low molecular weight oligosaccharide fractions
the means obtained with a one-way analysis of va- (F4' and F5') are essentially oligoxylans. Larger oli-
riance (ANOVA, P<0.05). gosaccharides are probably oligoarabinoxylans.

3. Results 3.2 Germination tests

3.1. Production and analysis of oligosaccharide 3.2.1. Control calibration

Prior to testing the oligosaccharide fractions, the
3.1.1. Separation of oligosaccharide fractions optimum condition had to be developed. For this
purpose, two conditions were carried out: one con-
After obtaining the Biogel P2 elution profile of the sisting of a sterilization step of the caryopses be-

Chaa et al., South Asian J Exp Biol; 10 (4): 222-233; 2020

Figure 2: Elution profile of the hemicellulosic hydrolysate after thefirst separation on Biogel P2 (A) and the second separa-
tion of each fraction (B-F). The fractions (F1-F5) obtained after the first run were submitted separately to a second separa-
tion. The coloured area corresponds to the tubes that were pooled to obtain the F1'-F5' fractions.

Figure 3: Thin layer chromatography of the fractions (F1-F5) obtained after the first separation of the hemicellulosic hy-
drolysate and the F1’-F’5 fractions from the second individual separation of the F1-F5. P. hemicellulosic polymer, H. crude
hemicellulosic hydrolysates (before separation), T. Standard composed of xylose (x) sucrose (s). The arrow indicates the
direction of migration.

Chaa et al., South Asian J Exp Biol; 10 (4): 222-233; 2020

Figure 4: Germination and growth of a barley seedling in the presence of water.

A. Dry Grain; B. 24h ; C. 36h ; D. 48h ; E. 72h ; F. 4d ; G. 5d and H. 7d culture.
Figures 3Ha and 3Hb are enlargements of Figure 3H of the caryopsis (3Ha) and the emergence of the
coleoptile leaf (3Hb), indicated by a white arrow. Scale bar = 1cm.

Figure 5: Germination rate of barley caryopses in the presence of F5' fraction.

Figure 6: Evolution of the root fresh mass of barley seedlings grown for 7 d in the presence of F5'. The num-
ber of samples per condition > 82. The letters represent groups with significant differences at P<0.05.

Chaa et al., South Asian J Exp Biol; 10 (4): 222-233; 2020

Fraction Xyl Ara Gal Glc Rha 4-0-MeGlcA Man

FHE 55.9 10.2 1.6 17.6 2.3 2.3 9.1
F1’ 53.3 24 4 8.7 5 5 -
F2’ 79 16 - 1.2 3 0.8 -
F3’ 81.5 15 - 0.5 3 - -
F4’ 96.7 1.2 - 2.1 - - -
F5’ 97.7 - - 2.3 - - -
Table 1: Monosaccharide composition (mol %) of the oligosaccharide fractions (F1'-F5').
Xyl. xylose, Ara. arabinose, Gal. galactose, Glc. glucose, Rha. rhamnose, 4-0-MeGlcA. 4-0- methyl glucuronic acid.
Man. mannnose. (-) not detected. FHE. Crude hemicellulosic fraction.

Conditions Germination rate after 3 d Number of Number and percen-

of culture (%) roots tage of seedlings
Without sterilization and without parafilm 70% ± 5 5 35 (27%)
Without sterilization and with parafilm 33% ±10 6 93 (71,5%)
With sterilization and parafilm 60% ± 9 7 2 (1,5%)
With sterilization and without parafilm 80% ± 9 Table 3: Number of roots per seedling
Table 2: Influence of a sterilization treatment of barley caryopses and their after 7 d of culture in water.
cultures in sealed petri dishes with parafilm or not on germination. n=130 seedlings
The number of dishes per condition = 2 or 30 caryopses

fore cultivation and the other by cultivating the majority of seedlings developed 6 roots.
caryopses in petri dishes sealed or not with para-
film (Table II). 3.3. Effects of the oligosaccharide fractions

The sterilization step did not seem to affect germi- Three criteria were used to determine the possible
nation. However, there was an adverse effect of biological effects of the oligosaccharide fractions
sealing the petri dishes with parafilm on germina- on the germination and growth of barley seedlings:
tion rates. The parafilm certainly reduced evapora- germination rate, fresh root mass and coleoptile
tion but probably minimized gas exchanges with length.
the surrounding environment. Therefore, in the 3.3.1. The germination rate of caryopses
following trials, the caryopses were eterilized and
grown in petri dishes not sealed with parafilm. The first germination kinetics (Table IV) showed
that the number of germinated caryopses increa-
Under these predetermined cultural conditions, the sed rapidly over time. Indeed, after 48 h of culture,
germination of barley caryopses followed the almost all the grains have developed a radicle.
pattern shown in Figure 4.
It appeared some effect of the oligosaccharide frac-
The dry caryopsis (Figure 4A) after 12-24 hours of tions on germination rate. These effects
culture including the soaking period showed a ra- (acceleration or deceleration) differed according to
dicle emerging from the integument (Figure 4B). the fractions and concentrations studied and are
This radicle developed (Figure 4C) and several roots obviously more significant after 24 hours of cultiva-
appeared after 48h-72h (Figure 4D). tion.
During this period, the coleoptile also developed to Contrary to previous observations, the germination
protect the gemmule (Figure 4E-G). The first leaf rate of barley caryopses during the first h of culture
generated by the gemmule grows inside the co- in the presence of F5' (Figure 5) was apparently
leoptile (Figure 4F-G) and pierces it (Figure 4H). stimulated compared to the water control, es-
To determine whether the number of roots per pecially at low concentrations.
seedling could be used as a screening criterion, The results of the Anova test showed a significant
trials were conducted in the presence of distilled difference at P < 0.05 of all concentrations tested
water and the oligosaccharide fractions (F1'-F5') compared to the water control.
(Table III).
3.3.2. Root mass
No significant differences were found between the
seedlings tested in each condition. In all cases, the The increase of the fresh root biomass of 7 day- old

Chaa et al., South Asian J Exp Biol; 10 (4): 222-233; 2020

Concentration Time (in hours)

Treatment (mg.L-1) 24 48 72 96
Distilled water 71.5 89.5 96.5 100
Xylose 1 86 86 93 100
0.1 71 93 100 100
0.01 71 100 100 100
0.001 73 93 93 100
0.0001 50 93 100 100
Crude hydrolysate 1 57 100 100 100
0.1 57 93 93 100
0.01 53 100 100 100
0.001 64 93 93 100
0.0001 67 100 100 100
F1' 1 87 93 100 100
0.1 93 100 100 100
0.01 93 100 100 100
0.001 85 100 100 100
0.0001 100 100 100 100
F2' 1 33 100 100 100
0.1 86 100 100 100
0.01 80 93 100 100
0.001 87 100 100 100
0.0001 79 100 100 100
F3’ 1 60 73 80 100
0.1 62 92 92 100
0.01 53 100 100 100
0.001 60 100 100 100
0.0001 93 100 100 100
F4’ 1 86 100 100 100
0.1 73 93 100 100
0.01 69 77 100 100
0.001 71 100 100 100
0.0001 100 100 100 100
F5’ 1 29 71 79 100
0.1 47 93 100 100
0.01 71 93 93 100
0.001 53 100 100 100
0.0001 50 100 100 100
Table 4: Time course of the germination rates at 21°C of barley caryopses in the presence of increasing concentrations
of the oligosaccharide fractions (F1'- F5'), xylose, crude hemicellulosic hydrolysate or water.
n=15 (1 Petri dish per condition)

barley seedlings in the presence of F5' (Figure 6) biomass measurements were also performed
appeared to be dose dependent. (results not shown), but statistical analyses (Anova
test) did not highlighted any significant differences
The F5' fraction at 0.0001 mg.L-1 significantly redu- between the different conditions.
ced the root biomass compared to the other condi-
tions, whereas the F5' tested at 0.01 mg.L-1 had an 4. Discussion
opposite effect. The other concentrations tested
were not significantly different from each other Enzymatic production of oligosaccharides has al-
and from the water control. lowed the separation of 5 more or less well sepa-
rated fractions. This separation between heavy and
3.3.3. Effect on the length of the coleoptile light oligosaccharides was significantly improved by
the integration in the protocol of a second separa-
Measurements of the length of the coleoptiles after tion on P2 biogel.
7 d of culture with the same seedlings used for root
Chaa et al., South Asian J Exp Biol; 10 (4): 222-233; 2020
The quality of the enzymatic digestion was mainly derivatives on germination, the effect of chitosan
influenced by two factors, the length of the main has been well documented. In 2002, Ruan and Xue
chain and the degree of substitution (Li et al., showed that covering rice seeds with chitosan
2000). caused an acceleration of germination. Zhou et al.
(2002) obtained also an increase in the germination
It is interesting to note that the Ara/Xyl ratio of the percentage of peanut seeds by soaking them in chi-
oligosaccharide fractions decreases progressively tosan. In 2009, Guan et al. found that soaking
from F1' to F5'. This observation seems to indicate maize seeds in chitosan solution beforehand did
a decrease in the degree of substitution of the main not have a significant effect on germination percen-
xylan chain. tage, but they were able to obtain a reduction in
Therefore, it is not surprising to find low molecular the average germination time. Finally more re-
weight oligosaccharides consisting mostly of xylose cently, Li et al. (2019) demonstrated an impro-
and heavy oligosaccharide populations composed vement in germination of wheat seed following
of arabinose-branched regions and 4-O-methyl glu- treatment with chitosan at 50 µg.mL-1.
curonic acid, thus rendring less accessible to xyla- The effect of F5' on root biomass differed depen-
nase degradation. By studying the differences bet- ding on the tested concentrations. When applied at
ween two endo-xylanases, isolated from Aspergil- 0.001 mg.L-1, F5' increased root biomass. This
lus awamori, an endo I that belongs to the glyco- effect was opposite when F5' was used at a lower
side hydrolase family 10 and an endo III which be- concentration (0.0001 mg.L-1). The stimulating
longs to the glycoside hydrolase family 11 (family of
effect of oligosaccharides on root biomass has al-
enzyme, used in this study), Gruppen et al. (1993)
ready been reported for oligogalactoglucomannans
found that endo III was more efficient on long un- in Zea mays (Kollárová et al., 2018).
substituted xylan fragments.
In the literature, other stimulating effects of oligo-
As a result, three types of oligosaccharides were saccharide fractions on rhizogenesis were reported,
obtained, oligoxylans, oligoarabinoxylans and oligo such as the effect of chitooligosaccharides on root
glucuronoarabinoxylans of varying sizes. In addition biomass production in Triticum aestivum (Zhang et
to the glucuronoarabinoxylanic nature of the hemi- al., 2016) or oligoalginates on root elongation and
celluloses constituting the cell wall of this Poaceae, induction of adventitious roots in Oryza sativa
the detection of glucose residues in the F1' oligo- (Zhang et al., 2014). Other oligosaccharides may
saccharide fraction could be explained by the pre- exert a double effect depending on the concentra-
sence of polymer fragments of the (1,3),(1,4)-D-mix tion. This is the case for oligogalacturonides which
-glucan type, characteristic of the Poaceae wall inhibited the primary root elongation but stimu-
(Buckeridge et al., 2004). lated lateral root in Arabidopsis thaliana
Determination of the best conditions for germina- (Hernández-Mata et al., 2010) and Zea mays (Peña-
tion of barley caryopses allowed an increase in the Uribe et al., 2012).
germination rates compared to preliminary trials Root development is mainly studied in relation to
(temperature 20-21°C, darkness). One of the im- the effects of different phytohormones. In 2005,
portant points is to allow gas exchanges with the Debi et al. found a double effect of cytokinins
surrounding environment. Indeed, the presence of (kinetin and trans-zeatin) on root formation and
O2 is a necessary parameter for germination. elongation in rice. At 1 µM, these two hormones
During the first trials, given the limited duration of completely inhibited the formation of lateral roots,
the work and the length of each test (7 d), the while these same molecules had a stimulating
choice to focus on one fraction out of the five pro- effect on lateral root elongation. The formation of
ved to be crucial. From the initial observations, the these lateral roots was also stimulated by auxin.
F5' seemed to have a noticeable effect, so a large In 2001, Casimiro et al. found that the formation of
number of tests were carried out on this sample. these roots was blocked by the auxin transport in-
After 48 h of culture, the maximum germination hibitor N-(1-naphthyl) naphthalamic acid (NPA). In
rate of 100% was almost reached, whatever the Arabidopsis, root growth is controlled by auxin,
concentrations used, and the germination seemed
which acts by modulating the cellular response to
to be faster than the control. gibberellins. Xiangong and Harberd (2003) ob-
In relation to the effect of polysaccharides or their served an inhibition of rhizogenesis in Arabidopsis

Chaa et al., South Asian J Exp Biol; 10 (4): 222-233; 2020
mutants, which are deficient in the production of mation and the biological activity of oligogalacturonides in Ara-
bidopsis. Glycobiology 20:775-786.
gibberellins, whereas in seedlings to which this
gene has been transgenically reintroduced, the Casimiro I, Marchant A, Bhalerao RP, Beeckman T, Dhooge S,
roots are the same length in wild-type seedlings. Swarup R, Graham N, Inze D, Sandberg G, Casero P, Bennett M
(2001) Auxin transport promotes Arabidopsis lateral root initia-
The length of the coleoptile did not vary signifi- tion. Plant Cell 13: 843-852.

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